Java tutorial
/** * Automatic Subtitle Downloader * * * Copyright 2010-2011 Raphael Medeiros. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ package com.byraphaelmedeiros.autosubdown.domain; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField; /** * @author Raphael Medeiros * */ public class Rule { private long id; private String name; private String searchFor; private String notInclude; private String episode; // 1-2,1-25 (S,E) private List<String> episodesDownloaded = new ArrayList<String>(); private String downloadTo; @XStreamOmitField private String contentUsed; public Rule() { } public Rule(long id) { = id; } public Rule(long id, String name, String searchFor, String notInclude, String episode, String downloadTo) { = id; = name; this.searchFor = searchFor; this.notInclude = notInclude; this.episode = episode; this.downloadTo = downloadTo; } /** * @return the id */ public long getId() { return id; } /** * @param id the id to set */ public void setId(long id) { = id; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** * @return the searchFor */ public String getSearchFor() { return searchFor; } /** * @param searchFor the rule to set */ public void setSearchFor(String searchFor) { this.searchFor = searchFor; } /** * @return the notInclude */ public String getNotInclude() { return notInclude; } /** * @param notInclude the not to set */ public void setNotInclude(String notInclude) { this.notInclude = notInclude; } /** * @return the episode */ public String getEpisode() { return episode; } /** * @param episode the episode to set */ public void setEpisode(String episode) { this.episode = episode; } /** * @return the episodesDownloaded */ public List<String> getEpisodesDownloaded() { return episodesDownloaded; } /** * @param episodesDownloaded the episodesDownloaded to set */ public void setEpisodesDownloaded(List<String> episodesDownloaded) { this.episodesDownloaded = episodesDownloaded; } /** * @return the downloadTo */ public String getDownloadTo() { return downloadTo; } /** * @param downloadTo the downloadTo to set */ public void setDownloadTo(String downloadTo) { this.downloadTo = downloadTo; } /** * @return the contentUsed */ public String getContentUsed() { return contentUsed; } /** * @param contentUsed the contentUsed to set */ public void setContentUsed(String contentUsed) { this.contentUsed = contentUsed; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + (int) (id ^ (id >>> 32)); return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Rule other = (Rule) obj; if (id != return false; return true; } public boolean inRule(String content) { setContentUsed(content); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(content, notInclude)) return false; if (!StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(content, searchFor)) return false; if (isTVShow()) { String[] search = episode.split(","); if (search.length == 2) { String seasonSearch = search[0]; String episodeSearch = search[1]; int seasonStart = 0; int seasonEnd = 0; int episodeStart = 0; int episodeEnd = 0; boolean isSeasonRange = false; boolean isEpisodeRange = false; // verifica se a temporada esta em intervalo if (seasonSearch.contains("-")) { String[] seasonRange = seasonSearch.split("-"); if (seasonRange.length == 2) { seasonStart = Integer.parseInt(seasonRange[0]); seasonEnd = Integer.parseInt(seasonRange[1]); isSeasonRange = true; } } // verifica se o episodio esta em intervalo if (episodeSearch.contains("-")) { String[] episodeRange = episodeSearch.split("-"); if (episodeRange.length == 2) { episodeStart = Integer.parseInt(episodeRange[0]); episodeEnd = Integer.parseInt(episodeRange[1]); isEpisodeRange = true; } } String rangeSearch = ""; if (isSeasonRange && isEpisodeRange) { for (int s = seasonStart; s <= seasonEnd; s++) { for (int e = episodeStart; e <= episodeEnd; e++) { rangeSearch = "S" + String.format("%02d", s) + "E" + String.format("%02d", e); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(content, rangeSearch) && !isEpisodeDownloaded(rangeSearch)) return true; } } return false; } else if (!isSeasonRange && isEpisodeRange) { for (int e = episodeStart; e <= episodeEnd; e++) { rangeSearch = "S" + String.format("%02d", Integer.parseInt(seasonSearch)) + "E" + String.format("%02d", e); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(content, rangeSearch) && !isEpisodeDownloaded(rangeSearch)) return true; } return false; } else if (isSeasonRange && !isEpisodeRange) { for (int s = seasonStart; s <= seasonEnd; s++) { rangeSearch = "S" + String.format("%02d", s) + "E" + String.format("%02d", episodeSearch); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(content, rangeSearch) && !isEpisodeDownloaded(rangeSearch)) return true; } return false; } } } return true; } /** * @param rangeSearch * @return */ private boolean isEpisodeDownloaded(String rangeSearch) { return (episodesDownloaded.contains(rangeSearch)); } public String getFileName() { String suffix = ""; if (isTVShow()) suffix = "-" + getEpisode(contentUsed); return name.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_") + suffix; } public boolean isTVShow() { return (episode != null && !"".equals(episode.trim())); } public void addEpisodeDownloaded(String episode) { episodesDownloaded.add(episode); } public String getEpisode(String content) { if (isTVShow()) { String[] search = episode.split(","); if (search.length == 2) { String seasonSearch = search[0]; String episodeSearch = search[1]; int seasonStart = 0; int seasonEnd = 0; int episodeStart = 0; int episodeEnd = 0; boolean isSeasonRange = false; boolean isEpisodeRange = false; // verifica se a temporada esta em intervalo if (seasonSearch.contains("-")) { String[] seasonRange = seasonSearch.split("-"); if (seasonRange.length == 2) { seasonStart = Integer.parseInt(seasonRange[0]); seasonEnd = Integer.parseInt(seasonRange[1]); isSeasonRange = true; } } // verifica se o episodio esta em intervalo if (episodeSearch.contains("-")) { String[] episodeRange = episodeSearch.split("-"); if (episodeRange.length == 2) { episodeStart = Integer.parseInt(episodeRange[0]); episodeEnd = Integer.parseInt(episodeRange[1]); isEpisodeRange = true; } } String rangeSearch = ""; if (isSeasonRange && isEpisodeRange) { for (int s = seasonStart; s <= seasonEnd; s++) { for (int e = episodeStart; e <= episodeEnd; e++) { rangeSearch = "S" + String.format("%02d", s) + "E" + String.format("%02d", e); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(content, rangeSearch) && !isEpisodeDownloaded(rangeSearch)) return rangeSearch; } } } else if (!isSeasonRange && isEpisodeRange) { for (int e = episodeStart; e <= episodeEnd; e++) { rangeSearch = "S" + String.format("%02d", Integer.parseInt(seasonSearch)) + "E" + String.format("%02d", e); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(content, rangeSearch) && !isEpisodeDownloaded(rangeSearch)) return rangeSearch; } } else if (isSeasonRange && !isEpisodeRange) { for (int s = seasonStart; s <= seasonEnd; s++) { rangeSearch = "S" + String.format("%02d", s) + "E" + String.format("%02d", Integer.parseInt(episodeSearch)); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(content, rangeSearch) && !isEpisodeDownloaded(rangeSearch)) return rangeSearch; } } } } return null; } }