Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-20013 BlueXML - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.bluexml.side.portal.alfresco.reverse.reverser; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.bluexml.side.portal.Column; import com.bluexml.side.portal.Portal; import com.bluexml.side.portal.PortalFactory; import com.bluexml.side.portal.PortalLayout; import; import com.bluexml.side.portal.helper.PortalHelper; public class LayoutReverser { PortalLayout extractedLayout = null; List<?> readLines = null; Map<Column, Object> child_parent = new HashMap<Column, Object>(); // workging context String currentLine = null; Column currentCol = null; int currentChildIndex = 0; int lastOpenedLineIndex = 1; int lastClosedLineIndex = 1; int currentLineIndex = -1; int level = 0; Portal p; File pageFile = null; int generatedId = 0; List<Region> regions = new ArrayList<Region>(); String regexpAttributes = "(([^ =]*)=\"([^\"]*)\")"; String regexpRegionIdAttributes = "<@region (id)=(.*) scope="; FreemarkerTags currentOpenedTag = null; public List<Region> getRegions() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(regions); } public LayoutReverser(File page, Portal p, String layoutName) throws IOException { this.pageFile = page; this.readLines = FileUtils.readLines(page); this.p = p; extractedLayout = PortalFactory.eINSTANCE.createPortalLayout(); extractedLayout.setName(layoutName); p.getLayoutSet().add(extractedLayout); } public PortalLayout parse() throws Exception { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.parse() parse file :" + pageFile); boolean previousIsRaw = false; for (Object object : readLines) { currentLineIndex++; currentLine = (String) object; // System.out.println("line :" + currentLine + " (" + currentLineIndex + ")"); // System.out.println("level " + level); currentLine = currentLine.trim(); if (!currentLine.isEmpty()) { try { FreemarkerTags[] values = FreemarkerTags.values(); boolean handledStartTag = false; for (FreemarkerTags freemarkerTags : values) { String string = freemarkerTags.start_tag; String string2 = freemarkerTags.end_tag; if (currentLine.matches(string) || currentLine.matches(string2)) { handledStartTag = true; break; } else { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.parse() no matches regexp:" + string + " line :" + currentLine); // System.out.println("\tregexp2 :" + string2 + " line :" + currentLine); } } if (handledStartTag && previousIsRaw) { // close last raw section closeRawSection(); previousIsRaw = false; } /* * start_tag * autoclose * end_tag (+ curent context) */ if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.include.start_tag)) { currentOpenedTag = FreemarkerTags.include; handle_include(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateHeader.start_tag)) { currentOpenedTag = FreemarkerTags.templateHeader; handle_templateHeader(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateBody.start_tag)) { currentOpenedTag = FreemarkerTags.templateBody; handle_templateBody(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.div.start_tag)) { currentOpenedTag = FreemarkerTags.div; handle_div(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.region.start_tag)) { currentOpenedTag = FreemarkerTags.region; handle_region(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.marckup.start_tag)) { currentOpenedTag = FreemarkerTags.marckup; handle_markup(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateFooter.start_tag)) { currentOpenedTag = FreemarkerTags.templateFooter; handle_templateFooter(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateFooter_autoclose.start_tag)) { handle_templateFooter(); closeColumn(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateBody_autoclose.start_tag)) { handle_templateBody(); closeColumn(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateHeader_autoclose.start_tag)) { System.out.println("LayoutReverser.parse() templateHeader_autoclose"); handle_templateHeader(); closeColumn(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.include.end_tag) && currentOpenedTag.equals(FreemarkerTags.include)) { // auto close } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateHeader.end_tag) && currentOpenedTag.equals(FreemarkerTags.templateHeader)) { handle_templateHeader_end(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateBody.end_tag) && currentOpenedTag.equals(FreemarkerTags.templateBody)) { handle_templateBody_end(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.div.end_tag) && currentOpenedTag.equals(FreemarkerTags.div)) { handle_div_end(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.region.end_tag) && currentOpenedTag.equals(FreemarkerTags.region)) { // auto close } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.marckup.end_tag) && currentOpenedTag.equals(FreemarkerTags.marckup)) { handle_markup_end(); } else if (currentLine.matches(FreemarkerTags.templateFooter.end_tag) && currentOpenedTag.equals(FreemarkerTags.templateFooter)) { handle_templateFooter_end(); } else { // no matches so default behaviour using rawContent if (!previousIsRaw) { previousIsRaw = true; Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); createColumn("rawContent", properties); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Error on " + pageFile + "\nline :" + currentLine + " (" + currentLineIndex + ")" + "\nlevel " + level); throw new Exception("Error on " + pageFile + "\nline :" + currentLine + " (" + currentLineIndex + ")" + "\nlevel " + level, e.getCause()); } } } return extractedLayout; } private void handle_markup_end() { System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_markup_end()"); closeColumn(); } public void closeRawSection() { Column c = currentCol; closeColumn(); extractRawContent(c); } protected void handle_region() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_region()"); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); properties.put("tag", ""); int groupId = 2; int groupValue = 3; Map<String, String> atts = new HashMap<String, String>(); readAttributes(atts, regexpAttributes, groupId, groupValue); if (atts.get("id") == null) { readAttributes(atts, regexpRegionIdAttributes, 1, 2); } String regionId = atts.get("id"); String scope = atts.get("scope"); createColumn(regionId, properties); Region r = new Region(regionId, scope); regions.add(r); // auto close handle_region_end(); } protected void handle_include() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_include()"); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); createColumn("includes", properties); // auto close handle_include_end(); } protected void handle_templateHeader() { System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_templateHeader()"); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); properties.put("tag", "@templateHeader"); createColumn("@templateHeader", properties); } protected void handle_templateBody() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_templateBody()"); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); properties.put("tag", "@templateBody"); int groupId = 2; int groupValue = 3; Map<String, String> atts = new HashMap<String, String>(); readAttributes(atts, regexpAttributes, groupId, groupValue); if (atts.containsKey("type")) { properties.put("type", atts.get("type")); } // TODO type must be handled by generator 4.2+ createColumn("@templateBody", properties); } protected void handle_markup() { System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_markup()"); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); properties.put("tag", "@markup"); createColumn("@markup", properties); } protected void handle_div() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_div()"); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); int groupId = 2; int groupValue = 3; readAttributes(properties, regexpAttributes, groupId, groupValue); String stringId = properties.get("id"); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(stringId) == null) { stringId = "generated-" + getGeneratedId(); } properties.remove("id"); createColumn(stringId, properties); } public int getGeneratedId() { return generatedId++; } public void readAttributes(Map<String, String> properties, String string, int groupId, int groupValue) { Pattern regexpDiv = Pattern.compile(string); Matcher matcher = regexpDiv.matcher(currentLine); while (matcher.find()) { // System.out.println("MATCHS"); String group =; // System.out.println("\tgroup:" + group); int groupCount = matcher.groupCount(); for (int i = 0; i <= groupCount; i++) { String group2 =; // System.out.println("\tgroup (" + i + "):" + group2); } String attId =; String attvalue =; properties.put(attId, attvalue); } } protected void handle_templateFooter() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_templateFooter()"); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); properties.put("tag", "@templateFooter"); createColumn("@templateFooter", properties); } protected void handle_region_end() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_region_end()"); closeColumn(); } protected void handle_include_end() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_include_end()"); closeRawSection(); } protected void handle_templateHeader_end() { System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_templateHeader_end()"); // closeRawSection(); closeColumn(); } protected void handle_templateBody_end() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_templateBody_end()"); closeColumn(); } protected void handle_ifTag_end() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_ifTag_end()"); closeColumn(); } protected void handle_div_end() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_div_end()"); closeColumn(); } protected void handle_templateFooter_end() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.handle_templateFooter_end()"); closeColumn(); } protected Column createColumn(String name, Map<String, String> properties) { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.createColumn() name:" + name); lastOpenedLineIndex = currentLineIndex; Column c = PortalFactory.eINSTANCE.createColumn(); c.setName(name); if (properties != null) { PortalHelper.createMetaInfos(properties, c, false); } // update context if (currentCol == null) { extractedLayout.getColumns().add(c); Object[] entry = { extractedLayout, currentChildIndex, currentOpenedTag }; child_parent.put(c, entry); } else { Object[] entry = { currentCol, currentChildIndex, currentOpenedTag }; child_parent.put(c, entry); currentCol.getSubColumns().add(c); } currentCol = c; level++; currentChildIndex++; // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.createColumn() end"); // print(); return c; } protected void closeColumn() { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.closeColumn()"); Object[] object = (Object[]) child_parent.get(currentCol); Object parent = object[0]; int index = (Integer) object[1]; if (parent.equals(extractedLayout)) { currentCol = null; // need to restore the parent opened tag, so ready to be closed currentOpenedTag = null; } else { currentCol = (Column) parent; // need to restore the parent opened tag, so ready to be closed Object[] object_parent = (Object[]) child_parent.get(parent); currentOpenedTag = (FreemarkerTags) object_parent[2]; } // set state currentChildIndex = index; level--; lastClosedLineIndex = currentLineIndex; // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.closeColumn() end"); // print(); } protected void extractRawContent(Column c) { // System.out.println("LayoutReverser.extractRawContent() column :" + c.getFullName()); String rawContent = ""; if (lastOpenedLineIndex == lastClosedLineIndex) { rawContent = currentLine; } else { List<?> selection = readLines.subList(lastOpenedLineIndex, lastClosedLineIndex); for (Object object : selection) { String s = (String) object; rawContent += s + "\n"; } } PortalHelper.createMetaInfo(c, "rawContent", rawContent, true); } enum FreemarkerTags { templateFooter("<@templateFooter>", "</@>"), region("<@region.*", "/>"), include("<#include.*", "/>"), templateHeader("<@templateHeader>", "</@>"), templateBody("<@templateBody.*", "</@>"), div(".*<div.*", ".*</div>.*"), templateFooter_autoclose("<@templateFooter[ ]*/>", "/>"), templateHeader_autoclose("<@templateHeader[ ]*/>", "/>"), templateBody_autoclose("<@templateBody[ ]*/>", "/>"), marckup( "<@markup.*>", "</@>"), marckup_autoclose("<@markup.*", "</@>"); String start_tag; String end_tag; FreemarkerTags(String start_tag, String end_tag) { this.end_tag = end_tag; this.start_tag = start_tag; } } }