Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-20013 BlueXML - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.bluexml.side.Integration.eclipse.branding.enterprise.actions; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EObjectEList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import com.bluexml.side.application.Application; import com.bluexml.side.application.ComponantConfiguration; import com.bluexml.side.application.ConfigurationParameters; import com.bluexml.side.application.GeneratorConfiguration; import com.bluexml.side.application.Model; import com.bluexml.side.application.ModuleConstraint; import com.bluexml.side.application.ui.action.utils.ApplicationUtil; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Enumeration; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.EnumerationLiteral; import com.bluexml.side.common.ModelElement; import com.bluexml.side.common.NameSpace; import com.bluexml.side.common.NamedModelElement; import com.bluexml.side.integration.eclipse.builder.settings.SIDEBuilderConfiguration; import com.bluexml.side.portal.Column; import com.bluexml.side.portal.HavePortlet; import com.bluexml.side.portal.InstanciatePortletType; import com.bluexml.side.portal.Page; import com.bluexml.side.portal.Portlet; import com.bluexml.side.portal.PortletAttribute; import com.bluexml.side.portal.PortletType; import; import com.bluexml.side.util.antrunner.AntFileGeneratorAction; import com.bluexml.side.util.libs.FileHelper; import com.bluexml.side.util.libs.IFileHelper; import com.bluexml.side.util.libs.ecore.EResourceUtils; public class ModelMigrationHelper { List<File> loadedFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); List<ComparableEObject> index = new ArrayList<ModelMigrationHelper.ComparableEObject>(); Map<File, List<ComparableEObject>> map = new HashMap<File, List<ComparableEObject>>(); public IFile getApplication(IProject project) { SIDEBuilderConfiguration sideconf = new SIDEBuilderConfiguration(project); if (sideconf.load()) { return sideconf.getApplicationFile(); } return null; } public void updateProject(final IProject source, IProject target, String libraryId, boolean makeCopy, IProgressMonitor monitor2) throws Exception { System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateProject() source :" + source.getName()); System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateProject() target :" + target.getName()); List<File> models = getModels(source); List<File> diagrams = getDiagrams(source); List<File> applicationModels = getApplicationModels(source); List<File> mavenModules = getMavenModules(source); List<File> modelsTarget = getModels(target); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateProject() models :" + models.size()); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateProject() diagrams :" + diagrams.size()); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateProject() applicationModels :" + applicationModels.size()); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateProject() mavenModules :" + mavenModules.size()); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateProject() targetModels :" + modelsTarget.size()); monitor2.beginTask("updating project", models.size() + applicationModels.size() + mavenModules.size() + diagrams.size()); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateProject() models to update :" + models.size()); monitor2.subTask("models references"); for (File file : models) { if (monitor2.isCanceled()) { return; } updateModel(file, modelsTarget, monitor2); monitor2.worked(1); } monitor2.subTask("diagrams references"); for (File file : diagrams) { if (monitor2.isCanceled()) { return; } updateModel(file, modelsTarget, monitor2); monitor2.worked(1); } monitor2.subTask("application model"); for (File file : applicationModels) { if (monitor2.isCanceled()) { return; } if (makeCopy) { updateApplicationModel(file, libraryId, source); } else { updateApplicationModel(file, libraryId, null); } AntFileGeneratorAction.generate(IFileHelper.getIFile(file)); monitor2.worked(1); } if (makeCopy) { // check update project configuration SIDEBuilderConfiguration conf = new SIDEBuilderConfiguration(source); conf.load(); String applicationRessourcePath = conf.getApplicationRessourcePath(); String match = "(" + Pattern.quote("${workspace_loc:/") + ")" + "([^/]*)" + "(" + Pattern.quote("/") + ".*" + Pattern.quote("}") + ")"; if (applicationRessourcePath.matches(match)) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(match); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(applicationRessourcePath); matcher.find(); String group1 =; String group3 =; String replace = group1 + source.getName() + group3; conf.setApplicationRessourcePath(replace); conf.reload(); conf.persist(); } else { } } monitor2.subTask("maven modules"); ModelLibrary modellib = new ModelLibrary(libraryId); for (File file : mavenModules) { if (!monitor2.isCanceled()) { return; } String newVersion = modellib.getMavenFrameworkVersion(); String newClassifier = modellib.getMavenFrameworkClassifier(); String[] groupIds = modellib.getMavenFrameworkGroup().split(","); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(newClassifier) != null && StringUtils.trimToNull(newVersion) != null && StringUtils.trimToNull(libraryId) != null) { PomMigrationHelper.updateMavenPom(file, groupIds, newVersion, newClassifier); } } } /** * we make the assumption that componentId are somethings like * <id><version>, and version start by a digit * * @param componentsId * @param currentId * @return */ protected String getTargetComponentId(List<String> componentsId, String currentId) { String root = currentId.replaceFirst("[0-9]+.*", ""); for (String string : componentsId) { String prefix = string.replaceFirst("[0-9]+.*", ""); if (root.equals(prefix)) { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.getTargetComponentId() matchs :" + currentId + " -> " + string); return string; } } return null; } /** * * @param file * @param libraryId * @param source, can be null if project copy is disabled * @throws IOException * @throws CoreException * @throws Exception */ protected void updateApplicationModel(File file, String libraryId, IProject source) throws IOException, CoreException, Exception { IFile model = IFileHelper.getIFile(file); EList<EObject> openModel = EResourceUtils.openModel(model); EObject eObject = openModel.get(0); TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents = eObject.eAllContents(); while (eAllContents.hasNext()) { EObject eObject2 = (EObject); if (eObject2 instanceof ComponantConfiguration) { List<String> availableComponents = ApplicationUtil.getAvailableComponents(libraryId); ComponantConfiguration generatorConfiguration = (ComponantConfiguration) eObject2; String id = generatorConfiguration.getId(); String targetComponentId = getTargetComponentId(availableComponents, id); if (targetComponentId != null) { generatorConfiguration.setId(targetComponentId); } if (eObject2 instanceof GeneratorConfiguration && id.equals("side.customModules")) { // need to update the techVersion GeneratorConfiguration gen = (GeneratorConfiguration) eObject2; EList<ModuleConstraint> moduleContraints = gen.getModuleContraints(); for (ModuleConstraint moduleConstraint : moduleContraints) { moduleConstraint.setTechnologyVersion(libraryId); } } } else if (eObject2 instanceof Model && source != null) { // check models list // disabled models are not renamed Model modelItem = (Model) eObject2; String file2 = modelItem.getFile(); String[] split = file2.split("/"); String toreplace = split[1]; modelItem.setFile(file2.replaceFirst(toreplace, source.getName())); } else if (eObject2 instanceof ConfigurationParameters && source != null) { ConfigurationParameters conf = (ConfigurationParameters) eObject2; if ("generation.options.logPath".equals(conf.getKey()) || "generation.options.destinationPath".equals(conf.getKey())) { String val = conf.getValue().split("/")[1]; conf.setValue(conf.getValue().replaceFirst(val, source.getName())); } } } EResourceUtils.saveModel(model, eObject); // apply autoUpdate that check and fix options and modules according to componentId ApplicationUtil.updateApplicationFromExtensionPoint((Application) eObject, model); } public static List<File> getModels(IProject source) { String[] accepted = { ".dt", ".portal", ".form", ".view", ".workflow" }; return getModels(source, accepted); } public static List<File> getDiagrams(IProject source) { String[] accepted = { ".dtdi", ".portaldi", ".workflowdi" }; return getModels(source, accepted); } public static List<File> getApplicationModels(IProject source) { String[] accepted = { ".application" }; return getModels(source, accepted); } public static List<File> getMavenModules(IProject source) { String[] accepted = { "pom.xml" }; return getModels(source, accepted); } public static List<File> getModels(IProject source, final String[] fileExt) { File projectHome = IFileHelper.convertIRessourceToFile(source); FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File file, String name) { boolean ok = false; for (String string : fileExt) { if (name.endsWith(string)) { ok = true; break; } } return file.isFile() && ok; } }; List<File> files = FileHelper.listAll(projectHome); List<File> models = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File file : files) { if (filter.accept(file, file.getName())) { models.add(file); } } return models; } public void updateModel(File file, List<File> modelsTarget, IProgressMonitor monitor2) throws Exception { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() on " + file); // load ECore resource IFile model = IFileHelper.getIFile(file); EList<EObject> openModel = EResourceUtils.openModel(model); EObject eObject = openModel.get(0); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() model root :" + eObject); TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents = eObject.eAllContents(); while (eAllContents.hasNext()) { EObject eObject2 = (EObject); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() " + eObject2); for (EStructuralFeature esf : eObject2.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() search on feature " + esf.getName()); Object o = eObject2.eGet(esf, false); Object o_resolved = eObject2.eGet(esf, true); try { if (o != null || o_resolved != null) { if (o instanceof List<?>) { if (o instanceof EObjectEList) { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() le truc est une list de truc"); EObjectEList<EObject> l = (EObjectEList<EObject>) o; EObjectEList<EObject> l_r = (EObjectEList<EObject>) o_resolved; Map<Object, Object[]> toReplace = new HashMap<Object, Object[]>(); for (EObject object : l.basicList()) { int indexOf = l.indexOf(object); EObject updateElement = updateElement(esf, object, l_r.get(indexOf), modelsTarget); if (updateElement != null) { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() indexof :" + indexOf); toReplace.put(l_r.get(indexOf), new Object[] { indexOf, updateElement }); } } // replace Set<Entry<Object, Object[]>> entrySet = toReplace.entrySet(); for (Entry<Object, Object[]> entry : entrySet) { Object object = entry.getKey(); EObject updateElement = (EObject) entry.getValue()[1]; // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() REPLACE " + object + " by " + updateElement); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() BEFORE size :" + l.size()); int indexOf = (Integer) entry.getValue()[0]; l.add(indexOf, updateElement); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() ADD size :" + l.size()); l.remove(object); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() REMOVE " + remove + " size :" + l.size()); } } else { // System.err.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() NOT Managed o: " + o + " for :" + esf.getName()); } } else { if (o instanceof EObject) { EObject updateElement = updateElement(esf, (EObject) o, (EObject) o_resolved, modelsTarget); if (updateElement != null) { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() REPLACE " + o + " by " + updateElement); eObject2.eSet(esf, updateElement); } } } } else { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() null value in " + model + " on " + eObject2 + " ref :" + esf.getName()); } } catch (EqualsException e) { throw new Exception("Please Check your models for missing references in " + model + " on " + eObject2 + " ref :" + esf.getName()); } } } EResourceUtils.saveModel(model, eObject); } protected EObject updateElement(EStructuralFeature esf, EObject eo2, EObject resolved, List<File> modelsTarget) throws Exception { if (eo2.eIsProxy()) { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() search on feature " + esf.getName()); if (eo2 instanceof InternalEObject) { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() le truc est un proxy interne de machin " + eo2); // search in target for the same object return searchForSameObjectIn(resolved, modelsTarget); } else { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() le truc est un proxy externe de machin " + eo2); } } else { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.updateModel() le truc est un machin" + eo2); } return null; } protected EObject searchForSameObjectIn(EObject object, List<File> modelsTarget) throws Exception { loadIndexes(modelsTarget); EObject target = null; for (File file : modelsTarget) { target = searchForSameObjectIn(object, file); if (target != null) { break; } } return target; } protected void loadIndexes(List<File> modelsTarget) throws IOException { for (File file : modelsTarget) { if (!map.containsKey(file)) { List<ComparableEObject> value = new ArrayList<ModelMigrationHelper.ComparableEObject>(); IFile model = IFileHelper.getIFile(file); EList<EObject> openModel = EResourceUtils.openModel(model); EObject eObject = openModel.get(0); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.searchForSameObjectIn() model root :" + eObject); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.searchForSameObjectIn() Object to find :" + object); TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents = eObject.eAllContents(); while (eAllContents.hasNext()) { EObject eObject2 = (EObject); value.add(new ComparableEObject(eObject2)); } map.put(file, value); } } } protected EObject searchForSameObjectIn(EObject object, File modelsTarget) throws Exception { List<ComparableEObject> list = map.get(modelsTarget); for (ComparableEObject comparableEObject : list) { if (new ComparableEObject(object).equals(comparableEObject)) { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.searchForSameObjectIn() object matchs :" + eObject2); return comparableEObject.eObject; } } return null; } public static boolean equals(EObject a, EObject b) throws RootElementException { EClass aeClass = a.eClass(); EClass beClass = b.eClass(); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.equals() a :" + a); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.equals() b :" + b); boolean equals = aeClass.equals(beClass); if (equals) { if (a instanceof NamedModelElement && b instanceof NamedModelElement) { NamedModelElement namedModelElementA = (NamedModelElement) a; NamedModelElement namedModelElementB = (NamedModelElement) b; String fullNameA = namedModelElementA.getFullName(); String fullNameB = namedModelElementB.getFullName(); equals &= isInSameNS(namedModelElementA, namedModelElementB); if (a instanceof Column) { equals &= avoid40_42_missmatchs(fullNameA).equals(avoid40_42_missmatchs(fullNameB)); } else { equals &= fullNameA.equals(fullNameB); } } else { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.equals() not NamedElement " + a); if (a instanceof Portlet && b instanceof Portlet) { equals &= getRootName(a).equals(getRootName(b)); // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.equals() is Portlet"); equals &= ((Portlet) a).getName().equals(((Portlet) b).getName()); String name = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(((Portlet) a).getTitle()); String name2 = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(((Portlet) b).getTitle()); equals &= name.equals(name2); } else if (a instanceof Page && b instanceof Page) { equals &= getRootName(a).equals(getRootName(b)); equals &= ((Page) a).getID().equals(((Page) b).getID()); } else if (a instanceof PortletType && b instanceof PortletType) { equals &= getRootName(a).equals(getRootName(b)); equals &= ((PortletType) a).getId().equals(((PortletType) b).getId()); String name = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(((PortletType) a).getName()); String name2 = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(((PortletType) b).getName()); equals &= name.equals(name2); } else if (a instanceof PortletAttribute) { PortletAttribute portA = (PortletAttribute) a; PortletAttribute portB = (PortletAttribute) b; equals &= isInSameNS(portA, portB); equals &= portA.getName().equals(portB.getName()); equals &= portA.getType().getName().equals(portB.getType().getName()); } else if (a instanceof HavePortlet) { equals &= getRootName(a).equals(getRootName(b)); HavePortlet hpA = (HavePortlet) a; Page associationPage = hpA.getAssociationPage(); Portlet associationPortlet = hpA.getAssociationPortlet(); HavePortlet hpB = (HavePortlet) b; Page associationPage2 = hpB.getAssociationPage(); Portlet associationPortlet2 = hpB.getAssociationPortlet(); equals &= equals(associationPage, associationPage2); equals &= equals(associationPortlet, associationPortlet2); } else if (a instanceof InstanciatePortletType) { InstanciatePortletType iptA = (InstanciatePortletType) a; InstanciatePortletType iptB = (InstanciatePortletType) b; equals &= equals(iptA.getPortletType(), iptB.getPortletType()); } else if (a instanceof EnumerationLiteral) { Enumeration eContainerA = (Enumeration) a.eContainer(); Enumeration eContainerB = (Enumeration) b.eContainer(); equals &= equals(eContainerA, eContainerB); equals &= ((EnumerationLiteral) a).getName().equals(((EnumerationLiteral) b).getName()); equals &= ((EnumerationLiteral) a).getValue().equals(((EnumerationLiteral) b).getValue()); } else { // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.equals() not managed to be compared NEED TO BE ADDED TO CONTROLER :" + a.getClass()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "equals on " + a.getClass() + " is not supported this need to be implemented"); } } } return equals; } protected static String avoid40_42_missmatchs(String fullNameA) { String replaceAll = fullNameA.replaceAll("\\.@markup", ""); return replaceAll; } public static boolean isInSameNS(ModelElement a, ModelElement b) throws RootElementException { return getCompliteNS(a).equals(getCompliteNS(b)); } public static String getCompliteNS(ModelElement a) throws RootElementException { NameSpace logicalNameSpace = a.getLogicalNameSpace(); if (logicalNameSpace != null) { return "{" + logicalNameSpace.getURI() + "}" + logicalNameSpace.getPrefix(); } else { String name = getRootName(a); if (name == null) { throw new RootElementException("Root element is Null, please to check and Fix your models"); } // System.out.println("ModelMigrationHelper.getCompliteNS() no NS object so use rootElement name as NS :" + name); return name; } } protected static String getRootName(EObject a) { return ((NamedModelElement) EcoreUtil.getRootContainer(a, true)).getName(); } class ComparableEObject { EObject eObject; public ComparableEObject(EObject eObject) { this.eObject = eObject; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object arg0) { if (arg0 instanceof ComparableEObject) { try { return ModelMigrationHelper.equals(eObject, ((ComparableEObject) arg0).eObject); } catch (RootElementException e) { throw new EqualsException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } } else { return false; } } } }