Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package com.builtbroken.atomic.lib.transform.rotation;

import com.builtbroken.atomic.lib.transform.vector.Pos;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;

 * This object is not immutable like other vector objects. It is designed to take the player of storing 3 separate variables for rotation. Thus it will
 * also be setup to allow adjustments to rotation.
 * @see <a href="">License</a> for what you can and can't do with the code.
 * Created by Dark(DarkGuardsman, Robert) on 3/8/2016.
 * <p>
 * Original version by Calclavia
public class EulerAngle implements Cloneable, ITransform, IByteBufWriter, IByteBufReader, IRotation {
    protected double yaw = 0;
    protected double pitch = 0;
    protected double roll = 0;

     * Creates a new EulerAngle from yaw, pitch, and roll
     * @param yaw   - value for yaw
     * @param pitch - value for pitch
     * @param roll  - value for roll
    public EulerAngle(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) {
        this.yaw = yaw;
        this.pitch = pitch;
        this.roll = roll;

     * Creates a new EulerAngle from yaw and pitch
     * @param yaw   - value for yaw
     * @param pitch - value for pitch
    public EulerAngle(double yaw, double pitch) {
        this(yaw, pitch, 0);

     * Creats a new EulerAngle from NBT
     * @param tag - save
    public EulerAngle(NBTTagCompound tag) {

     * Creates a new EulerAngle from data
     * @param data - data, needs to have 3 doubles or will crash
    public EulerAngle(ByteBuf data) {

     * Creates a new EulerAngle from a {@link EnumFacing}
     * @param direction - direction
    public EulerAngle(EnumFacing direction) {
        switch (direction) {
        case DOWN:
            pitch = -90;
        case UP:
            pitch = 90;
        case NORTH:
            yaw = 0;
        case SOUTH:
            yaw = 180;
        case EAST:
            yaw = -90;
        case WEST:
            yaw = 90;

     * Sets the values of yaw, pitch and roll
     * @param yaw   - value to set yaw
     * @param pitch - value to set pitch
     * @param roll  - value to set roll
    public void set(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) {
        this.yaw = yaw;
        this.pitch = pitch;
        this.roll = roll;

     * Sets the value of the index angle to the value provided
     * Legacy code
     * @param index - index 0 yaw, 1 pitch, 2 roll
     * @param value - value to set
    public void set(int index, double value) {
        if (index == 0) {
            this.yaw = value;
        if (index == 1) {
            this.pitch = value;
        if (index == 2) {
            this.roll = value;

     * Sets the angle value of the provided angle as this angle
     * @param other - values to use
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle set(EulerAngle other) {
        yaw = other.yaw;
        pitch = other.pitch;
        roll = other.roll;
        return this;


     * Adds the value to each angle value
     * @param v - value to add
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle add(double v) {
        this.yaw += v;
        this.pitch += v;
        this.roll += v;
        return this;

     * Adds the angles together
     * @param other - angle to add
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle add(EulerAngle other) {
        this.yaw += other.yaw;
        this.pitch += other.pitch;
        this.roll += other.roll;
        return this;

     * Multiply all the angles by v
     * @param v - value to multiply
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle multiply(double v) {
        this.yaw *= v;
        this.pitch *= v;
        this.roll *= v;
        return this;

     * Multiply all the angles by v
     * @param v - value to multiply
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle multiply(float v) {
        this.yaw *= v;
        this.pitch *= v;
        this.roll *= v;
        return this;

     * Multiply the angle by the other
     * @param other
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle multiply(EulerAngle other) {
        this.yaw *= other.yaw;
        this.pitch *= other.pitch;
        this.roll *= other.roll;
        return this;

     * 1 / angle
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle reciprocal() {
        this.yaw = 1 / yaw;
        this.pitch = 1 / pitch;
        this.roll = 1 / roll;
        return this;

     * Rounds the angles up
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle ceil() {
        this.yaw = Math.ceil(yaw);
        this.pitch = Math.ceil(pitch);
        this.roll = Math.ceil(roll);
        return this;

     * Sends the angles to the lowest rounded value
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle floor() {
        this.yaw = Math.floor(yaw);
        this.pitch = Math.floor(pitch);
        this.roll = Math.floor(roll);
        return this;

     * Rounds the angles
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle round() {
        this.yaw = Math.round(yaw);
        this.pitch = Math.round(pitch);
        this.roll = Math.round(roll);
        return this;

     * Gets the bigger values from the two angles
     * @param other - angle to compare
     * @return new EulerAngle containing the larger values
    public EulerAngle max(EulerAngle other) {
        return new EulerAngle(Math.max(yaw, other.yaw), Math.max(pitch, other.pitch), Math.max(roll, other.roll));

     * Gets the smaller values from the two angles
     * @param other - angle to compare
     * @return new EulerAngle containing the smallest values
    public EulerAngle min(EulerAngle other) {
        return new EulerAngle(Math.min(yaw, other.yaw), Math.min(pitch, other.pitch), Math.min(roll, other.roll));

     * Gets the different between the two angles
     * @param other - angle to compare
     * @return new EulerAngle containing the differences between the two angles
    public EulerAngle absoluteDifference(EulerAngle other) {
        return new EulerAngle(Math.abs(yaw - other.yaw), Math.abs(pitch - other.pitch),
                Math.abs(roll - other.roll));

     * Checks if the angle is within a margin of the other angle
     * @param other - angle to check against
     * @param error - room for error in degrees
     * @return true if all 3 angles are near the margin value of error
    public boolean isWithin(EulerAngle other, double error) {
        return other != null && isYawWithin(other.yaw, error) && isPitchWithin(other.pitch, error)
                && isRollWithin(other.roll, error);

     * Checks if the yaw is witch the error amount
     * @param yaw   - desired yaw
     * @param error - room for error in degrees, amount that
     *              the current yaw can move by to be at the
     *              desired yaw. If error is <b>negative</b> this
     *              will always return false
     * @return true if the current yaw is withing the error range
    public boolean isYawWithin(double yaw, double error) {
        double delta = distanceYaw(yaw);
        return delta <= error;

     * Checks if the pitch is witch the error amount
     * @param pitch - desired pitch
     * @param error - room for error in degrees, amount that
     *              the current pitch can move by to be at the
     *              desired pitch. If error is <b>negative</b> this
     *              will always return false
     * @return true if the current pitch is withing the error range
    public boolean isPitchWithin(double pitch, double error) {
        double delta = distancePitch(pitch);
        return delta <= error;

     * Checks if the roll is witch the error amount
     * @param roll  - desired roll
     * @param error - room for error in degrees, amount that
     *              the current roll can move by to be at the
     *              desired roll. If error is <b>negative</b> this
     *              will always return false
     * @return true if the current roll is withing the error range
    public boolean isRollWithin(double roll, double error) {
        double delta = distanceRoll(roll);
        return delta <= error;

     * Distance to the desired yaw from the current
     * @param yaw - desired yaw
     * @return distance;
    public final double distanceYaw(double yaw) {
        return Math.abs(this.yaw - yaw);

     * Distance to the desired pitch from the current
     * @param pitch - desired pitch
     * @return distance;
    public final double distancePitch(double pitch) {
        return Math.abs(this.pitch - pitch);

     * Distance to the desired roll from the current
     * @param roll - desired roll
     * @return distance;
    public final double distanceRoll(double roll) {
        return Math.abs(this.roll - roll);

    public IPos3D transform(IPos3D vector) {
        return new Pos(vector).transform(toQuaternion());

     * Converts object to {@link Pos}
     * @return new {@link Pos}
    public Pos toPos() {
        return new Pos(x(), y(), z());

    public double x() {
        return -Math.sin(yaw_radian()) * Math.cos(pitch_radian());

    public double y() {
        return Math.sin(pitch_radian());

    public double z() {
        return Math.sin(-Math.cos(yaw_radian()) * Math.cos(pitch_radian()));

     * Converts object to new {@link Quaternion}
     * @return new {@link Quaternion}
    public Quaternion toQuaternion() {
        // Assuming the angles are in radians.
        double c1 = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw) / 2);
        double s1 = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yaw) / 2);
        double c2 = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(pitch) / 2);
        double s2 = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(pitch) / 2);
        double c3 = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(roll) / 2);
        double s3 = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(roll) / 2);
        double c1c2 = c1 * c2;
        double s1s2 = s1 * s2;
        double w = c1c2 * c3 - s1s2 * s3;
        double x = c1c2 * s3 + s1s2 * c3;
        double y = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
        double z = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
        return new Quaternion(w, x, y, z);

     * Converts object into an array of doubles(yaw, pitch, roll).
     * More or less legacy code...
     * @return 3 size array
    public double[] toArray() {
        return new double[] { yaw, pitch, roll };

    public EulerAngle clone() {
        return new EulerAngle(yaw, pitch, roll);

    public String toString() {
        return "EulerAngle[" + yaw + "," + pitch + "," + roll + "]";

     * @param data
     * @Deprecated {@link #writeBytes(ByteBuf)}
    public void writeByteBuf(ByteBuf data) {

    public ByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf data) {
        return data;

    public void readByteBuf(ByteBuf data) {
        yaw = data.readDouble();
        pitch = data.readDouble();
        roll = data.readDouble();

    public EulerAngle readBytes(ByteBuf data) {
        yaw = data.readDouble();
        pitch = data.readDouble();
        roll = data.readDouble();
        return this;

    public NBTTagCompound writeNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
        nbt.setDouble("yaw", yaw);
        nbt.setDouble("pitch", pitch);
        nbt.setDouble("roll", roll);
        return nbt;

    public NBTTagCompound toNBT() {
        return writeNBT(new NBTTagCompound());

    public EulerAngle readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
        yaw = nbt.getDouble("yaw");
        pitch = nbt.getDouble("pitch");
        roll = nbt.getDouble("roll");
        return this;

     * Clamps all 3 angles to 360 degrees
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle clampTo360() {
        this.yaw = clampAngleTo360(yaw);
        this.pitch = clampAngleTo360(pitch);
        this.roll = clampAngleTo360(roll);
        return this;

     * Moves this angle to the selected angle over time
     * @param aim       - aim to move towards
     * @param deltaTime - percent to move by
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle lerp(EulerAngle aim, double deltaTime) {
        this.yaw = lerp(yaw, aim.yaw, deltaTime);
        this.pitch = lerp(pitch, aim.pitch, deltaTime);
        this.roll = lerp(roll, aim.roll, deltaTime);
        return this;

    private final double lerp(double a, double b, double f) {
        return a + f * (b - a);

     * Moves towards the position with speed
     * @param aim       - position to move towards
     * @param speed     - speed to move at
     * @param deltaTime - time difference to move, used for lerp function. Use
     *                  one if you do not care to use lerp.
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle moveTowards(EulerAngle aim, double speed, double deltaTime) {
        moveYaw(aim.yaw, speed, deltaTime);
        movePitch(aim.pitch, speed, deltaTime);
        moveRoll(aim.roll, speed, deltaTime);
        return this;

     * Called to move towards the new yaw, uses lerp function to
     * ensure animation stays consistent
     * @param desiredYaw - desired position
     * @param speed      - how fast to move, mainly a limit
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle moveYaw(double desiredYaw, double speed, double deltaTime) {
        double delta = Math.abs(desiredYaw - yaw);
        if (delta < speed || speed < 0) {
            yaw = desiredYaw;
            return this;
        double d = Math.abs(desiredYaw - (yaw + speed));
        double d2 = Math.abs(desiredYaw - (yaw - speed));

        if (d < d2) {
            this.yaw = lerp(yaw, yaw + speed, deltaTime);
        } else {
            this.yaw = lerp(yaw, yaw - speed, deltaTime);
        return this;

     * Called to move towards the new pitch, uses lerp function to
     * ensure animation stays consistent
     * @param desiredPitch - desired position
     * @param speed        - how fast to move, mainly a limit
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle movePitch(double desiredPitch, double speed, double deltaTime) {
        double delta = Math.abs(desiredPitch - pitch);
        if (delta < speed || speed < 0) {
            pitch = desiredPitch;
            return this;
        double d = Math.abs(desiredPitch - (pitch + speed));
        double d2 = Math.abs(desiredPitch - (pitch - speed));

        if (d < d2) {
            this.pitch = lerp(pitch, pitch + speed, deltaTime);
        } else {
            this.pitch = lerp(pitch, pitch - speed, deltaTime);
        return this;

     * Called to move towards the new roll, uses lerp function to
     * ensure animation stays consistent
     * @param desiredRoll - desired position
     * @param speed       - how fast to move, mainly a limit
     * @return this
    public EulerAngle moveRoll(double desiredRoll, double speed, double deltaTime) {
        double delta = Math.abs(desiredRoll - roll);
        if (delta < speed || speed < 0) {
            roll = desiredRoll;
            return this;
        double d = Math.abs(desiredRoll - (roll + speed));
        double d2 = Math.abs(desiredRoll - (roll - speed));

        if (d < d2) {
            this.roll = lerp(roll, roll + speed, deltaTime);
        } else {
            this.roll = lerp(roll, roll - speed, deltaTime);
        return this;

    public static double clampAngleTo360(double value) {
        return clampAngle(value, -360, 360);

    public static double clampAngle(double value, double min, double max) {
        double result = value % 360;
        while (result < min) {
            result += 360;
        while (result > max) {
            result -= 360;
        return result;

    public double yaw() {
        return yaw;

    public double pitch() {
        return pitch;

    public double roll() {
        return roll;

    public double yaw_radian() {
        return Math.toRadians(yaw);

    public double pitch_radian() {
        return Math.toRadians(pitch);

    public double roll_radian() {
        return Math.toRadians(roll);

     * Is the angle near zero zero zero. Does
     * not check for exact as 0.00001 != 0.00000
     * @return true if values are near zero
    public boolean isZero() {
        return isYawZero() && isPitchZero() && isRollZero();

     * Is the angle near zero. Does
     * not check for exact as 0.00001 != 0.00000
     * @return true if values are near zero
    public boolean isYawZero() {
        return yaw <= 0.00001 && yaw >= -0.00001;

     * Is the angle near zero. Does
     * not check for exact as 0.00001 != 0.00000
     * @return true if values are near zero
    public boolean isPitchZero() {
        return pitch <= 0.00001 && pitch >= -0.00001;

     * Is the angle near zero. Does
     * not check for exact as 0.00001 != 0.00000
     * @return true if values are near zero
    public boolean isRollZero() {
        return roll <= 0.00001 && roll >= -0.00001;

    public void yaw_$eq(double v) {
        yaw = v;

    public void pitch_$eq(double v) {
        pitch = v;

    public void roll_$eq(double v) {
        roll = v;

    public void setYaw(double v) {
        yaw = v;

    public void setPitch(double v) {
        pitch = v;

    public void setRoll(double v) {
        roll = v;