Java tutorial
/** * GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * Version 3, 29 June 2007 * * Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies * of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ package com.btisystems.pronx.ems; import com.btisystems.pronx.ems.model.DeviceGroup; import com.btisystems.pronx.ems.model.MibInput; import com.btisystems.pronx.ems.model.MibSource; import com.btisystems.pronx.ems.schemas.meta.notification.NotificationMeta; import com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel; import com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass; import net.percederberg.mibble.Mib; import net.percederberg.mibble.MibLoader; import net.percederberg.mibble.MibLoaderException; import net.percederberg.mibble.MibValueSymbol; import net.percederberg.mibble.snmp.SnmpObjectType; import net.percederberg.mibble.value.ObjectIdentifierValue; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import java.beans.XMLEncoder; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; /** * autogen application - mib compiler. */ public class App { private static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT = "src/main/resources/defaultConfiguration.xml"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(App.class); private static final JCodeModel codeModel = new JCodeModel(); public static final String CONTEXT = "context"; private static final String FILE_SEP = File.separator; private static Properties properties; private static ApplicationContext autogenContext; /** * Entrypoint method. * * @param args the args * @throws Exception the exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final String configurationFile = processCommandLineOptions(args);"Autogen running. configurationFile=" + configurationFile); if (configurationFile != null) { autogenContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(configurationFile); properties = (Properties) autogenContext.getBean("properties");"properties=" + properties); final List<DeviceGroup> groupList = (List<DeviceGroup>) autogenContext.getBean("groupList"); if (groupList != null) { processMibFiles(groupList); buildSourceFiles(); deleteImportedSource(); } }"Autogen complete"); } private static void deleteImportedSource() throws IOException { for (final String importedPackage : MibEntityCompiler.IMPORTED_PACKAGES) { LOG.debug("Deleting: {}", properties.getProperty("target-directory") + FILE_SEP + importedPackage.replaceAll("\\.", FILE_SEP)); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(properties.getProperty("target-directory") + FILE_SEP + importedPackage.replaceAll("\\.", FILE_SEP))); } } /** * Process command line options, delivering array of mib files to be * processed. * * @param args command line args * @return */ private static String processCommandLineOptions(final String[] args) { // create the command line parser final CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); // create Options object final Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(CONTEXT, true, "name of Spring context"); options.addOption("help", false, "print this message"); try { // parse the command line arguments final CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("help")) { // automatically generate the help statement final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("App", options); System.exit(1); } if (line.hasOption(CONTEXT)) { return line.getOptionValue(CONTEXT); } return "file:${project.basedir}/" + DEFAULT_CONTEXT; } catch (final ParseException exp) {"Unexpected exception:" + exp.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } return null; } /** * Load and process each of the Mib files. * * @param groupList List of Device Groups */ private static void processMibFiles(final List<DeviceGroup> groupList) { for (final DeviceGroup group : groupList) { compileDeviceGroup(group); } } private static void compileDeviceGroup(final DeviceGroup group) { LOG.debug(">>> compileDeviceGroup name:{} package:{}", group.getName(), group.getPackageName()); final Map<String, JDefinedClass> interfaceMap = identifyCommonEntities(group); for (final MibSource source : group.getSourceMibs()) { final List<String> sourceNames = source.getSourceFilenames(); final List<File> sourceFiles = getFiles(sourceNames); final MibLoader loader = new MibLoader(); addDefaultDirectories(loader, source.getDefaultSourceDirectories()); if (App.loadMibs(loader, sourceFiles)) { App.compileMibs(group, loader, source, interfaceMap); } loader.unloadAll(); } } /** * Load mibs from list of source files. * * @param group DeviceGroup * @param loader Mib Loader * @param source Mib Source * @param interfaceMap Supported Interfaces * @return */ private static Collection<String> compileMibs(final DeviceGroup group, final MibLoader loader, final MibSource source, final Map<String, JDefinedClass> interfaceMap) { // Get complete package name using group + source. final String packageName = buildPackageName(group.getPackageName(), source.getPackageName()); final List<MibValueSymbol> rootSymbols = locateRootSymbols(loader, source.getRootObjects()); final Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> symbolMap = locateChildSymbols(rootSymbols, source.getExcludedRootObjects()); final MibEntityCompiler compiler = new MibEntityCompiler(symbolMap, packageName, interfaceMap, codeModel); compiler.importDependencies(); for (List<MibValueSymbol> symbolList : symbolMap.values()) { final Iterator<MibValueSymbol> iterator = symbolList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final MibValueSymbol symbol =; if (MibEntityCompiler.IMPORTED_SYMBOLS.contains(getOidFromSymbol(symbol))) { LOG.debug("removing common symbol:{}", getOidFromSymbol(symbol)); iterator.remove(); } } } compiler.compile(codeModel); compileNotifications(loader, packageName, source.isGenerateNotificationObjects()); final Map<String, JDefinedClass> classes = compiler.getEntityClasses(); return compiler.generateRootEntity(classes); } private static void compileNotifications(final MibLoader loader, final String packageName, final boolean generateNotificationObjects) { if (generateNotificationObjects) { final MibNotificationObjectCompiler notificationObjectCompiler = new MibNotificationObjectCompiler( loader, packageName); notificationObjectCompiler.compile(codeModel); } final MibNotificationCompiler notificationCompiler = new MibNotificationCompiler(loader, packageName); final NotificationMeta meta = notificationCompiler.compile(codeModel); saveNotificationRegistry(packageName, meta); } private static void saveNotificationRegistry(final String packageName, final NotificationMeta meta) { final File notificationRegistryDoc = getNotificationRegistryDocumentName(packageName); final File notificationRegistryDir = notificationRegistryDoc.getParentFile(); if (Files.notExists(notificationRegistryDir.toPath())) { notificationRegistryDir.mkdirs(); } try (XMLEncoder encoder = new XMLEncoder( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(notificationRegistryDoc)))) { encoder.writeObject(meta); encoder.writeObject(meta); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception saving Notification Registry: {}", e.getMessage(), e); } } private static File getNotificationRegistryDocumentName(final String packageName) { return new File(properties.getProperty("target-registry-directory"), packageName + ".xml"); } private static void registerEntities(final Map<String, Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>>> groupEntities, final Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> symbolMap) { for (final Entry<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> rootSymbolListEntry : symbolMap.entrySet()) { final String rootOid = rootSymbolListEntry.getKey(); Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> groupRootSymbolMap = groupEntities.get(rootOid); if (groupRootSymbolMap == null) { groupRootSymbolMap = new HashMap<>(); groupEntities.put(rootOid, groupRootSymbolMap); } for (final MibValueSymbol valueSymbol : rootSymbolListEntry.getValue()) { final String oid = valueSymbol.getName(); LOG.debug("Using OID:{}", oid); if (groupRootSymbolMap.containsKey(oid)) { LOG.debug("{} previous instances:{}", oid, groupRootSymbolMap.get(oid).size()); boolean equivalent = false; for (final MibValueSymbol symbol : groupRootSymbolMap.get(oid)) { if (areEntitiesEquivalent(symbol, valueSymbol)) { equivalent = true; break; } } if (!equivalent) { LOG.debug("Not equivalent {} {}", valueSymbol, groupRootSymbolMap.get(oid).get(0)); groupRootSymbolMap.get(oid).add(valueSymbol); } } else { LOG.debug("Adding {}", valueSymbol.getValue().toString()); final List<MibValueSymbol> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(valueSymbol); groupRootSymbolMap.put(oid, list); } } } } private static Map<String, JDefinedClass> identifyCommonEntities(final DeviceGroup group) { LOG.debug(">>> identifyCommonEntities group:{}", group.getName()); final Map<String, Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>>> groupRootOidMap = new HashMap<>(); for (final MibSource source : group.getSourceMibs()) { final List<String> sourceNames = source.getSourceFilenames(); final List<File> sourceFiles = getFiles(sourceNames); final MibLoader loader = new MibLoader(); addDefaultDirectories(loader, source.getDefaultSourceDirectories()); App.loadMibs(loader, sourceFiles); final Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> symbolMap = getCompilableEntitySymbols(loader, source); registerEntities(groupRootOidMap, symbolMap); } final Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> rootInterfaceMap = new HashMap<>(); // Identify single version entities final Set<MibValueSymbol> commonIdentifiers = new HashSet<>(); for (final Entry<String, Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>>> rootMapEntry : groupRootOidMap.entrySet()) { LOG.debug("root OID : {}", rootMapEntry.getKey()); final List<MibValueSymbol> rootInterfaceList = new ArrayList<>(); rootInterfaceMap.put(rootMapEntry.getKey(), rootInterfaceList); for (final List<MibValueSymbol> list : rootMapEntry.getValue().values()) { rootInterfaceList.add(list.get(0)); getCommonIdentifiers(list, commonIdentifiers); } } // Determine package name for interfaces. final String interfacePackageName = buildPackageName(group.getPackageName(), group.getInterfacePackageName()); final MibEntityCompiler compiler = new MibEntityCompiler(rootInterfaceMap, interfacePackageName); compiler.compileInterfaces(codeModel, commonIdentifiers); final Map<String, JDefinedClass> interfaceMap = compiler.getEntityClasses(); LOG.debug("interface map for group:{} {}", group.getName(), interfaceMap); return interfaceMap; } /** * Determine which symbols should be included in the interfaces (because * they are common across all implementations. * * @param list Mib Value Symbols * @param commonIdentifiers Mib Value Symbol */ private static void getCommonIdentifiers(final List<MibValueSymbol> list, final Set<MibValueSymbol> commonIdentifiers) { boolean isTable = false; MibValueSymbol[] identifiersToCheck; if (list.get(0).isTable()) { commonIdentifiers.add(list.get(0).getChild(0)); identifiersToCheck = list.get(0).getChild(0).getChildren(); isTable = true; } else { identifiersToCheck = list.get(0).getChildren(); } for (final MibValueSymbol anIdentifierToCheck : identifiersToCheck) { boolean isCommon = true; for (int entityIndex = 1; entityIndex < list.size(); entityIndex++) { final MibValueSymbol[] identifiersToCompare = isTable ? list.get(entityIndex).getChild(0).getChildren() : list.get(entityIndex).getChildren(); if (!listContainsEquivalentChild(anIdentifierToCheck, identifiersToCompare)) { isCommon = false; break; } } if (isCommon) { commonIdentifiers.add(anIdentifierToCheck); } } } private static String buildPackageName(final String rootName, final String childName) { String builtName; if (childName != null && childName.length() > 0) { builtName = rootName + "." + childName; } else { builtName = rootName; } return builtName; } /** * Returns true only if children contains a symbol that is equivalent to * child. * * @param child * @param children * @return */ private static boolean listContainsEquivalentChild(final MibValueSymbol child, final MibValueSymbol[] children) { LOG.debug("listContainsEquivalentChild {}", child.getName()); for (final MibValueSymbol childToCompare : children) { if ((child.isScalar() || child.isTableColumn()) && (childToCompare.isScalar() || childToCompare.isTableColumn())) { LOG.debug("check scalar {}", childToCompare.getName()); if (areScalarsEquivalent(child, childToCompare)) { return true; } } } return false; } protected static boolean areEntitiesEquivalent(final MibValueSymbol symbol1, final MibValueSymbol symbol2) { LOG.debug(">>> areEntitiesEquivalent {} {}", symbol1, symbol2); if (!symbol1.getValue().equals(symbol2.getValue())) { LOG.debug("value: {} {}", symbol1.getValue(), symbol2.getValue()); return false; } if (!symbol1.getName().equals(symbol2.getName())) { LOG.debug("name: {} {}", symbol1.getName(), symbol2.getName()); return false; } if (symbol1.getChildCount() != symbol2.getChildCount()) { LOG.debug("childcount {} {}", symbol1.getValue(), "" + symbol1.getChildCount() + " " + symbol2.getChildCount()); return false; } if (symbol1.isTable()) { return areEntitiesEquivalent(symbol1.getChild(0), symbol2.getChild(0)); } for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < symbol1.getChildCount(); childIndex++) { if ((symbol1.getChild(childIndex).isScalar() || symbol1.getChild(childIndex).isTableColumn()) && !areScalarsEquivalent(symbol1.getChild(childIndex), symbol2.getChild(childIndex))) { return false; } } return true; } private static boolean areScalarsEquivalent(final MibValueSymbol symbol1, final MibValueSymbol symbol2) { // Allow for a comparison with scalar/column and non-scalar/column (if // an OID is reused). if (!(symbol2.getType() instanceof SnmpObjectType)) { LOG.debug("Not type"); return false; } if (((SnmpObjectType) symbol1.getType()).getSyntax().getClass() != ((SnmpObjectType) symbol2.getType()) .getSyntax().getClass()) { LOG.debug("type: {} {}", symbol1.getType(), symbol2.getType()); return false; } if (!symbol1.getName().equals(symbol2.getName())) { LOG.debug("name: {} {}", symbol1.getName(), symbol2.getName()); return false; } if (symbol1.getChildCount() != symbol2.getChildCount()) { LOG.debug("childcount {} {}", symbol1.getValue(), "" + symbol1.getChildCount() + " " + symbol2.getChildCount()); return false; } return true; } private static List<MibValueSymbol> locateRootSymbols(final MibLoader loader, final List<String> rootObjects) { final List<MibValueSymbol> rootSymbols = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String rootObject : rootObjects) { LOG.debug("Looking for root:{}", rootObject); for (final Mib mib : loader.getAllMibs()) { final MibValueSymbol symbol = mib.getSymbolByValue(rootObject); if (symbol != null) { rootSymbols.add(symbol); LOG.debug("Found root:{}", symbol); break; } } } return rootSymbols; } private static void addDefaultDirectories(final MibLoader loader, final List<String> defaultSourceDirectories) { if (defaultSourceDirectories != null) { for (final String directoryName : defaultSourceDirectories) { LOG.debug("Add directory to loader:{}", directoryName); loader.addDir(new File(directoryName)); } } } private static boolean loadMibs(final MibLoader loader, final List<File> sourceFiles) { for (final File sourceName : sourceFiles) { if (!sourceName.isDirectory()) { loader.addDir(sourceName.getParentFile()); try { LOG.debug("load source:{}", sourceName); loader.load(sourceName); } catch (final IOException e) {"IOException:" + e.getMessage()); return false; } catch (final MibLoaderException e) {"MibLoaderException loading mib " + sourceName + ":" + e.getMessage()); e.getLog().printTo(System.out); return false; } } } return true; } private static List<File> getFiles(final List<String> sourceNames) { final List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String sourceName : sourceNames) { files.add(new File(sourceName)); } return files; } // Generate Java classes. private static void buildSourceFiles() { buildJavaSources(); } private static void buildJavaSources() { final File file = new File(properties.getProperty("target-directory")); try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(file);, (PrintStream) null); } catch (final IOException e) {"Failed to create classes:" + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } private static Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> getCompilableEntitySymbols(final MibLoader loader, final MibInput source) { final List<MibValueSymbol> rootSymbols = locateRootSymbols(loader, source.getRootObjects()); return locateChildSymbols(rootSymbols, source.getExcludedRootObjects()); } private static Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> locateChildSymbols(final List<MibValueSymbol> rootSymbols, final Set<String> excludedRoots) { final Map<String, List<MibValueSymbol>> rootSymbolMap = new HashMap<>(); for (final MibValueSymbol rootSymbol : rootSymbols) { rootSymbolMap.put(rootSymbol.getValue().toString(), getChildEntities(rootSymbol, excludedRoots)); } return rootSymbolMap; } private static List<MibValueSymbol> getChildEntities(final MibValueSymbol rootSymbol, final Set<String> excludedRoots) { LOG.debug(">>> getChildEntities:{}", rootSymbol); final List<MibValueSymbol> masterList = new ArrayList<>(); if (rootSymbol.isTable()) { masterList.add(rootSymbol); } else { getChildEntities(rootSymbol, excludedRoots, masterList); } LOG.debug("<<< getChildEntities:{}", masterList.size()); return masterList; } private static void getChildEntities(final MibValueSymbol rootSymbol, final Set<String> excludedRoots, final List<MibValueSymbol> masterList) { for (final MibValueSymbol child : rootSymbol.getChildren()) { if (child != null && !isObjectExcluded((ObjectIdentifierValue) child.getValue(), excludedRoots)) { if (child.isScalar() || child.isTableColumn()) { if (!masterList.contains(rootSymbol)) { masterList.add(rootSymbol); } } else { masterList.addAll(getChildEntities(child, excludedRoots)); } } } } private static boolean isObjectExcluded(final ObjectIdentifierValue oidValue, final Set<String> excludedRoots) { LOG.debug("check exlusion:{} {}", oidValue.toString(), excludedRoots); return excludedRoots != null && excludedRoots.contains(oidValue.toString()); } private static String getOidFromSymbol(final MibValueSymbol rootSymbol) { return rootSymbol.getValue().toString(); } }