Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of the Aerodrome package, and is subject to the * terms and conditions defined in file 'LICENSE', which is part * of this source code package. * * Copyright (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved, John T. Quinn III, * <> * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.products; import com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.reports.SkuSalesDataRec; import com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.JetAPI; import com.buffalokiwi.api.APIException; import com.buffalokiwi.api.APILog; import com.buffalokiwi.api.IAPIHttpClient; import com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.IJetAPIResponse; import com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.JetConfig; import com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.JetException; import com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.Utils; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Handles working with the Jet Products API * * @author John Quinn */ public class JetAPIProduct extends JetAPI implements IJetAPIProduct { /** * The log */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JetAPIProduct.class); /** * Create a new JetProduct instance * @param client The http client * @param conf Configuration */ public JetAPIProduct(final IAPIHttpClient client, final JetConfig conf) { super(client, conf); } @Override public boolean addProductSku(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException, ValidateException { product.validate(); sendPutProductSku(product); return true; } /** * Add a product to the Jet catalog * @param product Product to add * @return Success * @throws JetException if there is an error from the jet api * @throws APIException if there is some sort of error with the api * library itself. A network issue, etc. * @throws ValidateException if the product fails pre-submit validation */ @Override public boolean addProduct(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException, ValidateException { product.validate(); //..Add Sku sendPutProductSku(product); //..Add an image // sendPutProductImage( product ); //..Add the price sendPutProductPrice(product); //..Add some inventory sendPutProductInventory(product); sendPutProductShippingExceptions(product.getMerchantSku(), product.getShippingExceptionNodes()); sendPutReturnsException(product.getMerchantSku(), product.getAllReturnLocationIds()); //..pointless. return true; } /** * Add/update a product within the jet catalog. * Using original, modified will only send data to the appropriate endpoints. * This can be used to help reduce the chances of having a product be sent * back into the "under review" state. * @param original Original and unmodified product * @param modified Product modifications being sent * @return Success * @throws JetException if there is an error from the jet api * @throws APIException if there is some sort of error with the api * library itself. A network issue, etc. * @throws ValidateException if the product fails pre-submit validation */ @Override public boolean addProduct(final ProductRec original, final ProductRec modified) throws APIException, JetException, ValidateException { if (original == null || modified == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("original and modified must not be null"); modified.validate(); //..Diff the records final ProductDiff comp = new ProductDiff(original, modified); if (comp.shouldUpdateAll() || comp.shouldUpdateSku()) return addProduct(modified); if (comp.shouldUpdatePrice()) { //..Add the price sendPutProductPrice(modified); } if (comp.shouldUpdateInventory()) { //..Add some inventory sendPutProductInventory(modified); } if (comp.shouldUpdateShippingExceptions()) { sendPutProductShippingExceptions(modified.getMerchantSku(), modified.getShippingExceptionNodes()); } if (comp.shouldUpdateReturnsExceptions()) { sendPutReturnsException(modified.getMerchantSku(), modified.getAllReturnLocationIds()); } if (comp.shouldUpdateVariations()) { sendPutProductVariation(modified.getVariations()); } return false; } /** * Adds a product sku. * Part of a multi-part operation. * This will call merchant-skus/{sku-id} * * @param product product data * @return success * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutProductSku(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException {, "Sending ", product.getMerchantSku()); final IJetAPIResponse response = put(config.getAddProductURL(product.getMerchantSku()), product.toJSON().toString(), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Adds image url's * @param product product data * @return success * @throws APIException * @throws JetException * @deprecated Removed from Jet */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutProductImage(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException {, "Sending", product.getMerchantSku(), "image"); final IJetAPIResponse response = put(config.getAddProductImageUrl(product.getMerchantSku()), product.toImageJson().toString(), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Adds product price data * @param product * @return * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutProductPrice(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException {, "Sending", product.getMerchantSku(), "price"); final IJetAPIResponse response = put(config.getAddProductPriceUrl(product.getMerchantSku()), product.toPriceJson().toString(), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Send product price data * @param sku merchant sku * @param price price data * @return response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutProductPrice(final String sku, final ProductPriceRec price) throws APIException, JetException { if (sku == null || sku.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sku can't be null or empty");, "Sending", sku, "price"); final IJetAPIResponse response = put(config.getAddProductPriceUrl(sku), price.toJSON().toString(), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Adds product quantity and inventory data * @param product product data * @return success * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutProductInventory(final ProductRec product) throws JetException, APIException { return sendPutProductInventory(product.getMerchantSku(), product.getfNodeInventory()); } /** * Adds product quantity and inventory data * @param product product data * @return success * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutProductInventory(final String sku, final List<FNodeInventoryRec> nodes) throws JetException, APIException { Utils.checkNull(sku, "sku"); Utils.checkNull(nodes, "nodes");, "Sending", sku, "inventory"); final JsonObjectBuilder o = Json.createObjectBuilder(); if (!nodes.isEmpty()) { final JsonArrayBuilder a = Json.createArrayBuilder(); nodes.forEach(v -> a.add(v.toJSON())); o.add("fulfillment_nodes",; } final IJetAPIResponse response = patch(config.getAddProductInventoryUrl(sku),, getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * The variation request is used to create a variation-type relationship * between several SKUs. To use this request, one must have already uploaded * all the SKUs in question ; they should then choose one "parent" SKU and * make the variation request to that SKU, adding as "children" any SKUs they * want considered part of the relationship. * To denote the particular variation refinements, one must have uploaded one * or more attributes in the product call for all the SKUs in question; * finally, they are expected to list these attributes in the variation * request. * * @param group data to send * @return response from jet * @throws APIException if there's a problem * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutProductVariation(final ProductVariationGroupRec group) throws APIException, JetException { if (group == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("group cannot be null");, "Sending", group.getParentSku(), "variations"); final IJetAPIResponse response = put(config.getAddProductVariationUrl(group.getParentSku()), group.toJSON().toString(), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Send shipping exceptions to jet * @param sku Sku * @param nodes Filfillment nodes * @return * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutProductShippingExceptions(final String sku, final List<FNodeShippingRec> nodes) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku); if (nodes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("nodes cannot be null");, "Sending", sku, "shipping exceptions"); final JsonArrayBuilder b = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (final FNodeShippingRec node : nodes) { b.add(node.toJSON()); } final JsonObjectBuilder o = Json.createObjectBuilder(); o.add("fulfillment_nodes", b); final IJetAPIResponse response = put(config.getAddProductShipExceptionUrl(sku),, getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * The returns exceptions call is used to set up specific methods that will * overwrite your default settings on a fulfillment node level for returns. * This exception will be used to determine how and to where a product is * returned unless the merchant specifies otherwise in the Ship Order message. * * @param sku Product SKU to modify * @param hashes A list of md5 hashes - Each hash is the ID of the returns * node that was created on under fulfillment settings. * * Must be a valid return node ID set up by the merchant * * @return response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutReturnsException(final String sku, final List<String> hashes) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku); if (hashes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("hashes cannot be null"); final JsonArrayBuilder b = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (final String s : hashes) { b.add(s); }, "Sending", sku, "returns exceptions"); final IJetAPIResponse res = put(config.getProductReturnsExceptionUrl(sku), Json.createObjectBuilder().add("return_location_ids",, getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return res; } /** * Archive a product sku. * * Archiving a SKU allows the retailer to "deactivate" a SKU from the catalog. * At any point in time, a retailer may decide to "reactivate" the SKU * @param sku * @param isArchived Indicates whether the specified SKU is archived. 'true' - SKU is inactive 'false' - SKU is potentially sellable * @return * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendPutArchiveSku(final String sku, final boolean isArchived) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku);, "Sending archive sku:", sku); final IJetAPIResponse response = put(config.getArchiveSkuURL(sku), Json.createObjectBuilder().add("is_archived", isArchived).build().toString(), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * At Jet, the price the retailer sets is not the same as the price the * customer pays. The price set for a SKU will be the price the retailer * gets paid for selling the products. However, the price that is set will * influence how competitive your product offer matches up compared to other * product offers for the same SKU. * * @param sku Product sku * @return API response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendGetProductPrice(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku);, "Sending GET product price for sku:", sku); final IJetAPIResponse response = get(config.getGetProductPriceURL(sku), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * At Jet, the price the retailer sets is not the same as the price the * customer pays. The price set for a SKU will be the price the retailer * gets paid for selling the products. However, the price that is set will * influence how competitive your product offer matches up compared to other * product offers for the same SKU. * * @param sku Product sku * @return API response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public ProductPriceRec getProductPrice(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { return ProductPriceRec.fromJSON(sendGetProductPrice(sku).getJsonObject()); } /** * Retrieve a single product by sku. * Any information about the SKU that was previously uploaded (price, * inventory, shipping exception) will show up here * @param sku Product Sku * @return response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendGetProductSku(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku);, "Retrieving ", sku); return get(config.getGetProductURL(sku), getPlainHeaderBuilder().build()); } /** * Retrieve product data * @param sku Sku to retrieve * @return jet product data * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public ProductRec getProduct(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { return ProductRec.fromJSON(sendGetProductSku(sku).getJsonObject()); } /** * Retrieve product data, pricing, variations, returns exceptions and * shipping exceptions * @param sku product sku * @return Product data * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public ProductRec getFullProduct(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { final ProductRec.Builder b = getProduct(sku).toBuilder(); try { ProductPriceRec p = getProductPrice(sku); b.setfNodePrices(p.getFulfillmentNodes()); } catch (Exception e) { APILog.error(LOG, e, "Failed to retrieve product prices for", sku); } try { ProductInventoryRec i = getProductInventory(sku); b.setfNodeInventory(i.getNodes()); } catch (Exception e) { APILog.error(LOG, e, "Failed to retrieve product inventory for", sku); } b.setVariations(getProductVariations(sku)); b.getReturnsExceptions().add(getReturnsExceptions(sku)); b.setShippingExceptionNodes(getShippingExceptions(sku)); return; } /** * Retrieve product inventory by sku. * The inventory returned from this endpoint represents the number in the * feed, not the quantity that is currently sellable on * * @param sku Product sku * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendGetProductInventory(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku);, "Sending GET product inventory for sku:", sku); final IJetAPIResponse response = get(config.getGetProductInventoryURL(sku), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Retrieve product inventory by sku. * The inventory returned from this endpoint represents the number in the * feed, not the quantity that is currently sellable on * * @param sku Product sku * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public ProductInventoryRec getProductInventory(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { try { return ProductInventoryRec.fromJSON(sendGetProductInventory(sku).getJsonObject()); } catch (ParseException e) { APILog.error(LOG, "Failed to parse Jet Fulfillment Node lastUpdate Date:", e.getMessage()); throw new JetException("getProductPrice result was successful, but " + "Fulfillment node had an invalid lastUpdate date", e); } } /** * Retrieve product shipping exceptions by sku. * The shipping exceptions call is used to set up specific methods and costs * for individual SKUs that will override your default settings, with the * ability to drill down to the fulfillment node level. * * @param sku Product sku * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendGetProductShippingExceptions(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku);, "Sending GET product shipping exceptions for sku:", sku); final IJetAPIResponse response = get(config.getGetShippingExceptionURL(sku), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Retrieve product variations exceptions by sku. * * @param sku Product sku * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendGetProductVariations(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku);, "Sending GET product variations for sku:", sku); final IJetAPIResponse response = get(config.getGetProductVariationURL(sku), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Retrieve product variations exceptions by sku. * * @param sku Product sku * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public ProductVariationGroupRec getProductVariations(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku); try { return ProductVariationGroupRec.fromJSON(sku, sendGetProductVariations(sku).getJsonObject()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { APILog.error(LOG, "Failed to convert variation_refinements or children_skus to a List"); throw new JetException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Retrieve a set of product shipping exceptions. * @param sku Sku * @return exceptions * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public List<FNodeShippingRec> getShippingExceptions(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku); final JsonArray nodes = sendGetProductShippingExceptions(sku).getJsonObject() .getJsonArray("fulfillment_nodes"); final List<FNodeShippingRec> out = new ArrayList<>(); if (nodes == null) return out; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { out.add(FNodeShippingRec.fromJSON(nodes.getJsonObject(i))); } return out; } /** * Retrieve product returns exceptions by sku. * * @param sku Product sku * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendGetProductReturnsExceptions(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku);, "Sending GET product returns exceptions for sku:", sku); final IJetAPIResponse response = get(config.getGetReturnsExceptionURL(sku), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); return response; } /** * Retrieve product returns exceptions by sku. * * @param sku Product sku * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public ReturnsExceptionRec getReturnsExceptions(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku); return ReturnsExceptionRec.fromJSON(sendGetProductReturnsExceptions(sku).getJsonObject()); } /** * This call allows you visibility into the total number of SKUs you have * uploaded. Alternatively, the Partner Portal allows you to download a * CSV file of all SKUs. * @param offset The first SKU # you wish to appear in the return * @param limit The last SKU # you wish to appear in the return * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendGetSkuList(final int offset, final int limit) throws APIException, JetException { if (offset < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("offset cannot be less than zero"); else if (limit < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("limit cannot be less than one");, "Sending GET sku list at (", String.valueOf(offset), ".", String.valueOf(limit), ")"); return get(config.getSkuListURL(offset, limit), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); } /** * This call allows you visibility into the total number of SKUs you have * uploaded. Alternatively, the Partner Portal allows you to download a * CSV file of all SKUs. * @param offset The first SKU # you wish to appear in the return * @param limit The last SKU # you wish to appear in the return * @return api response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public List<String> getSkuList(final int offset, final int limit) throws APIException, JetException { //..This shouldn't be able to throw a NullPointerException, need to write tests..... return jsonArrayToTokenList(sendGetSkuList(offset, limit).getJsonObject().getJsonArray("sku_urls"), false); } /** * Get sales data. * * Analyze how your individual product price (item and shipping price) compares * to the lowest individual product prices from the marketplace. These prices * are only provided for SKUs that have the status Available for Sale?. If a * best price does not change, then the last_update time also will not change. * If your inventory is zero, then these prices will not continue to be updated * and will be stale. Note: It may take up to 24 hours to reflect any price * updates from you and the marketplace. * * Product pricing is one factor that Jet uses to determine which retailer wins * a basket order. Jet determines what orders retailers will win based on the * the product prices of all products in the order, base commission on those * items as well as commission adjustments set via the Rules Engine. Commission * adjustments set via the Rules Engine can be very effective in optimizing * your win rate and profitability at the order level without having to have * the absolute lowest item and shipping prices. * @param sku Product sku * @return data * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public IJetAPIResponse sendGetSkuSalesData(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { checkSku(sku); return get(config.getSalesDataBySkuURL(sku), getJSONHeaderBuilder().build()); } /** * Get sales data. * * Analyze how your individual product price (item and shipping price) compares * to the lowest individual product prices from the marketplace. These prices * are only provided for SKUs that have the status Available for Sale?. If a * best price does not change, then the last_update time also will not change. * If your inventory is zero, then these prices will not continue to be updated * and will be stale. Note: It may take up to 24 hours to reflect any price * updates from you and the marketplace. * * Product pricing is one factor that Jet uses to determine which retailer wins * a basket order. Jet determines what orders retailers will win based on the * the product prices of all products in the order, base commission on those * items as well as commission adjustments set via the Rules Engine. Commission * adjustments set via the Rules Engine can be very effective in optimizing * your win rate and profitability at the order level without having to have * the absolute lowest item and shipping prices. * @param sku Product sku * @return data * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public SkuSalesDataRec getSkuSalesData(final String sku) throws APIException, JetException { return SkuSalesDataRec.fromJSON(sku, sendGetSkuSalesData(sku).getJsonObject()); } /** * Archive a product sku. * * Archiving a SKU allows the retailer to "deactivate" a SKU from the catalog. * At any point in time, a retailer may decide to "reactivate" the SKU * @param sku * @param isArchived Indicates whether the specified SKU is archived. 'true' - SKU is inactive 'false' - SKU is potentially sellable * @return * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public boolean archiveSku(final String sku, final boolean isArchived) throws APIException, JetException { return sendPutArchiveSku(sku, isArchived).isSuccess(); } /** * Adds image url's * @param product product data * @return success * @throws APIException * @throws JetException * @deprecated Removed from Jet */ @Override public boolean setProductImages(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException { return sendPutProductImage(product).isSuccess(); } /** * Adds product quantity and inventory data * @param product product data * @return success * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public boolean setProductInventory(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException { return sendPutProductInventory(product).isSuccess(); } /** * Adds product price data * @param product * @return * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public boolean setProductPrice(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException { return sendPutProductPrice(product).isSuccess(); } /** * Send shipping exceptions to jet * @param sku Sku * @param nodes Filfillment nodes * @return * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public boolean setProductShippingExceptions(final String sku, final List<FNodeShippingRec> nodes) throws APIException, JetException { return sendPutProductShippingExceptions(sku, nodes).isSuccess(); } /** * Adds a product sku. * Part of a multi-part operation. * This will call merchant-skus/{sku-id} * * @param product product data * @return success * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public boolean setProductSku(final ProductRec product) throws APIException, JetException { return sendPutProductSku(product).isSuccess(); } /** * The variation request is used to create a variation-type relationship * between several SKUs. To use this request, one must have already uploaded * all the SKUs in question ; they should then choose one "parent" SKU and * make the variation request to that SKU, adding as "children" any SKUs they * want considered part of the relationship. * To denote the particular variation refinements, one must have uploaded one * or more attributes in the product call for all the SKUs in question; * finally, they are expected to list these attributes in the variation * request. * * @param group data to send * @return response from jet * @throws APIException if there's a problem * @throws JetException */ @Override public boolean setProductVariations(final ProductVariationGroupRec group) throws APIException, JetException { return sendPutProductVariation(group).isSuccess(); } /** * The returns exceptions call is used to set up specific methods that will * overwrite your default settings on a fulfillment node level for returns. * This exception will be used to determine how and to where a product is * returned unless the merchant specifies otherwise in the Ship Order message. * * @param sku Product SKU to modify * @param hashes A list of md5 hashes - Each hash is the ID of the returns * node that was created on under fulfillment settings. * * Must be a valid return node ID set up by the merchant * * @return response * @throws APIException * @throws JetException */ @Override public boolean setReturnsException(final String sku, final List<String> hashes) throws APIException, JetException { return sendPutReturnsException(sku, hashes).isSuccess(); } /** * Simply checks sku for null/empty. * If true, then throw an exception * @param sku Product sku * @throws IllegalArgumentException if sku is null/empty */ private void checkSku(final String sku) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (sku == null || sku.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sku cannot be null or empty"); } }