Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-20013 BlueXML - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.bluexml.side.form.clazz.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command; import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CompoundCommand; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.AddCommand; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.RemoveCommand; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.SetCommand; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.AbstractClass; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Association; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Attribute; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Clazz; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Model; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.TitledNamedClassModelElement; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.service.alfresco.CommonServices; import com.bluexml.side.common.ModelElement; import com.bluexml.side.common.NamedModelElement; import com.bluexml.side.form.ClassFormCollection; import com.bluexml.side.form.ClassReference; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormClass; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormCollection; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormContainer; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormElement; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormFactory; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormGroup; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormPackage; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormSearch; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormWorkflow; import com.bluexml.side.form.ModelChoiceField; import com.bluexml.side.form.SearchFormCollection; import com.bluexml.side.form.WorkflowFormCollection; import com.bluexml.side.form.common.utils.InternalModification; import; import com.bluexml.side.form.workflow.utils.WorkflowInitialization; import com.bluexml.side.util.libs.ecore.EcoreHelper; public class SynchronizeWithClass { protected CompoundCommand cc; protected EditingDomain domain; boolean createMissingGroup = true; boolean updateId = true; boolean updateLabel = false; boolean addNewFormClass = true; boolean includeAlfrescoNativeClass = false; boolean includeAbstract = false; final boolean headless; public SynchronizeWithClass(EditingDomain domain) { cc = new CompoundCommand(); this.domain = domain; headless = false; } public SynchronizeWithClass() { headless = true; } public void synchronize(FormCollection fc) throws Exception { InternalModification.dontMoveToDisabled(); removeInvalide(fc); EList<FormContainer> forms = fc.getForms(); for (FormContainer formContainer : forms) { synchronizeFormContainer(formContainer); } // add Missing FormClass (new Class in dt model) if (addNewFormClass) { // get All Class Collection<AbstractClass> missing = getAllClassesFromReferedModels(fc); for (AbstractClass abstractClass : missing) { if (!(abstractClass instanceof Clazz) ^ !((Clazz) abstractClass).isAbstract()) { FormContainer formContainer = null; if (!CommonServices.isNativeModel(abstractClass) || includeAlfrescoNativeClass) { if (fc instanceof ClassFormCollection) { formContainer = FormFactory.eINSTANCE.createFormClass(); setFormContainer(abstractClass, formContainer); formContainer.setId(abstractClass.getName()); formContainer.setLabel(abstractClass.getLabel()); } else if (fc instanceof SearchFormCollection) { formContainer = FormFactory.eINSTANCE.createFormSearch(); setFormContainer(abstractClass, formContainer); SearchInitialization.initializeFormProperties((FormSearch) formContainer); } else if (fc instanceof WorkflowFormCollection) { formContainer = FormFactory.eINSTANCE.createFormWorkflow(); } if (headless) { fc.getForms().add(formContainer); } else { cc.append(AddCommand.create(domain, fc, FormPackage.eINSTANCE.getFormCollection_Forms(), formContainer)); } if (formContainer instanceof ClassReference) { synchronizeFormContainer(formContainer); } } } } } InternalModification.moveToDisabled(); } protected void setFormContainer(AbstractClass abstractClass, FormContainer formContainer) { ClassReference cref = (ClassReference) formContainer; cref.setReal_class(abstractClass); } public void synchronize(FormContainer o) { InternalModification.dontMoveToDisabled(); removeInvalide(o); synchronizeFormContainer(o); InternalModification.moveToDisabled(); } void synchronizeFormContainer(FormContainer o) { if (o instanceof FormClass || o instanceof FormSearch) { synchronize_formClass(o); } } void synchronize_formClass(FormContainer o) { List<FormElement> allchildren = new ArrayList<FormElement>(); allchildren.addAll(o.getFields()); allchildren.addAll(o.getSearchFields()); allchildren.addAll(o.getDisabled()); addMissing(o, allchildren); update(o, allchildren); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<AbstractClass> getAllClassesFromReferedModels(FormCollection fc) { Set<AbstractClass> existing = new HashSet<AbstractClass>(); Set<AbstractClass> all = new HashSet<AbstractClass>(); EList<FormContainer> forms = fc.getForms(); for (FormContainer formContainer : forms) { if (formContainer instanceof ClassReference) { ClassReference cr = (ClassReference) formContainer; AbstractClass real_class = cr.getReal_class(); if (real_class instanceof Clazz) { existing.add(real_class); } } } List<Model> lm = new ArrayList<Model>(); for (AbstractClass abstractClass : existing) { EObject rootContainer2 = CommonServices.getRootContainer(abstractClass); if (rootContainer2 instanceof Model) { Model rootContainer = (Model) rootContainer2; lm.add(rootContainer); } } for (Model package1 : lm) { EList<Clazz> allClasses = package1.getAllClasses(); all.addAll(allClasses); } return CollectionUtils.subtract(all, existing); } void update(FormContainer formContainer, List<FormElement> allchildren) { // update id if (updateId) { updateFormContainerId(formContainer); } if (updateLabel) { updateLabel(formContainer, ((TitledNamedClassModelElement) formContainer.getRef()).getLabel()); } for (FormElement formElement : allchildren) { ModelElement ref = formElement.getRef(); if (ref instanceof NamedModelElement) { NamedModelElement nme = (NamedModelElement) ref; String name = nme.getName(); if (updateId && !name.equals(formElement.getId())) { updateId(formElement, name); } if (updateLabel && ref instanceof TitledNamedClassModelElement) { updateLabel(formContainer, ((TitledNamedClassModelElement) ref).getLabel()); } } // check Field subType if (ref instanceof Attribute) { Attribute att = (Attribute) ref; updateAttributeFields(formContainer, formElement, att); } else if (ref instanceof Association) { Association ass = (Association) ref; if (formElement instanceof ModelChoiceField) { ModelChoiceField mcf = (ModelChoiceField) formElement; ClassReference cref = (ClassReference) formContainer; AbstractClass srcClazz = cref.getReal_class(); updateModelChoiceField(srcClazz, ass, mcf); } } } } protected void updateFormContainerId(FormContainer formContainer) { if (formContainer instanceof FormSearch) { SearchInitialization.initializeFormProperties((FormSearch) formContainer); updateId(formContainer, formContainer.getId()); } else if (formContainer instanceof ClassReference) { ClassReference cref = (ClassReference) formContainer; AbstractClass abstractClass = cref.getReal_class(); if (!abstractClass.getName().equals(formContainer.getId())) { updateId(formContainer, abstractClass.getName()); } } } public void updateModelChoiceField(AbstractClass srcClazz, Association ass, ModelChoiceField mcf) { ModelChoiceField modelChoiceFieldForAssociation = ClassDiagramUtils.getModelChoiceFieldForAssociation(ass, srcClazz); int parseInt = modelChoiceFieldForAssociation.getMax_bound(); // at least bounds must be compatible with constraints in the dt model boolean b = (((ModelChoiceField) mcf).getMax_bound() > parseInt) && (parseInt != -1); if (headless) { if (b) { mcf.setMax_bound(parseInt); } } else { if (b) { cc.append(SetCommand.create(domain, mcf, FormPackage.eINSTANCE.getModelChoiceField_Max_bound(), parseInt)); } } // maybe the name or Label have been changed must be based on target name/Label if exists String id = modelChoiceFieldForAssociation.getId(); if (updateId && !id.equals(mcf.getId())) { updateId(mcf, id); } String label = modelChoiceFieldForAssociation.getLabel(); if (updateLabel && !label.equals(mcf.getLabel())) { updateLabel(mcf, label); } } protected void updateId(FormElement fw, String computeFormWorkflowId) { if (headless) { fw.setId(computeFormWorkflowId); } else { cc.append(SetCommand.create(domain, fw, FormPackage.eINSTANCE.getFormElement_Id(), computeFormWorkflowId)); } } protected void updateLabel(FormElement fw, String name) { if (headless) { fw.setLabel(name); } else { cc.append(SetCommand.create(domain, fw, FormPackage.eINSTANCE.getFormElement_Label(), name)); } } public void updateAttributeFields(FormContainer formContainer, FormElement formElement, Attribute att) { FormElement fieldForAttribute = null; if (formContainer instanceof FormSearch) { fieldForAttribute = SearchInitialization.getSearchFieldForAttribute(att); } else if (formContainer instanceof FormClass || formContainer instanceof FormWorkflow) { fieldForAttribute = ClassDiagramUtils.getFieldForAttribute(att); } if (!fieldForAttribute.getClass().isInstance(formElement)) { // mismatch so we replace the Field FormGroup eContainer = (FormGroup) formElement.eContainer(); boolean contains = eContainer.getChildren().contains(formElement); if (headless) { EList<FormElement> children = null; if (contains) { children = eContainer.getChildren(); } else { children = eContainer.getDisabled(); } // add the new Field children.add(fieldForAttribute); // remove children.remove(formElement); } else { if (contains) { cc.append(AddCommand.create(domain, eContainer, FormPackage.eINSTANCE.getFormGroup_Children(), fieldForAttribute)); } else { cc.append(AddCommand.create(domain, eContainer, FormPackage.eINSTANCE.getFormGroup_Disabled(), fieldForAttribute)); } Command rmCmd = RemoveCommand.create(domain, formElement); cc.append(rmCmd); } } } void removeInvalide(EObject o) { CompoundCommand removeCommands = new CompoundCommand(); List<EObject> validationErrors = EcoreHelper.getValidationErrors(o); for (EObject eObject : validationErrors) { if (eObject instanceof FormElement) { System.out.println("SynchronizeWithClass.removeInvalide() remove :" + eObject); if (headless) { EList<?> children = null; EObject eContainer = eObject.eContainer(); System.out.println("SynchronizeWithClass.removeInvalide() eContainer :" + eContainer); if (eContainer != null) { if (eContainer instanceof FormGroup) { FormGroup fg = (FormGroup) eContainer; if (fg.getChildren().contains(eObject)) { children = fg.getChildren(); } else if (fg.getDisabled().contains(eObject)) { children = fg.getDisabled(); } } else if (eContainer instanceof FormCollection) { children = ((FormCollection) eContainer).getForms(); } boolean remove = children.remove(eObject); System.out.println("SynchronizeWithClass.removeInvalide() removed? " + remove); } else { System.out.println("SynchronizeWithClass.removeInvalide() allready removed !"); } } else { Command delCmd = RemoveCommand.create(domain, eObject); removeCommands.append(delCmd); } } } if (!headless) { domain.getCommandStack().execute(removeCommands); } } void addMissing(FormContainer o, List<FormElement> allchildren) { if (o instanceof ClassReference) { // get the attached class ClassReference cr = (ClassReference) o; AbstractClass real_class = cr.getReal_class(); addMissing(o, allchildren, real_class, null); } } public void addMissing(FormContainer o, List<FormElement> allchildren, AbstractClass real_class, String filterNS) { Set<FormGroup> groups = new HashSet<FormGroup>(); synchronizeMissingAttributes(o, allchildren, real_class, groups, filterNS); synchronizeMissingAssociations(o, allchildren, real_class, groups, filterNS); } protected void synchronizeMissingAssociations(FormContainer o, List<FormElement> children, AbstractClass real_class, Set<FormGroup> groups, String filterNS) { List<Association> allAssociations = real_class.getAllSourceAssociations(); // get FormElement that miss ArrayList<Association> missAtt = new ArrayList<Association>(); if (allAssociations != null) { missAtt.addAll(allAssociations); } for (FormElement formElement : children) { ModelElement ref = formElement.getRef(); if (ref != null && ref instanceof Association) { // linked element is attribute so remove this attribute from the missing list missAtt.remove(ref); } } EList<FormGroup> allSubGroups = o.getAllSubGroups(); groups.addAll(allSubGroups); // now we have the attribute missing list // initialize missing Field for (Association ass : missAtt) { FormElement fieldForAssociation = null; if (o instanceof FormClass || o instanceof FormWorkflow) { fieldForAssociation = ClassDiagramUtils.getModelChoiceFieldForAssociation(ass, real_class); } else if (o instanceof FormSearch) { fieldForAssociation = ClassDiagramUtils.transformAssociationIntoModelChoiceSearchField(ass, real_class); } if (WorkflowInitialization.filterFormElement(filterNS, fieldForAssociation)) { // get where to add the field FormGroup parent = null; // mybe a group exist with ref to the attribute container // search for matching group for (FormGroup formGroup : groups) { ModelElement ref = formGroup.getRef(); if (ref instanceof AbstractClass && ((AbstractClass) ref).getSourceAssociations().contains(ass)) { // matching group founded parent = formGroup; break; } } if (createMissingGroup && parent == null) { AbstractClass source = null; EList<AbstractClass> sources = ass.getSource(); if (sources.size() == 1) { source = sources.get(0); } else { EList<AbstractClass> allLinkedAbstractClass = real_class.getAllLinkedAbstractClass(); boolean contains = allLinkedAbstractClass.contains(sources.get(0)); if (contains) { source = sources.get(0); } else { source = sources.get(1); } } parent = ClassInitialization.createGroup(source); addChild(o, parent); } // add new Field to the parent if (parent == null) { parent = o; } addChild(parent, fieldForAssociation); } } } protected void synchronizeMissingAttributes(FormContainer o, List<FormElement> children, AbstractClass real_class, Set<FormGroup> groups, String filterNS) { List<Attribute> allAttributes = real_class.getAllAttributes(); // get FormElement that miss ArrayList<Attribute> missAtt = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); if (allAttributes != null) { missAtt.addAll(allAttributes); } for (FormElement formElement : children) { ModelElement ref = formElement.getRef(); if (ref != null && ref instanceof Attribute) { // linked element is attribute so remove this attribute from the missing list missAtt.remove(ref); } } EList<FormGroup> allSubGroups = o.getAllSubGroups(); groups.addAll(allSubGroups); // now we have the attribute missing list // initialize missing Field for (Attribute attribute : missAtt) { // Field or searchField FormElement fieldForAttribute = null; if (o instanceof FormSearch) { fieldForAttribute = SearchInitialization.getSearchFieldForAttribute(attribute); } else if (o instanceof FormClass || o instanceof FormWorkflow) { fieldForAttribute = ClassDiagramUtils.getFieldForAttribute(attribute); } else { System.out.println("SynchronizeWithClass.synchronizeMissingAttributes() o :" + o); } if (WorkflowInitialization.filterFormElement(filterNS, fieldForAttribute)) { // get where to add the field FormGroup parent = null; // mybe a group exist with ref to the attribute container AbstractClass eContainer = (AbstractClass) attribute.eContainer(); // search for matching group for (FormGroup formGroup : groups) { ModelElement ref = formGroup.getRef(); if (ref != null && ref.equals(eContainer)) { // matching group founded parent = formGroup; break; } } if (createMissingGroup && parent == null) { parent = ClassInitialization.createGroup(eContainer); groups.add(parent); addChild(o, parent); } if (parent == null) { parent = o; } // add new Field to the parent addChild(parent, fieldForAttribute); } } } public CompoundCommand getCc() { return cc; } protected void addChild(FormGroup fw, FormElement f) { if (headless) { fw.getChildren().add(f); } else { Command create = AddCommand.create(domain, fw, FormPackage.eINSTANCE.getFormGroup_Children(), f); boolean canExecute = create.canExecute(); System.out.println("SynchronizeWorkflowFormWithClass.addChild() canExecute :" + fw.getId() + "->" + f + canExecute); cc.append(create); } } }