Java tutorial
package com.builtbroken.icbm.content.launcher.controller.remote.display; import com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM; import com.builtbroken.icbm.api.controller.ISiloConnectionData; import com.builtbroken.icbm.api.launcher.ILauncher; import com.builtbroken.icbm.content.launcher.controller.local.TileLocalController; import com.builtbroken.icbm.content.launcher.controller.remote.central.TileCommandController; import com.builtbroken.icbm.content.launcher.controller.remote.connector.SiloConnectionData; import com.builtbroken.icbm.content.launcher.controller.remote.connector.TileCommandSiloConnector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Used to get info and send commands to silos * * @see <a href="">License</a> for what you can and can't do with the code. * Created by Dark(DarkGuardsman, Robert) on 3/26/2016. */ public class TileSiloInterface extends TileMachine implements ILinkable, IGuiTile, IPacketIDReceiver, IRecipeContainer { private Pos commandCenterPos; private TileCommandController commandCenter; public TileSiloInterface() { super("commandSiloDisplay", Material.iron); this.renderNormalBlock = false; this.renderTileEntity = true; this.hardness = 10f; this.resistance = 10f; } @Override public Tile newTile() { return new TileSiloInterface(); } @Override public String link(Location loc, short code) { //Validate location data if ( != world()) { return ""; } Pos pos = loc.toPos(); if (!pos.isAboveBedrock()) { return "link.error.pos.invalid"; } if (distance(pos) > TileLocalController.MAX_LINK_DISTANCE) { return "link.error.pos.distance.max"; } //Compare tile pass code TileEntity tile = pos.getTileEntity(; if (!(tile instanceof TileCommandController)) { return "link.error.tile.invalid"; } if (tile instanceof IPassCode && ((IPassCode) tile).getCode() != code) { return "link.error.code.match"; } //Add location if (commandCenter == null && !pos.equals(commandCenterPos) || tile != commandCenter) { commandCenterPos = pos; commandCenter = (TileCommandController) tile; if (tile instanceof ILinkFeedback) { ((ILinkFeedback) tile).onLinked(toLocation()); } return ""; } else { return "link.error.tile.already.added"; } } @Override public Object getServerGuiElement(int ID, EntityPlayer player) { return new ContainerDummy(player, this); } @Override public Object getClientGuiElement(int ID, EntityPlayer player) { return null; } @Override protected boolean onPlayerRightClick(EntityPlayer player, int side, Pos hit) { if (player.getHeldItem() != null) { if (player.getHeldItem().getItem() instanceof IWorldPosItem) { return false; } else if (player.getHeldItem().getItem() == Items.stick && Engine.runningAsDev) { if (isServer()) { player.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText("Command Center -> " + commandCenter)); } return true; } } if (isServer()) { openGui(player, ICBM.INSTANCE); } return true; } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readFromNBT(nbt); if (nbt.hasKey("commandCenterPos")) { commandCenterPos = new Pos(nbt.getCompoundTag("commandCenterPos")); } } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeToNBT(nbt); if (commandCenterPos != null) { nbt.setTag("commandCenterPos", commandCenterPos.toNBT()); } } public TileCommandController getCommandCenter() { if (commandCenter != null && commandCenter.isInvalid()) { commandCenter = null; } if (commandCenter == null && commandCenterPos != null) { if (world().blockExists(commandCenterPos.xi(), commandCenterPos.yi(), commandCenterPos.zi())) { TileEntity tile = commandCenterPos.getTileEntity(world()); if (tile instanceof TileCommandController) { commandCenter = (TileCommandController) tile; } else { commandCenterPos = null; } } } return commandCenter; } @Override public boolean read(ByteBuf buf, int id, EntityPlayer player, PacketType type) { //From client if (isServer()) { if (id == 1) { sendSiloData(player); return true; } else if (id == 2) { Pos pos = new Pos(buf); SiloConnectionData data = new SiloConnectionData(buf); openSiloGui(pos, data, player); return true; } else if (id == 3) { Pos pos = new Pos(buf); SiloConnectionData data = new SiloConnectionData(buf); fireSilo(pos, data, player); return true; } } return false; } /** * Sends silo data to the player * * @param player */ public void sendSiloData(EntityPlayer player) { //TODO redo this to only send selective data for the page currently being viewed if (player instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { //Get out controller TileCommandController commandCenter = getCommandCenter(); //Generate packet PacketTile packet = new PacketTile(this, 2, commandCenter != null); //if no controller -> no connection -> no data if (commandCenter != null) { List<TileCommandController> controllers = new ArrayList(); //Add our command center if (commandCenter != null) { controllers.add(commandCenter); } //Find an add networked command centers for (IWirelessNetwork network : commandCenter.getAttachedNetworks()) { for (IWirelessNetworkObject object : network.getAttachedObjects()) { if (object instanceof TileCommandController && !controllers.contains(object) && !((TileCommandController) object).isInvalid()) { controllers.add((TileCommandController) object); } } } //Write data; for (TileCommandController controller : controllers) { writeConnectorSet(controller,; } } Engine.instance.packetHandler.sendToPlayer(packet, (EntityPlayerMP) player); } } protected void writeConnectorSet(TileCommandController controller, ByteBuf data) { ByteBufUtils.writeUTF8String(data, controller.getControllerDisplayName() == null ? "--" : controller.getControllerDisplayName()); data.writeInt(controller.siloConnectors != null ? controller.siloConnectors.entrySet().size() : 0); for (Map.Entry<Pos, TileCommandSiloConnector> entry : controller.siloConnectors.entrySet()) { writeCommandSiloConnector(entry, data); } } protected void writeCommandSiloConnector(Map.Entry<Pos, TileCommandSiloConnector> entry, ByteBuf data) { //Write location data so it can be pulled data.writeInt(entry.getKey().xi()); data.writeInt(entry.getKey().yi()); data.writeInt(entry.getKey().zi()); if (entry.getValue() != null) { List<ISiloConnectionData> list = entry.getValue().getSiloConnectionData(); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { //Write size of data list data.writeInt(list.size()); //Convert data to NBT as this is the easiest way to load it NBTTagCompound save = new NBTTagCompound(); NBTTagList tagList = new NBTTagList(); for (ISiloConnectionData siloData : list) { tagList.appendTag( NBTTagCompound())); } save.setTag("data", tagList); ByteBufUtils.writeTag(data, save); } else { data.writeInt(0); //Empty connection } } else { data.writeInt(-1); //No connection } } public void openSiloGui(Pos pos, ISiloConnectionData iSiloConnectionData, EntityPlayer player) { TileCommandController commandCenter = getCommandCenter(); if (commandCenter != null) { if (commandCenter.siloConnectors.containsKey(pos)) { TileCommandSiloConnector controller = commandCenter.siloConnectors.get(pos); if (controller != null && controller.getSiloConnectionData() != null && controller.getSiloConnectionData().contains(iSiloConnectionData)) { if (iSiloConnectionData.hasSettingsGui()) { iSiloConnectionData.openGui(player, this, controller); } else { //TODO Open Alt GUI or send error } } else { //TODO send error } } } else { //TODO send error } } /** * Called to fire a missile * * @param pos * @param iSiloConnectionData * @param player */ public void fireSilo(Pos pos, ISiloConnectionData iSiloConnectionData, EntityPlayer player) { if (isServer()) { TileCommandController commandCenter = getCommandCenter(); if (commandCenter != null) { if (commandCenter.siloConnectors.containsKey(pos)) { TileCommandSiloConnector controller = commandCenter.siloConnectors.get(pos); if (controller != null && controller.getSiloConnectionData() != null && controller.getSiloConnectionData().contains(iSiloConnectionData)) { if (iSiloConnectionData.hasSettingsGui()) { ILauncher launcher = iSiloConnectionData.getSilo(); if (launcher != null) { if (!launcher.fireMissile()) { //TODO send error if missile can not fire ICBM.INSTANCE.logger().info("TileSiloInterface: " + player + " attempted to fire a missile from " + iSiloConnectionData); } else { //TODO confirm missile fired ICBM.INSTANCE.logger().info("TileSiloInterface: " + player + " fired a missile from " + iSiloConnectionData); } } else { //TODO send error code } } else { //TODO Open Alt GUI or send error } } else { //TODO send error } } } else { //TODO send error } } else { sendPacketToServer(new PacketTile(this, 3, pos, iSiloConnectionData)); } } @Override public void genRecipes(List<IRecipe> recipes) { recipes.add(newShapedRecipe(ICBM.blockCommandSiloDisplay, "GPG", "CNC", "WSW", 'G', Blocks.glass_pane, 'P', OreNames.PLATE_IRON, 'C', UniversalRecipe.CIRCUIT_T2.get(), 'N', OreNames.NUGGET_GOLD, 'S', OreNames.SCREW_IRON, 'W', OreNames.WIRE_COPPER)); } }