Java tutorial
/** * GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * Version 3, 29 June 2007 * * Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies * of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ package com.btisystems.pronx.ems; import com.btisystems.pronx.ems.core.model.DeviceEntityDescription; import com.btisystems.pronx.ems.core.model.DeviceEntityDescription.FieldDescription; import com.btisystems.pronx.ems.core.model.DeviceEntityDescription.FieldType; import com.btisystems.pronx.ems.core.model.GeneratedIdentifiers; import com.sun.codemodel.ClassType; import com.sun.codemodel.JBlock; import com.sun.codemodel.JClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JClassAlreadyExistsException; import com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel; import com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JExpr; import com.sun.codemodel.JExpression; import com.sun.codemodel.JFieldVar; import com.sun.codemodel.JForEach; import com.sun.codemodel.JInvocation; import com.sun.codemodel.JMethod; import com.sun.codemodel.JMod; import com.sun.codemodel.JType; import com.sun.codemodel.JVar; import net.percederberg.mibble.Mib; import net.percederberg.mibble.MibType; import net.percederberg.mibble.MibTypeTag; import net.percederberg.mibble.MibValue; import net.percederberg.mibble.MibValueSymbol; import net.percederberg.mibble.snmp.SnmpNotificationType; import net.percederberg.mibble.snmp.SnmpObjectType; import net.percederberg.mibble.snmp.SnmpTextualConvention; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.BitSetType; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.ChoiceType; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.Constraint; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.IntegerType; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.ObjectIdentifierType; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.SizeConstraint; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.StringType; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.ValueConstraint; import net.percederberg.mibble.type.ValueRangeConstraint; import net.percederberg.mibble.value.NumberValue; import net.percederberg.mibble.value.ObjectIdentifierValue; import net.percederberg.mibble.value.StringValue; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.snmp4j.smi.OID; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; /** * Base class for MIB compilers, containing useful methods common to different * compilers. */ public abstract class AbstractMibCompiler { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractMibCompiler.class); /** * The constant PARENT_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER. */ protected static final String PARENT_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER = "parentEntity"; private static final int DEFAULT_STRING_COLUMN_WIDTH = 1024; private static final int SIXTY_FOUR = 64; private static final int ONE_THOUSAND_AND_TWENTY_FOUR = 1024; private static final int SIX = 6; /** * The constant DEFAULT_OCTET_STRING_COLUMN_WIDTH. */ protected static final int DEFAULT_OCTET_STRING_COLUMN_WIDTH = SIXTY_FOUR * ONE_THOUSAND_AND_TWENTY_FOUR - 1; private static final int OCTET_STRING_DISPLAY_FACTOR = 4; private static final int MAXIMUM_OCTET_STRING_LENGTH_DISPLAY_FACTOR_APPLIES = 16; /** * The constant RESERVED_WORD_SET. See *, * using set to confirm uniqueness */ protected static final Set<String> RESERVED_WORD_SET = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "extends", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto", "if", "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "new", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "try", "void", "volatile", "while")); private static final String UNDERSCORE = "_"; public static final String TO_STRING = "toString"; public static final String APPEND = "append"; public static final String CLONE = "clone"; /** * The Code model. */ protected JCodeModel codeModel; /** * The Package name. */ protected final String packageName; /** * Instantiates a new Abstract mib compiler. * * @param packageName the package name */ public AbstractMibCompiler(final String packageName) { super(); this.packageName = packageName; } /** * Create class j defined class. * * @param packageName the package name * @param name the name * @return the j defined class */ protected final JDefinedClass createClass(final String packageName, final String name) { return createClass(packageName, name, ClassType.CLASS); } /** * Create interface j defined class. * * @param packageName the package name * @param name the name * @return the j defined class */ protected final JDefinedClass createInterface(final String packageName, final String name) { return createClass(packageName, name, ClassType.INTERFACE); } /** * Create class j defined class. * * @param packageName the package name * @param name the name * @param type the type * @return the j defined class */ protected final JDefinedClass createClass(final String packageName, final String name, final ClassType type) { final String className = getFullClassName(packageName, name); try { return codeModel._class(className, type); } catch (final JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { LOG.warn("Class already exists:{}", className); return codeModel._getClass(className); } } /** * Gets full class name. * * @param packageName the package name * @param name the name * @return the full class name */ protected final String getFullClassName(final String packageName, final String name) { return packageName + "." + name; } /** * Gets oid from symbol. * * @param rootSymbol the root symbol * @return the oid from symbol */ protected final String getOidFromSymbol(final MibValueSymbol rootSymbol) { return rootSymbol.getValue().toString(); } /** * Gets notification fields. * * @param notificationType the notification type * @return the notification fields */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected final List<ObjectIdentifierValue> getNotificationFields(final SnmpNotificationType notificationType) { return notificationType.getObjects(); } /** * Gets symbol by oid. * * @param rootSymbol the root symbol * @param value the value * @return the symbol by oid */ protected final MibValueSymbol getSymbolByOid(final MibValueSymbol rootSymbol, final ObjectIdentifierValue value) { for (final Mib mib : rootSymbol.getMib().getLoader().getAllMibs()) { final MibValueSymbol symbol = mib.getSymbolByValue(value); if (symbol != null) { return symbol; } } return null; } /** * Determine the java type corresponding to a 'simple' SnmpObjectType. * * @param type the type * @return the j type */ protected final JType mapObjectTypeToJavaType(final MibType type) { final MibType objectType = ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax(); return getJavaType(objectType); } /** * Is unsigned 32 boolean. * * @param type the type * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isUnsigned32(final MibType type) { final MibType objectType = ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax(); // Look for Application-wide type 2 (Unsigned32, Counter etc)s return objectType.hasTag(MibTypeTag.APPLICATION_CATEGORY, 2); } /** * Is ip address boolean. * * @param type the type * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isIpAddress(final MibType type) { final MibType objectType = ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax(); return objectType.hasReferenceTo("IpAddress"); } /** * Is date and time boolean. * * @param type the type * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isDateAndTime(final MibType type) { final MibType objectType = ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax(); return objectType.hasReferenceTo("DateAndTime"); } /** * Is fixed x 10 boolean. * * @param type the type * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isFixedX10(final MibType type) { final MibType objectType = ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax(); return objectType.hasReferenceTo("FixedX10"); } /** * Is fixed x 100 boolean. * * @param type the type * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isFixedX100(final MibType type) { final MibType objectType = ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax(); return objectType.hasReferenceTo("FixedX100"); } /** * Is fixed x 1000 boolean. * * @param type the type * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isFixedX1000(final MibType type) { final MibType objectType = ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax(); return objectType.hasReferenceTo("FixedX1000"); } /** * Is bits boolean. * * @param type the type * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isBits(final MibType type) { if (type instanceof SnmpObjectType) { final SnmpObjectType snmpObjectType = (SnmpObjectType) type; if (snmpObjectType.getSyntax() instanceof BitSetType) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determine the java type corresponding to a MibType. * * @param type Java Type * @return */ private JType getJavaType(final MibType type) { JType result; if (type instanceof IntegerType) { // Using approach from at // if (type.hasTag(MibTypeTag.APPLICATION_CATEGORY, SIX)) { // Counter64 result = codeModel.LONG; } else { result = codeModel.INT; } } else if (type instanceof StringType) { result = codeModel.ref(String.class); } else if (type instanceof ObjectIdentifierType) { result = codeModel.ref(String.class); } else if (type instanceof BitSetType) { result = codeModel.ref(String.class); } else if (type instanceof ChoiceType) { LOG.debug("Choice type resolved to:{}", ((ChoiceType) type).getAllElements()[0]); result = getJavaType(((ChoiceType) type).getAllElements()[0].getType()); } else { assert false : "Unexpected MibType:" + type; LOG.warn("Unexpected type:{}", type.getClass()); result = null; } return result; } /** * Add to string method. * * @param definedClass the defined class */ protected final void addToStringMethod(final JDefinedClass definedClass) { // Generate code of the form: // return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE). // append("field1", field1). // ... // append("fieldn", fieldn). // toString(); final JMethod method = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, codeModel.ref(String.class), TO_STRING); JInvocation newInvocation = JExpr._new(codeModel.ref(ToStringBuilder.class)).arg(JExpr._this()) .arg(codeModel.ref(ToStringStyle.class).staticRef("MULTI_LINE_STYLE")); for (final Entry<String, JFieldVar> varEntry : definedClass.fields().entrySet()) { final JFieldVar field = varEntry.getValue(); // Ignore parent entity. if (!fieldIsStatic(field) && !( { newInvocation = newInvocation.invoke(APPEND).arg(JExpr.lit(varEntry.getKey())).arg(field); } } method.body()._return(newInvocation.invoke(TO_STRING)); } /** * Add hash code method. * * @param definedClass the defined class */ protected final void addHashCodeMethod(final JDefinedClass definedClass) { // Generate code of the form: // return new HashCodeBuilder(). // append(field1). // ... // append(fieldn). // toHashCode(); final JMethod method = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, codeModel.INT, "hashCode"); JInvocation newInvocation = JExpr._new(codeModel.ref(HashCodeBuilder.class)); for (final Entry<String, JFieldVar> varEntry : definedClass.fields().entrySet()) { final JFieldVar field = varEntry.getValue(); // Ignore parent entity. if (!fieldIsStatic(field) && !( { newInvocation = newInvocation.invoke(APPEND).arg(field); } } method.body()._return(newInvocation.invoke("toHashCode")); } /** * Add equals method. * * @param definedClass the defined class */ protected final void addEqualsMethod(final JDefinedClass definedClass) { // Generate code of the form: // public boolean equals(Object obj) { // if (obj == null) { return false; } // if (obj == this) { return true; } // if (obj.getClass() != getClass()) { // return false; // } // ThisClass rhs = (ThisClass) obj; // return new EqualsBuilder() // .append(field1, rhs.field1) // ... // .append(fieldn, rhs.fieldn) // .isEquals(); // } final JMethod method = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, codeModel.BOOLEAN, "equals"); final JVar objVar = method.param(codeModel.ref(Object.class), "obj"); final JBlock body = method.body(); body._if(objVar.eq(JExpr._null()))._then()._return(JExpr.FALSE); body._if(objVar.eq(JExpr._this()))._then()._return(JExpr.TRUE); body._if(objVar.invoke("getClass").ne(JExpr._this().invoke("getClass")))._then()._return(JExpr.FALSE); final JVar rhsVar = body.decl(definedClass, "rhs"); rhsVar.init(JExpr.cast(definedClass, objVar)); JInvocation newInvocation = JExpr._new(codeModel.ref(EqualsBuilder.class)); for (final Entry<String, JFieldVar> varEntry : definedClass.fields().entrySet()) { final JFieldVar field = varEntry.getValue(); // Ignore parent entity. if (!fieldIsStatic(field) && !( { newInvocation = newInvocation.invoke(APPEND).arg(field).arg(rhsVar.ref(field)); } } method.body()._return(newInvocation.invoke("isEquals")); } private boolean fieldIsStatic(final JFieldVar field) { return (field.mods().getValue() & JMod.STATIC) != 0; } /** * Add clone method. * * @param definedClass the defined class */ protected final void addCloneMethod(final JDefinedClass definedClass) { final boolean isRootClass =; // Generate code of the form: // public XXX clone() { // XXX copy = new XXX(); // copy.field1 = field1; // copy.field2 = field2; // // For a table: // for (Entry<String, XXXEntry> entry : map.entrySet()) { //, entry.getValue().clone()); // } // return copy; // } final JMethod method = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, definedClass, CLONE); final JVar clonedObject = method.body().decl(definedClass, "_copy").init(JExpr._new(definedClass)); for (final Entry<String, JFieldVar> field : definedClass.fields().entrySet()) { if (!fieldIsStatic(field.getValue())) { if (isTableEntryField(field.getValue())) { final JForEach forEach = method.body().forEach(getEntryType((JClass) field.getValue().type()), "_entry", field.getValue().invoke("entrySet")); final JVar entryVar = forEach.var(); forEach.body().invoke(clonedObject, "setEntry").arg(entryVar.invoke("getKey")) .arg(entryVar.invoke("getValue").invoke(CLONE)); } else { if (!isRootClass) { method.body().assign(clonedObject.ref(field.getValue()), field.getValue()); } else { // For the root object, assign the entity if it's not // null. // TODO SJ Change code generation to use setObject on // the AbstractRootEntity (to ensure parent entity is // set). method.body()._if(field.getValue().ne(JExpr._null()))._then() .assign(clonedObject.ref(field.getValue()), field.getValue().invoke(CLONE)) .invoke(clonedObject.ref(field.getValue()), "set_ParentEntity").arg(clonedObject); } } } } method.body()._return(clonedObject); } /** * Determine if this field defines a set of table entries. * * @param value the value * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isTableEntryField(final JFieldVar value) { return value.type() instanceof JClass && ((JClass) value.type()).isParameterized(); } /** * Returns type for Entry<String, XXX> where XXX is the type of the table * entry. * * @param mapType the map type * @return the entry type */ protected final JType getEntryType(final JClass mapType) { JClass typeVar = codeModel.ref(Entry.class); final List<JClass> types = mapType.getTypeParameters(); typeVar = typeVar.narrow(types.get(0), types.get(1)); return typeVar; } /** * Generate get and set methods for named field of specified type. * * @param definedClass the defined class * @param child the child * @param type the type * @param field the field */ protected final void generateAccessors(final JDefinedClass definedClass, final MibValueSymbol child, final JType type, final String field) { generateGetAccessor(child, definedClass, type, field); if (!child.isTableRow()) { generateSetAccessor(definedClass, type, field, getMibIndex(child), !(isSimpleType(child) || child.isTableRow())); } } /** * Generate set accessor. * * @param definedClass the defined class * @param type the type * @param field the field * @param fieldId the field id * @param shouldInvokeReplaceChild the should invoke replace child */ protected final void generateSetAccessor(final JDefinedClass definedClass, final JType type, final String field, final int fieldId, final boolean shouldInvokeReplaceChild) { final JMethod setMethod = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, codeModel.VOID, getSetterName(field)); setMethod.param(type, field); final JBlock body = setMethod.body(); final JVar oldValueVar = body.decl(type, "oldValue").init(JExpr.invoke(getGetterName(field))); body.assign(JExpr.refthis(field), JExpr.ref(field)); if (shouldInvokeReplaceChild) { body.invoke("replaceChild").arg(oldValueVar).arg(JExpr.ref(field)); } if (fieldId != -1) { body.invoke("notifyChange").arg(JExpr.lit(fieldId)).arg(oldValueVar).arg(JExpr.ref(field)); } } /** * Generate get accessor. * * @param child the child * @param definedClass the defined class * @param type the type * @param field the field */ protected final void generateGetAccessor(final MibValueSymbol child, final JDefinedClass definedClass, final JType type, final String field) { final JMethod getMethod = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, type, getGetterName(field)); if (child != null) { final MibValue defaultValue = getFieldDefaultValue(child); if (defaultValue != null) { JExpression defaultReturnExpression = null; if (type == codeModel.INT || type == codeModel.LONG) { final Number javaNumber = (Number) defaultValue.toObject(); if (type == codeModel.INT) { defaultReturnExpression = JExpr.lit(javaNumber.intValue()); } else if (type == codeModel.LONG) { defaultReturnExpression = JExpr.lit(javaNumber.longValue()); } } else if (type == codeModel.ref(String.class) && defaultValue instanceof StringValue) { defaultReturnExpression = JExpr.lit(defaultValue.toString()); } if (defaultReturnExpression != null) { getMethod.body()._if(JExpr.refthis(field).eq(JExpr._null()))._then() ._return(defaultReturnExpression); generateIsDefinedAccessor(definedClass, field); } } else { generateDummyIsDefinedIfNecessary(definedClass, field); } } getMethod.body()._return(JExpr.refthis(field)); } private void generateDummyIsDefinedIfNecessary(final JDefinedClass definedClass, final String field) { final String methodName = getIsDefinedName(field); final Iterator<JClass> iterator = definedClass._implements(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final JClass clazz =; if (clazz instanceof JDefinedClass) { for (final JMethod method : ((JDefinedClass) clazz).methods()) { if ( { final JMethod dummyMethod = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, codeModel.BOOLEAN, methodName); dummyMethod.body()._return(JExpr.TRUE); return; } } } } } private void generateIsDefinedAccessor(final JDefinedClass definedClass, final String field) { final JMethod method = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, codeModel.BOOLEAN, getIsDefinedName(field)); method.body()._return(JExpr.refthis(field).ne(JExpr._null())); } /** * Establish Java field type that corresponds to a MibValueSymbol, creating * a class, if necessary. Null is returned if the field is an object that * has no variables in its tree. * * @param child the child * @return the java type of field */ protected final JType getJavaTypeOfField(final MibValueSymbol child) { // If it's scalar or a table column, expect a simple java type. if (isSimpleType(child)) { return mapObjectTypeToJavaType(child.getType()); } return null; } /** * Gets mib index. * * @param symbol the symbol * @return the mib index */ protected final int getMibIndex(final MibValueSymbol symbol) { return ((ObjectIdentifierValue) symbol.getValue()).getValue(); } /** * Get name for set accessor method. * * @param field the field * @return the setter name */ protected final String getSetterName(final String field) { return "set" + capitalizeFirstCharacter(field); } /** * Get name for get accessor method. * * @param field the field * @return the getter name */ protected final String getGetterName(final String field) { return "get" + capitalizeFirstCharacter(field); } /** * Get name for get accessor method. * * @param field the field * @return the is defined name */ protected final String getIsDefinedName(final String field) { return "is" + capitalizeFirstCharacter(field) + "Defined"; } /** * Determine if variable is a simple type or a compound object. * * @param symbol the symbol * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean isSimpleType(final MibValueSymbol symbol) { return symbol.isScalar() || symbol.isTableColumn(); } /** * Generate package name for a child of a parent package. * * @param packageName the package name * @param name the name * @return the string */ protected final String generateChildPackageName(final String packageName, final String name) { return packageName + "." + getMappedName(name.toLowerCase()); } /** * Get a standard class name from a Mib name. * * @param name the name * @return the class name */ protected final String getClassName(final String name) { final String mappedClassName = getMappedName(name); return capitalizeFirstCharacter(mappedClassName); } /** * Capitalise first character of the specified name. * * @param name the name * @return the string */ protected final String capitalizeFirstCharacter(final String name) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(name); final char firstChar = sb.charAt(0); sb.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(firstChar)); return sb.toString(); } /** * Map any characters in a Mib name that are not valid in a class/package * name. * * @param name the name * @return the mapped name */ protected final String getMappedName(final String name) { return handleJavaReservedWords(name).replace('-', '_'); } /** * Handle java reserved words string. * * @param name the name * @return the string */ protected static String handleJavaReservedWords(final String name) { return RESERVED_WORD_SET.contains(name) ? name + UNDERSCORE : name; } /** * Generate standard methods - toString, hashcode etc. * * @param definedClass the defined class */ protected final void addStandardMethods(final JDefinedClass definedClass) { addToStringMethod(definedClass); addHashCodeMethod(definedClass); addEqualsMethod(definedClass); addCloneMethod(definedClass); } /** * Generate class metadata. * * @param rootSymbol the root symbol * @param definedClass the defined class * @param children the children */ protected final void generateClassMetadata(final MibValueSymbol rootSymbol, final JDefinedClass definedClass, final List<MibValueSymbol> children) { createDeviceEntityDescription(rootSymbol, definedClass, children); generateGetDescriptionMethod(definedClass); } /** * Generate method to get the device entity description * * @param definedClass the defined class */ protected final void generateGetDescriptionMethod(final JDefinedClass definedClass) { final JClass typeVar = codeModel.ref(DeviceEntityDescription.class); final JMethod getMethod = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, typeVar, "get_Description"); // Generate code of the form: // return _entityDescription; final JVar mapVar = definedClass.fields().get("_entityDescription"); getMethod.body()._return(mapVar); } /** * Gets mapped field type. * * @param child the child * @return the mapped field type */ protected final FieldType getMappedFieldType(final MibValueSymbol child) { if (isSimpleType(child)) { final JType javaType = mapObjectTypeToJavaType(child.getType()); if (javaType == codeModel.INT) { return determineIntegerFieldType(child); } else if (javaType == codeModel.LONG) { return FieldType.UNSIGNED64; } else { if (isIpAddress(child.getType())) { return FieldType.IP_ADDRESS; } else if (isDateAndTime(child.getType())) { return FieldType.DATE_AND_TIME; } else if (isBits(child.getType())) { return FieldType.BITS; } if (((SnmpObjectType) child.getType()).getSyntax() instanceof ObjectIdentifierType) { return FieldType.OID; } return FieldType.STRING; } } if (child.isTableRow()) { return FieldType.TABLE; } return FieldType.ENTITY; } private FieldType determineIntegerFieldType(final MibValueSymbol child) { if (isUnsigned32(child.getType())) { return FieldType.UNSIGNED32; } else if (isFixedX10(child.getType())) { return FieldType.FIXED_X10; } else if (isFixedX100(child.getType())) { return FieldType.FIXED_X100; } else if (isFixedX1000(child.getType())) { return FieldType.FIXED_X1000; } return FieldType.INTEGER; } /** * Create device entity description. * * @param rootSymbol the root symbol * @param definedClass the defined class * @param children the children */ protected final void createDeviceEntityDescription(final MibValueSymbol rootSymbol, final JDefinedClass definedClass, final List<MibValueSymbol> children) { LOG.debug("Creating meta data for {} fields.", children.size()); // Create description, initialised by call to static function. final JClass typeVar = codeModel.ref(DeviceEntityDescription.class); final JFieldVar descriptionVar = definedClass.field(JMod.PRIVATE | JMod.STATIC | JMod.FINAL, typeVar, "_entityDescription"); final JMethod initMethod = definedClass.method(JMod.STATIC | JMod.PRIVATE, typeVar, "createEntityDescription"); descriptionVar.init(JExpr.invoke(initMethod)); // Instantiate the description. final JVar localVar = initMethod.body().decl(typeVar, "description"); final JInvocation newInvocation = JExpr._new(codeModel.ref(OID.class)); newInvocation.arg(rootSymbol.getValue().toString()); localVar.init(JExpr._new(typeVar).arg(newInvocation)); // Populate the description with field details. for (final MibValueSymbol child : children) { // For each child, generate a statement of the form: // description.addField(new FieldDescription(....) final JInvocation addInvocation = initMethod.body().invoke(localVar, "addField"); final int fieldId = getMibIndex(child); final String fieldName = getMappedName(child.getName()); final FieldType fieldType = getMappedFieldType(child); final int maximumLength = (fieldType == FieldType.STRING) ? getMaximumLengthForStringField(child.getType()) : -1; addInvocation.arg(JExpr._new(codeModel.ref(FieldDescription.class)).arg(JExpr.lit(fieldId)) .arg(JExpr.lit(fieldName)).arg(codeModel.ref(FieldType.class).staticRef( .arg(JExpr.lit(maximumLength))); } // Return the description. initMethod.body()._return(localVar); } /** * Return maximum length of string type field, or * DEFAULT_STRING_COLUMN_LENGTH if there is no explicit maximum. In fact, at * present it only inspects OCTET STRINGs for size constraints. * * @param type the type * @return the maximum length for string field */ protected final int getMaximumLengthForStringField(final MibType type) { LOG.debug("getMaximumLengthForStringField type={}/{}", type.getClass(), type); StringType objectType = null; LOG.debug("Syntax:{}/{}", ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax().getClass(), ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax()); if (((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax() instanceof ChoiceType) { objectType = (StringType) ((ChoiceType) ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax()).getAllElements()[0] .getType(); LOG.debug("resolved : {}", objectType.getClass()); } else if (((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax() instanceof StringType) { objectType = (StringType) ((SnmpObjectType) type).getSyntax(); } if (objectType != null && objectType.hasTag(MibTypeTag.OCTET_STRING)) { return getMaximumLengthForOctetStringField(type, objectType); } return DEFAULT_STRING_COLUMN_WIDTH; } private int getMaximumLengthForOctetStringField(final MibType type, final StringType objectType) { int maximumFieldWidth = 0; final Constraint constraint = objectType.getConstraint(); LOG.debug("constraint : {}", constraint); if (constraint instanceof SizeConstraint) { maximumFieldWidth = getMaxFieldWidthFromSizeConstraint(type, (SizeConstraint) constraint); } return maximumFieldWidth > 0 ? maximumFieldWidth : DEFAULT_OCTET_STRING_COLUMN_WIDTH; } private int getMaxFieldWidthFromSizeConstraint(final MibType type, final SizeConstraint sizeConstraint) { final int maximumFieldWidth; int maximumOctets = 0; LOG.debug("sizeConstraint : {} values={}", sizeConstraint, sizeConstraint.getValues()); for (final Object constraintType : sizeConstraint.getValues()) { LOG.debug("constraintType:{}/{}", constraintType.getClass(), constraintType); if (constraintType instanceof ValueConstraint) { final MibValue value = ((ValueConstraint) constraintType).getValue(); if (value instanceof NumberValue) { final int thisSize = ((Number) (value.toObject())).intValue(); maximumOctets = Math.max(maximumOctets, thisSize); } } else if (constraintType instanceof ValueRangeConstraint) { final MibValue value = ((ValueRangeConstraint) constraintType).getUpperBound(); if (value instanceof NumberValue) { final int thisSize = ((Number) (value.toObject())).intValue(); maximumOctets = Math.max(maximumOctets, thisSize); } } } final DisplayHintParser displayHint = parseDisplayHint(type); LOG.debug("displayHint = {} maxSize = {}", displayHint, maximumOctets); if (displayHint != null) { // If the maximum size of the field in octets exceeds the number of // octets consumed by // the display hint (excluding the case where it's repeated an // unknown number of times), // then assume that the output width will be repeated as many times // as the number of octets allows. // For example, given: // SIZE(255) // and // DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" // then: // - outputWidth will be 3 (2 hex digits & 1 colon) // - octetsConsumed will be 1 // so, the maximum output width is determined to be 3 * (255 / 1), // i.e. 765. if (!displayHint.isRepeated && maximumOctets > displayHint.octetsConsumed) { maximumFieldWidth = displayHint.outputWidth * (maximumOctets / displayHint.octetsConsumed); } else { maximumFieldWidth = displayHint.outputWidth; } } else { // For shorter fields without a DISPLAY HINT, give them some extra // space for formatting. maximumFieldWidth = maximumOctets <= MAXIMUM_OCTET_STRING_LENGTH_DISPLAY_FACTOR_APPLIES ? maximumOctets * OCTET_STRING_DISPLAY_FACTOR : maximumOctets; } return maximumFieldWidth; } private DisplayHintParser parseDisplayHint(final MibType type) { final SnmpTextualConvention textualConvention = SnmpTextualConvention.findReference(type); if (textualConvention != null) { final String displayHint = textualConvention.getDisplayHint(); if (displayHint != null) { return DisplayHintParser.parseOctetStringDisplayHint(displayHint); } } return null; } /** * Field has default value boolean. * * @param child the child * @return the boolean */ protected final boolean fieldHasDefaultValue(final MibValueSymbol child) { return getFieldDefaultValue(child) != null; } /** * Gets field default value. * * @param child the child * @return the field default value */ protected final MibValue getFieldDefaultValue(final MibValueSymbol child) { return ((SnmpObjectType) child.getType()).getDefaultValue(); } }