Java tutorial
/* Mineshaft Copyright (C) 2014 ByteBit This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>. */ package com.bytebit.classicbyte; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import; import; import; public class ScreenMainMenu extends Screen { private int menu_button_highlighted = 0; private int menu_current_tab = 1; private List<String> server_list_name = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> server_list_data = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> server_list_online_data = new ArrayList<String>(); public int server_list_y_offset = 0; public int server_list_y_offset_static = 0; public boolean server_list_moving = false; public int scrollbar_offset = 0; public int scrollbar_offset_static = 0; public boolean scrollbar_moving = false; public ScreenMainMenu(ClassicByteView v) { super(v); this.refreshServerList(); } public void draw(Canvas c) { this.parent.standard_paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); for (int i = 0; i != 9; i++) { for (int k = 0; k != 10; k++) { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(3), k * (this.parent.renderer.width / 10), (i + 1) * (this.parent.renderer.width / 10), this.parent.standard_paint); } } if (this.menu_current_tab == 1) { Rect bounds = new Rect(); String g; for (int k = 0; k != this.server_list_name.size(); k++) { if (k >= this.server_list_name.size()) { break; } if ((this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * k + this.server_list_y_offset) >= 0 && (this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * k + this.server_list_y_offset) <= this.parent.renderer.height) { this.parent.standard_paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); this.parent.standard_paint.setTextSize(this.parent.renderer.width * 0.04F); c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(10), (this.parent.renderer.width - TextureManager.getBitmap(10).getWidth()) / 2, this.parent.renderer.width * 0.02F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * k + this.server_list_y_offset, this.parent.standard_paint); g = this.server_list_name.get(k); this.parent.standard_paint.getTextBounds(this.server_list_name.get(k), 0, this.server_list_name.get(k).length(), bounds); if (bounds.width() > TextureManager.getBitmap(10).getWidth() * 0.85F) { while (bounds.width() > TextureManager.getBitmap(10).getWidth() * 0.85F) { this.parent.standard_paint.getTextBounds(g + " ..", 0, (g + " ..").length(), bounds); g = g.substring(0, g.length() - 1); } g = g + " .."; } c.drawText(g, (this.parent.renderer.width - TextureManager.getBitmap(10).getWidth()) / 2 + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.02F, this.parent.renderer.width * 0.08F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * k + this.server_list_y_offset, this.parent.standard_paint); this.parent.standard_paint.setColor(Color.YELLOW); this.parent.standard_paint.getTextBounds(this.server_list_online_data.get(k), 0, this.server_list_online_data.get(k).length(), bounds); c.drawText(this.server_list_online_data.get(k), this.parent.renderer.width - (this.parent.renderer.width - TextureManager.getBitmap(10).getWidth()) / 2 - this.parent.renderer.width * 0.02F - bounds.width(), this.parent.renderer.width * 0.08F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * k + this.server_list_y_offset, this.parent.standard_paint); } } c.drawBitmap( TextureManager.getBitmap(26), 0, TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight() + this.scrollbar_offset, this.parent.standard_paint); if (this.menu_button_highlighted == 3) { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(25), 0, TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight(), this.parent.standard_paint); } else { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(24), 0, TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight(), this.parent.standard_paint); } if (this.menu_button_highlighted == 4) { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(23), 0, this.parent.renderer.height - TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight(), this.parent.standard_paint); } else { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(22), 0, this.parent.renderer.height - TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight(), this.parent.standard_paint); } } if (this.menu_current_tab == 2) { Rect bounds = new Rect(); this.parent.standard_paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); this.parent.standard_paint.setTextSize(this.parent.renderer.height * 0.25F); this.parent.standard_paint.getTextBounds("Nothing here", 0, "Nothing here".length(), bounds); c.drawText("Nothing here", (this.parent.renderer.width - bounds.width()) / 2, this.parent.renderer.height * 0.5F, this.parent.standard_paint); } for (int k = 0; k != 10; k++) { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(2), k * TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getWidth(), 0, this.parent.standard_paint); } c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(4), this.parent.renderer.width * 0.05F, 0, this.parent.standard_paint); if (this.menu_button_highlighted == 1) { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(8), this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * 6.5F, this.parent.renderer.width * 0.01F, this.parent.standard_paint); } else { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(7), this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * 6.5F, this.parent.renderer.width * 0.01F, this.parent.standard_paint); } if (this.menu_button_highlighted == 2) { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(6), this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * 8.75F, this.parent.renderer.width * 0.01F, this.parent.standard_paint); } else { c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(5), this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * 8.75F, this.parent.renderer.width * 0.01F, this.parent.standard_paint); } //c.drawBitmap(TextureManager.getBitmap(9), this.parent.renderer.width-TextureManager.getBitmap(9).getWidth(), this.parent.renderer.height-TextureManager.getBitmap(9).getHeight(), this.parent.standard_paint); } private int getAsPositive(int x) { if (x < 0) { return -x; } return x; } public void refreshServerList() { try { HttpClient client = LoginManager.INSTANCE.client; HttpGet request = new HttpGet(""); HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); String html = ""; InputStream in = response.getEntity().getContent(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { str.append(line); } in.close(); html = str.toString(); int search_offset = html.indexOf("<table id=\"servers\">"); int end_offset = html.indexOf("</table>", search_offset); this.server_list_name.clear(); this.server_list_data.clear(); this.server_list_name.add("Localhost at"); this.server_list_data .add("" + LoginManager.INSTANCE.username + "/################################"); this.server_list_online_data.add(""); this.server_list_name.add("Localhost at"); this.server_list_data.add( "" + LoginManager.INSTANCE.username + "/################################"); this.server_list_online_data.add(""); while (true) { if (search_offset >= end_offset) { break; } int start = html.indexOf("<strong>", search_offset); if (start == -1) { break; } start = html.indexOf("\">", start); int end = html.indexOf("</a></strong>", start); search_offset = html.indexOf("</noscript>", end); String server_name = new String(html.substring(start + 2, end).replaceAll("'", "'")); String server_ip_string = new String( html.substring(html.indexOf("<strong><a href=\"mc://", end) + 22, html.indexOf("\">Direct", html.indexOf("<strong><a href=\"mc://", end)))); int online_players = Integer .parseInt(html.substring(html.indexOf("<td class=\"players\">[", end) + 21, html.indexOf("/", html.indexOf("<td class=\"players\">[", end)))); int max_players = Integer.parseInt(html.substring( html.indexOf("[" + online_players + "/", end) + ("[" + online_players + "/").length(), html.indexOf("]", html.indexOf("[" + online_players + "/", end)))); this.server_list_name.add(server_name); this.server_list_data.add(server_ip_string); this.server_list_online_data.add(online_players + "/" + max_players); Logger.log(this, server_name); Logger.log(this, "Online: " + online_players + "/" + max_players); Logger.log(this, server_ip_string); } this.server_list_y_offset = 0; this.server_list_y_offset_static = 0; this.scrollbar_offset = 0; this.scrollbar_offset_static = 0; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void onTouch(int x, int y, boolean up, boolean down) { if (down && x >= 0 && x < this.parent.renderer.width && y < this.parent.renderer.height && y > this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F && x > TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getWidth()) { this.server_list_y_offset_static = y; this.server_list_moving = true; } if (this.server_list_moving && this.menu_current_tab == 1 && !down && up && x >= 0 && x < this.parent.renderer.width && y < this.parent.renderer.width && y > this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F && x > TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getWidth()) { for (int k = 0; k != this.server_list_name.size(); k++) { if (k >= this.server_list_name.size()) { break; } int xpos = (this.parent.renderer.width - TextureManager.getBitmap(10).getWidth()) / 2; int ypos = (int) (this.parent.renderer.width * 0.02F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * k + this.server_list_y_offset); if ((this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * k + this.server_list_y_offset) >= 0 && (this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * k + this.server_list_y_offset) <= this.parent.renderer.height && x > xpos && x < xpos + TextureManager.getBitmap(10).getWidth() && y > ypos && y < ypos + TextureManager.getBitmap(10).getHeight()) { this.parent.renderer.chatmananger.clear(); this.parent.setScreen(new ServerSelectedScreen(this.parent, this.server_list_name.get(k), this.server_list_data.get(k), true)); } } } if (!down && !up && x >= 0 && x < this.parent.renderer.width && y < this.parent.renderer.height && y > this.parent.renderer.width * 0.12F && x > TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getWidth() && this.getAsPositive(this.server_list_y_offset_static - y) >= Options.pointer_size * 0.125F) { if (this.server_list_y_offset_static - y > 0) { this.server_list_y_offset = this.server_list_y_offset - this.getAsPositive(this.server_list_y_offset_static - y); } if (this.server_list_y_offset_static - y < 0) { this.server_list_y_offset = this.server_list_y_offset + this.getAsPositive(this.server_list_y_offset_static - y); } if (this.server_list_y_offset > 0) { this.server_list_y_offset = 0; } if (this.server_list_y_offset < -(this.server_list_name.size() * this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F + this.parent.renderer.width / 10 - this.parent.renderer.height + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F)) { this.server_list_y_offset = (int) (-(this.server_list_name.size() * this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F + this.parent.renderer.width / 10 - this.parent.renderer.height + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F)); } this.server_list_y_offset_static = y; float p = (this.parent.renderer.height - TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight()) - (TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight()) - TextureManager.getBitmap(26).getHeight(); this.scrollbar_offset = Math.round(p * (this.server_list_y_offset / (-(this.server_list_name.size() * this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F + this.parent.renderer.width / 10 - this.parent.renderer.height + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F)))); this.server_list_moving = false; } //------------ SCROLLBAR STUFF -------------------- if (down && x >= 0 && x < this.parent.renderer.width && y < this.scrollbar_offset + TextureManager.getBitmap(26).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getHeight() && y > this.scrollbar_offset + TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getHeight() && x < TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getWidth()) { this.scrollbar_offset_static = y; this.scrollbar_moving = true; } if (!down && !up && x >= 0 && x < this.parent.renderer.width && y < this.scrollbar_offset + TextureManager.getBitmap(26).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getHeight() && y > this.scrollbar_offset + TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getHeight() && x < TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getWidth()) { if (this.scrollbar_offset_static - y > 0) { this.scrollbar_offset = this.scrollbar_offset - this.getAsPositive(this.scrollbar_offset_static - y); } if (this.scrollbar_offset_static - y < 0) { this.scrollbar_offset = this.scrollbar_offset + this.getAsPositive(this.scrollbar_offset_static - y); } if (this.scrollbar_offset < 0) { this.scrollbar_offset = 0; } float p = (this.parent.renderer.height - TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight()) - (TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight()) - TextureManager.getBitmap(26).getHeight(); if (this.scrollbar_offset > p) { this.scrollbar_offset = Math.round(p); } this.scrollbar_offset_static = y; float c = this.scrollbar_offset / p; this.server_list_y_offset = Math .round(c * (-(this.server_list_name.size() * this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F + this.parent.renderer.width / 10 - this.parent.renderer.height + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F))); this.scrollbar_moving = false; } //------------------------------------------------ int flag_001 = 0; if (x > this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * 6.5F && x < this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * 6.5F + TextureManager.getBitmap(8).getWidth() && y > this.parent.renderer.width * 0.01F && y < this.parent.renderer.width * 0.01F + TextureManager.getBitmap(8).getHeight()) { if (!up) { flag_001 = 1; } else { this.menu_current_tab = 1; this.refreshServerList(); } } if (x > this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * 8.75F && x < this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F * 8.75F + TextureManager.getBitmap(5).getWidth() && y > this.parent.renderer.width * 0.01F && y < this.parent.renderer.width * 0.01F + TextureManager.getBitmap(5).getHeight()) { if (!up) { flag_001 = 2; } else { this.menu_current_tab = 2; //this.parent.getUserInput("Enter your username", "", false, "ask_for_password"); //Just do nothing } } if (x > 0 && x < TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getWidth() && y > TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() && y < TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(25).getHeight()) { if (!up) { flag_001 = 3; } else { this.server_list_y_offset = 0; this.scrollbar_offset = 0; } } if (x > 0 && x < TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getWidth() && y > this.parent.renderer.height - TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight() && y < this.parent.renderer.height) { if (!up) { flag_001 = 4; } else { this.server_list_y_offset = (int) (-(this.server_list_name.size() * this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F + this.parent.renderer.width / 10 - this.parent.renderer.height + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F)); float p = (this.parent.renderer.height - TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight()) - (TextureManager.getBitmap(2).getHeight() + TextureManager.getBitmap(22).getHeight()) - TextureManager.getBitmap(26).getHeight(); this.scrollbar_offset = Math.round(p * (this.server_list_y_offset / (-(this.server_list_name.size() * this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F + this.parent.renderer.width / 10 - this.parent.renderer.height + this.parent.renderer.width * 0.1F)))); } } this.menu_button_highlighted = flag_001; } }