Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bugull.mongo; import com.bugull.mongo.cache.FieldsCache; import com.bugull.mongo.lucene.backend.EntityChangedListener; import com.bugull.mongo.lucene.backend.IndexChecker; import com.bugull.mongo.utils.IdUtil; import com.bugull.mongo.utils.MapperUtil; import com.bugull.mongo.utils.Operator; import com.bugull.mongo.utils.ReferenceUtil; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; import com.mongodb.WriteResult; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * There are so many update operation, so put it together here. * * @author Frank Wen( */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class BuguUpdater<T> { private DBCollection coll; private Class<T> clazz; private WriteConcern concern; private EntityChangedListener luceneListener; public BuguUpdater(DBCollection coll, Class<T> clazz, WriteConcern concern, EntityChangedListener luceneListener) { this.coll = coll; this.clazz = clazz; this.concern = concern; this.luceneListener = luceneListener; } private T findOne(String id) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put(Operator.ID, IdUtil.toDbId(clazz, id)); DBObject result = coll.findOne(dbo); return MapperUtil.fromDBObject(clazz, result); } private WriteResult updateOne(String id, DBObject dbo, String... keys) { DBObject condition = new BasicDBObject(Operator.ID, IdUtil.toDbId(clazz, id)); WriteResult wr = coll.update(condition, dbo, false, false, concern); //update one if (luceneListener != null && IndexChecker.hasIndexAnnotation(clazz, keys)) { BuguEntity entity = (BuguEntity) findOne(id); luceneListener.entityUpdate(entity); } return wr; } private WriteResult updateMulti(DBObject condition, DBObject dbo, String... keys) { WriteResult wr = coll.update(condition, dbo, false, true, concern); //update multi if (luceneListener != null && IndexChecker.hasIndexAnnotation(clazz, keys)) { List ids = coll.distinct(Operator.ID, condition); for (Object id : ids) { BuguEntity entity = (BuguEntity) findOne(id.toString()); luceneListener.entityUpdate(entity); } } return wr; } private Object checkSingleValue(String key, Object value) { Object result = value; if (value instanceof BuguEntity) { BuguEntity be = (BuguEntity) value; result = ReferenceUtil.toDbReference(clazz, key, be.getClass(), be.getId()); } else if (!(value instanceof DBObject) && FieldsCache.getInstance().isEmbedField(clazz, key)) { result = MapperUtil.toDBObject(value); } return result; } private Object checkArrayValue(String key, Object value) { Object result = value; if (value instanceof BuguEntity) { BuguEntity be = (BuguEntity) value; result = ReferenceUtil.toDbReference(clazz, key, be.getClass(), be.getId()); } else if (!(value instanceof DBObject) && FieldsCache.getInstance().isEmbedListField(clazz, key)) { result = MapperUtil.toDBObject(value); } return result; } /** * Update some entities, with new key/value pairs. * Notice: EmbedList and RefList fields is not supported yet. * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @param value the field's new value * @return */ public WriteResult set(BuguQuery query, String key, Object value) { value = checkSingleValue(key, value); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject set = new BasicDBObject(Operator.SET, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), set, key); } /** * Update some entities, with new key/value pairs. * Notice: the Map values must can be converted to DBObject. * @param query the query condition * @param values * @return the new key/value pairs */ public WriteResult set(BuguQuery query, Map values) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(values); DBObject set = new BasicDBObject(Operator.SET, dbo); Set<String> keys = (Set<String>) values.keySet(); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), set, keys.toArray(new String[0])); } /** * Update a field's value of an entity. * Notice: EmbedList and RefList fields is not supported yet. * @param t the entity needs to update * @param key the field's name * @param value the field's new value * @return */ public WriteResult set(T t, String key, Object value) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return set(ent.getId(), key, value); } /** * Update a field's value of an entity. * Notice: EmbedList and RefList fields is not supported yet. * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param value the field's new value * @return */ public WriteResult set(String id, String key, Object value) { value = checkSingleValue(key, value); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject set = new BasicDBObject(Operator.SET, query); return updateOne(id, set, key); } /** * Update an entity, with new key/value pairs. * Notice: the Map values must can be converted to DBObject. * @param t the entity needs to be updated * @param values the new key/value pairs * @return */ public WriteResult set(T t, Map values) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return set(ent.getId(), values); } /** * Update an entity, with new key/value pairs. * Notice: the Map values must can be converted to DBObject. * @param id the entity's id * @param values the new key/value pairs * @return */ public WriteResult set(String id, Map values) { DBObject set = new BasicDBObject(Operator.SET, new BasicDBObject(values)); Set<String> keys = (Set<String>) values.keySet(); return updateOne(id, set, keys.toArray(new String[0])); } /** * Remove one or more filed(column) of an entity. * @param t the entity to operate * @param keys the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult unset(T t, String... keys) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return unset(ent.getId(), keys); } /** * Remove one or more filed(column) of an entity * @param id the entity's id * @param keys the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult unset(String id, String... keys) { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); for (String key : keys) { query.put(key, 1); } DBObject unset = new BasicDBObject(Operator.UNSET, query); return updateOne(id, unset, keys); } /** * Remove one or more filed(column). * @param query mathcing conditon * @param keys the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult unset(BuguQuery query, String... keys) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); for (String key : keys) { dbo.put(key, 1); } DBObject unset = new BasicDBObject(Operator.UNSET, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), unset, keys); } /** * Increase a numeric field of an entity. * @param t the entity needs to update * @param key the field's name * @param value the numeric value to be added. It can be positive or negative integer, long, float, double. * @return */ public WriteResult inc(T t, String key, Object value) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return inc(ent.getId(), key, value); } /** * Increase a numeric field of an entity. * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param value the numeric value to be added. It can be positive or negative integer, long, float, double. * @return */ public WriteResult inc(String id, String key, Object value) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject inc = new BasicDBObject(Operator.INC, dbo); return updateOne(id, inc, key); } /** * Increase a numberic field of some entities. * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @param value the numeric value to be added. It can be positive or negative integer, long, float, double. * @return */ public WriteResult inc(BuguQuery query, String key, Object value) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject inc = new BasicDBObject(Operator.INC, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), inc, key); } /** * Multiply the value of a field by a number. * @param t the entity to update * @param key the field's name * @param value the numeric value to multiply * @return */ public WriteResult mul(T t, String key, Object value) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return mul(ent.getId(), key, value); } /** * Multiply the value of a field by a number. * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param value the numeric value to multiply * @return */ public WriteResult mul(String id, String key, Object value) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject mul = new BasicDBObject(Operator.MUL, dbo); return updateOne(id, mul, key); } /** * Multiply the value of a field by a number. * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @param value the numeric value to multiply * @return */ public WriteResult mul(BuguQuery query, String key, Object value) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject mul = new BasicDBObject(Operator.MUL, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), mul, key); } /** * Add an element to an entity's array/list/set field. * @param t the entity needs to update * @param key the field's name * @param value the element to add * @return */ public WriteResult push(T t, String key, Object value) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return push(ent.getId(), key, value); } /** * Add an element to an entity's array/list/set field. * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param value the element to add * @return */ public WriteResult push(String id, String key, Object value) { value = checkArrayValue(key, value); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject push = new BasicDBObject(Operator.PUSH, dbo); return updateOne(id, push, key); } /** * Add an element to array/list/set field. * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @param value the element to add * @return */ public WriteResult push(BuguQuery query, String key, Object value) { value = checkArrayValue(key, value); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject push = new BasicDBObject(Operator.PUSH, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), push, key); } /** * Add each element in a list to the specified field. * @param t the entity to update * @param key the field's name * @param valueList the list contains each element * @return */ public WriteResult pushEach(T t, String key, List valueList) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return pushEach(ent.getId(), key, valueList); } /** * Add each element in a list to the specified field. * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param valueList the list contains each element * @return */ public WriteResult pushEach(String id, String key, List valueList) { int len = valueList.size(); Object[] values = new Object[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { values[i] = checkArrayValue(key, valueList.get(i)); } DBObject each = new BasicDBObject(Operator.EACH, values); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, each); DBObject push = new BasicDBObject(Operator.PUSH, dbo); return updateOne(id, push, key); } /** * Add each element in a list to the specified field. * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @param valueList the list contains each element * @return */ public WriteResult pushEach(BuguQuery query, String key, List valueList) { int len = valueList.size(); Object[] values = new Object[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { values[i] = checkArrayValue(key, valueList.get(i)); } DBObject each = new BasicDBObject(Operator.EACH, values); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, each); DBObject push = new BasicDBObject(Operator.PUSH, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), push, key); } /** * Remove an element of an entity's array/list/set field. * @param t the entity needs to update * @param key the field's name * @param value the element to remove * @return */ public WriteResult pull(T t, String key, Object value) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return pull(ent.getId(), key, value); } /** * Remove an element of an entity's array/list/set field. * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param value the element to remove * @return */ public WriteResult pull(String id, String key, Object value) { value = checkArrayValue(key, value); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject pull = new BasicDBObject(Operator.PULL, dbo); return updateOne(id, pull, key); } /** * Remove an element from array/list/set field. * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @param value the element to remove * @return */ public WriteResult pull(BuguQuery query, String key, Object value) { value = checkArrayValue(key, value); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject pull = new BasicDBObject(Operator.PULL, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), pull, key); } /** * Remove the first element from the array/list/set field * @param t the entity to update * @param key the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult popFirst(T t, String key) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return popFirst(ent.getId(), key); } /** * Remove the first element from the array/list/set field * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult popFirst(String id, String key) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, -1); DBObject pop = new BasicDBObject(Operator.POP, dbo); return updateOne(id, pop, key); } /** * Remove the first element from the array/list/set field * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult popFirst(BuguQuery query, String key) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, -1); DBObject pop = new BasicDBObject(Operator.POP, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), pop, key); } /** * Remove the last element from the array/list/set field * @param t the entity to update * @param key the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult popLast(T t, String key) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return popLast(ent.getId(), key); } /** * Remove the last element from the array/list/set field * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult popLast(String id, String key) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, 1); DBObject pop = new BasicDBObject(Operator.POP, dbo); return updateOne(id, pop, key); } /** * Remove the last element from the array/list/set field * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @return */ public WriteResult popLast(BuguQuery query, String key) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, 1); DBObject pop = new BasicDBObject(Operator.POP, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), pop, key); } /** * Update the value of the field to a specified value if the specified value is less than the current value of the field. * If the field does not exists, this operation sets the field to the specified value. * @param t the entity needs to update * @param key the field's name * @param value the specified value * @return */ public WriteResult min(T t, String key, Object value) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return min(ent.getId(), key, value); } /** * Update the value of the field to a specified value if the specified value is less than the current value of the field. * If the field does not exists, this operation sets the field to the specified value. * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param value the specified value * @return */ public WriteResult min(String id, String key, Object value) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject min = new BasicDBObject(Operator.MIN, dbo); return updateOne(id, min, key); } /** * Update the value of the field to a specified value if the specified value is less than the current value of the field. * If the field does not exists, this operation sets the field to the specified value. * @param query the query conditon * @param key the field's name * @param value the specified value * @return */ public WriteResult min(BuguQuery query, String key, Object value) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject min = new BasicDBObject(Operator.MIN, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), min, key); } /** * updates the value of the field to a specified value if the specified value is greater than the current value of the field. * If the field does not exists, this operation sets the field to the specified value. * @param t the entity needs to update * @param key the field's name * @param value the specified value * @return */ public WriteResult max(T t, String key, Object value) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return max(ent.getId(), key, value); } /** * updates the value of the field to a specified value if the specified value is greater than the current value of the field. * If the field does not exists, this operation sets the field to the specified value. * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param value the specified value * @return */ public WriteResult max(String id, String key, Object value) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject max = new BasicDBObject(Operator.MAX, dbo); return updateOne(id, max, key); } /** * updates the value of the field to a specified value if the specified value is greater than the current value of the field. * If the field does not exists, this operation sets the field to the specified value. * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @param value the specified value * @return */ public WriteResult max(BuguQuery query, String key, Object value) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, value); DBObject max = new BasicDBObject(Operator.MAX, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), max, key); } /** * Performs a bitwise update of a field * @param t the entity to update * @param key the field's name * @param value the bitwise value * @param bitwise the enum type of bitwise operation: AND,OR,XOR * @return */ public WriteResult bitwise(T t, String key, int value, Bitwise bitwise) { BuguEntity ent = (BuguEntity) t; return bitwise(ent.getId(), key, value, bitwise); } /** * Performs a bitwise update of a field * @param id the entity's id * @param key the field's name * @param value the bitwise value * @param bitwise the enum type of bitwise operation: AND,OR,XOR * @return */ public WriteResult bitwise(String id, String key, int value, Bitwise bitwise) { DBObject logic = new BasicDBObject(checkBitwise(bitwise), value); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, logic); DBObject bit = new BasicDBObject(Operator.BIT, dbo); return updateOne(id, bit, key); } /** * Performs a bitwise update of a field * @param query the query condition * @param key the field's name * @param value the bitwise value * @param bitwise the enum type of bitwise operation: AND,OR,XOR * @return */ public WriteResult bitwise(BuguQuery query, String key, int value, Bitwise bitwise) { DBObject logic = new BasicDBObject(checkBitwise(bitwise), value); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(key, logic); DBObject bit = new BasicDBObject(Operator.BIT, dbo); return updateMulti(query.getCondition(), bit, key); } private String checkBitwise(Bitwise bitwise) { String result = null; switch (bitwise) { case AND: result = "and"; break; case OR: result = "or"; break; case XOR: result = "xor"; break; default: break; } return result; } public enum Bitwise { AND, OR, XOR } }