Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bloidonia.vertx.mods; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.*; import com.yammer.metrics.JmxReporter; import com.yammer.metrics.Meter; import com.yammer.metrics.MetricRegistry; import static; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.MapListHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.LimitedMapListHandler; import; import; import; import; import; public class JdbcProcessor extends BusModBase implements Handler<Message<JsonObject>> { private String address; private String uid; private String driver; private String url; private String username; private String password; private String pmdKnownBroken; private StatementFiller statementFiller; private int minpool; private int maxpool; private int acquire; private int batchTimeout; private int transTimeout; private static MetricRegistry metrics; private static Meter requests; private static JmxReporter jmxReporter; private volatile static ConcurrentHashMap<String, ComboPooledDataSource> poolMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ComboPooledDataSource>( 8, 0.9f, 1); private static boolean setupPool(String address, String driver, String url, String username, String password, int minPool, int maxPool, int acquire, String automaticTestTable, int idleConnectionTestPeriod, String preferredTestQuery, boolean testConnectionOnCheckin, boolean testConnectionOnCheckout) throws Exception { if (poolMap.get(address) == null) { synchronized (poolMap) { if (poolMap.get(address) == null) { DriverManager.registerDriver((Driver) Class.forName(driver).newInstance()); ComboPooledDataSource pool = new ComboPooledDataSource(); pool.setDriverClass(driver); pool.setJdbcUrl(url); pool.setUser(username); pool.setPassword(password); pool.setMinPoolSize(minPool); pool.setMaxPoolSize(maxPool); pool.setAcquireIncrement(acquire); pool.setAutomaticTestTable(automaticTestTable); pool.setIdleConnectionTestPeriod(idleConnectionTestPeriod); pool.setPreferredTestQuery(preferredTestQuery); pool.setTestConnectionOnCheckin(testConnectionOnCheckin); pool.setTestConnectionOnCheckout(testConnectionOnCheckout); if (poolMap.putIfAbsent(address, pool) != null) { pool.close(); } else { metrics = new MetricRegistry(String.format("%s.metrics", address)); requests = metrics.meter(name(JdbcProcessor.class, "requests")); jmxReporter = JmxReporter.forRegistry(metrics).build(); jmxReporter.start(); return true; } } } } return false; } private static void closePool(String address, String url) throws SQLException { if (poolMap.get(address) != null) { synchronized (poolMap) { ComboPooledDataSource pool = poolMap.get(address); if (pool != null) { pool = poolMap.remove(address); if (pool != null) { pool.close(); DriverManager.deregisterDriver(DriverManager.getDriver(url)); jmxReporter.stop(); } } } } } public void start() { super.start(); address = getOptionalStringConfig("address", "com.bloidonia.jdbcpersistor"); uid = String.format("%s-%s", address, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); driver = getOptionalStringConfig("driver", "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); url = getOptionalStringConfig("url", "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test?shutdown=true"); username = getOptionalStringConfig("username", ""); password = getOptionalStringConfig("password", ""); String automaticTestTable = getOptionalStringConfig("c3p0.automaticTestTable", null); int idleConnectionTestPeriod = getOptionalIntConfig("c3p0.idleConnectionTestPeriod", 0); String preferredTestQuery = getOptionalStringConfig("c3p0.preferredTestQuery", null); boolean testConnectionOnCheckin = getOptionalBooleanConfig("c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckin", false); boolean testConnectionOnCheckout = getOptionalBooleanConfig("c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckout", false); minpool = getOptionalIntConfig("minpool", 5); maxpool = getOptionalIntConfig("maxpool", 20); acquire = getOptionalIntConfig("acquire", 5); pmdKnownBroken = getOptionalStringConfig("pmdKnownBroken", "no"); switch (pmdKnownBroken) { case "yes": statementFiller = new BrokenPMDStatementFiller(); break; case "maybe": statementFiller = new MaybeBrokenPMDStatementFiller(); break; default: statementFiller = new NonBrokenPMDStatementFiller(); } batchTimeout = getOptionalIntConfig("batchtimeout", 5000); transTimeout = getOptionalIntConfig("transactiontimeout", 10000); try { if (setupPool(address, driver, url, username, password, minpool, maxpool, acquire, automaticTestTable, idleConnectionTestPeriod, preferredTestQuery, testConnectionOnCheckin, testConnectionOnCheckout)) { logger.debug("Pool created"); } else { logger.debug("Pool already exists"); } eb.registerHandler(address, this); eb.send(String.format("%s.ready", address), new JsonObject() { { putString("status", "ok"); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.fatal("Error when starting JdbcBusMod", ex); } } public void stop() { eb.send(address + ".unregister", new JsonObject() { { putString("processor", uid); } }); eb.unregisterHandler(uid, this); try { closePool(address, url); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error(String.format("Error closing pool: %s", ex.getMessage()), ex); } } public void handle(final Message<JsonObject> message) { String action = message.body().getString("action"); requests.mark(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** HANDLE ** " + this.toString() + " (main handler) RECEIVED CALL " + action); } if (action == null) { sendError(message, "action must be specified"); } switch (action) { case "select": doSelect(message); break; case "execute": doExecute(message); break; case "update": doUpdate(message, false); break; case "insert": doUpdate(message, true); break; case "transaction": doTransaction(message); break; case "pool-status": final ComboPooledDataSource pool = poolMap.get(address); if (pool != null) { try { sendOK(message, new JsonObject() { { putNumber("connections", pool.getNumConnections()); putNumber("idle", pool.getNumIdleConnections()); putNumber("busy", pool.getNumBusyConnections()); putNumber("orphans", pool.getNumUnclosedOrphanedConnections()); } }); } catch (SQLException ex) { sendError(message, "Cannot get pool info", ex); } } else { sendError(message, "No pool found!"); } break; default: sendError(message, "Invalid action : " + action); } } /**************************************************************************** ** ** Select handling ** ****************************************************************************/ private void doSelect(Message<JsonObject> message) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = poolMap.get(address).getConnection(); doSelect(message, connection, null); } catch (SQLException ex) { sendError(message, "Caught error with SELECT", ex); } } private void doSelect(Message<JsonObject> message, Connection connection, TransactionalHandler transaction) throws SQLException { new BatchHandler(connection, message, transaction) { public JsonObject process() throws SQLException { JsonObject reply = new JsonObject(); ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // processing while ((resultSet != null || valueIterator.hasNext()) && (batchSize == -1 || result.size() < batchSize)) { LimitedMapListHandler handler = new LimitedMapListHandler( batchSize == -1 ? -1 : batchSize - result.size()); if (resultSet == null) { List<Object> params =; statementFiller.fill(statement, params); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); } store(result, handler); } reply.putArray("result", JsonUtils.listOfMapsToJsonArray(result)); return reply; } }.handle(message); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** Execute handling ** ****************************************************************************/ private void doExecute(Message<JsonObject> message) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = poolMap.get(address).getConnection(); doExecute(message, connection, null); } catch (SQLException ex) { sendError(message, "Caught error with EXECUTE", ex); } finally { SilentCloser.close(connection); } } private void doExecute(Message<JsonObject> message, Connection connection, TransactionalHandler transaction) throws SQLException { Statement statement = null; try { statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.execute(message.body().getString("stmt")); if (transaction == null) { sendOK(message); } else { JsonObject reply = new JsonObject(); reply.putString("status", "ok"); message.reply(reply, transaction); } } finally { SilentCloser.close(statement); } } /**************************************************************************** ** ** Update/Insert handling ** ****************************************************************************/ private void doUpdate(Message<JsonObject> message, boolean insert) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = poolMap.get(address).getConnection(); doUpdate(message, connection, insert, null); } catch (SQLException ex) { sendError(message, "Caught error with UPDATE.", ex); } } private void doUpdate(Message<JsonObject> message, Connection connection, final boolean insert, TransactionalHandler transaction) throws SQLException { new BatchHandler(connection, message, transaction) { void initialiseStatement(Message<JsonObject> initial) throws SQLException { if (insert) { this.statement = connection.prepareStatement(initial.body().getString("stmt"), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } else { this.statement = connection.prepareStatement(initial.body().getString("stmt")); } } public JsonObject process() throws SQLException { JsonObject reply = new JsonObject(); ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // processing int nRows = 0; if (insert) { while ((resultSet != null || valueIterator.hasNext()) && (batchSize == -1 || result.size() < batchSize)) { LimitedMapListHandler handler = new LimitedMapListHandler( batchSize == -1 ? -1 : batchSize - result.size()); if (resultSet == null) { List<Object> params =; statementFiller.fill(statement, params); nRows += statement.executeUpdate(); resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys(); } store(result, handler); } reply.putArray("result", JsonUtils.listOfMapsToJsonArray(result)); } else { while (valueIterator.hasNext()) { List<Object> params =; statementFiller.fill(statement, params); nRows += statement.executeUpdate(); } } reply.putNumber("updated", nRows); return reply; } }.handle(message); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** Transaction handling ** ****************************************************************************/ private void doTransaction(Message<JsonObject> message) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = poolMap.get(address).getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); doTransaction(message, connection); } catch (SQLException ex) { sendError(message, "Caught exception in TRANSACTION. Rolling back...", ex); try { connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException exx) { logger.error("Failed to rollback", exx); } SilentCloser.close(connection); } } private void doTransaction(Message<JsonObject> message, Connection connection) { JsonObject reply = new JsonObject(); reply.putString("status", "ok"); int timeout = message.body().getNumber("timeout", transTimeout).intValue(); final long timerId = vertx.setTimer(timeout, new TransactionTimeoutHandler(connection)); message.reply(reply, new TransactionalHandler(connection, timerId, timeout)); } private class TransactionTimeoutHandler implements Handler<Long> { Connection connection; TransactionTimeoutHandler(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; } public void handle(Long timerID) { logger.warn("Closing and rolling back transaction on timeout"); try { connection.rollback(); SilentCloser.close(connection); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("Failed to rollback on transaction timeout", ex); } } } private class TransactionalHandler implements Handler<Message<JsonObject>> { Connection connection; long timerId; int timeout; TransactionalHandler(Connection connection, long timerId, int timeout) { this.connection = connection; this.timerId = timerId; this.timeout = timeout; } public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { vertx.cancelTimer(timerId); String action = message.body().getString("action"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** HANDLE ** " + this.toString() + " (TRANSACTION handler) RECEIVED CALL " + action); } if (action == null) { sendError(message, "action must be specified"); } try { switch (action) { case "select": doSelect(message, connection, this); break; case "execute": doExecute(message, connection, this); break; case "update": doUpdate(message, connection, false, this); break; case "insert": doUpdate(message, connection, true, this); break; case "commit": doCommit(message); return; case "rollback": doRollback(message); return; default: sendError(message, "Invalid action : " + action + ". Rolling back."); doRollback(null); return; } timerId = vertx.setTimer(timeout, new TransactionTimeoutHandler(connection)); } catch (SQLException ex) { sendError(message, "Error performing " + action + ". Rolling back.", ex); doRollback(null); } } private void doCommit(Message<JsonObject> message) { try { connection.commit(); if (message != null) sendOK(message); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("Failed to commit", ex); } finally { SilentCloser.close(connection); } } private void doRollback(Message<JsonObject> message) { try { connection.rollback(); if (message != null) sendOK(message); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("Failed to rollback", ex); } finally { SilentCloser.close(connection); } } } /**************************************************************************** ** ** Batch handling ** ****************************************************************************/ private class BatchTimeoutHandler implements Handler<Long> { Connection connection; Statement statement; ResultSet rslt; BatchTimeoutHandler(Statement statement, ResultSet rslt) { this(null, statement, rslt); } BatchTimeoutHandler(Connection conn, Statement statement, ResultSet rslt) { this.connection = connection; this.statement = statement; this.rslt = rslt; } public void handle(Long timerId) { logger.warn("Closing batch result set and statement on timeout"); SilentCloser.close(connection, statement, rslt); } } private abstract class BatchHandler implements Handler<Message<JsonObject>> { Connection connection; String statementString; List<List<Object>> values; Iterator<List<Object>> valueIterator; TransactionalHandler transaction; long timerId; int timeout; int batchSize; PreparedStatement statement; ResultSet resultSet; BatchHandler(Connection connection, Message<JsonObject> initial, TransactionalHandler transaction) throws SQLException { this.connection = connection; this.transaction = transaction; this.timerId = -1; this.batchSize = initial.body().getNumber("batchsize", -1).intValue(); if (this.batchSize <= 0) this.batchSize = -1; this.timeout = initial.body().getNumber("batchtimeout", batchTimeout).intValue(); // create a List<List<Object>> from the values this.values = JsonUtils.arrayNormaliser(initial.body().getArray("values")); if (this.values != null) { this.valueIterator = values.iterator(); } else { this.valueIterator = null; } initialiseStatement(initial); } void initialiseStatement(Message<JsonObject> initial) throws SQLException { this.statement = connection.prepareStatement(initial.body().getString("stmt")); } abstract JsonObject process() throws SQLException; void store(ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> result, LimitedMapListHandler handler) throws SQLException { result.addAll(handler.handle(resultSet)); if (handler.isExpired()) { SilentCloser.close(resultSet); resultSet = null; } } public void handle(final Message<JsonObject> message) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** HANDLE ** " + this.toString() + " (BATCH handler) RECEIVED CALL"); } if (timerId != -1) { vertx.cancelTimer(timerId); } JsonObject reply; try { reply = process(); if (resultSet != null || valueIterator.hasNext()) { reply.putString("status", "more-exist"); logger.debug("BATCH REPLY : " + reply); message.reply(reply, this); if (transaction == null) { timerId = vertx.setTimer(timeout, new BatchTimeoutHandler(connection, statement, resultSet)); } else { timerId = vertx.setTimer(timeout, new BatchTimeoutHandler(statement, resultSet)); } } else if (transaction == null) { SilentCloser.close(connection, statement); logger.debug("BATCH REPLY : " + reply); sendOK(message, reply); } else { SilentCloser.close(statement); reply.putString("status", "ok"); logger.debug("BATCH REPLY : " + reply); message.reply(reply, transaction); } } catch (SQLException ex) { if (transaction == null) { SilentCloser.close(connection, statement, resultSet); sendError(message, "Error performing batch select", ex); } else { try { connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException exx) { } SilentCloser.close(connection, statement, resultSet); reply = new JsonObject(); reply.putString("status", "error"); reply.putString("message", "Error performing transactional batch select"); logger.error("Error performing transactional batch select", ex); message.reply(reply, transaction); } } } } private class NonBrokenPMDStatementFiller implements StatementFiller { public void fill(PreparedStatement statement, List<Object> params) throws SQLException { new QueryRunner(false).fillStatement(statement, params.toArray(new Object[] {})); } } private class MaybeBrokenPMDStatementFiller implements StatementFiller { public void fill(PreparedStatement statement, List<Object> params) throws SQLException { try { new QueryRunner(false).fillStatement(statement, params.toArray(new Object[] {})); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error(String.format( "Caught %s trying to fill statement. Assuming broken ParameterMetaData, and switching this instance to pmdKnownBroken='yes'", ex.getMessage()), ex); statementFiller = new BrokenPMDStatementFiller(); new QueryRunner(true).fillStatement(statement, params.toArray(new Object[] {})); } } } private class BrokenPMDStatementFiller implements StatementFiller { public void fill(PreparedStatement statement, List<Object> params) throws SQLException { new QueryRunner(true).fillStatement(statement, params.toArray(new Object[] {})); } } private interface StatementFiller { void fill(PreparedStatement statement, List<Object> params) throws SQLException; } }