Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of gwt-cal * Copyright (C) 2009 Scottsdale Software LLC * * gwt-cal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see < */ package com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.monthview; import static com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.DateUtils.moveOneDayForward; import static com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.monthview.MonthViewDateUtils.firstDateShownInAMonthView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DragEndEvent; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DragHandler; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DragStartEvent; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.PickupDragController; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.VetoDragException; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.drop.MonthViewDropController; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.drop.MonthViewPickupDragController; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.Appointment; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.CalendarFormat; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.CalendarSettings.Click; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.CalendarView; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.CalendarWidget; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.DateUtils; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.event.HasDaySelectionHandlers; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.event.HasWeekSelectionHandlers; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.util.FormattingUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p> * A CalendarView that displays appointments for a given month. The Month is * displayed in a grid-style view where cells represents days, columns * represents days of the week (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc.) and rows represent a * full week (Sunday through Saturday). * <p/> * <p/> * <h3>CSS Style Rules</h3> <ul class='css'> * <li>.gwt-cal-MonthView { }</li> * <li>.dayCell { cell that represents a day }</li> * <li>.dayCell-today { cell that represents today }</li> * <li>.dayCell-disabled { cell's day falls outside the month }</li> * <li>.dayCell-today-disabled { cell represents today, falls outside the month * }</li> * <li>.dayCellLabel { header for the cell }</li> * <li>.dayCellLabel-today { cell represents today }</li> * <li>.dayCellLabel-disabled { cell's day falls outside the month }</li> * <li>.dayCellLabel-today-disabled { cell represents today, falls outside the * month }</li> * <li>.weekDayLabel { label for the days of the week }</li> </ul> * * @author Brad Rydzewski * @since 0.9.0 */ public class MonthView extends CalendarView implements HasWeekSelectionHandlers<Date>, HasDaySelectionHandlers<Date> { private List<Widget> dragControlledWidgets = new LinkedList<Widget>(); public static final Comparator<Appointment> APPOINTMENT_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Appointment>() { public int compare(Appointment a1, Appointment a2) { int compare = Boolean.valueOf(a2.isMultiDay()).compareTo(a1.isMultiDay()); if (compare == 0) { compare = a1.getStart().compareTo(a2.getStart()); } if (compare == 0) { compare = a2.getEnd().compareTo(a1.getEnd()); } return compare; } }; private static final int DAYS_IN_A_WEEK = 7; private final static String MONTH_VIEW = "gwt-cal-MonthView"; private final static String CANVAS_STYLE = "canvas"; private final static String GRID_STYLE = "grid"; private final static String CELL_STYLE = "dayCell"; private final static String MORE_LABEL_STYLE = "moreAppointments"; private final static String CELL_HEADER_STYLE = "dayCellLabel"; private final static String WEEKDAY_LABEL_STYLE = "weekDayLabel"; private final static String WEEKNUMBER_LABEL_STYLE = "weekNumberLabel"; /** * List of appointment panels drawn on the month view canvas. */ private ArrayList<AppointmentWidget> appointmentsWidgets = new ArrayList<AppointmentWidget>(); /** * All appointments are placed on this canvas and arranged. */ private AbsolutePanel appointmentCanvas = new AbsolutePanel(); /** * All "+ n more" Labels, mapped to its cell in the MonthView Grid. */ private HashMap<Element, Integer> moreLabels = new HashMap<Element, Integer>(); private ArrayList<Label> dayLabels = new ArrayList<Label>(); private ArrayList<Widget> dayPanels = new ArrayList<Widget>(); /** * The first date displayed on the MonthView (1st cell.) This date is not * necessarily the first date of the month as the month view will sometimes * display days from the adjacent months because of the number of days * fitting in the visible grid. */ private Date firstDateDisplayed; /** * Grid that makes up the days and weeks of the MonthView. */ private FlexTable monthCalendarGrid = new FlexTable(); /** * The number of rows required to display the entire month in grid format. * Although most months span a total of five weeks, there are some months * that span six weeks. */ private int monthViewRequiredRows = 5; /** * List of <code>AppointmentWidget</code>s that are associated to the * currently selected <code>Appointment</code> appointment. */ private ArrayList<AppointmentWidget> selectedAppointmentWidgets = new ArrayList<AppointmentWidget>(); private PickupDragController dragController = null; private MonthViewDropController monthViewDropController = null; private MonthViewStyleManager styleManager = GWT.create(MonthViewStyleManager.class); /** * This method is called when the MonthView is attached to the Calendar and * displayed. This is where all components are configured and added to the * RootPanel. */ public void attach(CalendarWidget widget) { super.attach(widget); calendarWidget.addToRootPanel(monthCalendarGrid); monthCalendarGrid.setCellPadding(0); monthCalendarGrid.setBorderWidth(0); monthCalendarGrid.setCellSpacing(0); monthCalendarGrid.setStyleName(GRID_STYLE); calendarWidget.addToRootPanel(appointmentCanvas); appointmentCanvas.setStyleName(CANVAS_STYLE); selectedAppointmentWidgets.clear(); if (dragController == null) { dragController = new MonthViewPickupDragController(appointmentCanvas, true); dragController.addDragHandler(new DragHandler() { public void onDragEnd(DragEndEvent event) { Appointment appt = ((AppointmentWidget) event.getContext().draggable).getAppointment(); calendarWidget.setCommittedAppointment(appt); calendarWidget.fireUpdateEvent(appt); } public void onDragStart(DragStartEvent event) { Appointment appt = ((AppointmentWidget) event.getContext().draggable).getAppointment(); calendarWidget.setRollbackAppointment(appt.clone()); } public void onPreviewDragEnd(DragEndEvent event) throws VetoDragException { // do nothing } public void onPreviewDragStart(DragStartEvent event) throws VetoDragException { // do nothing } }); } /* * Need to re-set appointmentCanvas to position:absolute because gwt-dnd * will set it to relative, but then the layout gets f***ed up */ DOM.setStyleAttribute(appointmentCanvas.getElement(), "position", "absolute"); dragController.setBehaviorDragStartSensitivity(5); dragController.setBehaviorDragProxy(true); // instantiate our drop controller monthViewDropController = new MonthViewDropController(appointmentCanvas, monthCalendarGrid); dragController.registerDropController(monthViewDropController); } /** * Performs a Layout and arranges all appointments on the MonthView's * appointment canvas. */ @Override public void doLayout() { // Clear all existing appointments for (Widget dragControlledWidget : dragControlledWidgets) { dragController.makeNotDraggable(dragControlledWidget); } dragControlledWidgets.clear(); appointmentCanvas.clear(); monthCalendarGrid.clear(); appointmentsWidgets.clear(); moreLabels.clear(); dayLabels.clear(); dayPanels.clear(); selectedAppointmentWidgets.clear(); while (monthCalendarGrid.getRowCount() > 0) { monthCalendarGrid.removeRow(0); } // Rebuild the month grid buildCalendarGrid(); // (Re)calculate some variables calculateCellHeight(); calculateCellAppointments(); // set variables needed by the drop controller // monthViewDropController.setDayHeaderHeight(calculatedDayHeaderHeight); monthViewDropController.setDaysPerWeek(DAYS_IN_A_WEEK); // monthViewDropController.setWeekdayHeaderHeight(calculatedWeekDayHeaderHeight); monthViewDropController.setWeeksPerMonth(monthViewRequiredRows); monthViewDropController.setFirstDateDisplayed(firstDateDisplayed); // Sort the appointments // TODO: don't re-sort the appointment unless necessary Collections.sort(calendarWidget.getAppointments(), APPOINTMENT_COMPARATOR); // Distribute appointments MonthLayoutDescription monthLayoutDescription = new MonthLayoutDescription(firstDateDisplayed, monthViewRequiredRows, calendarWidget.getAppointments(), calculatedCellAppointments - 1); int dayIndex = 0; for (int row = 0; row < monthCalendarGrid.getRowCount() - 1; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < DAYS_IN_A_WEEK; col++) { Widget lbl = dayPanels.get(dayIndex); placeDayLabelInGrid(lbl, col, row); dayIndex++; } } // Get the layouts for each week in the month WeekLayoutDescription[] weeks = monthLayoutDescription.getWeekDescriptions(); for (int weekOfMonth = 0; weekOfMonth < weeks.length && weekOfMonth < monthViewRequiredRows; weekOfMonth++) { WeekLayoutDescription weekDescription = weeks[weekOfMonth]; if (weekDescription != null) { layOnTopOfTheWeekHangingAppointments(weekDescription, weekOfMonth); layOnWeekDaysAppointments(weekDescription, weekOfMonth); } } } private void layOnTopOfTheWeekHangingAppointments(WeekLayoutDescription weekDescription, int weekOfMonth) { AppointmentStackingManager weekTopElements = weekDescription.getTopAppointmentsManager(); for (int layer = 0; layer < calculatedCellAppointments; layer++) { ArrayList<AppointmentLayoutDescription> descriptionsInLayer = weekTopElements .getDescriptionsInLayer(layer); if (descriptionsInLayer == null) { break; } for (AppointmentLayoutDescription weekTopElement : descriptionsInLayer) { layOnAppointment(weekTopElement.getAppointment(), weekTopElement.getWeekStartDay(), weekTopElement.getWeekEndDay(), weekOfMonth, layer); } } } private void layOnWeekDaysAppointments(WeekLayoutDescription week, int weekOfMonth) { AppointmentStackingManager topAppointmentManager = week.getTopAppointmentsManager(); for (int dayOfWeek = 0; dayOfWeek < DAYS_IN_A_WEEK; dayOfWeek++) { DayLayoutDescription dayAppointments = week.getDayLayoutDescription(dayOfWeek); int appointmentLayer = topAppointmentManager.lowestLayerIndex(dayOfWeek); if (dayAppointments != null) { int count = dayAppointments.getAppointments().size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Appointment appointment = dayAppointments.getAppointments().get(i); appointmentLayer = topAppointmentManager.nextLowestLayerIndex(dayOfWeek, appointmentLayer); if (appointmentLayer > calculatedCellAppointments - 1) { int remaining = count + topAppointmentManager.multidayAppointmentsOverLimitOn(dayOfWeek) - i; if (remaining == 1) { layOnAppointment(appointment, dayOfWeek, dayOfWeek, weekOfMonth, appointmentLayer); } else { layOnNMoreLabel(remaining, dayOfWeek, weekOfMonth); } break; } layOnAppointment(appointment, dayOfWeek, dayOfWeek, weekOfMonth, appointmentLayer); appointmentLayer++; } } else if (topAppointmentManager.multidayAppointmentsOverLimitOn(dayOfWeek) > 0) { layOnNMoreLabel(topAppointmentManager.multidayAppointmentsOverLimitOn(dayOfWeek), dayOfWeek, weekOfMonth); } } } private void layOnNMoreLabel(int moreCount, int dayOfWeek, int weekOfMonth) { Label more = new Label(CalendarFormat.MESSAGES.more(moreCount)); more.setStyleName(MORE_LABEL_STYLE); placeItemInGrid(more, dayOfWeek, dayOfWeek, weekOfMonth, calculatedCellAppointments); appointmentCanvas.add(more); moreLabels.put(more.getElement(), (dayOfWeek) + (weekOfMonth * 7)); } private void layOnAppointment(Appointment appointment, int colStart, int colEnd, int row, int cellPosition) { AppointmentWidget panel = new AppointmentWidget(appointment); placeItemInGrid(panel, colStart, colEnd, row, cellPosition); boolean selected = calendarWidget.isTheSelectedAppointment(appointment); styleManager.applyStyle(panel, selected); if (calendarWidget.getSettings().isEnableDragDrop() && !appointment.isReadOnly()) { dragController.makeDraggable(panel); dragControlledWidgets.add(panel); } if (selected) selectedAppointmentWidgets.add(panel); appointmentsWidgets.add(panel); appointmentCanvas.add(panel); } /** * Gets the Month View's primary style name. */ public String getStyleName() { return MONTH_VIEW; } /** * Handles the DoubleClick event to determine if an Appointment has been * selected. If an appointment has been double clicked the OpenEvent will * get fired for that appointment. */ public void onDoubleClick(Element clickedElement, Event event) { if (clickedElement.equals(appointmentCanvas.getElement())) { if (calendarWidget.getSettings().getTimeBlockClickNumber() == Click.Double) { dayClicked(event); } } else { ArrayList<AppointmentWidget> list = findAppointmentWidgetsByElement(clickedElement); if (!list.isEmpty()) { calendarWidget.fireOpenEvent(list.get(0).getAppointment()); } } } /** * Handles the a single click to determine if an appointment has been * selected. If an appointment is clicked it's selected status will be set * to true and a SelectionEvent will be fired. */ @Override public void onSingleClick(Element clickedElement, Event event) { if (clickedElement.equals(appointmentCanvas.getElement())) { if (calendarWidget.getSettings().getTimeBlockClickNumber() == Click.Single) { dayClicked(event); } } else { Appointment appointment = findAppointmentByElement(clickedElement); if (appointment != null) { selectAppointment(appointment); } else { // else, lets see if a "+ n more" label was clicked if (moreLabels.containsKey(clickedElement)) { calendarWidget.fireDateRequestEvent(cellDate(moreLabels.get(clickedElement)), clickedElement); } } } } public void onMouseOver(Element element, Event event) { Appointment appointment = findAppointmentByElement(element); calendarWidget.fireMouseOverEvent(appointment, element); } /** * Returns the date corresponding to the <code>cell</code> (as if the * month view grid was a big linear sequence of cells) in the month view * grid. * @param cell The cell number in the month view grid * @return The date that corresponds to the given <code>cell</code> */ private Date cellDate(int cell) { return DateUtils.shiftDate(firstDateDisplayed, cell); } private void dayClicked(Event event) { int y = event.getClientY() + Window.getScrollTop() - DOM.getAbsoluteTop(appointmentCanvas.getElement()); int x = event.getClientX() + Window.getScrollLeft() - DOM.getAbsoluteLeft(appointmentCanvas.getElement()); int row = (int) Math.floor(y / (appointmentCanvas.getOffsetHeight() / monthViewRequiredRows)); int col = (int) Math.floor(x / (appointmentCanvas.getOffsetWidth() / DAYS_IN_A_WEEK)); calendarWidget.fireTimeBlockClickEvent(cellDate(row * DAYS_IN_A_WEEK + col)); } private ArrayList<AppointmentWidget> findAppointmentWidgetsByElement(Element element) { return findAppointmentWidgets(findAppointmentByElement(element)); } /** * Builds and formats the Calendar Grid. No appointments are included when * building the grid. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void buildCalendarGrid() { int firstDayOfWeek = CalendarFormat.INSTANCE.getFirstDayOfWeek(); int month = calendarWidget.getDate().getMonth(); firstDateDisplayed = firstDateShownInAMonthView(calendarWidget.getDate(), firstDayOfWeek); Date today = new Date(); DateUtils.resetTime(today); /* Add the calendar weekday heading */ for (int i = 0; i < DAYS_IN_A_WEEK; i++) { monthCalendarGrid.setText(0, i, CalendarFormat.INSTANCE.getDayOfWeekAbbreviatedNames()[(i + firstDayOfWeek) % 7]); monthCalendarGrid.getCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, i, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); monthCalendarGrid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, i, WEEKDAY_LABEL_STYLE); } Date date = (Date) firstDateDisplayed.clone(); monthViewRequiredRows = MonthViewDateUtils.monthViewRequiredRows(calendarWidget.getDate(), firstDayOfWeek); int weekNumber = DateUtils.calendarWeekIso(date); for (int monthGridRowIndex = 1; monthGridRowIndex <= monthViewRequiredRows; monthGridRowIndex++) { for (int dayOfWeekIndex = 0; dayOfWeekIndex < DAYS_IN_A_WEEK; dayOfWeekIndex++) { if (monthGridRowIndex != 1 || dayOfWeekIndex != 0) { moveOneDayForward(date); weekNumber = DateUtils.calendarWeekIso(date); } configureDayInGrid(monthGridRowIndex, dayOfWeekIndex, date, date.equals(today), date.getMonth() != month, weekNumber); } } } /** * Configures a single day in the month grid of this <code>MonthView</code>. * * @param row * The row in the grid on which the day will be set * @param col * The col in the grid on which the day will be set * @param date * The Date in the grid * @param isToday * Indicates whether the day corresponds to today in the month * view * @param notInCurrentMonth * Indicates whether the day is in the current visualized month * or belongs to any of the two adjacent months of the current * month * @param weekNumber * The weekNumber to show in the cell, only appears in the first col. */ private void configureDayInGrid(int row, int col, Date date, boolean isToday, boolean notInCurrentMonth, int weekNumber) { HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); String text = String.valueOf(date.getDate()); Label label = new Label(text); StringBuilder headerStyle = new StringBuilder(CELL_HEADER_STYLE); StringBuilder cellStyle = new StringBuilder(CELL_STYLE); boolean found = false; for (Date day : getSettings().getHolidays()) { if (DateUtils.areOnTheSameDay(day, date)) { headerStyle.append("-holiday"); cellStyle.append("-holiday"); found = true; break; } } if (isToday) { headerStyle.append("-today"); cellStyle.append("-today"); } else if (!found && DateUtils.isWeekend(date)) { headerStyle.append("-weekend"); cellStyle.append("-weekend"); } if (notInCurrentMonth) { headerStyle.append("-disabled"); } label.setStyleName(headerStyle.toString()); addDayClickHandler(label, (Date) date.clone()); if (col == 0 && getSettings().isShowingWeekNumbers()) { Label weekLabel = new Label(String.valueOf(weekNumber)); weekLabel.setStyleName(WEEKNUMBER_LABEL_STYLE); panel.add(weekLabel); panel.setCellWidth(weekLabel, "25px"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(label.getElement(), "paddingLeft", "5px"); addWeekClickHandler(weekLabel, (Date) date.clone()); } panel.add(label); appointmentCanvas.add(panel); dayLabels.add(label); dayPanels.add(panel); //monthCalendarGrid.setWidget(row, col, panel); monthCalendarGrid.getCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(row, col, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); monthCalendarGrid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(row, col, cellStyle.toString()); } /** * Returns the {@link Appointment} indirectly associated to the passed * <code>element</code>. Each Appointment drawn on the CalendarView maps to * a Widget and therefore an Element. This method attempts to find an * Appointment based on the provided Element. If no match is found a null * value is returned. * * @param element Element to look up. * @return Appointment matching the element. */ private Appointment findAppointmentByElement(Element element) { Appointment appointmentAtElement = null; for (AppointmentWidget widget : appointmentsWidgets) { if (DOM.isOrHasChild(widget.getElement(), element)) { appointmentAtElement = widget.getAppointment(); break; } } return appointmentAtElement; } /** * Finds any related <code>AppointmentWidgets</code> associated to the * passed Appointment, <code>appt</code>. * * @param appt * Appointment to match. * @return List of related AppointmentWidget objects. */ private ArrayList<AppointmentWidget> findAppointmentWidgets(Appointment appt) { ArrayList<AppointmentWidget> appointmentWidgets = new ArrayList<AppointmentWidget>(); if (appt != null) { for (AppointmentWidget widget : appointmentsWidgets) { if (widget.getAppointment().equals(appt)) { appointmentWidgets.add(widget); } } } return appointmentWidgets; } public void onDeleteKeyPressed() { if (calendarWidget.getSelectedAppointment() != null) calendarWidget.fireDeleteEvent(calendarWidget.getSelectedAppointment()); } @Override public void onAppointmentSelected(Appointment appt) { ArrayList<AppointmentWidget> clickedAppointmentWidgets = findAppointmentWidgets(appt); if (!clickedAppointmentWidgets.isEmpty()) { for (AppointmentWidget widget : selectedAppointmentWidgets) { //widget.removeStyleDependentName("selected"); //DOM.setStyleAttribute(widget.getElement(), // "borderColor", widget.getAppointment().getAppointmentStyle().getBorder()); styleManager.applyStyle(widget, false); } for (AppointmentWidget widget : clickedAppointmentWidgets) { //widget.addStyleDependentName("selected"); //DOM.setStyleAttribute(widget.getElement(), // "borderColor", appt.getAppointmentStyle().getSelectedBorder()); styleManager.applyStyle(widget, true); } selectedAppointmentWidgets.clear(); selectedAppointmentWidgets = clickedAppointmentWidgets; } } /** * Multiple calculated ("cached") values reused during * laying out the month view elements. */ private int calculatedWeekDayHeaderHeight; private int calculatedDayHeaderHeight; /** * Maximum appointments per cell (day). */ private int calculatedCellAppointments; /** * Height of each Cell (day), including the day's header. */ private float calculatedCellOffsetHeight; /** * Height of each Cell (day), excluding the day's header. */ private float calculatedCellHeight; /** * Calculates the height of each day cell in the Month grid. It excludes the * height of each day's header, as well as the overall header that shows the * weekday labels. */ private void calculateCellHeight() { int gridHeight = monthCalendarGrid.getOffsetHeight(); int weekdayRowHeight = monthCalendarGrid.getRowFormatter().getElement(0).getOffsetHeight(); int dayHeaderHeight = dayLabels.get(0).getOffsetHeight(); calculatedCellOffsetHeight = (float) (gridHeight - weekdayRowHeight) / monthViewRequiredRows; calculatedCellHeight = calculatedCellOffsetHeight - dayHeaderHeight; calculatedWeekDayHeaderHeight = weekdayRowHeight; calculatedDayHeaderHeight = dayHeaderHeight; } /** * Calculates the maximum number of appointments that can be displayed in a * given "day cell". */ private void calculateCellAppointments() { int paddingTop = appointmentPaddingTop(); int height = appointmentHeight(); calculatedCellAppointments = (int) Math .floor((float) (calculatedCellHeight - paddingTop) / (float) (height + paddingTop)) - 1; } private static int appointmentPaddingTop() { return 1 + (Math.abs(FormattingUtil.getBorderOffset()) * 3); } private static int appointmentHeight() { // TODO: calculate appointment height dynamically return 20; } private void placeItemInGrid(Widget panel, int colStart, int colEnd, int row, int cellPosition) { int paddingTop = appointmentPaddingTop() + 3; int height = appointmentHeight(); float left = (float) colStart / (float) DAYS_IN_A_WEEK * 100f + .5f; float width = ((float) (colEnd - colStart + 1) / (float) DAYS_IN_A_WEEK) * 100f - 1f; float top = calculatedWeekDayHeaderHeight + (row * calculatedCellOffsetHeight) + calculatedDayHeaderHeight + paddingTop + (cellPosition * (height + paddingTop)); // System.out.println( "\t" + calculatedWeekDayHeaderHeight + " + (" + row + // " * " + calculatedCellOffsetHeight + ") + " + // calculatedDayHeaderHeight + " + " + paddingTop + " + (" + // cellPosition+"*("+height+"+"+paddingTop + "));"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "position", "absolute"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "top", top + "px"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "left", left + "%"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "width", width + "%"); } private void placeDayLabelInGrid(Widget panel, int col, int row) { int paddingTop = appointmentPaddingTop(); float left = (float) col / (float) DAYS_IN_A_WEEK * 100f + .5f; float width = (1f / (float) DAYS_IN_A_WEEK) * 100f - 1f; float top = calculatedWeekDayHeaderHeight + (row * calculatedCellOffsetHeight) + paddingTop; DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "position", "absolute"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "top", top + "px"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "left", left + "%"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "width", width + "%"); } }