Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-20013 BlueXML - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.bluexml.side.Framework.alfresco.notification; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel; import org.alfresco.repo.action.executer.MailActionExecuter; import org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.action.Action; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileNotFoundException; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentReader; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.StoreRef; import; import; import; import; import; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; public class NotificationHelper { static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(NotificationHelper.class); // email sending action can be set to work in background boolean runInBackground = true; // true to enable server to reload properties without restart, useful if properties files are stored in alfresco repository boolean dynamicLoading = true; // use a fake mailer for debug purpose boolean usefakeEmailer = false; // force recipients email advanced debug purpose protected String forcedEmail = null; public static String TYPE_CONTENT_PREFIX = "cm"; protected static String PROPERTIES_PATH = ""; protected static String PROPERTIES_IN_DICTIONARY_PATH = "/app:company_home/app:dictionary/app:email_templates/app:notify_email_templates/"; public static String TYPE_CALANDAR_NSURI = ""; public static String TYPE_CALANDAR_PREFIX = "ia"; public static String TYPE_CALANDAR_EVENT = "{}calendarEvent"; public static String TYPE_CALANDAR_SPACE = "{}calendar"; public static String ROOT_NOTIFICATION = "NOTIFICATION"; public static String profile_notification_document_new = "profile_notification_document_new"; public static String profile_notification_document_change = "profile_notification_document_change"; public static String profile_notification_document_delete = "profile_notification_document_delete"; public static String profile_notification_event_new = "profile_notification_event_new"; public static String profile_notification_event_change = "profile_notification_event_change"; public static String profile_notification_event_delete = "profile_notification_event_delete"; public static String profile_notification_group = "profile_notification_group"; // user language preference key public static String profile_language = "user_language"; // defaults values public static boolean default_preferences = false; public static String default_language = "fr_FR"; private Map<String, Properties> props; public boolean isRunInBackground() { return runInBackground; } public void setRunInBackground(boolean runInBackground) { this.runInBackground = runInBackground; } public boolean isDynamicLoading() { return dynamicLoading; } public void setDynamicLoading(boolean dynamicLoading) { this.dynamicLoading = dynamicLoading; } public boolean isUsefakeEmailer() { return usefakeEmailer; } public void setUsefakeEmailer(boolean usefakeEmailer) { this.usefakeEmailer = usefakeEmailer; } public String getForcedEmail() { return forcedEmail; } public void setForcedEmail(String forcedEmail) { this.forcedEmail = forcedEmail; } protected ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry; public ServiceRegistry getServiceRegistry() { return serviceRegistry; } public void setServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { this.serviceRegistry = serviceRegistry; } private String getUserPreferencesString(NodeRef userId) { // get preferences from Preson Node or cache String preferencesString = null; ContentReader reader = serviceRegistry.getContentService().getReader(userId, ContentModel.PROP_PREFERENCE_VALUES); if (reader != null) { preferencesString = reader.getContentString(); } return preferencesString; } public Map<String, Object> getUserPreferences(NodeRef user) throws Exception { boolean useDefault = true; boolean useDefault_lang = true; Map<String, Object> userPreferencies = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String pref = getUserPreferencesString(user); if (pref != null) { JSONObject root = new JSONObject(pref); if (!root.isNull(ROOT_NOTIFICATION)) { String prefsString = root.getString(ROOT_NOTIFICATION).replaceFirst("^\\(", "").replaceFirst("\\)$", ""); JSONObject root_NOTIFICATION = new JSONObject(prefsString); // get configuration for Documents Boolean doc_new = getNotificationValueFor(root_NOTIFICATION, profile_notification_document_new); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_document_new, doc_new); Boolean doc_change = getNotificationValueFor(root_NOTIFICATION, profile_notification_document_change); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_document_change, doc_change); Boolean doc_delete = getNotificationValueFor(root_NOTIFICATION, profile_notification_document_delete); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_document_delete, doc_delete); // get configuration for Events Boolean event_new = getNotificationValueFor(root_NOTIFICATION, profile_notification_event_new); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_event_new, event_new); Boolean event_change = getNotificationValueFor(root_NOTIFICATION, profile_notification_event_change); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_event_change, event_change); Boolean event_delete = getNotificationValueFor(root_NOTIFICATION, profile_notification_event_delete); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_event_delete, event_delete); useDefault = false; } if (!root.isNull(profile_language)) { String language = root.getString(profile_language); userPreferencies.put(profile_language, language); useDefault_lang = false; } else { logger.debug("use default language (user_language not found in user profile)"); } } if (useDefault) { // set default values userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_document_new, default_preferences); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_document_change, default_preferences); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_document_delete, default_preferences); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_event_new, default_preferences); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_event_change, default_preferences); userPreferencies.put(profile_notification_event_delete, default_preferences); } if (useDefault_lang) { userPreferencies.put(profile_language, default_language); } return userPreferencies; } private boolean getNotificationValueFor(JSONObject root_NOTIFICATION, String key) throws JSONException { return root_NOTIFICATION.has(key) ? root_NOTIFICATION.getBoolean(key) : false; } public Object getUserPreference(NodeRef user, String key) throws Exception { Object obj = getUserPreferences(user).get(key); if (obj == null) return true; else return obj; } public void sendMails(List<String> dests, String eventType, NodeRef document, String language, Map<String, Object> model) throws Exception { sendMails(dests, eventType, document, language, model, null, null); } public void sendMails(List<String> dests, String eventType, NodeRef document, Map<String, Object> model, String propertyFileName, ArrayList<String> resourceCustomPaths) throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("dests :" + dests + " - eventType :" + eventType + " - document : " + document + " - model : " + model + " - resourceCustomPath : " + resourceCustomPaths); List<String> userIds_filtered = getPersonList(dests); GroupByMap<String> gblanguage = new GroupByMap<String>(); for (String user : userIds_filtered) { NodeRef person = serviceRegistry.getPersonService().getPerson(user); Boolean userPreference = (Boolean) getUserPreference(person, eventType); if (userPreference) { gblanguage.put(getUserPreference(person, profile_language), user); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(user + " preference for " + eventType + " :" + userPreference); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("userGroup :" + gblanguage); for (Map.Entry<Object, List<String>> entry : gblanguage.getEntrySet()) { // send mail for users with language List<String> users = entry.getValue(); String language = (String) entry.getKey(); sendMails(users, eventType, document, language, model, propertyFileName, resourceCustomPaths); } } public void sendMails(List<String> dests, String eventType, NodeRef document, String language, Map<String, Object> model, String propertyFileName, ArrayList<String> resourceCustomPaths) throws Exception { EmailTest emailTest = new EmailTest(serviceRegistry); Properties propertiesFor = getPropertiesFor(language, propertyFileName, resourceCustomPaths); String forcedEamilFromProperty = propertiesFor.getProperty("forcedEmail"); if (forcedEamilFromProperty != null) { setForcedEmail(forcedEamilFromProperty); } logger.debug("send mail for " + eventType + " to " + dests); Action ac = serviceRegistry.getActionService().createAction("mail"); // run in background to avoid performance issues ac.setExecuteAsynchronously(Boolean .parseBoolean(propertiesFor.getProperty("runInBackground", Boolean.toString(runInBackground)))); //getAttributs(site, docName,docType, docUrl, Isdocument, owner) String subjectKey = "mail.notification." + eventType + ".subject"; Serializable subject = propertiesFor.getProperty(subjectKey); logger.debug("email subject " + subjectKey + "=" + subject); //evaluer le sujet // get nodeRef template String templateKey = "mail.notification." + eventType + ".templates"; String t = propertiesFor.getProperty(templateKey); logger.debug("template path " + templateKey + "=" + t); NodeRef templateRef = getNodeRefFromPath(t); // set actions parameters Map<String, Serializable> parameterValues = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); if (forcedEmail != null) { logger.warn("BEWARE SendMail action used forced email adress :" + forcedEmail);"To whitch off this, edit/check :");"* alfresco/module/SIDE_notification3411E/context/service-context.xml"); "* notification properties files in \"Data Dictionary > Email Templates > Notify Email Templates\""); parameterValues.put(MailActionExecuter.PARAM_TO, (Serializable) forcedEmail); } else { parameterValues.put(MailActionExecuter.PARAM_TO_MANY, (Serializable) dests); } /* manage case that template need alternative model String emailText = "default email body please to use templates"; if (runInBackground && eventType.contains("delete")) { // instantiate the template before calling the action // build the email template model model = emailTest.createEmailTemplateModel(document); } if (model == null) { // let emailAction to interpret template parameterValues.put(MailActionExecuter.PARAM_TEMPLATE, templateRef); } else { // beware this not work in background emailText = serviceRegistry.getTemplateService().processTemplate(templateRef.toString(), model); }*/ Map<String, Object> modelAll = emailTest.createEmailTemplateModel(document); if (!serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getType(document) .equals(QName.createQName("{}calendarEvent"))) { Map<String, Object> docAttributs = getDocAttributs(document); if (docAttributs != null) { modelAll.putAll(docAttributs); } modelAll.put("userInfo", getUserDetails()); } if (model != null) modelAll.putAll(model); String emailText = serviceRegistry.getTemplateService().processTemplate(templateRef.toString(), modelAll); subject = serviceRegistry.getTemplateService().processTemplateString(null, (String) subject, modelAll); parameterValues.put(MailActionExecuter.PARAM_SUBJECT, subject); parameterValues.put(MailActionExecuter.PARAM_TEXT, emailText); ac.setParameterValues(parameterValues); // schedule the email sending if (Boolean.parseBoolean(propertiesFor.getProperty("usefakeEmailer", Boolean.toString(usefakeEmailer)))) { emailTest.doAction(dests, (String) subject, document, templateRef, modelAll); } else { serviceRegistry.getActionService().executeAction(ac, document); } logger.debug("########### NotificationHelper.sendMails() END"); } private Object getUserDetails() { String userName = serviceRegistry.getAuthenticationService().getCurrentUserName(); NodeRef user = serviceRegistry.getPersonService().getPerson(userName); String result = ""; String firstName = (String) serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(user, ContentModel.PROP_FIRSTNAME); String lastName = (String) serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(user, ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME); String email = (String) serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(user, ContentModel.PROP_EMAIL); if (firstName != null) { result += firstName + " "; } if (lastName != null) { result += lastName + " "; } if (email != null) { result += email; } return result; } // get site, docName, docType, docUrl, isDocument, owner private Map<String, Object> getDocAttributs(NodeRef document) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //get docType and isDocument NodeRef parent = serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getPrimaryParent(document).getParentRef(); do { if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(parent, ContentModel.PROP_NAME) .equals("documentLibrary")) { if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getType(document) .equals(QName.createQName("{}post"))) { result.put("docType", "commentaire sur le document"); result.put("isDocument", false); } else { result.put("docType", "document"); result.put("isDocument", true); } break; } else if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(parent, ContentModel.PROP_NAME) .equals("wiki")) { if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getType(document) .equals(QName.createQName("{}post"))) { result.put("docType", "commentaire sur le lien"); result.put("isDocument", false); } else { result.put("docType", "wiki"); result.put("isDocument", false); } break; } else if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(parent, ContentModel.PROP_NAME) .equals("dataLists")) { result.put("docType", "document liste de donne"); result.put("isDocument", false); break; } else if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(parent, ContentModel.PROP_NAME) .equals("discussions")) { result.put("docType", "discussion"); result.put("isDocument", false); break; } else if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(parent, ContentModel.PROP_NAME) .equals("blog")) { if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getType(document) .equals(QName.createQName("{}post"))) { result.put("docType", "commentaire sur le blog"); result.put("isDocument", false); } else { result.put("docType", "blog"); result.put("isDocument", false); } break; } else if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(parent, ContentModel.PROP_NAME) .equals("links")) { if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getType(document) .equals(QName.createQName("{}post"))) { result.put("docType", "commentaire sur le lien"); result.put("isDocument", false); } else { result.put("docType", "lien"); result.put("isDocument", false); } break; } parent = serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getPrimaryParent(parent).getParentRef(); } while (parent != null); if (parent != null) { //Get document if it is a comment or a discussion NodeRef temp = null; try { if (result.get("docType").equals("discussion")) { temp = getDocument(QName.createQName("{}topic"), document, result); } else if (result.get("docType").equals("commentaire sur le document") || result.get("docType").equals("commentaire sur le lien") || result.get("docType").equals("commentaire sur le blog") || result.get("docType").equals("commentaire sur le wiki")) { temp = getDocument(ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT, document, result); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (temp != null) { document = temp; } //get document site title SiteInfo siteInfo = serviceRegistry.getSiteService().getSite(document); result.put("site", siteInfo.getShortName()); //get docName String docName = (String) serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(document, ContentModel.PROP_NAME); result.put("docName", docName); //get docUrl result.put("docUrl", "document-details?nodeRef=" + document.getStoreRef() + "/" + document.getId()); //get owner String owner = serviceRegistry.getOwnableService().getOwner(document); NodeRef onwerNodeRef = serviceRegistry.getPersonService().getPerson(owner); if (onwerNodeRef != null) { result.put("owner", onwerNodeRef); } return result; } return null; } protected NodeRef getDocument(QName parentType, NodeRef document, Map<String, Object> docAttributs) throws FileNotFoundException { NodeRef result = null; NodeRef parent = null; parent = serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getPrimaryParent(document).getParentRef(); do { if (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getType(parent).equals(parentType)) { result = parent; break; } parent = serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getPrimaryParent(parent).getParentRef(); } while (serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getPrimaryParent(document) != null); if (result == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Parent document not found for comment or discussion"); } return result; } private NodeRef getNodeRefFromPath(String t) throws FileNotFoundException { NodeRef companyHome = null; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("getNodeRefFromPath t=" + t); } ResultSet rs = serviceRegistry.getSearchService().query(StoreRef.STORE_REF_WORKSPACE_SPACESSTORE, SearchService.LANGUAGE_XPATH, t); try { if (rs.length() == 0) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Didn't find " + t); } companyHome = rs.getNodeRef(0); } finally { rs.close(); } return companyHome; } /** * This method loads the 'notification_<language>.properties' file from the Dictionary path of Alfresco repository as Properties * @param language the language to load * @return the set of properties for this language * @throws Exception */ public Properties getPropertiesFor(String language) throws Exception { return getPropertiesFor(language, null, null); } /** * This method loads the 'notification_<language>.properties' file from the Dictionary path of Alfresco repository and then overwrite the properties * whith the properties files successively contains in resourceCustomPaths[i]+"/cm:"+propertyFileName.basename+<language>+propertyFileName.extension * @param language the language to load; if not null the propertyFileName is modified in propertyFileName.basename+<language>+propertyFileName.extension; if null the propertyFileName is not modified * @param propertyFileName the property file name to load * @param resourceCustomPaths a list of folder where the propertyFileName may be loaded (with the embedded language if not null) * @return the set of properties for this language * @throws Exception */ public Properties getPropertiesFor(String language, String propertyFileName, ArrayList<String> resourceCustomPaths) throws Exception { if (props == null) { props = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); } if (language == null) { Locale loc = I18NUtil.getLocale(); if (loc == null || loc.toString() == null) { language = "fr_FR"; } else { language = loc.toString(); } } logger.trace("language :" + language); Properties langueExist = props.get(language); if (langueExist == null || dynamicLoading) { // load properties Properties prop = getProperties(language, propertyFileName, resourceCustomPaths); props.put(language, prop); } // not dynamic so return cached object return props.get(language); } /** * This method loads the propertyFileName file from the Dictionary path of Alfresco repository and then overwrite the properties * whith the properties files successively contains in resourceCustomPaths[i]+"/cm:"+propertyFileName * @param propertyFileName the property file name to load; if null, set to "" * @param resourceCustomPaths a list of folder where the propertyFileName may be loade * @return the set of properties * @throws Exception */ public Properties getProperties(String propertyFileName, ArrayList<String> resourceCustomPaths) throws Exception { return getProperties(null, propertyFileName, resourceCustomPaths); } /** * This method loads the propertyFileName file from the Dictionary path of Alfresco repository (and if not found from classpath) * and then overwrite the properties with the properties files successively contains in resourceCustomPaths[i]+"/cm:"+propertyFileName * @param propertyFileName the property file name to load; if null, set to "" * @param resourceCustomPaths a list of folder where the propertyFileName may be loaded * @return the set of properties * @throws Exception */ public Properties getProperties(String language, String propertyFileName, ArrayList<String> resourceCustomPaths) throws Exception { // load properties Properties prop = new Properties(); if (propertyFileName == null) propertyFileName = PROPERTIES_PATH; // search in alfresco dictionary prop.load(getPropertiesInputStream(language, propertyFileName, PROPERTIES_IN_DICTIONARY_PATH, true)); // custom properties if (resourceCustomPaths != null && !resourceCustomPaths.isEmpty()) { for (String resourceCustomPath : resourceCustomPaths) { Properties customProp = new Properties(); InputStream s = getPropertiesInputStream(language, propertyFileName, resourceCustomPath, false); if (s != null) { customProp.load(s); prop.putAll(customProp); } } } logger.trace("Properties loaded :" + prop); return prop; } /** * This method loads the 'notification_<language>.properties' file from the Dictionary path of Alfresco repository as InputStream * @param language * @return the inputstream 'notification_<language>.properties' content */ public InputStream getPropertiesInputStream(String language) { // search in alfresco dictionary return getPropertiesInputStream(language, PROPERTIES_PATH, PROPERTIES_IN_DICTIONARY_PATH, true); } /** * This method loads the file resourceCustomPaths+"/cm:"+propertyFileName.basename+<language>+propertyFileName.extension as InputStream * @param language the language to load; if not null the propertyFileName is modified in propertyFileName.basename+<language>+propertyFileName.extension; if null the propertyFileName is not modified * @param propertyFileName the property file name to load * @param resourceCustomPath the folder where the propertyFileName may be loaded (with the embedded language if not null) * @param classPath if true, the propertyFileName is loaded from the classpath (without resourceCustomPath) * @return the inputstream resourceCustomPaths+"/cm:"+propertyFileName.basename+<language>+propertyFileName.extension content */ public InputStream getPropertiesInputStream(String language, String propertyFileName, String resourceCustomPath, boolean classPath) { InputStream s = null; // compute path with language String[] path_dictionary = propertyFileName.split("\\."); if (!resourceCustomPath.endsWith("/")) resourceCustomPath += "/"; path_dictionary[0] = resourceCustomPath + TYPE_CONTENT_PREFIX + ":" + path_dictionary[0]; String resourcePath_dictionary = path_dictionary[0]; if (language != null) resourcePath_dictionary += "_" + language; resourcePath_dictionary += "." + path_dictionary[1]; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("getPropertiesInputStream path_dictionary=" + path_dictionary); logger.debug("getPropertiesInputStream language=" + language); logger.debug("getPropertiesInputStream resourcePath_dictionary=" + resourcePath_dictionary); } try { // try to get the template that match the language (country[variant]?) s = getInputStream(resourcePath_dictionary); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { s = null; String country = null; if (language != null) { logger.debug("no perfect match try on country"); // no perfect match found, try to get template for country (without variant) Locale parseLocale = I18NUtil.parseLocale(language); logger.debug("local country :" + parseLocale.getCountry()); logger.debug("local variant :" + parseLocale.getVariant()); country = parseLocale.getCountry().toLowerCase(); if (!language.equals(country)) { // try on country ? resourcePath_dictionary = path_dictionary[0] + "_" + country + "." + path_dictionary[1]; try { s = getInputStream(resourcePath_dictionary); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { logger.debug("no match on country"); } } } if (s == null && classPath) { // file not exist so go ahead, and search for the default configuration for this country if (country != null) { language = country; logger.debug("Load default configuration from classPath"); // search in classPath (for default values) String[] path = PROPERTIES_PATH.split("\\."); String resourcePath = path[0] + "_" + language + "." + path[1]; s = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourcePath); } if (s == null) { // not found so we load default file s = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_PATH); logger.debug("configuration for language :" + language + " not found, so use default language"); } } } return s; } private InputStream getInputStream(String resourcePath_dictionary) throws FileNotFoundException { NodeRef nodeProperties = getNodeRefFromPath(resourcePath_dictionary); ContentReader reader = serviceRegistry.getContentService().getReader(nodeProperties, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT); logger.debug("Properties loaded from :" + resourcePath_dictionary); return reader.getContentInputStream(); } public List<String> getPersonList(List<String> authorities) { PersonService personService = serviceRegistry.getPersonService(); List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<String>(authorities.size()); for (String authority : authorities) { AuthorityType authType = AuthorityType.getAuthorityType(authority); if (authType.equals(AuthorityType.USER)) { if (personService.personExists(authority) == true) { recipients.add(authority); } } else if (authType.equals(AuthorityType.GROUP)) { Set<String> users = serviceRegistry.getAuthorityService() .getContainedAuthorities(AuthorityType.USER, authority, false); recipients.addAll(users); } } return recipients; } }