Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Boyle Software, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.boylesoftware.web.impl; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.UnavailableException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.boylesoftware.web.AbstractWebApplication; import com.boylesoftware.web.ApplicationServices; import com.boylesoftware.web.MethodNotAllowedException; import com.boylesoftware.web.api.Attributes; import com.boylesoftware.web.api.Routes; import com.boylesoftware.web.spi.Route.SecurityMode; import com.boylesoftware.web.spi.ControllerMethodArgHandlerProvider; import com.boylesoftware.web.spi.RouterConfiguration; import com.boylesoftware.web.spi.RouterRequest; import com.boylesoftware.web.spi.ViewSender; import com.boylesoftware.web.util.StringUtils; import com.boylesoftware.web.util.pool.FastPool; import com.boylesoftware.web.util.pool.PoolableObjectFactory; import com.boylesoftware.web.util.pool.PooledStringBuffer; import com.boylesoftware.web.util.pool.StringBufferPool; /** * Abstract {@link RouterConfiguration} implementation. * * @author Lev Himmelfarb */ public abstract class AbstractRouterConfiguration implements RouterConfiguration, Routes { /** * Pattern that matches any request URI. */ private static final Pattern ANY_URI = Pattern.compile(".*"); /** * Pattern that does not match any request URI. */ private static final Pattern NO_URI = Pattern.compile(""); /** * The log. */ private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); /** * The application. */ private final AbstractWebApplication webapp; /** * The mappings. */ private final RouteImpl[] mappings; /** * Lock used to synchronized concurrent access to the {@code mappings} * field. */ private final ReadWriteLock mappingsLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); /** * Mappings by mapping id. */ private final Map<String, RouteImpl> mappingsById; /** * Login page URI. */ private final String loginPageURI; /** * Protected URIs pattern. */ private final Pattern protectedURIPattern; /** * Public URIs pattern. */ private final Pattern publicURIPattern; /** * Router request objects pool. */ private final FastPool<RouterRequestImpl> routerRequestPool; /** * Create new router configuration object. * * @param sc Servlet context. * @param appServices The application services. * @param argHandlerProvider Controller method argument handler provider. * @param viewSender View sender. * * @throws UnavailableException If configuration is incorrect. */ public AbstractRouterConfiguration(final ServletContext sc, final ApplicationServices appServices, final ControllerMethodArgHandlerProvider argHandlerProvider, final ViewSender viewSender) throws UnavailableException { this.webapp = appServices.getApplication(); final RoutesBuilder routesBuilder = new RoutesBuilder(sc, argHandlerProvider, viewSender); this.buildRoutes(sc, routesBuilder); this.mappings = routesBuilder.getRoutes(); this.loginPageURI = routesBuilder.getLoginPageURI(); final Pattern protectedURIPattern = routesBuilder.getProtectedURIPattern(); final Pattern publicURIPattern = routesBuilder.getPublicURIPattern(); this.protectedURIPattern = (protectedURIPattern != null ? protectedURIPattern : (publicURIPattern != null ? ANY_URI : NO_URI)); this.publicURIPattern = (publicURIPattern != null ? publicURIPattern : (protectedURIPattern != null ? NO_URI : ANY_URI)); final String fullLoginPageURI = (this.loginPageURI != null ? StringUtils.emptyIfNull(sc.getContextPath()) + this.loginPageURI : null); if (fullLoginPageURI != null) { if (this.protectedURIPattern.matcher(fullLoginPageURI).matches() && !this.publicURIPattern.matcher(fullLoginPageURI).matches()) throw new UnavailableException("Provided login page URI" + " requires an authenticated user. Check the protected and" + " public URI patterns."); } final int numMappings = this.mappings.length; this.mappingsById = new HashMap<>(numMappings); for (int i = 0; i < numMappings; i++) { RouteImpl mapping = this.mappings[i]; if ((fullLoginPageURI != null) && mapping.getURIPattern().matcher(fullLoginPageURI).matches()) { switch (mapping.getSecurityMode()) { case DEFAULT: this.mappings[i] = mapping = new RouteImpl(mapping, SecurityMode.FORCE_SSL); break; case FORCE_SSL: break; case FORCE_REQUIRE_AUTH: throw new UnavailableException("Provided login page URI" + " requires an authenticated user. Check the mapping's" + " security mode."); } } if (this.mappingsById.put(mapping.getId(), mapping) != null) throw new UnavailableException("More than one mapping share route id " + mapping.getId() + "."); } this.routerRequestPool = new FastPool<>(new PoolableObjectFactory<RouterRequestImpl>() { @Override public RouterRequestImpl makeNew(final FastPool<RouterRequestImpl> pool, final int pooledObjectId) { return new RouterRequestImpl(pool, pooledObjectId, appServices); } }, "RouterRequestsPool"); } /** * Build the route mappings. The implementation must call one of the * {@code addRoute} protected methods to add the route mappings. * * <p>Note, that the mappings must be configured in a way that no request * URI can ever match more than one mapping. If it does, the choice of the * mapping by the framework is unpredictable. * * @param sc Servlet context. * @param routes Builder, to which to add the routes. * * @throws UnavailableException If an error happens. */ protected abstract void buildRoutes(ServletContext sc, RoutesBuilder routes) throws UnavailableException; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.boylesoftware.web.spi.RouterConfiguration#findRoute(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ @Override public RouterRequest findRoute(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws MethodNotAllowedException, ServletException { // check if we have mappings if (this.mappings.length == 0) return null; // try to find the matching route mapping final Lock readLock = this.mappingsLock.readLock(); readLock.lock(); try { // test request URI against the mappings RouteImpl mapping = this.mappings[0]; final String requestURI = request.getRequestURI(); // TODO: reusable matcher? final Matcher m = mapping.getURIPattern().matcher(requestURI); int mappingInd = 0; do { // try to match the mapping if (m.matches()) { // log the match if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) this.log.debug("found mapping for URI " + requestURI + " on attempt " + (mappingInd + 1)); // move the mapping higher if matched more frequently final long numMatched = mapping.incrementNumMatched(); if (mappingInd > 0) { final RouteImpl prevMapping = this.mappings[mappingInd - 1]; if (numMatched > prevMapping.getNumMatched()) { final Lock writeLock = this.mappingsLock.writeLock(); readLock.unlock(); writeLock.lock(); try { this.mappings[mappingInd] = prevMapping; this.mappings[mappingInd - 1] = mapping; } finally { readLock.lock(); writeLock.unlock(); } } } // wrap the request final RouterRequestImpl routerRequest = this.routerRequestPool.getSync(); boolean success = false; try { // initialize the router request routerRequest.wrap(request, response, mapping, this.isAuthenticationRequired(requestURI)); // add parameters made from the URI components final int numURIParams = m.groupCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numURIParams; i++) { final String uriParamName = mapping.getURIParamName(i); if (uriParamName != null) routerRequest.addParameter(uriParamName, + 1)); } // convert flash attributes cookie to request attributes routerRequest.flashCookieToAttributes(); // return the router request success = true; return routerRequest; } finally { if (!success) routerRequest.recycle(); } } // next mapping for next iteration if (++mappingInd >= this.mappings.length) break; mapping = this.mappings[mappingInd]; // reuse the matcher m.reset(); m.usePattern(mapping.getURIPattern()); } while (true); } finally { readLock.unlock(); } // no mapping matched return null; } /** * Tell if specified request URI requires authenticated user. * * @param requestURI Server root relative request URI. * * @return {@code true} if requires authenticated user. */ private boolean isAuthenticationRequired(final String requestURI) { return (this.protectedURIPattern.matcher(requestURI).matches() && !this.publicURIPattern.matcher(requestURI).matches()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.boylesoftware.web.spi.RouterConfiguration#getLoginPageURI() */ @Override public String getLoginPageURI() { return this.loginPageURI; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.boylesoftware.web.spi.RouterConfiguration#getRoutes() */ @Override public Routes getRoutes() { return this; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.boylesoftware.web.api.Routes#getRouteURI(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, java.lang.String, com.boylesoftware.web.api.Routes.URIType, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public String getRouteURI(final HttpServletRequest request, final String routeId, final URIType type, final String... uriParams) { // find mapping final RouteImpl mapping = this.mappingsById.get(routeId); if (mapping == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No mapping for route id " + routeId + "."); // check number of provided URI parameters final int numURIParams = mapping.getNumURIParams(); if (numURIParams != uriParams.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Number of URI parameters does" + " not match the route mapping's URI pattern."); // build the URI try (final PooledStringBuffer buf = StringBufferPool.get()) { // build server root relative URI final String uriTmpl = mapping.getURITemplate(); final String relativeURI = (numURIParams > 0 ? this.replaceURIPlaceholders(uriTmpl, uriParams, buf) : uriTmpl); // determine if SSL is needed final boolean needsSSL = ((type == URIType.FORCE_SSL) || (type == URIType.FORCE_ABSOLUTE_SSL) || ((type == URIType.DEFAULT) && ((mapping.getSecurityMode() != SecurityMode.DEFAULT) || this.isAuthenticationRequired(relativeURI)))); // is server root relative URI OK? final boolean secureRequest = request.isSecure(); final boolean authedRequest = (request.getAttribute(Attributes.AUTHED_USER) != null); if ((type != URIType.FORCE_ABSOLUTE_PLAIN) && (type != URIType.FORCE_ABSOLUTE_SSL) && ((!needsSSL && !(secureRequest && ((type == URIType.FORCE_PLAIN) || !authedRequest))) || (needsSSL && secureRequest))) return relativeURI; // build full URL final StringBuilder urlSB = buf.getStringBuilder(); urlSB.setLength(0); if (needsSSL) urlSB.append("https://"); else urlSB.append("http://"); urlSB.append(request.getServerName()); final int httpsPort = this.webapp.getHTTPSPort(); final int httpPort = this.webapp.getHTTPPort(); if (needsSSL && (httpsPort != 443)) urlSB.append(':').append(httpsPort); else if (!needsSSL && (httpPort != 80)) urlSB.append(':').append(httpPort); urlSB.append(relativeURI); // return it return urlSB.toString(); } } /** * Replace parameter placeholders in a URI template with values. * * @param uriTmpl URI template. * @param uriParams URI parameter values. * @param buf Buffer to use. * * @return The URI with placeholders replaced with values. */ private String replaceURIPlaceholders(final String uriTmpl, final String[] uriParams, final PooledStringBuffer buf) { final char[] uriTmplChars = uriTmpl.toCharArray(); final StringBuilder sb = buf.getStringBuilder(); int phInd, lastPHInd = 0, paramInd = 0; while ((phInd = uriTmpl.indexOf('%', lastPHInd)) >= 0) { sb.append(uriTmplChars, lastPHInd, phInd - lastPHInd); sb.append(uriParams[paramInd++]); lastPHInd = phInd + 1; } sb.append(uriTmplChars, lastPHInd, uriTmplChars.length - lastPHInd); return sb.toString(); } }