Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Dorado 7.x ( * * Copyright (c) 2002-2012 BSTEK Corp. All rights reserved. * * This file is dual-licensed under the AGPLv3 ( * and BSDN commercial ( licenses. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department * at */ package com.bstek.dorado.view.output; import; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Stack; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.bstek.dorado.core.el.Expression; import com.bstek.dorado.core.resource.ResourceManager; import com.bstek.dorado.core.resource.ResourceManagerUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.bstek.dorado.util.DateUtils; import com.bstek.dorado.util.clazz.BeanPropertyUtils; import com.bstek.dorado.view.el.CombinedExpression; import com.bstek.dorado.view.el.OutputableExpressionUtils; import com.bstek.dorado.view.el.SingleExpression; /** * ?JSON? * * @author Benny Bao ( * @since Oct 6, 2008 */ public class DataOutputter implements Outputter, PropertyOutputter { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DataOutputter.class); private static final ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManagerUtils.get(DataOutputter.class); private static final Long ONE_DAY = 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24; private boolean evaluateExpression = true; private boolean ignoreEmptyProperty; private boolean simplePropertyValueOnly; public boolean isEvaluateExpression() { return evaluateExpression; } public void setEvaluateExpression(boolean evaluateExpression) { this.evaluateExpression = evaluateExpression; } public boolean isIgnoreEmptyProperty() { return ignoreEmptyProperty; } public void setIgnoreEmptyProperty(boolean ignoreEmptyProperty) { this.ignoreEmptyProperty = ignoreEmptyProperty; } public boolean isSimplePropertyValueOnly() { return simplePropertyValueOnly; } public void setSimplePropertyValueOnly(boolean simplePropertyValueOnly) { this.simplePropertyValueOnly = simplePropertyValueOnly; } public boolean isEscapeValue(Object value) { return OutputUtils.isEscapeValue(value); } /** * EL?JavaScript? */ protected void outputExpression(String expression, OutputContext context) throws Exception { Writer writer = context.getWriter(); if (expression.equals("this")) { writer.write(expression); } else { writer.write(expression.replaceAll("this.", "dorado.DataPath.create(\"")); writer.write("\").evaluate(this, true)"); } } public void output(Object object, OutputContext context) throws Exception { if (object != null) { outputData(object, context); } else { JsonBuilder json = context.getJsonBuilder(); json.value(null); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void outputPagingList(PagingList pagingList, OutputContext context) throws Exception { JsonBuilder json = context.getJsonBuilder(); json.object(); json.key("$isWrapper").value(true); json.key("data"); json.array(); for (Object e : pagingList) { outputData(e, context); } json.endArray(); json.key("pageSize").value(pagingList.getPageSize()); json.key("pageNo").value(pagingList.getPageNo()); json.key("pageCount").value(pagingList.getPageCount()); json.key("entityCount").value(pagingList.getEntityCount()); json.endObject(); } private void outputPage(Page<?> page, OutputContext context) throws Exception { JsonBuilder json = context.getJsonBuilder(); json.object(); json.key("$isWrapper").value(true); Collection<?> entities = page.getEntities(); if (entities != null) { json.key("data"); json.array(); for (Object e : entities) { outputData(e, context); } json.endArray(); } json.key("pageSize").value(page.getPageSize()); json.key("pageNo").value(page.getPageNo()); json.key("pageCount").value(page.getPageCount()); json.key("entityCount").value(page.getEntityCount()); json.endObject(); } /** * @param object * @param writer * @param context * @throws Exception */ protected void outputData(Object object, OutputContext context) throws Exception { JsonBuilder json = context.getJsonBuilder(); if (EntityUtils.isSimpleValue(object)) { if (object instanceof Date) { Date d = (Date) object; if (d instanceof Time || d instanceof Timestamp || d.getTime() % ONE_DAY != 0) { json.value(DateUtils.format(com.bstek.dorado.core.Constants.ISO_DATETIME_FORMAT1, d)); } else { json.value(DateUtils.format(com.bstek.dorado.core.Constants.ISO_DATE_FORMAT, d)); } } else { json.value(object); } } else { if (object instanceof Expression) { json.beginValue(); Writer writer = context.getWriter(); writer.write("function(){return "); Expression expression = (Expression) object; if (expression instanceof SingleExpression) { outputExpression((String) ((SingleExpression) expression).prevaluate(), context); } else if (expression instanceof CombinedExpression) { CombinedExpression combinedExpression = (CombinedExpression) expression; int i = 0; for (Object section : (Object[]) combinedExpression.prevaluate()) { if (section == null) continue; if (i > 0) writer.write('+'); if (section instanceof org.apache.commons.jexl2.Expression) { outputExpression(((org.apache.commons.jexl2.Expression) section).getExpression(), context); } else { writer.write('"'); writer.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(String.valueOf(section))); writer.write('"'); } i++; } } writer.write(";}"); json.endValue(); } else { internalOutputData(object, context); } } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void internalOutputData(Object object, OutputContext context) throws Exception { JsonBuilder json = context.getJsonBuilder(); Stack<Object> dataObjectStack = context.getDataObjectStack(); if (dataObjectStack.contains(object)) { Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException( resourceManager.getString("dorado.common/circuitReferenceError", object.toString())); logger.error(e, e); json.value(null); return; } dataObjectStack.push(object); try { if (object instanceof Collection<?>) { outputDataTypeIfNecessary(context, object); if (object instanceof PagingList) { outputPagingList((PagingList) object, context); } else { json.array(); for (Object e : (Collection<?>) object) { outputData(e, context); } json.endArray(); } } else if (object instanceof Page<?>) { outputPage((Page<?>) object, context); } else { outputEntity(object, context); } } finally { dataObjectStack.pop(); } } protected void outputEntity(Object object, OutputContext context) throws Exception { EntityWrapper entity = EntityWrapper.create(object); if (!context.isShouldOutputEntityState() && entity.getState() == EntityState.DELETED) { return; } JsonBuilder json = context.getJsonBuilder(); EntityDataType dataType = entity.getDataType(); json.object(); Class<?> type = object.getClass(); if (dataType == null || dataType.isAcceptUnknownProperty()) { for (String property : entity.getPropertySet()) { if (!BeanPropertyUtils.isValidProperty(type, property)) { continue; } outputEntityProperty(context, entity, property, false); } } else { for (String property : entity.getPropertySet()) { if (!BeanPropertyUtils.isValidProperty(type, property)) { continue; } PropertyDef propertyDef = dataType.getPropertyDef(property); if (propertyDef == null || propertyDef.isIgnored()) { continue; } if (propertyDef instanceof LazyPropertyDef) { LazyPropertyDef lazyPropertyDef = (LazyPropertyDef) propertyDef; if (lazyPropertyDef.isActiveAtClient() && !entity.isLoaded(property)) { continue; } } outputEntityProperty(context, entity, property, ignoreEmptyProperty); } } outputDataTypeIfNecessary(context, object); if (context.isShouldOutputEntityState()) { EntityState state = entity.getState(); if (state != EntityState.NONE) { json.key(JsonUtils.STATE_PROPERTY).value(EntityState.toInt(state)); } } json.endObject(); } protected void outputEntityProperty(OutputContext context, EntityWrapper entity, String property, boolean ignoreEmptyProperty) throws Exception { Object value = null; EntityEnhancer.resetHasPropertyResultSkiped(); if (!isEvaluateExpression()) { OutputableExpressionUtils.disableOutputableExpression(); } try { value = entity.get(property); if (OutputableExpressionUtils.getSkipedExpression() != null) { value = OutputableExpressionUtils.getSkipedExpression(); } } finally { if (!isEvaluateExpression()) { OutputableExpressionUtils.enableOutputableExpression(); } } if ((value != null && !OutputUtils.isEscapeValue(value, OutputUtils.ESCAPE_VALUE) || !ignoreEmptyProperty)) { if (!EntityEnhancer.hasGetterResultSkiped() && (!simplePropertyValueOnly || EntityUtils.isSimpleValue(value))) { JsonBuilder json = context.getJsonBuilder(); json.escapeableKey(property); outputData(value, context); json.endKey(); } } } private void outputDataTypeIfNecessary(OutputContext context, Object object) { if (context.isShouldOutputDataTypes()) { DataType dataType = null; if (object instanceof Collection<?>) { AggregationDataType aggDataType = EntityUtils.getDataType((Collection<?>) object); if (aggDataType != null) { dataType = aggDataType.getElementDataType(); } } else { dataType = EntityUtils.getDataType(object); } if (dataType != null) { context.markIncludeDataType(dataType); } } } }