Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of the Aerodrome package, and is subject to the * terms and conditions defined in file 'LICENSE', which is part * of this source code package. * * Copyright (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved, John T. Quinn III, * <> * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.orders; import com.buffalokiwi.api.APILog; import com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.JetException; import com.buffalokiwi.aerodrome.jet.Utils; import com.buffalokiwi.utils.Money; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonObject; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * @author john */ public class OrderItemRec { /** * Jet's unique identifier for an item in a merchant order */ private final String orderItemId; /** * Optional merchant supplied ID for an item in an order */ private final String altOrderItemId; /** * The merchant SKU that is in the given merchant order */ private final String merchantSku; /** * Short product description */ private final String title; /** * The quantity of the given merchant SKU that is in the given merchant order */ private final int requestOrderQty; /** * The quanitity of the given merchant SKU that should be cancelled; * present only if directCancelled event occured for the order */ private final int requestOrderCancelQty; /** * This field is not used at this time */ private final String adjReason; /** * The tax code associated with the given merchant SKU */ private final String taxCode; /** * Image URL for the product */ private final String url; /** * Price adjustment occured as a result of the partial cancel */ private final Money priceAdj; /** * The fees paid to for the given quantity of the given merchant * SKU in the given merchant order */ private final Money fees; /** * The base and variable commissions paid to Jet on this order. Variable * commissions are set through the Rules Engine in the Partner Portal */ private final List<FeeAdjRec> adjustments; /** * */ private final String taxInfo; //..No idea what this is. /** * */ private final Money regFees; /** * Order item acknowledge status */ private final ItemAckStatus itemAckStatus; /** * Order item price */ private final ItemPriceRec itemPrice; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OrderItemRec.class); /** * A builder for creating instances of OrderItemRec */ public static class Builder { /** * Jet's unique identifier for an item in a merchant order */ private String orderItemId = ""; /** * Optional merchant supplied ID for an item in an order */ private String altOrderItemId = ""; /** * The merchant SKU that is in the given merchant order */ private String merchantSku = ""; /** * Short product description */ private String title = ""; /** * The quantity of the given merchant SKU that is in the given * merchant order */ private int requestOrderQty = 0; /** * The quanitity of the given merchant SKU that should be cancelled; * present only if directCancelled event occured for the order */ private int requestOrderCancelQty = 0; /** * This field is not used at this time */ private String adjReason = ""; /** * The tax code associated with the given merchant SKU */ private String taxCode = ""; /** * Image URL for the product */ private String url = ""; /** * Price adjustment occured as a result of the partial cancel */ private Money priceAdj = new Money(); /** * The fees paid to for the given quantity of the given merchant * SKU in the given merchant order */ private Money fees = new Money(); /** * The base and variable commissions paid to Jet on this order. Variable * commissions are set through the Rules Engine in the Partner Portal */ private final List<FeeAdjRec> adjustments = new ArrayList<>(); /** * */ private String taxInfo = ""; //..No idea what this is. /** * */ private Money regFees = new Money(); /** * Order item acknowledge status */ private ItemAckStatus itemAckStatus = ItemAckStatus.NONE; private ItemPriceRec itemPrice = null; public Builder setItemPrice(final ItemPriceRec price) { Utils.checkNull(price, "price"); this.itemPrice = price; return this; } /** * Set the item acknowledged status * @param status status * @return this */ public Builder setItemAckStatus(final ItemAckStatus status) { Utils.checkNull(status, "status"); this.itemAckStatus = status; return this; } /** * Set Jet's unique identifier for an item in a merchant order * @param orderItemId the orderItemId to set * @return this */ public Builder setOrderItemId(final String orderItemId) { Utils.checkNull(orderItemId, "orderItemId"); this.orderItemId = orderItemId; return this; } /** * Set Optional merchant supplied ID for an item in an order * @param altOrderItemId the altOrderItemId to set * @return this */ public Builder setAltOrderItemId(final String altOrderItemId) { Utils.checkNull(altOrderItemId, "altOrderItemId"); this.altOrderItemId = altOrderItemId; return this; } /** * Set The merchant SKU that is in the given merchant order * @param merchantSku the merchantSku to set * @return this */ public Builder setMerchantSku(final String merchantSku) { Utils.checkNull(merchantSku, "merchantSku"); this.merchantSku = merchantSku; return this; } /** * Set Short product description * @param title the title to set * @return this */ public Builder setTitle(final String title) { Utils.checkNull(title, "title"); this.title = title; return this; } /** * Set The quantity of the given merchant SKU that is in the given merchant order * @param requestOrderQty the requestOrderQty to set * @return this */ public Builder setRequestOrderQty(final int requestOrderQty) { if (requestOrderQty < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("requestOrderQty cannot be less than zero"); } this.requestOrderQty = requestOrderQty; return this; } /** * Set The quanitity of the given merchant SKU that should be cancelled; * present only if directCancelled event occured for the order * @param requestOrderCancelQty the requestOrderCancelQty to set * @return this */ public Builder setRequestOrderCancelQty(final int requestOrderCancelQty) { if (requestOrderCancelQty < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("requestOrderCancelQty cannot be less than zero"); } this.requestOrderCancelQty = requestOrderCancelQty; return this; } /** * Unused at this time. * @param adjReason the adjReason to set * @return this */ public Builder setAdjReason(final String adjReason) { Utils.checkNull(adjReason, "adjReason"); this.adjReason = adjReason; return this; } /** * Set The tax code associated with the given merchant SKU * @param taxCode the taxCode to set * @return this */ public Builder setTaxCode(final String taxCode) { Utils.checkNull(taxCode, "taxCode"); this.taxCode = taxCode; return this; } /** * Set Image URL for the product * @param url the url to set * @return this */ public Builder setUrl(final String url) { Utils.checkNull(url, "url"); this.url = url; return this; } /** * Set Price adjustment occured as a result of the partial cancel * @param priceAdj the priceAdj to set * @return this */ public Builder setPriceAdj(final Money priceAdj) { Utils.checkNull(priceAdj, "priceAdj"); this.priceAdj = priceAdj; return this; } /** * Set The fees paid to for the given quantity of the given * merchant SKU in the given merchant order * @param fees the fees to set * @return this */ public Builder setFees(final Money fees) { Utils.checkNull(fees, "fees"); this.fees = fees; return this; } /** * Set some adjustments * The base and variable commissions paid to Jet on this order. * Variable commissions are set through the Rules Engine in the * Partner Portal * @param list list of em * @return this */ public Builder setAdjustments(final List<FeeAdjRec> list) { this.adjustments.addAll(list); return this; } /** * Set tax info - undocumented. * @param taxInfo the taxInfo to set * @return this */ public Builder setTaxInfo(final String taxInfo) { Utils.checkNull(taxInfo, "taxInfo"); this.taxInfo = taxInfo; return this; } /** * Set regulatory fees * @param regFees the regFees to set * @return this */ public Builder setRegFees(final Money regFees) { Utils.checkNull(regFees, "regFees"); this.regFees = regFees; return this; } /** * Build the instance. * @return instance */ public OrderItemRec build() { return new OrderItemRec(this); } } /** * Turn some fee adjustment data from jet json into FeeAdjRec instances.. * @param a data * @return adjustments * @throws JetException */ private static List<FeeAdjRec> jsonToFeeAdj(final JsonArray a) throws JetException { final List<FeeAdjRec> adj = new ArrayList<>(); if (a == null) return adj; for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { try { adj.add(FeeAdjRec.fromJson(a.getJsonObject(i))); } catch (Exception e) { APILog.error(LOG, e, "Failed to build FeeAdjRec instance at position", String.valueOf(i)); throw new JetException("Failed to build FeeAdjRec", e); } } return adj; } /** * Create an OrderItemRec from jet json * @param json jet json * @return instance */ public static OrderItemRec fromJson(final JsonObject json) throws JetException { final Builder b = (new Builder()).setOrderItemId(json.getString("order_item_id", "")) .setAltOrderItemId(json.getString("alt_order_item_id", "")) .setMerchantSku(json.getString("merchant_sku", "")).setTitle(json.getString("product_title", "")) .setRequestOrderQty(json.getInt("request_order_quantity", 0)) //..This appears to have been removed. I don't know if jet still returns this value or not. .setRequestOrderCancelQty(json.getInt("request_order_cancel_qty", 0)) .setAdjReason(json.getString("adjustment_reason", "")) .setTaxCode(json.getString("item_tax_code", "")).setUrl(json.getString("url", "")) .setPriceAdj(Utils.jsonNumberToMoney(json, "price_adjustment")) .setFees(Utils.jsonNumberToMoney(json, "item_fees")).setTaxInfo(json.getString("tax_info", "")) //..This might not work... .setRegFees(Utils.jsonNumberToMoney(json, "regulatory_fees")) .setAdjustments(jsonToFeeAdj(json.getJsonArray("fee_adjustments"))) .setItemAckStatus(ItemAckStatus.fromText(json.getString("order_item_acknowledgement_status", ""))); final JsonObject price = json.getJsonObject("item_price"); if (price != null) b.setItemPrice(ItemPriceRec.fromJson(price)); return; } private OrderItemRec(final Builder b) { this.orderItemId = b.orderItemId; this.altOrderItemId = b.altOrderItemId; this.merchantSku = b.merchantSku; this.title = b.title; this.requestOrderQty = b.requestOrderQty; this.requestOrderCancelQty = b.requestOrderCancelQty; this.adjReason = b.adjReason; this.taxCode = b.taxCode; this.url = b.url; this.priceAdj = new Money(b.priceAdj); this.fees = new Money(b.fees); this.adjustments = Collections.unmodifiableList(b.adjustments); this.taxInfo = b.taxInfo; this.regFees = new Money(b.regFees); this.itemAckStatus = b.itemAckStatus; if (b.itemPrice == null) this.itemPrice = new ItemPriceRec(); else this.itemPrice = b.itemPrice; } public Builder toBuilder() { final Builder b = new Builder(); b.orderItemId = this.orderItemId; b.altOrderItemId = this.altOrderItemId; b.merchantSku = this.merchantSku; b.title = this.title; b.requestOrderQty = this.requestOrderQty; b.requestOrderCancelQty = this.requestOrderCancelQty; b.adjReason = this.adjReason; b.taxCode = this.taxCode; b.url = this.url; b.priceAdj = new Money(this.priceAdj); b.fees = new Money(this.fees); b.adjustments.addAll(this.adjustments); b.taxInfo = this.taxInfo; b.regFees = new Money(this.regFees); b.itemAckStatus = this.itemAckStatus; if (this.itemPrice == null) b.itemPrice = new ItemPriceRec(); else b.itemPrice = this.itemPrice; return b; } /** * Get Jet's unique identifier for an item in a merchant order * @return the orderItemId */ public String getOrderItemId() { return orderItemId; } /** * Get Optional merchant supplied ID for an item in an order * @return the altOrderItemId */ public String getAltOrderItemId() { return altOrderItemId; } /** * Get The merchant SKU that is in the given merchant order * @return the merchantSku */ public String getMerchantSku() { return merchantSku; } /** * Get Short product description * @return the title */ public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * Get The quantity of the given merchant SKU that is in the given * merchant order * @return the requestOrderQty */ public int getRequestOrderQty() { return requestOrderQty; } public ItemPriceRec getItemPrice() { return itemPrice; } /** * Retrieve the quantity of the item to ship. This can be zero. * THis is getRequestOrderQty() - getRequestOrderCancelQty() * @return quantity to ship */ public int getQty() { return getRequestOrderQty() - getRequestOrderCancelQty(); } /** * This will return (item price * qty) * @return */ public Money getQtyPrice() { final int qty = getQty(); return getItemPrice().getPrice().times((qty < 0) ? 0 : qty); } public Money getQtyShippingPrice() { final int qty = getQty(); return getItemPrice().getShippingPrice().times((qty < 0) ? 0 : qty); } /** * Get The quanitity of the given merchant SKU that should be cancelled; * present only if directCancelled event occured for the order * @return the requestOrderCancelQty */ public int getRequestOrderCancelQty() { return requestOrderCancelQty; } /** * Get This field is not used at this time * @return the adjReason */ public String getAdjReason() { return adjReason; } /** * Get The tax code associated with the given merchant SKU * @return the taxCode */ public String getTaxCode() { return taxCode; } /** * Get Image URL for the product * @return the url */ public String getUrl() { return url; } /** * Get Price adjustment occured as a result of the partial cancel * @return the priceAdj */ public Money getPriceAdj() { return priceAdj; } /** * Get The fees paid to for the given quantity of the given merchant * SKU in the given merchant order * @return the fees */ public Money getFees() { return fees; } /** * Get The base and variable commissions paid to Jet on this order. Variable * commissions are set through the Rules Engine in the Partner Portal * @return the adjustments */ public List<FeeAdjRec> getAdjustments() { return adjustments; } /** * Get * @return the taxInfo */ public String getTaxInfo() { return taxInfo; } /** * Get * @return the regFees */ public Money getRegFees() { return regFees; } /** * Retrieve the item acknowledged status if available * @return status */ public ItemAckStatus getItemAckStatus() { return itemAckStatus; } /** * Turn this object into jet json * @return json */ public JsonObject toJSON() { JsonArrayBuilder adj = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (FeeAdjRec f : adjustments) { adj.add(f.toJSON()); } return Json.createObjectBuilder().add("order_item_id", orderItemId).add("alt_order_item_id", altOrderItemId) .add("merchant_sku", merchantSku).add("product_title", title) .add("request_order_quantity", requestOrderQty) .add("request_order_cancel_qty", requestOrderCancelQty).add("adjustment_reason", adjReason) .add("item_tax_code", taxCode).add("url", url).add("price_adjustment", priceAdj.asBigDecimal()) .add("item_fees", fees.asBigDecimal()).add("tax_info", taxInfo).add("fee_adjustments", .add("regulatory_fees", regFees.asBigDecimal()) .add("order_item_acknowledgement_status", itemAckStatus.getText()) .add("item_price", itemPrice.toJSON()).build(); } public Money getTotalAmountToJet() { return getFees().plus(getRegFees()) .plus( -> v.getValue()).reduce(new Money(), Money::plus)); } @Override public String toString() { return title; } }