Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Brian Muramatsu * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.SparseBooleanArray; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.widget.ListView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Controller that handles all the logic required by {@link * CommentListFragment}. */ class CommentListController implements Controller<CommentAdapter>, Filterable, CommentList { static final String EXTRA_ACCOUNT_NAME = "accountName"; static final String EXTRA_THING_ID = "thingId"; static final String EXTRA_LINK_ID = "linkId"; static final String EXTRA_FILTER = "filter"; static final String EXTRA_CURSOR_EXTRAS = "cursorExtras"; private final Context context; private final String accountName; private final String thingId; private final String linkId; private final CommentAdapter adapter; private int filter; private Bundle cursorExtras; CommentListController(Context context, Bundle args, OnThingViewClickListener listener) { this.context = context; this.accountName = getAccountNameExtra(args); this.thingId = getThingIdExtra(args); this.linkId = getLinkIdExtra(args); this.adapter = new CommentAdapter(context, accountName, listener); restoreInstanceState(args); } @Override public void restoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { int defFilter = AccountPrefs.getLastCommentFilter(context, Filter.COMMENTS_BEST); this.filter = savedInstanceState.getInt(EXTRA_FILTER, defFilter); this.cursorExtras = savedInstanceState.getBundle(EXTRA_CURSOR_EXTRAS); } @Override public void saveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { outState.putInt(EXTRA_FILTER, filter); outState.putBundle(EXTRA_CURSOR_EXTRAS, cursorExtras); } @Override public Loader<Cursor> createLoader() { return new CommentLoader(context, accountName, thingId, linkId, filter, cursorExtras); } @Override public void swapCursor(Cursor cursor) { adapter.swapCursor(cursor); cursorExtras = cursor != null ? cursor.getExtras() : null; } @Override public CommentAdapter getAdapter() { return adapter; } // Actions to be done on comments. public void author(int pos) { MenuHelper.startProfileActivity(context, getAuthor(pos)); } public void copyUrl(int pos) { MenuHelper.copyUrl(context, getCommentLabel(pos), getCommentUrl(pos)); } private CharSequence getCommentLabel(int pos) { String label = pos != 0 ? getBody(pos) : getTitle(0); return Strings.ellipsize(label, 50); } private CharSequence getCommentUrl(int pos) { String permaLink = getPermaLink(0); String thingId = pos != 0 ? getThingId(pos) : null; return Urls.permaLink(permaLink, thingId); } public void delete(ListView lv) { SparseBooleanArray checkedItemPositions = lv.getCheckedItemPositions(); long[] checkedItemIds = lv.getCheckedItemIds(); String[] checkedThingIds = new String[checkedItemIds.length]; boolean[] hasChildren = new boolean[checkedItemIds.length]; fillCheckedInfo(checkedItemPositions, checkedThingIds, hasChildren); Provider.deleteCommentAsync(context, accountName, hasChildren, checkedItemIds, getThingId(0), checkedThingIds); } private void fillCheckedInfo(SparseBooleanArray checkedPositions, String[] checkedThingIds, boolean[] hasChildren) { int count = adapter.getCount(); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (checkedPositions.get(i)) { checkedThingIds[j] = getThingId(i); hasChildren[j] = CommentLogic.hasChildren(this, i); j++; } } } public void edit(int pos) { String title = Strings.toString(getCommentLabel(pos)); String text = getBody(pos); String parentThingId = getThingId(0); String thingId = getThingId(pos); switch (pos) { case 0: MenuHelper.startEditPostComposer(context, accountName, title, text, parentThingId, thingId); break; default: MenuHelper.startEditCommentComposer(context, accountName, title, text, parentThingId, thingId); break; } } public void expandOrCollapse(int pos, long id) { if (pos == 0) { return; // Don't allow expanding or collapsing on the header comment. } if (isExpanded(pos)) { long[] childIds = CommentLogic.getChildren(this, pos); Provider.collapseCommentAsync(context, id, childIds); } else { long sessionId = getSessionId(pos); Provider.expandCommentAsync(context, id, sessionId); } } public void reply(int pos) { String messageDestination = getAuthor(pos); String title = Strings.toString(getCommentLabel(pos)); String parentThingId = getThingId(0); String thingId = getThingId(pos); MenuHelper.startCommentReplyComposer(context, accountName, messageDestination, title, parentThingId, thingId); } public void save(boolean save) { ThingBundle thingBundle = save ? getThingBundle(0) : null; Provider.saveAsync(context, accountName, thingId, thingBundle, save); } public void share(int pos) { MenuHelper.share(context, getCommentLabel(pos), getCommentUrl(pos)); } public void vote(int action, int pos) { // Store additional information when the user votes on the header comment which represents // the overall thing so that it appears in the liked and disliked listing when the vote is // still pending. ThingBundle thingBundle = pos == 0 ? getThingBundle(pos) : null; Provider.voteAsync(context, accountName, action, getThingId(pos), thingBundle); } private ThingBundle getThingBundle(int pos) { return ThingBundle.newLinkInstance(getAuthor(pos), getCreatedUtc(pos), getDomain(pos), getDowns(pos), getLikes(pos), getKind(pos), getNumComments(pos), isOver18(pos), getPermaLink(pos), getSaved(pos), getScore(pos), isSelf(pos), getSubreddit(pos), getThingId(pos), getThumbnailUrl(pos), getTitle(pos), getUps(pos), getUrl(pos)); } // Menu preparation methods. public void prepareActionMenu(Menu menu, ListView lv, int pos) { prepareAuthorActionItem(menu, lv, pos); prepareCopyUrlActionItem(menu, lv, pos); prepareDeleteActionItem(menu, lv); prepareEditActionItem(menu, lv, pos); prepareReplyActionItem(menu, lv, pos); prepareShareActionItem(menu, lv, pos); } private void prepareAuthorActionItem(Menu menu, ListView lv, int pos) { String author = getAuthor(pos); MenuItem item = menu.findItem(; item.setVisible(MenuHelper.isUserItemVisible(author) && isCheckedCount(lv, 1)); if (item.isVisible()) { item.setTitle(MenuHelper.getUserTitle(context, author)); } } private void prepareCopyUrlActionItem(Menu menu, ListView lv, int pos) { MenuItem item = menu.findItem(; item.setVisible(isCheckedCount(lv, 1) && hasThingId(pos)); } private void prepareDeleteActionItem(Menu menu, ListView lv) { MenuItem item = menu.findItem(; item.setVisible(hasAccount() && isAllDeletable(lv)); } private void prepareEditActionItem(Menu menu, ListView lv, int pos) { MenuItem item = menu.findItem(; item.setVisible(isCheckedCount(lv, 1) && hasAccount() && hasThingId(pos) && isEditable(pos)); } private void prepareReplyActionItem(Menu menu, ListView lv, int pos) { MenuItem item = menu.findItem(; item.setVisible(isCheckedCount(lv, 1) && hasAccount() && hasThingId(pos) && isNotDeleted(pos)); } private void prepareShareActionItem(Menu menu, ListView lv, int pos) { MenuItem item = menu.findItem(; item.setVisible(isCheckedCount(lv, 1) && hasThingId(pos)); } // More complicated getters. private boolean hasAccount() { return AccountUtils.isAccount(accountName); } private boolean hasThingId(int pos) { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(getThingId(pos)); } private boolean isAllDeletable(ListView lv) { SparseBooleanArray checked = lv.getCheckedItemPositions(); int count = adapter.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (checked.get(i) && (!isAuthor(i) || !hasThingId(i))) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean isAuthor(int pos) { return accountName.equals(getAuthor(pos)); } private boolean isCheckedCount(ListView lv, int checkedItemCount) { return lv.getCheckedItemCount() == checkedItemCount; } private boolean isEditable(int pos) { return isAuthor(pos) && (pos != 0 || isSelf(0)); } private boolean isNotDeleted(int pos) { return !Things.DELETED_AUTHOR.equals(getAuthor(pos)); } // Getters for comment attributes. private String getAuthor(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_AUTHOR); } private String getBody(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_BODY); } private long getCreatedUtc(int pos) { return adapter.getLong(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_CREATED_UTC); } private String getDomain(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_DOMAIN); } private int getDowns(int pos) { return adapter.getInt(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_DOWNS); } private int getKind(int pos) { return adapter.getInt(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_KIND); } private int getLikes(int pos) { return adapter.getInt(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_LIKES); } private long getId(int pos) { return adapter.getLong(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_ID); } private int getNesting(int pos) { return adapter.getInt(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_NESTING); } private int getNumComments(int pos) { return adapter.getInt(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_NUM_COMMENTS); } private String getPermaLink(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_PERMA_LINK); } private boolean getSaved(int pos) { return adapter.getBoolean(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_SAVED); } private int getScore(int pos) { return adapter.getInt(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_SCORE); } private int getSequence(int pos) { return adapter.getInt(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_SEQUENCE); } private long getSessionId(int pos) { return adapter.getLong(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_SESSION_ID); } private String getSubreddit(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_SUBREDDIT); } private String getThingId(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_THING_ID); } private String getThumbnailUrl(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_THUMBNAIL_URL); } private String getTitle(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_TITLE); } private int getUps(int pos) { return adapter.getInt(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_UPS); } private String getUrl(int pos) { return adapter.getString(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_URL); } private boolean isExpanded(int pos) { return adapter.getBoolean(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_EXPANDED); } private boolean isOver18(int pos) { return adapter.getBoolean(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_OVER_18); } private boolean isSelf(int pos) { return adapter.getBoolean(pos, CommentLoader.INDEX_SELF); } // Filterable implementation @Override public int getFilter() { return filter; } @Override public void setFilter(int filter) { this.filter = filter; AccountPrefs.setLastCommentFilter(context, filter); } // CommentList implementation @Override public int getCommentCount() { return adapter.getCount(); } @Override public long getCommentId(int pos) { return getId(pos); } @Override public int getCommentNesting(int pos) { return getNesting(pos); } @Override public int getCommentSequence(int pos) { return getSequence(pos); } // Getters for extras. private static String getAccountNameExtra(Bundle extras) { return extras.getString(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_NAME); } private static String getThingIdExtra(Bundle extras) { return extras.getString(EXTRA_THING_ID); } private static String getLinkIdExtra(Bundle extras) { return extras.getString(EXTRA_LINK_ID); } }