Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Industrial Foregoing. * * Copyright 2019, Buuz135 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the * Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies * or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.buuz135.industrial.tile.misc; import com.buuz135.industrial.api.recipe.FluidDictionaryEntry; import com.buuz135.industrial.proxy.client.infopiece.ArrowInfoPiece; import com.buuz135.industrial.tile.CustomSidedTileEntity; import com.buuz135.industrial.utils.Reference; import com.buuz135.industrial.utils.WorkUtils; import net.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagInt; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentTranslation; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidUtil; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidTank; import net.ndrei.teslacorelib.TeslaCoreLib; import net.ndrei.teslacorelib.gui.BasicRenderedGuiPiece; import net.ndrei.teslacorelib.gui.BasicTeslaGuiContainer; import net.ndrei.teslacorelib.gui.IGuiContainerPiece; import net.ndrei.teslacorelib.inventory.FluidTankType; import net.ndrei.teslacorelib.inventory.SyncProviderLevel; import net.ndrei.teslacorelib.netsync.SimpleNBTMessage; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; public class FluidDictionaryConverterTile extends CustomSidedTileEntity { public static List<String> INPUT_LIST = .map(FluidDictionaryEntry::getFluidOrigin).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); private IFluidTank input; private IFluidTank output; private int inputPointer; private int outputPointer; public FluidDictionaryConverterTile() { super(FluidDictionaryConverterTile.class.getName().hashCode()); inputPointer = 0; outputPointer = 0; } public static List<String> getOutputListFromFluid(String input) { return .filter(entry -> entry.getFluidOrigin().equals(input)).map(FluidDictionaryEntry::getFluidResult) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public static FluidDictionaryEntry getRecipe(String input, String output) { return .filter(entry -> entry.getFluidOrigin().equals(input) && entry.getFluidResult().equals(output)) .findFirst().orElse(null); } @Override protected void initializeInventories() { super.initializeInventories(); input = this.addSimpleFluidTank(8000, "input", EnumDyeColor.BLUE, 60, 25, FluidTankType.INPUT, fluidStack -> true, fluidStack -> false); output = this.addSimpleFluidTank(8000, "output", EnumDyeColor.ORANGE, 115, 25, FluidTankType.OUTPUT, fluidStack -> false, fluidStack -> true); this.registerSyncIntPart("input", nbtTagInt -> inputPointer = nbtTagInt.getInt(), () -> new NBTTagInt(inputPointer), SyncProviderLevel.GUI); this.registerSyncIntPart("output", nbtTagInt -> outputPointer = nbtTagInt.getInt(), () -> new NBTTagInt(outputPointer), SyncProviderLevel.GUI); } @Override protected void innerUpdate() { if ( return; if (WorkUtils.isDisabled(this.blockType)) return; if (inputPointer > INPUT_LIST.size() || inputPointer < 0) { inputPointer = 0; partialSync("input", true); } if (inputPointer == 0 && outputPointer != 0) { outputPointer = 0; partialSync("output", true); } if (inputPointer == 0 || outputPointer == 0) return; if (input.getFluidAmount() >= 100) { if (!input.getFluid().getFluid().getName().equals(INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1))) return; FluidDictionaryEntry entry = getRecipe(INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1), getOutputListFromFluid(INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1)).get(outputPointer - 1)); if (entry != null) { int fillAmount = (int) Math.floor(100 * entry.getRatio()); if (output.fill(FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(entry.getFluidResult(), fillAmount), false) == fillAmount) { input.drain(100, true); output.fill(FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(entry.getFluidResult(), fillAmount), true); } } } } @Override protected boolean supportsAddons() { return false; } @Override protected boolean shouldAddFluidItemsInventory() { return false; } @Override public void readFromNBT(@NotNull NBTTagCompound compound) { inputPointer = compound.getInteger("PointerInput"); outputPointer = compound.getInteger("PointerOutput"); super.readFromNBT(compound); } @NotNull @Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(@NotNull NBTTagCompound compound) { compound = super.writeToNBT(compound); compound.setInteger("PointerInput", inputPointer); compound.setInteger("PointerOutput", outputPointer); return compound; } @Nullable @Override protected SimpleNBTMessage processClientMessage(@Nullable String messageType, @NotNull NBTTagCompound compound) { if (messageType == null) return super.processClientMessage(messageType, compound); if (messageType.equals("NEXT_INPUT")) { inputPointer = (inputPointer + 1) % (INPUT_LIST.size() + 1); outputPointer = 0; partialSync("input", true); partialSync("output", true); } if (messageType.equals("PREV_INPUT")) { --inputPointer; if (inputPointer < 0) inputPointer = INPUT_LIST.size(); outputPointer = 0; partialSync("input", true); partialSync("output", true); } if (messageType.equals("NEXT_OUTPUT") && inputPointer != 0) { outputPointer = (outputPointer + 1) % (getOutputListFromFluid(INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1)).size() + 1); partialSync("output", true); } if (messageType.equals("PREV_OUTPUT") && inputPointer != 0) { --outputPointer; if (outputPointer < 0) outputPointer = getOutputListFromFluid(INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1)).size(); partialSync("output", true); } return super.processClientMessage(messageType, compound); } @NotNull @Override public List<IGuiContainerPiece> getGuiContainerPieces(@NotNull BasicTeslaGuiContainer<?> container) { List<IGuiContainerPiece> pieces = super.getGuiContainerPieces(container); pieces.add(new BasicRenderedGuiPiece(84, 45, 25, 18, new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID, "textures/gui/jei.png"), 24, 5)); pieces.add(new BasicRenderedGuiPiece(40, 43, 18, 18, new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID, "textures/gui/machines.png"), 1, 168) { @Override public void drawBackgroundLayer(@NotNull BasicTeslaGuiContainer<?> container, int guiX, int guiY, float partialTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY) { super.drawBackgroundLayer(container, guiX, guiY, partialTicks, mouseX, mouseY); if (inputPointer == 0) { .bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("teslacorelib", "textures/gui/basic-machine.png")); container.drawTexturedRect(this.getLeft() + 2, this.getTop() + 2, 146, 210, 14, 14); } else { if (inputPointer - 1 < INPUT_LIST.size()) { String fluidName = INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1); if (FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered(fluidName)) { ItemStack stack = FluidUtil .getFilledBucket(FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(fluidName, 1000)); if (!stack.isEmpty()) {, guiX + this.getLeft() + 1, guiY + this.getTop() + 1); } } } } } @Override public void drawForegroundTopLayer(@NotNull BasicTeslaGuiContainer<?> container, int guiX, int guiY, int mouseX, int mouseY) { super.drawForegroundTopLayer(container, guiX, guiY, mouseX, mouseY); if (!isInside(container, mouseX, mouseY)) return; if (inputPointer <= 0) { container.drawTooltip( Arrays.asList(new TextComponentTranslation("text.industrialforegoing.button.none") .getUnformattedComponentText()), mouseX - guiX, mouseY - guiY); } else { if (inputPointer - 1 < INPUT_LIST.size()) { String fluidName = INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1); if (FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered(fluidName)) { ItemStack stack = FluidUtil .getFilledBucket(FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(fluidName, 1000)); if (!stack.isEmpty()) { container.drawTooltip(container.getItemToolTip(stack), mouseX - guiX, mouseY - guiY); } else { container.drawTooltip( Arrays.asList( FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(fluidName, 1000).getLocalizedName()), mouseX - guiX, mouseY - guiY); } } } } } }); pieces.add(new BasicRenderedGuiPiece(136, 43, 18, 18, new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID, "textures/gui/machines.png"), 1, 168) { @Override public void drawBackgroundLayer(@NotNull BasicTeslaGuiContainer<?> container, int guiX, int guiY, float partialTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY) { super.drawBackgroundLayer(container, guiX, guiY, partialTicks, mouseX, mouseY); if (outputPointer <= 0) { .bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("teslacorelib", "textures/gui/basic-machine.png")); container.drawTexturedRect(this.getLeft() + 2, this.getTop() + 2, 146, 210, 14, 14); } else { if (inputPointer > 0 && inputPointer - 1 < INPUT_LIST.size()) { List<String> names = getOutputListFromFluid(INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1)); if (outputPointer - 1 < names.size()) { String fluidName = names.get(outputPointer - 1); if (FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered(fluidName)) { ItemStack stack = FluidUtil .getFilledBucket(FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(fluidName, 1000)); if (!stack.isEmpty()) {, guiX + this.getLeft() + 1, guiY + this.getTop() + 1); } } } } } } @Override public void drawForegroundTopLayer(@NotNull BasicTeslaGuiContainer<?> container, int guiX, int guiY, int mouseX, int mouseY) { super.drawForegroundTopLayer(container, guiX, guiY, mouseX, mouseY); if (!isInside(container, mouseX, mouseY)) return; if (outputPointer == 0) { container.drawTooltip( Arrays.asList(new TextComponentTranslation("text.industrialforegoing.button.none") .getUnformattedComponentText()), mouseX - guiX, mouseY - guiY); } else { List<String> names = getOutputListFromFluid(INPUT_LIST.get(inputPointer - 1)); if (outputPointer - 1 < names.size()) { String fluidName = names.get(outputPointer - 1); if (FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered(fluidName)) { ItemStack stack = FluidUtil .getFilledBucket(FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(fluidName, 1000)); if (!stack.isEmpty()) { container.drawTooltip(container.getItemToolTip(stack), mouseX - guiX, mouseY - guiY); } } } } } }); pieces.add(new ArrowInfoPiece(42, 26, 17, 72, "text.industrialforegoing.button.decrease_fluid") { @Override protected void clicked() { if (TeslaCoreLib.INSTANCE.isClientSide()) { FluidDictionaryConverterTile.this .sendToServer(FluidDictionaryConverterTile.this.setupSpecialNBTMessage("PREV_INPUT")); } } }); pieces.add(new ArrowInfoPiece(42, 65, 33, 72, "text.industrialforegoing.button.increase_fluid") { @Override protected void clicked() { if (TeslaCoreLib.INSTANCE.isClientSide()) { FluidDictionaryConverterTile.this .sendToServer(FluidDictionaryConverterTile.this.setupSpecialNBTMessage("NEXT_INPUT")); } } }); pieces.add(new ArrowInfoPiece(138, 26, 17, 72, "text.industrialforegoing.button.decrease_fluid") { @Override protected void clicked() { if (TeslaCoreLib.INSTANCE.isClientSide()) { FluidDictionaryConverterTile.this .sendToServer(FluidDictionaryConverterTile.this.setupSpecialNBTMessage("PREV_OUTPUT")); } } }); pieces.add(new ArrowInfoPiece(138, 65, 33, 72, "text.industrialforegoing.button.increase_fluid") { @Override protected void clicked() { if (TeslaCoreLib.INSTANCE.isClientSide()) { FluidDictionaryConverterTile.this .sendToServer(FluidDictionaryConverterTile.this.setupSpecialNBTMessage("NEXT_OUTPUT")); } } }); return pieces; } }