Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Booz Allen Hamilton under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Booz Allen Hamilton licenses this file to you * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.boozallen.cognition.ingest.storm.bolt.geo; import com.boozallen.cognition.ingest.storm.bolt.AbstractProcessingBolt; import com.boozallen.cognition.ingest.storm.ConfigurationException; import com.boozallen.cognition.ingest.storm.vo.LogRecord; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Uses a Twofishes server to resolve locations in a LogRecord. * * @author michaelkorb * @update hwu */ public class TwoFishesGeocodeBolt extends AbstractProcessingBolt { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4702888008441911691L; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private static final String SERVER = "server"; private static final String QUERY = "/?responseIncludes=PARENTS&query="; private static final String LAT_LON_QUERY = "/?responseIncludes=PARENTS&ll="; private static final String PIP_LOCATION = "cognition.location"; private static final String LOCATION_FIELDS = "locationFields"; private static final String FIELD_NAME = "fieldName"; private static final String CC = "cc"; private static final String LAT = "lat"; private static final String LNG = "lng"; public static final String COORDINATES = "coordinates"; public static final String COORDINATES_FIELD = "coordinatesField"; private static final String USE_MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS = "useMultipleLocations"; static final Map<Long, String> WOE_TYPES = ImmutableMap.of(7L, "city", 8L, "state", 9L, "county"); private String _server; private String coordinatesField; private List<String> _locationFields; //first non-blank field in this list will be resolved and added private int _successCount; private int _failCount; private int _exceptionCount; private boolean _useMultipleLocations; @Override public void configure(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException { _server = conf.getString(SERVER); coordinatesField = conf.getString(COORDINATES_FIELD, "geo.coordinates"); _locationFields = new ArrayList<>(); conf.getList(LOCATION_FIELDS).forEach(x -> _locationFields.add(x.toString())); _successCount = 0; _failCount = 0; _exceptionCount = 0; _useMultipleLocations = conf.getBoolean(USE_MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS, false); } @Override protected void process(LogRecord record) { //resolve location fields String coordinates = record.getValue(coordinatesField); Gson gson = new Gson(); List list = gson.fromJson(coordinates, List.class); String lat = null; String lon = null; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) { lat = list.get(0).toString(); lon = list.get(1).toString(); } if (lat != null && lon != null) { if (resolveLocation(LAT_LON_QUERY, lat + "," + lon, record)) { //only add source field name if successful record.setValue(PIP_LOCATION + "." + COORDINATES + "." + FIELD_NAME, coordinatesField); } } else { if (_useMultipleLocations) { String startField = ""; String query = ""; for (String field : _locationFields) { String value = record.getValue(field); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { continue; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startField)) { startField = field; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(query)) { query = value; } else { query += "," + value; // 2 level of locations is good enough break; } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(query)) { if (resolveLocation(QUERY, query, record)) { record.setValue(PIP_LOCATION + "." + FIELD_NAME, startField); } } } else { for (String field : _locationFields) { String value = record.getValue(field); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) continue; if (resolveLocation(QUERY, value, record)) { record.setValue(PIP_LOCATION + "." + FIELD_NAME, field); break; // done as soon as we resolve a location } } } } } /** * Queries twofishes server for unresolvedlocation an adds result to record * * @param unresolvedLocation * @param record */ private boolean resolveLocation(String queryPrefix, String unresolvedLocation, LogRecord record) { if (unresolvedLocation.startsWith("http")) { //prevent twofishes "java.lang.Exception: don't support url queries" return false; } //print metrics every 1000 records long total; if ((total = _successCount + _failCount + _exceptionCount) % 1000 == 0) { logger.debug("Total records: " + total); logger.debug("Successes: " + _successCount); logger.debug("Failures: " + _failCount); logger.debug("Exceptions: " + _exceptionCount); logger.debug("Success percentage: " + 100 * (double) _successCount / total); } try { String urlEncodedQuery = URLEncoder.encode(unresolvedLocation, "UTF-8"); TwoFishesFeature[] results = submitQuery(_server + queryPrefix + urlEncodedQuery); if (results != null) { //results for one location order from most precise to least //e.g. Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { TwoFishesFeature result = results[i]; if (i == 0) { //only save CC and lat/lng of precise location record.setValue(PIP_LOCATION, result.countryCode); //for legacy support record.setValue(PIP_LOCATION + ".country", result.countryCode); Gson gson = new Gson(); double lat = Double.parseDouble(; double lng = Double.parseDouble(result.lng); String json = gson.toJson(Arrays.asList(lat, lng)); record.setValue(PIP_LOCATION + "." + COORDINATES, json); } String woeType = WOE_TYPES.get(result.woeType); if (woeType != null) { //ignore unknown woetypes record.setValue(PIP_LOCATION + "." + woeType,; } } return true; } } catch (Exception e) {"Exception while attempting to resolve location: \"" + unresolvedLocation + "\".", e); _exceptionCount++; } return false; } /** * Submits a URL query string and builds a TwoFishesFeature for the result and all parents. * * @param query * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ private TwoFishesFeature[] submitQuery(String query) throws IOException, ParseException { URL url = new URL(query); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) { logger.error("Failed : HTTP error code : " + conn.getResponseCode() + ":" + url.toString()); _failCount++; return null; } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((conn.getInputStream()))); String jsonStr = br.readLine(); br.close(); conn.disconnect(); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) parser.parse(jsonStr); JSONArray interpretations = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("interpretations"); if (interpretations.size() == 0) { //logger.warn("Twofishes unable to resolve location " + unresolvedLocation); _failCount++; return null; } else { if (interpretations.size() > 1) { //lat-long searches have multiple interpretations, e.g. city, county, state, country. most specific is first, so still use it. logger.debug("Twofishes has more than one interpretation of " + query); } JSONObject interpretation0 = (JSONObject) interpretations.get(0); //ArrayList of main result and parents ArrayList<JSONObject> features = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); JSONObject feature = (JSONObject) interpretation0.get("feature"); //save main result features.add(feature); JSONArray parents = (JSONArray) interpretation0.get("parents"); //get parents as feature JSONObjects for (int i = 0; i < parents.size(); i++) { JSONObject parentFeature = (JSONObject) parents.get(i); features.add(parentFeature); } //parse features and return TwoFishesFeature[] results = new TwoFishesFeature[features.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) { JSONObject f = features.get(i); TwoFishesFeature result = new TwoFishesFeature(); = (String) f.get("name"); result.countryCode = (String) f.get(CC); result.woeType = (long) f.get("woeType"); JSONObject geometry = (JSONObject) f.get("geometry"); JSONObject center = (JSONObject) geometry.get("center"); = String.valueOf(center.get(LAT)); result.lng = String.valueOf(center.get(LNG)); results[i] = result; } _successCount++; return results; } } private class TwoFishesFeature { public String name; public String countryCode; public String lat; public String lng; public long woeType; } }