Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 Bryan Kelly * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.btkelly.gnag.tasks; import com.btkelly.gnag.models.ViolationComment; import com.btkelly.gnag.utils.Logger; import com.github.rjeschke.txtmark.Processor; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import org.gradle.api.GradleException; import org.gradle.api.Project; import org.gradle.api.Task; import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction; /** * Created by bobbake4 on 12/1/15. */ public class CheckLocalTask extends BaseCheckTask { private static final String TASK_NAME = "checkLocal"; private static final String REPORT_FILE_NAME = "gnag.html"; private static final String CSS_FILE_NAME = "github-markdown.css"; public static void addTask(Project project) { Map<String, Object> taskOptions = new HashMap<>(); taskOptions.put(Task.TASK_NAME, TASK_NAME); taskOptions.put(Task.TASK_TYPE, CheckLocalTask.class); taskOptions.put(Task.TASK_GROUP, "Verification"); taskOptions.put(Task.TASK_DEPENDS_ON, "check"); taskOptions.put(Task.TASK_DESCRIPTION, "Runs Gnag locally and generates a report without attempting to publish to Github"); project.task(taskOptions, TASK_NAME); } @TaskAction public void taskAction() { ViolationComment violationComment = buildViolationComment(); File gnagReportDirectory = new File(getProject().getProjectDir(), "/build/outputs/gnag/"); File gnagReportFile = new File(gnagReportDirectory, REPORT_FILE_NAME); try { gnagReportDirectory.mkdirs(); FileOutputStream reportFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(gnagReportFile); final String htmlViolationReportPrefix = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + "<html>" + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"github-markdown.css\">" + "<article class=\"markdown-body\">"; final String htmlViolationReportContent = Processor.process(violationComment.getCommentMessage()); final String htmlViolationReportSuffix = "</article></head>"; final String htmlViolationReport = htmlViolationReportPrefix + htmlViolationReportContent + htmlViolationReportSuffix; IOUtils.write(htmlViolationReport, reportFileOutputStream); reportFileOutputStream.close(); copyCssFile(gnagReportDirectory); } catch (IOException ignored) { Logger.logError("Error saving Gnag report"); } if (failBuildOnError() && violationComment.isFailBuild()) { String errorMessage = "Gnag check found failures, report at " + gnagReportFile.toURI(); Logger.logError(errorMessage); throw new GradleException(errorMessage); } else if (violationComment.isFailBuild()) { Logger.logError("Gnag check failed but configuration allows build success"); } } private void copyCssFile(final File gnagReportDirectory) throws IOException { final InputStream gnagCssFileInputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(CSS_FILE_NAME); Enumeration<URL> e = getClass().getClassLoader().getResources("."); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println(e.nextElement()); } final Path gnagCssFileTargetPath = Paths.get(gnagReportDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), CSS_FILE_NAME); try { Files.copy(gnagCssFileInputStream, gnagCssFileTargetPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (final IOException ignored) { Logger.logError("Error copying CSS file for local report."); } finally { try { gnagCssFileInputStream.close(); } catch (final IOException ignored) { } } } }