Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of the Aerodrome package, and is subject to the * terms and conditions defined in file 'LICENSE', which is part * of this source code package. * * Copyright (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved, John T. Quinn III, * <> * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet; import com.buffalokiwi.api.APILog; import com.buffalokiwi.utils.Money; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonNumber; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import javax.json.JsonValue; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Some helper functions * @author John Quinn */ public class Utils { private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Utils.class); /** * Round something with bankers rounding * @param d float to round * @param decimalPlace places to round to * @return new float */ public static float round(float d, int decimalPlace, RoundingMode mode) { BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(Float.toString(d)); bd = bd.setScale(decimalPlace, mode); return bd.floatValue(); } /** * Turn some list of Jsonable into a json array * @param <T> * @param data list * @return json array */ public static <T extends Object> JsonArray toJsonArray(List<T> data) { final JsonArrayBuilder out = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (final Object obj : data) { if (obj == null) out.addNull(); else if (obj instanceof Jsonable) out.add(((Jsonable) obj).toJSON()); else if (obj instanceof JsonValue) out.add((JsonValue) obj); else if (obj instanceof BigDecimal) out.add((BigDecimal) obj); else if (obj instanceof BigInteger) out.add((BigInteger) obj); else if (obj instanceof Integer) out.add((Integer) obj); else if (obj instanceof Long) out.add((Long) obj); else if (obj instanceof Double) out.add((Double) obj); else if (obj instanceof Boolean) out.add((Boolean) obj); else if (obj instanceof JsonObjectBuilder) out.add((JsonObjectBuilder) obj); else if (obj instanceof JsonArrayBuilder) out.add((JsonArrayBuilder) obj); else out.add(obj.toString()); } return; } public static <T extends Jsonable> JsonArray jsonableToArray(List<T> data) { final JsonArrayBuilder ab = Json.createArrayBuilder(); if (data != null) { for (T t : data) { ab.add(t.toJSON()); } } return; } /** * Convert a json array to a list of integers. * if arr is null, then an empty List<Integer> instance is returned. * * This is more safe than JsonArray.getValuesAs() as this method * has built-in type checking and will throw a ClassCastException if * the type is incorrect or null. * * @param arr array * @return a list * @throws ClassCastException if any element in arr is not an integer */ public static List<Long> jsonArrayToLongList(final JsonArray arr) { final List<Long> out = new ArrayList<>(); if (arr == null) return out; for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { final long j = Utils.getJsonNumber(arr.getJsonNumber(i)).longValue(); out.add(j); } return out; } /** * Convert a json array to a list of integers. * if arr is null, then an empty List<Integer> instance is returned. * * This is more safe than JsonArray.getValuesAs() as this method * has built-in type checking and will throw a ClassCastException if * the type is incorrect or null. * * @param arr array * @return a list * @throws ClassCastException if any element in arr is not an integer */ public static List<Integer> jsonArrayToIntList(final JsonArray arr) { final List<Integer> out = new ArrayList<>(); if (arr == null) return out; for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { final Integer j; try { j = arr.getInt(i); } catch (ClassCastException e) { APILog.error(LOG, e, arr.get(i)); continue; } if (j == null) { throw new ClassCastException( "Element at position " + String.valueOf(i) + " is null - Integer required"); } out.add(j); } return out; } /** * Convert a json array to a list of Strings. * if arr is null, then an empty List<String> instance is returned. * * This is more safe than JsonArray.getValuesAs() as this method * has built-in type checking and will throw a ClassCastException if * the type is incorrect or null. * * @param arr array * @return a list * @throws ClassCastException if any element in arr is not an string */ public static List<String> jsonArrayToStringList(final JsonArray arr) { final List<String> out = new ArrayList<>(); if (arr == null) return out; for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { final String s; try { s = arr.getString(i); } catch (ClassCastException e) { APILog.error(LOG, e, arr.get(i)); continue; } if (s == null) { throw new ClassCastException( "Element at position " + String.valueOf(i) + " is null - String required"); } out.add(s); } return out; } /** * Convert a json array to a list of booleans. * if arr is null, then an empty List<Boolean> instance is returned. * * This is more safe than JsonArray.getValuesAs() as this method * has built-in type checking and will throw a ClassCastException if * the type is incorrect or null. * * @param arr array * @return a list * @throws ClassCastException if any element in arr is not an boolean */ public static List<Boolean> jsonArrayToBooleanList(final JsonArray arr) { final List<Boolean> out = new ArrayList<>(); if (arr == null) return out; for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { final Boolean b = arr.getBoolean(i); if (b == null) { throw new ClassCastException( "Element at position " + String.valueOf(i) + " is null - Boolean required"); } out.add(b); out.add(arr.getBoolean(i)); } return out; } /** * Convert a json array to a list of JsonObject instances. * if arr is null, then an empty List<JsonObject> instance is returned. * * This is more safe than JsonArray.getValuesAs() as this method * has built-in type checking and will throw a ClassCastException if * the type is incorrect or null. * * @param arr array * @return a list * @throws ClassCastException if any element in arr is not convertable to JsonObject */ public static List<JsonObject> jsonArrayToJsonObjectList(final JsonArray arr) { final List<JsonObject> out = new ArrayList<>(); if (arr == null) return out; for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { final JsonObject o = arr.getJsonObject(i); if (o == null) { throw new ClassCastException( "Element at position " + String.valueOf(i) + " is null - JsonObject required"); } out.add(o); } return out; } /** * Checks to see if something is null or empty. * @param value Value to check * @param varName Variable name * @throws IllegalArgumentException If its bad */ public static void checkNullEmpty(final String value, String varName) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (varName == null || varName.isEmpty()) varName = "Argument"; if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(varName + " cannot be null or empty"); } /** * Checks to see if something is null and throws an IllegalArgumentException * if it is * @param value Value to check * @param varName Variable Name * @throws IllegalArgumentException if its bad */ public static void checkNull(final Object value, String varName) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (varName == null || varName.isEmpty()) varName = "Argument"; if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(varName + " cannot be null or empty"); } public static BigDecimal getJsonNumber(final JsonNumber n) { final BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(0); if (n == null) return b; return n.bigDecimalValue(); } /** * Check to ensure an integer is greater than or equal to zero. * If not, this throws an IllegalArgumentException * @param i int to check * @param varName variable name for exception message */ public static void checkIntGTEZ(final int i, final String varName) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(varName + " must be greater than or equal to zero"); } } /** * Check to ensure an integer is greater than zero. * If not, this throws an IllegalArgumentException * @param i int to check * @param varName variable name for exception message */ public static void checkIntGTZ(final int i, final String varName) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (i <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(varName + " must be greater than zero"); } } public static BigDecimal getJsonNumber(final JsonObject obj, final String property) { try { return obj.getJsonNumber(property).bigDecimalValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return new BigDecimal(0); } } public static Money jsonNumberToMoney(final JsonNumber n) { if (n == null) return new Money(); return Money.createFromStringOrZero(n.toString()); } public static Money jsonNumberToMoney(final JsonObject json, final String property) { if (json == null || property == null || property.isEmpty()) return new Money(); try { return jsonNumberToMoney(json.getJsonNumber(property)); } catch (Exception e) { return new Money(); } } public static BigDecimal jsonNumberToBigDecimal(final JsonNumber n, final int defaultValue) { if (n == null) return new BigDecimal(defaultValue); return n.bigDecimalValue(); } public static BigDecimal jsonNumberToBigDecimal(final JsonObject json, final String property, final int defaultValue) { if (json == null || property == null || property.isEmpty()) return new BigDecimal(defaultValue); try { return jsonNumberToBigDecimal(json.getJsonNumber(property), defaultValue); } catch (Exception e) { return new BigDecimal(defaultValue); } } }