Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 the original author or authors. See the file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import*; public class ElementResolver { public static Element getElementByTagName(Element parent, String tagName) { NodeList<Element> nodeList = parent.getElementsByTagName(tagName); if (nodeList.getLength() > 0) { return nodeList.getItem(0); } return null; } public static NodeIterable<Element> getElementsByTagName(Element parent, String tagName) { return new NodeIterable<Element>(parent.getElementsByTagName(tagName)); } public static Element getChildById(Element parent, String id) { NodeIterable<Node> elements = new NodeIterable<Node>(parent.getChildNodes()); for (Node node : elements) { Element child = (Element) node; if (child.getId().equals(id)) { return child; } } return null; } public static Element getChildByIdRec(Element parent, String id) { NodeIterable<Node> elements = new NodeIterable<Node>(parent.getChildNodes()); for (Node node : elements) { Element child = (Element) node; if (child != null && child.getId() != null) { if (child.getId().equals(id)) { return child; } NodeList<Node> childNodes = child.getChildNodes(); for (int cii = 0; cii < childNodes.getLength(); cii++) { Element child2 = (Element) childNodes.getItem(cii); Element childByIdRec = getChildByIdRec(child2, id); if (childByIdRec != null) { return childByIdRec; } } } } return null; } public static Element create(String tagName) { return document().createElement(tagName); } public static AnchorElement a() { return document().createAnchorElement(); } public static Element abbr() { return create("abbr"); } public static Element address() { return create("address"); } public static QuoteElement blockquote() { return document().createBlockQuoteElement(); } public static BodyElement body() { return document().getBody(); } public static BRElement br() { return document().createBRElement(); } public static ButtonElement button() { return document().createPushButtonElement(); } public static TableCaptionElement caption() { return document().createCaptionElement(); } public static InputElement checkbox() { return document().createCheckInputElement(); } public static DivElement div() { return document().createDivElement(); } public static Element dd() { return create("dd"); } public static DListElement dl() { return document().createDLElement(); } public static Element dt() { return create("dt"); } public static Document document() { return Document.get(); } public static Element em() { return create("em"); } public static FieldSetElement fieldset() { return document().createFieldSetElement(); } public static InputElement file() { return document().createFileInputElement(); } public static FormElement form() { return document().createFormElement(); } public static HeadingElement heading(int level) { return document().createHElement(level); } public static InputElement hidden() { return document().createHiddenInputElement(); } public static ImageElement img() { return document().createImageElement(); } public static LabelElement label() { return document().createLabelElement(); } public static LegendElement legend() { return document().createLegendElement(); } public static LIElement li() { return document().createLIElement(); } public static OListElement ol() { return document().createOLElement(); } public static OptionElement option() { return document().createOptionElement(); } public static ParagraphElement p() { return document().createPElement(); } public static InputElement password() { return document().createPasswordInputElement(); } public static PreElement pre() { return document().createPreElement(); } public static InputElement radio(String name) { return document().createRadioInputElement(name); } public static ButtonElement reset() { return document().createResetButtonElement(); } public static ScriptElement script() { return document().createScriptElement(); } public static SelectElement select(boolean multiple) { return document().createSelectElement(multiple); } public static Element small() { return create("small"); } public static SpanElement span() { return document().createSpanElement(); } public static Element strong() { return create("strong"); } public static ButtonElement submit() { return document().createSubmitButtonElement(); } public static TableElement table() { return document().createTableElement(); } public static TableSectionElement tbody() { return document().createTBodyElement(); } public static TableSectionElement thead() { return document().createTHeadElement(); } public static TableSectionElement tfoot() { return document().createTFootElement(); } public static TableCellElement th() { return document().createTHElement(); } public static TableRowElement tr() { return document().createTRElement(); } public static TableCellElement td() { return document().createTDElement(); } public static InputElement text() { return document().createTextInputElement(); } public static TextAreaElement textarea() { return document().createTextAreaElement(); } public static UListElement ul() { return document().createULElement(); } }