Java tutorial
package com.bmc.gibraltar.automation.dataprovider; import com.bmc.gibraltar.automation.api.*; import com.bmc.gibraltar.automation.framework.utils.PropertiesUtils; import com.bmc.gibraltar.automation.items.component.Component; import com.bmc.gibraltar.automation.items.element.Property; import com.bmc.gibraltar.automation.items.parameter.DataType; import com.bmc.gibraltar.automation.items.record.RecordField; import com.bmc.gibraltar.automation.utils.JsonUtils; import; import; import; import com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured; import com.jayway.restassured.path.json.JsonPath; import com.jayway.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import*; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import static java.lang.String.format; public class RestDataProvider { protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(RestDataProvider.class); private static String appServerUrl = PropertiesUtils.getAppServerUrl(); private AssociationApi associationApi; private OrganizationApi organizationApi; private ProcessApi processApi; private RecordApi recordApi; private UserManagementApi userManagementApi; private ViewApi viewApi; private RuleApi ruleApi; public RestDataProvider() { RestAssured.baseURI = appServerUrl; userManagementApi = new UserManagementApi(); initializeRestData(userManagementApi.getRequestSpecification()); } public RestDataProvider(String loginName, String userPassword) { RestAssured.baseURI = appServerUrl; userManagementApi = new UserManagementApi(loginName, userPassword); initializeRestData(userManagementApi.getRequestSpecification()); } private static JsonObject generateJsonForUserCreation(String fullName, String loginName, String password, String emailAddress, String[] permissionGroups) { JsonObject request = new JsonObject(); request.addProperty("fullName", fullName); request.addProperty("loginName", loginName); request.addProperty("password", password); request.addProperty("emailAddress", emailAddress); request.add("groups", new Gson().toJsonTree(permissionGroups)); return request; } private void initializeRestData(RequestSpecification requestSpecification) { associationApi = new AssociationApi(requestSpecification); organizationApi = new OrganizationApi(requestSpecification); processApi = new ProcessApi(requestSpecification); recordApi = new RecordApi(requestSpecification); viewApi = new ViewApi(requestSpecification); ruleApi = new RuleApi(requestSpecification); } private List<String> getBundleScopeHeaders() { return processApi.getBundleScopeHeaders(); } private String generateAbsoluteDefinitionNameBasedOnHeader(String header, String recordDefinitionName) { return processApi.generateAbsoluteDefinitionNameBasedOnHeader(header, recordDefinitionName); } public String getCurrentUserLoginName() { return getUserProfilePart("$USER$", "loginName"); } private String getUserProfilePart(String user, String infoPart) { return JsonPath.from(userManagementApi.getUserInfo(user).and().extract().asString()).get(infoPart); } /** * This method allows to get user groups or computedGroups * * @param userLoginName $USER$ if current logged user, or 'username' * @param groups should equal to 'groups' or 'computedGroups' * @return list of the user's groups */ public List<String> getUserGroups(String userLoginName, String groups) { return JsonPath.from(userManagementApi.getUserInfo(userLoginName).extract().asString()).get(groups); } public boolean isUserExistent(String userLoginName) { int statusCode = userManagementApi.getUserInfo(userLoginName).extract().statusCode(); return statusCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK; } /** * Will create a user with the specified info. * * @param fullName the user's full name * @param loginName the user's loginName (<loginname>@<tenant domain identifier>) * the user will be created in the same tenant group as the admin who creates him, * so <tenant domain identifier> is set automatically * @param password the user's password * @param emailAddress the user's email address * @param permissionGroups groups to which the user belongs to. * To get all available permitted groups for currently logged user: * GET /api/rx/application/datapage? * .datapage.GroupDataPageQuery&pageSize=-1&startIndex=0 */ public void createUser(String fullName, String loginName, String password, String emailAddress, String[] permissionGroups) { JsonObject request = generateJsonForUserCreation(fullName, loginName, password, emailAddress, permissionGroups); String jsonString = new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(request); if (!isUserExistent(loginName)) { userManagementApi.createUserRequest(jsonString); } } /** * Allows to create a user for organizations. * * @param name example "CokeHRUser". * @param license there are 4 types("Read", "Restricted", "Fixed", "Floating") . * @param domain there are 2 types("pepsi", "coke"). * @param permissionGroups example(..., "Administrator", "CokeHR" ), where "CokeHR" - organization name. */ public String createUserByLicense(String name, String password, String domain, String license, String... permissionGroups) { String loginName = format("", name, domain); JsonObject request = generateJsonForUserCreation(name, name, password, loginName, permissionGroups); request.addProperty("status", "Current"); request.addProperty("password", password); request.addProperty("licenseType", license); String jsonString = new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(request); userManagementApi.createUserRequest(jsonString); return loginName; } // TODO: Rewrite for all record definitions. /** * The method creates an association with name []To[] example createAssociation("A", "B") creates AToB association. * * @param fromRecordDefinitionName a name of special Record Definition, with hardcoded id. Was send by server side. * AssociationRecordDefinition.json - template of mentioned record. * @param toRecordDefinitionName the same as fromRecordDefinitionName. */ public void createAssociation(String fromRecordDefinitionName, String toRecordDefinitionName) { String json = JsonUtils.getJsonFromFile("AssociationTemplate.json") .replaceAll("APoint", fromRecordDefinitionName).replaceAll("BPoint", toRecordDefinitionName); associationApi.createAssociationDefinition(json); } public String createOrganization(String json) { return organizationApi.createOrganization(json).toString(); } private String createJsonForDefinition(String definitionName, String jsonTemplateFileName) { String json = JsonUtils.getJsonFromFile(jsonTemplateFileName); return json.replace("UniqueNameShouldBeChanged", definitionName).replaceAll("IDShouldBeGenerated", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(16)); } /** * Creates a new rule, based on json template. Template includes trigger and is based on Task record. * Before creation, it should post createProcessAndRecordForRulesCreation() only once for a build! */ public void createRuleByTemplate(String ruleName) { ruleApi.createRuleDefinition(createJsonForDefinition(ruleName, "RuleTemplate.json")); } public String createProcessDefinition(String requestBody) { return processApi.createProcessDefinition(requestBody).extract().asString(); } public void createProcessDefinition(String definitionName, String jsonTemplateFileName) { processApi.createProcessDefinition(createJsonForDefinition(definitionName, jsonTemplateFileName)); } public void createRecordDefinition(String definitionName, String jsonTemplateFileName) { recordApi.createRecordDefinition(createJsonForDefinition(definitionName, jsonTemplateFileName)); } public void createRecordDefinition(String requestBody) { recordApi.createRecordDefinition(requestBody); } public boolean isUserInComputedGroup(String user, String computedGroup) { List<String> group = getUserGroups(user, "computedGroups"); return group != null && group.contains(computedGroup); } public boolean isUserInGroup(String user, String group) { List<String> groups = getUserGroups(user, "groups"); return groups != null && groups.contains(group); } public String getProcessDefinitionID(String processDefinitionName) { return JsonPath.from(getProcessDefinitionInfo(processDefinitionName)).get("id"); } public String getProcessDefinitionInfo(String processDefinitionName) { try { return processApi.getProcessDefinitionJson(processDefinitionName).extract().asString(); } catch (AssertionError e) { String definitionName = getBundleScopeHeaders().stream() .map(header -> generateAbsoluteDefinitionNameBasedOnHeader(header, processDefinitionName)) .filter(absoluteDefinitionName -> processApi.getProcessDefinition(absoluteDefinitionName) .extract().statusCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) .findFirst().get(); return processApi.getProcessDefinitionJson(definitionName).extract().asString(); } } public List<String> getProcessDefinitionsNamesByState(boolean isEnabled) { String processDefinitionsInfo = processApi.getAllProcessDefinitionsInfo().extract().asString(); List<String> processDefinitionNames = JsonPath.from(processDefinitionsInfo) .getList(" data.findAll { it.isEnabled == '" + isEnabled + "' }.name"); return processDefinitionsWithoutBundle(processDefinitionNames); } /** * @return list of all created process definitions */ public List<String> getProcessDefinitionsNames(boolean isAbsoluteName) { List<String> processDefinitionNames = processApi.getAllProcessDefinitionsInfo().extract().path(""); if (isAbsoluteName) { return processDefinitionNames; } else { return processDefinitionsWithoutBundle(processDefinitionNames); } } private List<String> processDefinitionsWithoutBundle(List<String> processDefinitionNames) { return -> pd.replaceAll(RestApiData.TASK_MANAGER_HEADER + ":", "")) .map(pd -> pd.replaceAll(RestApiData.APPROVAL_HEADER + ":", "")) .map(pd -> pd.replaceAll(RestApiData.FOUNDATION_HEADER + ":", "")).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Start a process instance for the process definition with {@param processDefinitionId} and returns the response body * * @param processDefinitionId process definition ID for which a process instance will be started * @return response body */ @Step public String startProcess(String processDefinitionId) { String bodyOfRequest = new GsonBuilder().create() .toJson(buildRequestToStartProcessInstance(processDefinitionId)); return processApi.startProcessInstance(bodyOfRequest).extract().toString(); } private JsonObject buildRequestToStartProcessInstance(String processDefinitionId) { JsonObject request = new JsonObject(); request.addProperty("processDefinitionId", processDefinitionId); request.addProperty("resourceType", "com.bmc.arsys.rx.application.process.command.StartProcessInstanceCommand"); return request; } public String startProcessWithInputs(String processDefinitionId, HashMap<String, String> inputs) { JsonObject request = buildRequestToStartProcessInstance(processDefinitionId); JsonObject inputsOfProcessDefinition = new JsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : inputs.entrySet()) { inputsOfProcessDefinition.addProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } request.add("processInputValues", inputsOfProcessDefinition); String bodyOfRequest = new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(request); return processApi.startProcessInstance(bodyOfRequest).extract().toString(); } /** * Returns JSon of the specified process definition with the {@param processDefinitionName} * * @param processDefinitionName process definition name * @return json of the process definition with the {@param processDefinitionName} */ public String getJsonOfProcess(String processDefinitionName) { return processApi.getProcessDefinitionJson(processDefinitionName).extract().asString(); } /** * Sends request to get all Group Data and extracts all existed Permissions. * * @return List of all existed Permissions from server side. */ @Step("user extracted all existed Permissions") public List<String> getGroupNames() { return JsonPath.from(userManagementApi.getAllPermittedGroups().toString()).get("groupName"); } /** * In the Process Designer should be present groups which 'groupId > 9' * * @return list of permitted groups visible for the currently logged user */ public List<String> getPermittedGroups() { return JsonPath.from(userManagementApi.getAllPermittedGroups().toString()) .getList(" data.findAll { it.groupId > 9 }.groupName"); } /** * This method collects process inputs of the specified process definition * * @param processDefinitionName process definition name * @return process inputs of the specific process definition with the {@param processDefinitionName} */ public String getInputsOfProcessDefinition(String bundle, String processDefinitionName) { return processApi.getInputsOfProcessDefinition(bundle + processDefinitionName).extract().asString(); } public List<String> getRequiredInputsOfProcessDefinition(String bundle, String decodedProcessDefinitionName) { return JsonPath.from(getInputsOfProcessDefinition(bundle, decodedProcessDefinitionName)) .<String>getList(" findAll { it.fieldOption == 'REQUIRED' " + "&& (it.defaultValue == null || it.defaultValue == '')}.name"); } public List<String> getCustomFieldDefinitionTypes() { return processApi.getCustomFieldDefinition().extract().path("data.fieldDefinitionType"); } /** * Returns all Record Definitions names, visible for current user */ public List<String> getRecordDefinitionNames() { List<String> parsedRecords = recordApi.getAbsoluteRecordDefinitionNames().and().extract().body() .path("data"); .map(line -> line.replaceAll(RestApiData.APPROVAL_HEADER + ":", "") .replaceAll(RestApiData.TASK_MANAGER_HEADER + ":", "") .replaceAll(RestApiData.USER_MESSAGE_HEADER + ":", "") .replaceAll(RestApiData.FOUNDATION_HEADER + ":", "") .replaceAll(RestApiData.RXN_HEADER, "/")) .collect(Collectors.toList());"\n All Records: \n" + parsedRecords); return parsedRecords; } /** * Returns list of Record Field names for a particular Record Definition name * * @param record record definition name */ public List<String> getRecordFields(String record) { String response = getRecFields(record); List<String> output = JsonPath.from(response).getList("");"\n Record Definition: '" + record + "' has such [ALL] RecordFields: " + output.toString()); return output; } private List<String> getListOfFields(String record, String propertyName, String expectedPropertyValue) { String response = getRecFields(record); List<String> output = JsonPath.from(response).getList( "fieldDefinitions.findAll { it." + propertyName + " == '" + expectedPropertyValue + "'}.name");"\n Record Definition '" + record + "' has such fields :" + output.toString() + " that have " + propertyName + " with '" + expectedPropertyValue + "' value."); return output; } public List<String> getListOfFieldsWithoutDefaultValue(RecordField.Option option, String recordDefinitionName) { String response = getRecFields(recordDefinitionName); return JsonPath.from(response).getList("fieldDefinitions.findAll { it.fieldOption == '" + option + "' && (it.defaultValue == null || it.defaultValue == '')}.name"); } public List<String> getListOfFieldsByType(String recordDefinitionName, DataType type) { String response = getRecFields(recordDefinitionName); return JsonPath.from(response) .getList("fieldDefinitions.findAll { it.resourceType == '" + type.getResourceType() + "'}.name"); } /** * Returns list of Record Field names of a particular fieldOption (SYSTEM/REQUIRED/OPTIONAL) * and for a particular Record Definition name * * @param option should be be SYSTEM, REQUIRED or OPTIONAL * @param record record definition name * @return list of the fields */ public List<String> getRecordFieldsNamesByFieldOption(RecordField.Option option, String record) { return getListOfFields(record, "fieldOption",; } public List<String> getRecordFieldsNamesByProperty(String record, String propertyName, String expectedPropertyValue) { return getListOfFields(record, propertyName, expectedPropertyValue); } /** * Collect all selection fields and their options from the specified {@param record} record definition name * * @param record record definition name * @return HashMap where 'String' is a name of the selection field, and 'List<String>' - its options */ public Map<String, List<String>> getSelectionFieldsAndOptions(String record) { JsonPath response = JsonPath.from(getRecFields(record)); String optionsPath = "fieldDefinitions.find { == '%s'}.options"; List<String> selectionFields = getRecordFieldsNamesByProperty(record, "resourceType", DataType.SELECTION.getResourceType()); return -> selectionField, selectionField -> response.getList(String.format(optionsPath, selectionField)))); } private String getRecFields(String recordDefinitionName) { try { return recordApi.getRecordDefinitionJson(recordDefinitionName).extract().asString(); } catch (AssertionError e) { String definitionName = getBundleScopeHeaders().stream() .map(header -> generateAbsoluteDefinitionNameBasedOnHeader(header, recordDefinitionName)) .filter(absoluteDefinitionName -> recordApi.getRecordDefinition(absoluteDefinitionName) .extract().statusCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) .findFirst().get(); return recordApi.getRecordDefinitionJson(definitionName).extract().asString(); } } @Step public String getTaskInfo(String taskGuid) { return recordApi.getRecordInstance(RestApiData.TASK_RECORD_DEFINITION, taskGuid).extract().asString(); } @Step public String getTasks() { return recordApi.getRecordInstances(RestApiData.TASK_RECORD_DEFINITION).extract().asString(); } @Step public int getTasksCount() { return JsonPath.from(getTasks()).get("totalSize"); } @Step public String getTaskByTaskName(String taskName) { return recordApi.getRecordInstancesByFieldValue(RestApiData.TASK_RECORD_DEFINITION, "10007000", taskName) .extract().asString(); } @Step public List<String> getInstanceIds(String recordDefinitionName) { return JsonPath.from(recordApi.getRecordInstances(recordDefinitionName).extract().asString()) .get(""); } @Step public void createTask(String recordDefinitionName, String submitter, String assignee, String statusCode, String summary, String notes, String taskName, String priorityCode, String dueDate) { JsonObject bodyRequest = new JsonObject(); bodyRequest.addProperty("resourceType", ""); bodyRequest.addProperty("recordDefinitionName", recordDefinitionName); // fields to create a record instance JsonObject recordProperty = new JsonObject(); addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, "2", submitter); // submitter of the record instance addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, "4", assignee); // assignee addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, "7", statusCode); // status: 0 ( staged ) addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, "8", summary); // summary addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, "10000101", notes); // notes addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, "10007000", taskName); // task-name addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, "10007122", priorityCode); // priority: 2 ( medium ) addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, "536870913", dueDate); // due date bodyRequest.add("fieldInstances", recordProperty); String request = new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(bodyRequest); recordApi.createRecordInstance(request); } @Step public void updateTask(String taskGuid, String fieldToUpdate, String newFieldValue) { JsonObject bodyRequest = new JsonObject(); bodyRequest.addProperty("resourceType", ""); bodyRequest.addProperty("id", taskGuid); bodyRequest.addProperty("recordDefinitionName", RestApiData.TASK_RECORD_DEFINITION); JsonObject recordProperty = new JsonObject(); addRecordFieldToRequest(recordProperty, fieldToUpdate, newFieldValue); // submitter of the record instance bodyRequest.add("fieldInstances", recordProperty); String request = new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(bodyRequest); recordApi.updateRecordInstance(RestApiData.TASK_RECORD_DEFINITION, taskGuid, request); } private JsonObject addRecordFieldToRequest(JsonObject recordProperty, String fieldId, String fieldValue) { JsonObject nestedArray = new JsonObject(); nestedArray.addProperty("resourceType", ""); nestedArray.addProperty("id", fieldId); nestedArray.addProperty("value", fieldValue); recordProperty.add(fieldId, nestedArray); return recordProperty; } /** * Get all existing view definitions * * @return list of all created view definitions */ public String getAllViewDefinitions() { return viewApi.getAllViewDefinitions().extract().asString(); } /** * Get ID of the specified view definition with the {@param viewDefinitionName} * View definition should be in the task-manager bundle. * * @param viewDefinitionName view definition name * @return view definition ID */ public String getViewDefinitionId(String viewDefinitionName) { String absoluteViewDefinitionName = RestApiData.TASK_MANAGER_HEADER + ":" + viewDefinitionName; return JsonPath.from(getAllViewDefinitions()) .get("data.find { == '" + absoluteViewDefinitionName + "' }.id"); } /** * Get json of the view definition with the {@param viewDefinitionId} * * @param viewDefinitionId ID of the view definition * @return view definition json */ public String getViewDefinition(String viewDefinitionId) { return viewApi.getViewDefinition(viewDefinitionId).extract().asString(); } /** * @param viewDefinitionName name of View Definition * @return list of names for all Components, present in viewDefinitionName */ public List<String> getAllComponentsForViewDefinition(String viewDefinitionName) { List<String> allComponents = JsonPath.from(getViewDefinition(getViewDefinitionId(viewDefinitionName))) .getList("componentDefinitions.type"); for (String componentType : allComponents) { Collections.replaceAll(allComponents, componentType, Component.getNameByType(componentType)); }"\n--> Components for View '" + viewDefinitionName + "': " + allComponents); return allComponents; } /** * Get ID of the specified {@param componentDefinitionType} from the view definition with {@param viewDefinitionId} * If there are more than one the same typed component on a Canvas, this method returns the first one ID * * @param viewDefinitionId ID of the view definition * @param componentDefinitionType type of the component (e.g. 'rx-activity-feed') * @return ID of the component */ public String getComponentDefinitionId(String viewDefinitionId, String componentDefinitionType) { return JsonPath.from(getViewDefinition(viewDefinitionId)) .getList("componentDefinitions.findAll " + "{ it.type == '" + componentDefinitionType + "' }.id") .get(0).toString(); } /** * @param viewDefinitionName * @param componentName * @return Map of properties and their values for required {@viewDefinitionName} and {@componentName}. * Where keys - properties of component, values - values of property correspondingly */ public HashMap<String, String> getMapOfComponentProperties(String viewDefinitionName, String componentName) { String componentType = Component.getTypeByName(componentName); Map<String, String> propertiesMap = JsonPath .from(getViewDefinition(getViewDefinitionId(viewDefinitionName))) .getMap("componentDefinitions.find " + "{ it.type == '" + componentType + "' }.propertiesByName"); //Replacing all Map's keys from camelCaseFormat to Property Names Format HashMap<String, String> formattedMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : propertiesMap.entrySet()) { formattedMap.put(Property.splitCamelCase(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } return formattedMap; } /** * Download file with the {@param attachmentName} name that was uploaded for the task * * @param taskGuid task GUID * @param attachmentName name of the file that was attached to the task * @return downloaded file */ @Step public File getTaskAttachment(String taskGuid, String attachmentName) {"Downloading an attachment with the name: " + attachmentName + " of the task with GUID: " + taskGuid); File downloadedFile = null; try { InputStream is = recordApi .getRecordInstanceContent(RestApiData.TASK_RECORD_DEFINITION, taskGuid, attachmentName) .extract().asInputStream(); downloadedFile = new File(System.getProperty(""), attachmentName); BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(downloadedFile)); byte[] b = new byte[1024 * 1024]; int read; while ((read = > -1) { bout.write(b, 0, read); } bout.flush(); bout.close(); is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Cannot download a file " + attachmentName + " from server: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } return downloadedFile; } public void logout() { userManagementApi.logout(); } }