Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of gwt-cal * Copyright (C) 2009 Scottsdale Software LLC * * gwt-cal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see < */ package com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.agenda; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.Appointment; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.Attendee; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.CalendarView; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.CalendarWidget; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.DateUtils; import com.bradrydzewski.gwt.calendar.client.util.AppointmentUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class AgendaView extends CalendarView { /** * Adapter class that maps an Appointment to the widgets (DIV's, etc) that represent * it on the screen. This is necessary because a single appointment is represented by * many widgets. For example, an appointment is represented by a title widget, * a description widget, and has a "get more details" label. * * By mapping an appointment to these widgets we can easily figure out which * appointment the user is interacting with as they click around the AgendaView. * @author Brad Rydzewski * @version 1.0 * @since 0.9.0 */ class AgendaViewAppointmentAdapter { private Widget titleLabel; private Widget dateLabel; private Widget detailsLabel; private Appointment appointment; private Widget detailsPanel; public AgendaViewAppointmentAdapter(Widget titleLabel, Widget dateLabel, Widget detailsPanel, Widget detailsLabel, Appointment appointment) { super(); this.titleLabel = titleLabel; this.dateLabel = dateLabel; this.detailsLabel = detailsLabel; this.detailsPanel = detailsPanel; this.appointment = appointment; } public Widget getTitleLabel() { return titleLabel; } public Widget getDateLabel() { return dateLabel; } public Widget getDetailsLabel() { return detailsLabel; } public Appointment getAppointment() { return appointment; } public Widget getDetailsPanel() { return detailsPanel; } } class AppointmentDetailPanel extends Composite { private Label moreDetailsRow = new Label(); public AppointmentDetailPanel(SimplePanel detailContainer, Appointment appt) { initWidget(detailContainer); // add the detail widget detailContainer.setStyleName("detailContainer"); AbsolutePanel detailDecorator = new AbsolutePanel(); detailDecorator.setStyleName("detailDecorator"); detailContainer.setVisible(false); detailContainer.add(detailDecorator); if (appt.getLocation() != null && !appt.getLocation().isEmpty()) { AbsolutePanel whereRow = new AbsolutePanel(); InlineLabel whereHeader = new InlineLabel("Where: "); whereHeader.setStyleName("detailHeader"); whereRow.add(whereHeader); whereRow.add(new InlineLabel(appt.getLocation())); detailDecorator.add(whereRow); } if (appt.getCreatedBy() != null && !appt.getCreatedBy().isEmpty()) { AbsolutePanel creatorRow = new AbsolutePanel(); InlineLabel creatorHeader = new InlineLabel("Creator: "); creatorHeader.setStyleName("detailHeader"); creatorRow.add(creatorHeader); creatorRow.add(new InlineLabel(appt.getCreatedBy())); detailDecorator.add(creatorRow); } if (appt.getAttendees() != null && !appt.getAttendees().isEmpty()) { AbsolutePanel whoRow = new AbsolutePanel(); InlineLabel whoHeader = new InlineLabel("Who: "); whoHeader.setStyleName("detailHeader"); whoRow.add(whoHeader); for (int a = 0; a < appt.getAttendees().size(); a++) { Attendee attendee = appt.getAttendees().get(a); String comma = (a < appt.getAttendees().size() - 1) ? ", " : ""; String labelText = attendee.getEmail() + comma; whoRow.add(new InlineLabel(labelText)); } detailDecorator.add(whoRow); } DOM.setInnerHTML(moreDetailsRow.getElement(), "more details»"); moreDetailsRow.setStyleName("moreDetailsButton"); //moreDetailsRow.addClickHandler(appointmentClickHandler); detailDecorator.add(moreDetailsRow); } public Label getMoreDetailsLabel() { return moreDetailsRow; } } /** * FlexTable used to display a list of appointments. */ private FlexTable appointmentGrid = new FlexTable(); /** * List of appointment adapters, used to map widgets to the appointments * they represent. */ private ArrayList<AgendaViewAppointmentAdapter> appointmentAdapterList = new ArrayList<AgendaViewAppointmentAdapter>(); /** * DateTime format used to represent a day. */ private static final DateTimeFormat DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("EEE MMM d"); /** * DateTime format used when displaying an appointments start and end time. */ private static final DateTimeFormat DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.getShortTimeFormat(); /** * Style used to format this view. */ private String styleName = "gwt-cal-ListView"; /** * Adds the calendar view to the calendar widget and performs required formatting. */ public void attach(CalendarWidget widget) { super.attach(widget); appointmentGrid.setCellPadding(5); appointmentGrid.setCellSpacing(0); appointmentGrid.setBorderWidth(0); appointmentGrid.setWidth("100%"); //DOM.setStyleAttribute(appointmentGrid.getElement(), "tableLayout", "fixed"); calendarWidget.getRootPanel().add(appointmentGrid); calendarWidget.getRootPanel().add(appointmentGrid); } /** * Gets the style name associated with this particular view * @return Style name. */ public String getStyleName() { return styleName; } @Override public void doLayout() { appointmentAdapterList.clear(); appointmentGrid.clear(); for (int i = appointmentGrid.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { appointmentGrid.removeRow(i); } //Get the start date, make sure time is 0:00:00 AM Date startDate = (Date) calendarWidget.getDate().clone(); Date today = new Date(); Date endDate = (Date) calendarWidget.getDate().clone(); endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 1); DateUtils.resetTime(today); DateUtils.resetTime(startDate); DateUtils.resetTime(endDate); int row = 0; for (int i = 0; i < calendarWidget.getDays(); i++) { // Filter the list by date List<Appointment> filteredList = AppointmentUtil.filterListByDate(calendarWidget.getAppointments(), startDate, endDate); if (filteredList != null && filteredList.size() > 0) { appointmentGrid.setText(row, 0, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT.format(startDate)); appointmentGrid.getCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(row, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); appointmentGrid.getFlexCellFormatter().setRowSpan(row, 0, filteredList.size()); appointmentGrid.getFlexCellFormatter().setStyleName(row, 0, "dateCell"); int startingCell = 1; //Row styles will alternate, so we set the style accordingly String rowStyle = (i % 2 == 0) ? "row" : "row-alt"; //If a Row represents the current date (Today) then we style it differently if (startDate.equals(today)) rowStyle += "-today"; for (Appointment appt : filteredList) { // add the time range String timeSpanString = DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT.format(appt.getStart()) + " - " + DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT.format(appt.getEnd()); Label timeSpanLabel = new Label(timeSpanString.toLowerCase()); appointmentGrid.setWidget(row, startingCell, timeSpanLabel); // add the title and description FlowPanel titleContainer = new FlowPanel(); InlineLabel titleLabel = new InlineLabel(appt.getTitle()); titleContainer.add(titleLabel); InlineLabel descLabel = new InlineLabel(" - " + appt.getDescription()); descLabel.setStyleName("descriptionLabel"); titleContainer.add(descLabel); appointmentGrid.setWidget(row, startingCell + 1, titleContainer); SimplePanel detailContainerPanel = new SimplePanel(); AppointmentDetailPanel detailContainer = new AppointmentDetailPanel(detailContainerPanel, appt); appointmentAdapterList.add(new AgendaViewAppointmentAdapter(titleLabel, timeSpanLabel, detailContainerPanel, detailContainer.getMoreDetailsLabel(), appt)); //add the detail container titleContainer.add(detailContainer); //add click handlers to title, date and details link timeSpanLabel.addClickHandler(appointmentClickHandler); titleLabel.addClickHandler(appointmentClickHandler); detailContainer.getMoreDetailsLabel().addClickHandler(appointmentClickHandler); // Format the Cells appointmentGrid.getCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(row, startingCell, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); appointmentGrid.getCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(row, startingCell + 1, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); appointmentGrid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(row, startingCell, "timeCell"); appointmentGrid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(row, startingCell + 1, "titleCell"); appointmentGrid.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(row, rowStyle); // increment the row // make sure the starting column is reset to 0 startingCell = 0; row++; } } // increment the date startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1); endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 1); } } /** * Handles appointments being clicked. Based on the clicked widget will determine * exactly which appointment was clicked and may 1) expand / collaps the appointment * details 2) set the selected appointment or 3) trigger an appointment clicked * event. */ private ClickHandler appointmentClickHandler = new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { //get the appointment adapter based on the clicked widget AgendaViewAppointmentAdapter adapter = getAppointmentFromClickedWidget((Widget) event.getSource()); if (adapter != null) { if (event.getSource().equals(adapter.getDetailsLabel())) { //set the selected appointment calendarWidget.setSelectedAppointment(adapter.getAppointment(), true); //setSelectedAppointment(adapter.getAppointment(),false); //calendarWidget.fireOpenEvent(adapter.getAppointment()); } else { //expand the panel if it is not yet expended adapter.getDetailsPanel().setVisible(!adapter.getDetailsPanel().isVisible()); } } } }; /** * Given Widget w determine which appointment was clicked. This is necessary because * each appointment has 3 widgets that can be clicked - the title, date range and * description. * @param w Widget that was clicked. * @return Appointment mapped to that widget. */ protected AgendaViewAppointmentAdapter getAppointmentFromClickedWidget(Widget w) { for (AgendaViewAppointmentAdapter a : appointmentAdapterList) { if (w.equals(a.dateLabel) || w.equals(a.detailsLabel) || w.equals(a.titleLabel) || w.equals(a.getDetailsPanel())) { return a; } } return null; } @Override public void onDoubleClick(Element element, Event event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onSingleClick(Element element, Event event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void onMouseOver(Element element, Event event) { } @Override public void onAppointmentSelected(Appointment appt) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }