Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015, BMW Car IT GmbH * * Author: Sebastian Mattheis <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in * writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.esri.core.geometry.GeometryEngine; import com.esri.core.geometry.Point; import com.esri.core.geometry.WktExportFlags; public class DijkstraBenchmark { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DijkstraBenchmark.class); private final RoadMap map; public DijkstraBenchmark() throws IOException, JSONException { = Testmap.instance(); } @Test public void testShortest() throws FileNotFoundException { Set<RoadPoint> sources = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.58424, 48.17635)); Set<RoadPoint> targets = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.56656, 48.17683)); assertTrue(!sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!targets.isEmpty()); RoadPoint source = sources.iterator().next(); RoadPoint target = targets.iterator().next(); Router<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); List<Road> edges = algo.route(source, target, new Distance()); sw.stop(); Route route = new Route(source, target, edges);"Ruemannstr. -> Petuelring (shortest): {} ms, {} meters route distance, {} seconds travel time",, route.length(), route.time()); Point start = route.geometry().getPoint(0); Point end = route.geometry().getPoint(route.geometry().getPointCount() - 1); assertTrue(source.geometry().equals(start)); assertTrue(target.geometry().equals(end)); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { String filename = "diskstra_shortest.wkt"; PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(filename); writer.println(GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(route.geometry(), WktExportFlags.wktExportLineString)); writer.close(); logger.trace("route written to file {} (WKT)", filename); } } @Test public void testFastest() throws FileNotFoundException { Set<RoadPoint> sources = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.58424, 48.17635)); Set<RoadPoint> targets = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.72661, 48.39594)); assertTrue(!sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!targets.isEmpty()); RoadPoint source = sources.iterator().next(); RoadPoint target = targets.iterator().next(); Router<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); List<Road> edges = algo.route(source, target, new Time()); sw.stop(); Route route = new Route(source, target, edges);"Leopoldstr. -> Freising (fastest): {} ms, {} meters route distance, {} seconds travel time",, route.length(), route.time()); Point start = route.geometry().getPoint(0); Point end = route.geometry().getPoint(route.geometry().getPointCount() - 1); assertTrue(source.geometry().equals(start)); assertTrue(target.geometry().equals(end)); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { String filename = "dijkstra_fastest.wkt"; PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(filename); writer.println(GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(route.geometry(), WktExportFlags.wktExportLineString)); writer.close(); logger.trace("route written to file {} (WKT)", filename); } } @Test public void testFastestPriority() throws FileNotFoundException { Set<RoadPoint> sources = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.58424, 48.17635)); Set<RoadPoint> targets = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.72661, 48.39594)); assertTrue(!sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!targets.isEmpty()); RoadPoint source = sources.iterator().next(); RoadPoint target = targets.iterator().next(); Router<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); List<Road> edges = algo.route(source, target, new TimePriority()); sw.stop(); Route route = new Route(source, target, edges); "Leopoldstr. -> Freising (fastest, priority): {} ms, {} meters route distance, {} seconds travel time",, route.length(), route.time()); Point start = route.geometry().getPoint(0); Point end = route.geometry().getPoint(route.geometry().getPointCount() - 1); assertTrue(source.geometry().equals(start)); assertTrue(target.geometry().equals(end)); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { String filename = "diskstra_fastest-priority.wkt"; PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(filename); writer.println(GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(route.geometry(), WktExportFlags.wktExportLineString)); writer.close(); logger.trace("route written to file {} (WKT)", filename); } } @Test public void testNoRoute() { Set<RoadPoint> sources = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.58424, 48.17635)); Set<RoadPoint> targets = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.59151, 48.15231)); assertTrue(!sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!targets.isEmpty()); RoadPoint source = sources.iterator().next(); RoadPoint target = targets.iterator().next(); Router<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); List<Road> edges = algo.route(source, target, new TimePriority()); sw.stop(); assertTrue(edges == null);"no route example (fastest, priority): {} ms",; } @Test public void testNoRouteBound() { Set<RoadPoint> sources = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.58424, 48.17635)); Set<RoadPoint> targets = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.59151, 48.15231)); assertTrue(!sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!targets.isEmpty()); RoadPoint source = sources.iterator().next(); RoadPoint target = targets.iterator().next(); Router<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); List<Road> edges = algo.route(source, target, new Distance(), new Distance(), 10000d); sw.stop(); assertTrue(edges == null);"no route bound example (fastest, priority): {} ms",; } @Test public void testSSMT1() throws FileNotFoundException { Set<RoadPoint> sources = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.58551, 48.17705)); Set<RoadPoint> _targets = map.spatial().radius(new Point(11.57318, 48.17802), 100); assertTrue(!sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!_targets.isEmpty()); RoadPoint source = sources.iterator().next(); HashSet<RoadPoint> targets = new HashSet<>(); for (RoadPoint target : _targets) { targets.add(target); } Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); Dijkstra<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>> routes = algo.route(source, targets, new TimePriority()); sw.stop();"SSMT (fastest, priority): {} ms",; sw.start(); Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>> routes2 = new HashMap<>(); for (RoadPoint target : targets) { routes2.put(target, algo.route(source, target, new TimePriority())); } sw.stop();"1 x n routes (fastest, priority): {} ms",; String filename = null; PrintWriter writer = null; if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { filename = "diskstra_ssmt1.wkt"; writer = new PrintWriter(filename); } for (RoadPoint target : routes.keySet()) { if (routes.get(target) == null) { assertEquals(routes2.get(target), null); break; } Route route = new Route(source, target, routes.get(target)); Route route2 = new Route(source, target, routes2.get(target)); assertEquals(route.size(), route2.size()); for (int i = 0; i < route.size(); ++i) { assertEquals(route.get(i).id(), route2.get(i).id()); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { writer.println(GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(route.geometry(), WktExportFlags.wktExportLineString)); } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { writer.close(); logger.trace("route(s) written to file {} (WKT)", filename); } } @Test public void testSSMT2() throws FileNotFoundException { Set<RoadPoint> sources = map.spatial().nearest(new Point(11.58551, 48.17705)); Set<RoadPoint> _targets = map.spatial().radius(new Point(11.57318, 48.17802), 100); assertTrue(!sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!_targets.isEmpty()); RoadPoint source = sources.iterator().next(); HashSet<RoadPoint> targets = new HashSet<>(); for (RoadPoint target : _targets) { targets.add(target); } Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); Dijkstra<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>> routes = algo.route(source, targets, new Time()); sw.stop();"SSMT (fastest): {} ms",; sw.start(); Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>> routes2 = new HashMap<>(); for (RoadPoint target : targets) { routes2.put(target, algo.route(source, target, new Time())); } sw.stop();"1 x n routes (fastest): {} ms",; String filename = null; PrintWriter writer = null; if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { filename = "diskstra_ssmt2.wkt"; writer = new PrintWriter(filename); } for (RoadPoint target : routes.keySet()) { if (routes.get(target) == null) { assertEquals(routes2.get(target), null); break; } Route route = new Route(source, target, routes.get(target)); Route route2 = new Route(source, target, routes2.get(target)); assertEquals(route.size(), route2.size()); for (int i = 0; i < route.size(); ++i) { assertEquals(route.get(i).id(), route2.get(i).id()); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { writer.println(GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(route.geometry(), WktExportFlags.wktExportLineString)); } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { writer.close(); logger.trace("route(s) written to file {} (WKT)", filename); } } @Test public void testSSMTstream() throws JSONException, IOException {"SSMT (fastest, priority) stream test"); Dijkstra<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); JSONArray jsonsamples = new JSONArray( new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(MatcherTest.class.getResource("x0001-015.json").getPath())), Charset.defaultCharset())); assertTrue(jsonsamples.length() > 1); MatcherSample sample1 = new MatcherSample(jsonsamples.getJSONObject(0)), sample2 = null; for (int i = 1; i < jsonsamples.length(); ++i) { sample2 = new MatcherSample(jsonsamples.getJSONObject(i)); Set<RoadPoint> sources = map.spatial().radius(sample1.point(), 100); Set<RoadPoint> targets = map.spatial().radius(sample2.point(), 100); assertTrue(!sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!targets.isEmpty()); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); int valids = 0; for (RoadPoint source : sources) { Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>> routes = algo.route(source, targets, new TimePriority(), new Distance(), 10000.0); for (List<Road> route : routes.values()) { if (route != null) { valids += 1; } } } sw.stop();"{} x {} routes with {} ({}) valid ({} ms)", sources.size(), targets.size(), valids, sources.size() * targets.size(),; sample1 = sample2; } } @Test public void testMSMT1() { Set<RoadPoint> _sources = map.spatial().radius(new Point(11.58551, 48.17705), 100); Set<RoadPoint> _targets = map.spatial().radius(new Point(11.57318, 48.17802), 100); assertTrue(!_sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!_targets.isEmpty()); HashSet<RoadPoint> sources = new HashSet<>(); for (RoadPoint source : _sources) { sources.add(source); } HashSet<RoadPoint> targets = new HashSet<>(); for (RoadPoint target : _targets) { targets.add(target); } Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); Dijkstra<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Map<RoadPoint, Tuple<RoadPoint, List<Road>>> routes = algo.route(sources, targets, new TimePriority()); sw.stop();"MSMT (fastest, priority): {} ms",; sw.start(); Map<RoadPoint, Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>>> routes2 = new HashMap<>(); for (RoadPoint source : sources) { Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>> paths = new HashMap<>(); for (RoadPoint target : targets) { paths.put(target, algo.route(source, target, new TimePriority())); } routes2.put(source, paths); } sw.stop();"m x n routes (fastest, priority): {} ms",; } @Test public void testMSMT2() { Set<RoadPoint> _sources = map.spatial().radius(new Point(11.58551, 48.17705), 100); Set<RoadPoint> _targets = map.spatial().radius(new Point(11.57318, 48.17802), 100); assertTrue(!_sources.isEmpty()); assertTrue(!_targets.isEmpty()); HashSet<RoadPoint> sources = new HashSet<>(); for (RoadPoint source : _sources) { sources.add(source); } HashSet<RoadPoint> targets = new HashSet<>(); for (RoadPoint target : _targets) { targets.add(target); } Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); Dijkstra<Road, RoadPoint> algo = new Dijkstra<>(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Map<RoadPoint, Tuple<RoadPoint, List<Road>>> routes = algo.route(sources, targets, new Time()); sw.stop();"MSMT (fastest): {} ms",; sw.start(); Map<RoadPoint, Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>>> routes2 = new HashMap<>(); for (RoadPoint source : sources) { Map<RoadPoint, List<Road>> paths = new HashMap<>(); for (RoadPoint target : targets) { paths.put(target, algo.route(source, target, new Time())); } routes2.put(source, paths); } sw.stop();"m x n routes (fastest): {} ms",; } }