Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 Sebastien Diot * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ // $codepro.audit.disable handleNumericParsingErrors package com.blockwithme.longdb.test.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.blockwithme.longdb.BETable; import com.blockwithme.longdb.Columns; import com.blockwithme.longdb.Range; import com.blockwithme.longdb.entities.Bytes; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongObjectOpenHashMap; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.LongCursor; import; /** Utility Methods to work with Test Data file in JSON format. All the JSON * related objects will be dealt with in this class */ public class JSONUtil { /** 1k bytes chunk size */ private static final int ONE_K = 1024; /** The blob map. */ private static final Map<String, byte[]> BLOB_MAP = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); /** The j table. */ private final JSONObject jTable; /** The root json. */ private final JSONObject rootJSON; /** Reads file as string. * * @param theFilePath * the file path * @return the the file as a string * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private static String readFileAsString(final String theFilePath) throws { final StringBuilder fileData = new StringBuilder(); final InputStream inputStream = JSONUtil.class.getResourceAsStream(theFilePath); final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream,; try { char[] buf = new char[ONE_K]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead = != -1) { final String readData = String.valueOf(buf, 0, numRead); fileData.append(readData); buf = new char[ONE_K]; } } finally { reader.close(); } return fileData.toString(); } /** This constructor reads the file contents and initializes JSON objects, it * expects that there is a top level element with the name "table". * * @param theFile * the json file * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ public JSONUtil(final String theFile) throws IOException, JSONException { final String content = readFileAsString(theFile); rootJSON = new JSONObject(content); jTable = rootJSON.getJSONObject("table"); } /** Adds the column data. * * @param theRowID * the row id * @param theColumn * the column * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ private void addColumnData(final long theRowID, final JSONObject theColumn) throws JSONException { final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (rowKey == theRowID) { final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); final JSONObject columnCopy = copyColumn(theColumn); colArray.put(colArray.length(), columnCopy); } } } /** Copy column. * * @param theColumn * the column * @return the jSON object * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ private JSONObject copyColumn(final JSONObject theColumn) throws JSONException { return new JSONObject(theColumn.toString()); } /** Generate random byte array. * * @param theBlobsize * the blobsize * @return the byte[] */ private byte[] generateRandomByteArray(final int theBlobsize) { final byte[] bytesBuffer = new byte[theBlobsize]; final Random rnd = new Random(); rnd.nextBytes(bytesBuffer); return bytesBuffer; } /** Gets the column index. * * @param theColArray * the column array * @param theColumnID * the column id * @return the column index * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ private int getColumnIndex(final JSONArray theColArray, final long theColumnID) throws JSONException { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < theColArray.length(); i++) { final long oldID = theColArray.getJSONObject(i).getLong("ID"); if (oldID == theColumnID) index = i; } return index; } /** Load column. */ private Bytes loadColumn(final JSONObject theColumn, final long theRowId, final int theIndex) throws JSONException, UnsupportedEncodingException { Bytes returnValue = null; final String type = theColumn.getString("type"); if ("int".equals(type)) { final int value = theColumn.getInt("value"); returnValue = new Bytes(value); } else if ("long".equals(type)) { final long value = theColumn.getLong("value"); returnValue = new Bytes(value); } else if ("double".equals(type)) { final double value = theColumn.getDouble("value"); returnValue = new Bytes(value); } else if ("short".equals(type)) { final short value = Short.valueOf(theColumn.getString("value")); returnValue = new Bytes(value); } else if ("byte".equals(type)) { final byte value = Byte.valueOf(theColumn.getString("value")); returnValue = new Bytes(value); } else if ("String".equals(type)) { final String value = theColumn.getString("value"); returnValue = new Bytes(value.getBytes("UTF-8")); } else if (type.contains("blob")) { final String sizeStr = type.substring(type.indexOf('(') + 1, type.indexOf(')')); final int blobsize = Integer.valueOf(sizeStr); final byte[] blobBytes = generateRandomByteArray(blobsize); returnValue = new Bytes(blobBytes); theColumn.put("type", "convertedBolb"); theColumn.put("value", "convertedBolb"); final String mapKey = theColumn.getString("ID") + ':' + theRowId; BLOB_MAP.put(mapKey, blobBytes); } else if ("convertedBolb".equals(type)) { final String mapKey = theColumn.getString("ID") + ":" + theRowId; final byte[] blobBytes = BLOB_MAP.get(mapKey); returnValue = new Bytes(blobBytes); } return returnValue; } /** Load row. */ private void loadRow(final BETable theTable, final JSONArray theRowArray, final int theIndex) throws JSONException, UnsupportedEncodingException { final JSONObject row = theRowArray.getJSONObject(theIndex); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> colMap = new LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes>(); for (int j = 0; j < colArray.length(); j++) { final JSONObject column = colArray.getJSONObject(j); final long cID = column.getLong("ID"); final Bytes bytes = loadColumn(column, rowKey, j); colMap.put(cID, bytes); } final Columns cols = new Columns(colMap, false); theTable.set(rowKey, cols); } /** Modify column data. */ private void modifyColumnData(final long theRowID, final JSONObject theNewColumn) throws JSONException { final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (rowKey == theRowID) { final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); final JSONObject columnCopy = copyColumn(theNewColumn); final int columnIndex = getColumnIndex(colArray, theNewColumn.getLong("ID")); colArray.put(columnIndex, columnCopy); } } } /** Prepare remove column list. */ private void processRemoveColList(final LongArrayList theRemoveList, final JSONObject theRow, final long theRowKey) throws JSONException { // get column ids to be deleted. final JSONArray removeColIDArray = theRow.getJSONArray("deleteCols"); final LongArrayList currentColumns = this.getColumnIDs(theRowKey); if (removeColIDArray == null || removeColIDArray.length() == 0) return; for (int j = 0; j < removeColIDArray.length(); j++) { final JSONObject column = removeColIDArray.getJSONObject(j); final long cID = column.getLong("ID"); if (!currentColumns.contains(cID)) throw new JSONException("Column ID:" + cID + " does not exsit in row ID " + theRowKey); theRemoveList.add(cID); removeColFromRow(theRowKey, cID); } } /** Process remove column range. */ private void processRemoveColRange(final Range theRemoveRange, final JSONObject theRow, final long theRowKey) throws JSONException { final JSONObject jRange = theRow.getJSONObject("deleteRange"); if (jRange == null) return; theRemoveRange.start(jRange.getLong("RangeStart")); theRemoveRange.end(jRange.getLong("RangeEnd")); final LongArrayList columnIDs = this.getColumnIDs(theRowKey); for (final LongCursor longCursor : columnIDs) { if (theRemoveRange.contains(longCursor.value)) this.removeColFromRow(theRowKey, longCursor.value); } } /** Removes the column from row. */ private void removeColFromRow(final long theRowID, final long theId) throws JSONException { final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (rowKey == theRowID) { final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); final int columnIndex = getColumnIndex(colArray, theId); colArray.remove(columnIndex); } } } /** Removes the row by id. */ private void removeRowByID(final long theRowId) throws JSONException { final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (rowKey == theRowId) { index = i; } } if (index >= 0) rowArray.remove(index); } /** This method reads the element represented by "elementName" from the JSON * file. This test data in JSON file will contain new columns to be added to * existing rows AND column ids of the columns to be removed. Two Map * objects are passed as arguments to this method which get populated as per * the data in the JSON file. The fist Map arg is the Map of row Ids vs new * Columns. The second Map is a map of row Ids vs List of column Ids to be * removed. The current Test data encapsulated by this class is also updated * accordingly. * * @param theElementName * the element name * @param theRowsMap * the rows map * @param theRemoveColumnsMap * the columns map to be removed * @param theRemoveRangeMap * the remove range map * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public void columnsAdded(final String theElementName, final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Columns> theRowsMap, final LongObjectOpenHashMap<LongArrayList> theRemoveColumnsMap, final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Range> theRemoveRangeMap) throws JSONException, UnsupportedEncodingException { final LongArrayList allRows = getRowIDs(); final JSONObject addColumns = rootJSON.getJSONObject(theElementName); final JSONArray rowArray = addColumns.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (theRowsMap != null) { if (!allRows.contains(rowKey)) throw new JSONException("Row ID:" + rowKey + " mentioned in addColumns Does not exist."); final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> colMap = new LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes>(); final LongArrayList currentTableColumns = this.getColumnIDs(rowKey); for (int j = 0; j < colArray.length(); j++) { final JSONObject column = colArray.getJSONObject(j); final long cID = column.getLong("ID"); if (currentTableColumns.contains(cID)) throw new JSONException("Column ID:" + cID + " already exsits in row ID " + rowKey); final Bytes bytes = loadColumn(column, rowKey, j); colMap.put(cID, bytes); addColumnData(rowKey, column); } final Columns cols = new Columns(colMap, false); theRowsMap.put(rowKey, cols); } if (theRemoveColumnsMap != null) { final LongArrayList colsToRemove = new LongArrayList(); processRemoveColList(colsToRemove, row, rowKey); if (colsToRemove.size() > 0) theRemoveColumnsMap.put(rowKey, colsToRemove); } if (theRemoveRangeMap != null) { final Range removeRange = new Range(0, 0); processRemoveColRange(removeRange, row, rowKey); if (!removeRange.empty()) theRemoveRangeMap.put(rowKey, removeRange); } } } /** This method reads the element represented by "elementName" from the JSON * file. This test data in JSON file will contain modified values of the * existing columns AND column ids of the columns to be removed. Two Map * objects are passed as arguments to this method which get populated as per * the data in the JSON file. The fist Map arg is the Map of row Ids vs * Modified Columns. The second Map is a map of row Ids vs List of column * Ids to be removed. The current Test data encapsulated by this class is * also updated accordingly. * * @param theElementName * the element name * @param theRowsMap * the rows map * @param theRemoveList * the remove list * @param theRemoveRangeMap * the remove range map * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public void columnsModified(final String theElementName, final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Columns> theRowsMap, final LongObjectOpenHashMap<LongArrayList> theRemoveList, final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Range> theRemoveRangeMap) throws JSONException, UnsupportedEncodingException { final LongArrayList allRows = getRowIDs(); final JSONObject addColumns = rootJSON.getJSONObject(theElementName); final JSONArray rowArray = addColumns.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (theRowsMap != null) { if (!allRows.contains(rowKey)) throw new JSONException("Row ID:" + rowKey + " mentioned in addColumns Does not exist."); final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> colMap = new LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes>(); final LongArrayList currentTableColumns = this.getColumnIDs(rowKey); for (int j = 0; j < colArray.length(); j++) { final JSONObject column = colArray.getJSONObject(j); final long cID = column.getLong("ID"); if (!currentTableColumns.contains(cID)) throw new JSONException("Column ID:" + cID + " does not exsit in row ID " + rowKey); final Bytes bytes = loadColumn(column, rowKey, j); colMap.put(cID, bytes); modifyColumnData(rowKey, column); } final Columns cols = new Columns(colMap, false); theRowsMap.put(rowKey, cols); } if (theRemoveList != null) { final LongArrayList colsToRemove = new LongArrayList(); processRemoveColList(colsToRemove, row, rowKey); if (colsToRemove.size() > 0) theRemoveList.put(rowKey, colsToRemove); } if (theRemoveRangeMap != null) { final Range removeRange = new Range(0, 0); processRemoveColRange(removeRange, row, rowKey); if (!removeRange.empty()) theRemoveRangeMap.put(rowKey, removeRange); } } } /** Gets the column count. * * @param theId * the row Id * @return the column count * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ public long getColumnCount(final long theId) throws JSONException { long colms = -1; final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (rowKey == theId) { final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); colms = colArray.length(); } } return colms; } /** Method returns column data for all the columns for a given row from the * current Test data. * * @param theId * the row Id * @return the column data * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> getColumnData(final long theId) throws JSONException, UnsupportedEncodingException { final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> colmsData = new LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes>(); final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (rowKey == theId) { final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); for (int j = 0; j < colArray.length(); j++) { final JSONObject column = colArray.getJSONObject(j); final long cID = column.getLong("ID"); final Bytes bytes = loadColumn(column, rowKey, j); colmsData.put(cID, bytes); } } } return colmsData; } /** Method returns columnIds for a given row from the current Test data. * * @param theId * the row Id * @return the column Ids * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ public LongArrayList getColumnIDs(final long theId) throws JSONException { final LongArrayList colmsIDs = new LongArrayList(); final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); if (rowKey == theId) { final JSONArray colArray = row.getJSONArray("column"); for (int j = 0; j < colArray.length(); j++) { final JSONObject column = colArray.getJSONObject(j); colmsIDs.add(column.getLong("ID")); } } } return colmsIDs; } /** Method returns all the rowIds for the current Test data. * * @return the row Ids * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ public LongArrayList getRowIDs() throws JSONException { final LongArrayList rowIDs = new LongArrayList(); final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject row = rowArray.getJSONObject(i); final long rowKey = row.getLong("ID"); rowIDs.add(rowKey); } return rowIDs; } /** Method performs DB inserts for the data inside the array of "table":"row" * elements. * * @param theTable * the database table * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ public void loadTableFromJSONFile(final BETable theTable) throws IOException, JSONException { final JSONArray rowArray = jTable.getJSONArray("row"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { loadRow(theTable, rowArray, i); } } /** Removes the rows. * * @param theElementName * the element name * @return the long array list * @throws JSONException * the jSON exception */ public LongArrayList removeRows(final String theElementName) throws JSONException { final LongArrayList removeRows = new LongArrayList(); final JSONObject jRemoveRows = rootJSON.getJSONObject(theElementName); final JSONArray rowArray = jRemoveRows.getJSONArray("rowID"); for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.length(); i++) { removeRows.add(rowArray.getLong(i)); removeRowByID(rowArray.getLong(i)); } return removeRows; } }