Java tutorial
package com.builtbroken.icbm.content.missile.tile; import com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM; import com.builtbroken.icbm.api.blast.IBlastTileMissile; import com.builtbroken.icbm.api.blast.IExHandlerTileMissile; import com.builtbroken.icbm.api.missile.ICustomMissileRender; import com.builtbroken.icbm.api.missile.IMissileItem; import com.builtbroken.icbm.api.missile.ITileMissile; import com.builtbroken.icbm.api.modules.IMissile; import com.builtbroken.icbm.client.Assets; import com.builtbroken.icbm.content.crafting.missile.MissileModuleBuilder; import com.builtbroken.icbm.content.missile.EntityMissile; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.IIcon; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidBlock; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @see <a href="">License</a> for what you can and can't do with the code. * Created by Dark(DarkGuardsman, Robert) on 4/30/2016. */ public class TileCrashedMissile extends TileEnt implements IPacketIDReceiver, ITileMissile { public static int DECAY_TICKS = 20 * 60 * 60; //1 hour /** List of blocks to mimic as part of the model */ public static List<Block> blocksToMimic = new ArrayList(); static { blocksToMimic.add(Blocks.tallgrass); blocksToMimic.add(Blocks.snow_layer); blocksToMimic.add(Blocks.cake); blocksToMimic.add(ICBM.blockCake); blocksToMimic.add(; blocksToMimic.add(; blocksToMimic.add(; } /** Missile object that defines render and blast information */ public IMissile missile; private ForgeDirection attachedSide; /** Render rotation yaw of the entity */ private float yaw = 0; /** Render rotation pitch of the entity */ private float pitch = -90; /** Slightly random offset to improve render randomization */ private Pos posOffset = new Pos(); /** Currently blast running in the missile */ private IBlastTileMissile blast; /** Called to do the blast reguardless of what the blast code is */ private boolean doBlast = false; /** Cause to use if triggering the blast */ private TriggerCause cause; /** Amount of time to run the engine */ private int ticksForEngine; /** Amount of time to generate smoke */ private int ticksForSmoke; private int ticksAlive = 0; private Pos misislePos = toPos().add(0.5); private Block block; private int meta; //TODO add engine flames for a few seconds after landing //TODO generate smoke for a few mins after landing public TileCrashedMissile() { super("missile", Material.iron); this.hardness = 10f; this.resistance = 10f; this.itemBlock = ItemBlockMissile.class; this.renderNormalBlock = false; this.renderTileEntity = true; this.isOpaque = false; this.bounds = new Cube(0.3, 0, 0.3, .7, .7, .7); } @Override public Tile newTile() { return new TileCrashedMissile(); } @Override public ItemStack toItemStack() { return missile != null ? missile.toStack() : null; } /** * Called to place this tile into the world from a missile entity * * @param missile * @param world * @param x * @param y * @param z */ public static void placeFromMissile(EntityMissile missile, World world, int x, int y, int z) { //TODO if block is a fluid place an entity version of this tile instead, fixed fluid renderer Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z); int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); while (y < 255 && !blocksToMimic.contains(block) && !(block.isAir(world, x, y, z) || block.isReplaceable(world, x, y, z))) { y += 1; block = world.getBlock(x, y, z); meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); } if (block == Blocks.lava || block == Blocks.flowing_lava) { //Missile is destroyed return; } if (block instanceof IFluidBlock) { Fluid fluid = ((IFluidBlock) block).getFluid(); if (fluid != null && fluid.getTemperature(world, x, y, z) > 1000) { //Missile is destroyed return; } } if (world.setBlock(x, y, z, ICBM.blockCrashMissile)) { ICBM.INSTANCE.logger() .info(String.format("Placed missile %d@dim %dx %dy %dz", world.provider.dimensionId, x, y, z)); TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tile instanceof TileCrashedMissile) { if (blocksToMimic.contains(block)) { ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).block = block; ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).meta = meta; switch (missile.sideTile) { case 0: ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).posOffset.sub(0, block.getBlockBoundsMinY(), 0); break; case 1: ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).posOffset.add(0, block.getBlockBoundsMaxY(), 0); break; } } if (missile.getMissile() != null) { ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).missile = missile.getMissile(); } ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).yaw = missile.rotationYaw; ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).pitch = missile.rotationPitch; ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).cause = new TriggerCause.TriggerCauseEntity(missile); ((TileCrashedMissile) tile).attachedSide = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(missile.sideTile); } } missile.setDead(); } @Override public void firstTick() { super.firstTick(); misislePos = misislePos.add(posOffset); } @Override public void update() { super.update(); if (isServer()) { //TODO implement gravity //TODO check if block inside moves //TODO allow to be pushed a little bit //TODO on punched by entity push a little if (blast == null && ticks % 20 == 0) { if (missile != null && missile.getWarhead() != null && missile.getWarhead().getExplosiveStack() != null) { IExplosiveHandler handler = ExplosiveRegistry.get(missile.getWarhead().getExplosiveStack()); if (doBlast || handler instanceof IExHandlerTileMissile && ((IExHandlerTileMissile) handler).doesSpawnMissileTile(missile, null)) { IWorldChangeAction action = handler.createBlastForTrigger(world(), xi() + 0.5, yi() + 0.5, zi() + 0.5, cause, missile.getWarhead().getExplosiveSize(), missile.getWarhead().getAdditionalExplosiveData()); if (action != null) { if (action instanceof IBlastTileMissile) { blast = (IBlastTileMissile) action; } else { missile.getWarhead().trigger(cause, world(), xi() + 0.5, yi() + 0.5, zi() + 0.5); } } } } } //Tick the explosive if (blast != null) { blast.tickBlast(this, missile); if (blast.isCompleted()) { blast = null; missile.getWarhead().setExplosiveStack(null); } } else { ticksAlive++; if (ticksAlive > DECAY_TICKS) { world().setBlockToAir(xi(), yi(), zi()); return; } } if (missile != null && missile.getEngine() != null) { } //TODO if block we are in is not solid fall //TODO if block is no full sized offset render pos and collision box if (ticks % 5 == 0) { if (attachedSide != null) { Pos pos = toPos().add(attachedSide.getOpposite()); if (pos.isAirBlock(world())) { attemptToFall(); } } else { attemptToFall(); } } } } /** * Used to cause the block to drop a bit */ protected void attemptToFall() { Pos pos = toPos().sub(0, 1, 0); if (pos.isAirBlock(world())) { EntityMissile missile = new EntityMissile(world()); missile.setPosition(x() + 0.5, y() + 0.5, z() + 0.5); missile.setMissile(this.missile); missile.rotationYaw = yaw; missile.rotationPitch = pitch; toPos().setBlockToAir(world()); } else { attachedSide = ForgeDirection.UP; } } @Override public Iterable<Cube> getCollisionBoxes(Cube intersect, Entity entity) { List<Cube> boxes = new ArrayList<>(); boxes.add(getCollisionBounds()); if (block != null) { AxisAlignedBB bb = block.getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(world(), xi(), yi(), zi()); if (bb != null) { boxes.add(new Cube(bb).subtract(xi(), yi(), zi())); } else { Cube cube = new Cube(block.getBlockBoundsMinX(), block.getBlockBoundsMinY(), block.getBlockBoundsMinZ(), block.getBlockBoundsMaxX(), block.getBlockBoundsMaxY(), block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ()); if (cube.isValid()) { //Not sure why but BB can go null boxes.add(cube); } } } return boxes; } @Override public boolean onPlayerActivated(EntityPlayer player, int side, Pos hit) { //Removed wrench support return onPlayerRightClick(player, side, hit); } @Override protected boolean onPlayerRightClick(EntityPlayer player, int side, Pos hit) { if (block != null) { //TODO do collisions check for block, } if (isServer()) { if (missile != null) { ItemStack stack = missile.toStack(); if (player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(stack)) { //stack size is only one so no need to do checks toPos().setBlock(world(), block != null ? block : Blocks.air, block != null ? meta : 0); player.inventoryContainer.detectAndSendChanges(); } } } return true; } @Override public boolean removeByPlayer(EntityPlayer player, boolean willHarvest) { //TODO chance to blow up missile if (missile != null && willHarvest) { ItemStack stack = missile.toStack(); InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world(), x() + 0.5, y() + 0.5, z() + 0.5, stack, 10, 0); } if (block != null) { return world().setBlock(xi(), yi(), zi(), block, meta, 3); } return world().setBlockToAir(xi(), yi(), zi()); } @Override public void onCollide(Entity entity) { if (isServer() && entity != null && entity.worldObj != null && missile != null && blast == null) { if (world().rand.nextFloat() <= 0.3 && missile.getWarhead() != null) { missile.getWarhead().trigger(new TriggerCause.TriggerCauseEntity(entity), world(), x() + 0.5, y() + 0.5, z() + 0.5); } else { //TODO push missile around } } } @Override public boolean onPlayerLeftClick(EntityPlayer player) { if (world().rand.nextFloat() <= 0.3 && missile.getWarhead() != null && blast == null) { missile.getWarhead().trigger(new TriggerCause.TriggerCauseEntity(player), world(), x() + 0.5, y() + 0.5, z() + 0.5); } else { //TODO push missile around } return false; } @Override public void onDestroyedByExplosion(Explosion ex) { //TODO attempt to set off warhead if (missile != null && missile.getWarhead() != null && blast == null) { missile.getWarhead().trigger(new TriggerCause.TriggerCauseExplosion(ex), world(), x() + 0.5, y() + 0.5, z() + 0.5); } } @Override public void onFillRain() { //TODO decrease smoke timer faster //TODO make pop noise like car engine cooling down //TODO make metal rain noise } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readFromNBT(nbt); if (nbt.hasKey("missile")) { ItemStack stack = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("missile")); missile = stack.getItem() instanceof IMissileItem ? ((IMissileItem) stack.getItem()).toMissile(stack) : MissileModuleBuilder.INSTANCE.buildMissile(stack); } yaw = nbt.getFloat("yaw"); pitch = nbt.getFloat("pitch"); if (nbt.hasKey("offset")) { posOffset = new Pos(nbt.getCompoundTag("offset")); } if (nbt.hasKey("block")) { block = Block.getBlockFromName(nbt.getString("block")); meta = nbt.getInteger("blockMeta"); } ticksAlive = nbt.getInteger("ticksAlive"); } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeToNBT(nbt); if (missile != null) { ItemStack stack = missile.toStack(); nbt.setTag("missile", stack.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound())); } nbt.setFloat("yaw", yaw); nbt.setFloat("pitch", pitch); if (posOffset != null) { nbt.setTag("offset", posOffset.toNBT()); } if (block != null) { nbt.setString("block", Block.blockRegistry.getNameForObject(block)); nbt.setInteger("blockMeta", meta); } nbt.setInteger("ticksAlive", ticksAlive); } @Override public void readDescPacket(ByteBuf buf) { ItemStack stack = ByteBufUtils.readItemStack(buf); missile = stack.getItem() instanceof IMissileItem ? ((IMissileItem) stack.getItem()).toMissile(stack) : null; yaw = buf.readFloat(); pitch = buf.readFloat(); posOffset = new Pos(buf); if (buf.readBoolean()) { block = Block.getBlockFromName(ByteBufUtils.readUTF8String(buf)); meta = buf.readShort(); } } @Override public void writeDescPacket(ByteBuf buf) { if (missile != null) { ByteBufUtils.writeItemStack(buf, missile.toStack()); } else { ByteBufUtils.writeItemStack(buf, new ItemStack(Items.stone_axe)); //random sync data, set the missile to null } buf.writeFloat(yaw); buf.writeFloat(pitch); posOffset.writeByteBuf(buf); buf.writeBoolean(block != null); if (block != null) { ByteBufUtils.writeUTF8String(buf, Block.blockRegistry.getNameForObject(block)); buf.writeShort(meta); } } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void renderDynamic(Pos pos, float frame, int pass) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); if (missile != null) { GL11.glTranslated(pos.x() + 0.5, pos.y() + (float) (missile.getHeight() / 2.0) - (float) (missile.getHeight() / 3.0), pos.z() + 0.5); if (block != null) { GL11.glTranslated(0, block.getBlockBoundsMaxY(), 0); } if (posOffset != null) { GL11.glTranslated(posOffset.x(), posOffset.y(), posOffset.z()); } if (!(missile instanceof ICustomMissileRender) || !((ICustomMissileRender) missile).renderMissileInWorld(yaw - 90, pitch - 90, frame)) { renderDefaultMissile(); } } else { GL11.glTranslated(pos.x() + 0.5, pos.y() + .4, pos.z() + 0.5); if (posOffset != null) { GL11.glTranslated(posOffset.x(), posOffset.y(), posOffset.z()); } renderDefaultMissile(); } GL11.glPopMatrix(); if (block != null) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(pos.x() + 0.5, pos.y() + 0.5, pos.z() + 0.5); RenderUtility.renderInventoryBlock(RenderUtility.renderBlocks, block, meta); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } } private final void renderDefaultMissile() { GL11.glTranslated(0.5, 2, 0.5); GL11.glRotatef(yaw, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(pitch - 90, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); GL11.glScalef(.5f, .5f, .5f); FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(Assets.CLASSIC_MISSILE_TEXTURE); if (missile == null || missile.getWarhead() != null) { Assets.CLASSIC_MISSILE_MODEL.renderOnly("WARHEAD 1", "WARHEAD 2", "WARHEAD 3", "WARHEAD 4"); } Assets.CLASSIC_MISSILE_MODEL.renderAllExcept("WARHEAD 1", "WARHEAD 2", "WARHEAD 3", "WARHEAD 4"); } @Override public ArrayList<ItemStack> getDrops(int metadata, int fortune) { ArrayList<ItemStack> drops = new ArrayList(); if (missile != null) { ItemStack m = missile.toStack(); if (m != null && m.getItem() != null) { //TODO implement dropping scrap parts instead of full missile drops.add(m); } } return drops; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon() { return Blocks.iron_block.getIcon(0, 0); } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon(int meta, int side) { return Blocks.iron_block.getIcon(0, 0); } public void setTextureName(String value) { textureName = value; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister) { } }