Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 Sebastien Diot * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ // $codepro.audit.disable methodInvocationInLoopCondition package com.blockwithme.longdb.leveldb; import static com.blockwithme.longdb.common.constants.ByteConstants.LONG_BYTES; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.iq80.leveldb.CompressionType; import org.iq80.leveldb.DB; import org.iq80.leveldb.DBFactory; import org.iq80.leveldb.DBIterator; import org.iq80.leveldb.Options; import org.iq80.leveldb.ReadOptions; import org.iq80.leveldb.WriteOptions; import org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.blockwithme.longdb.Columns; import com.blockwithme.longdb.Range; import com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable; import com.blockwithme.longdb.entities.Base36; import com.blockwithme.longdb.entities.Bytes; import com.blockwithme.longdb.entities.LongHolder; import com.blockwithme.longdb.exception.DBException; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongObjectOpenHashMap; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.LongCursor; /** The Class LevelDBTable. */ @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public class LevelDBTable extends AbstractTable<LevelDBBackend, LevelDBDatabase, LevelDBTable> { /** The leveldb factory */ private static final DBFactory FCTRY = Iq80DBFactory.factory; /** The range object with full range of long numbers. */ private static final Range FULL_RANGE = Range.fullRange(); /** Logger for this class */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LevelDBTable.class); /** The bit wise max value (all bits on). */ private static final long MAX_COLUMN = -1L; /** The bin wise min value (all bits off). */ private static final long MIN_COLUMN = 0L; /** The byte wise comparator. */ private BytewiseComparator comparator; /** The connected flag */ private boolean connected; /** The folder of database files */ private final File dbFolder; /** The db instance. */ private DB dbInstance; /** The default options. */ private Options defaultOptions; /** The read opts. */ private ReadOptions readOpts; /** The write opts. */ private WriteOptions writeOpts; /** Internal method: To bytes array */ private static byte[] toArray(final Bytes theBytes) { return theBytes.toArray(false); } /** Instantiates a new level db table. * * @param theDB * the database object * @param theDBfolder * the database folder * @param theName * the table * @param isReverse * the reverse column sorting flag */ protected LevelDBTable(final LevelDBDatabase theDB, final File theDBfolder, final Base36 theName, final boolean isReverse) { super(theDB, theName, false, false); init(); dbFolder = theDBfolder; } /** Internal method : Checks range. */ private Entry<byte[], byte[]> checkRange(final Entry<byte[], byte[]> theEntry, final long theLimit, final long theRowKey, final boolean isLastInclude) { if (theEntry == null) return null; if (isLastInclude &&, Util.combine(theRowKey, theLimit)) <= 0) return theEntry; else if (, Util.combine(theRowKey, theLimit)) < 0) return theEntry; return null; } /** Internal method: resolves the config object */ private LevelDBConfig config() { return ((LevelDBBackend) database.backend()).config(); } /** Connect. */ private void connect() { if (connected) return; try { defaultOptions.createIfMissing(true); dbInstance =, defaultOptions); connected = true; } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - connect()", e); throw new DBException("Error creating connection.", e); } } /** Gets the results in specified range and list. */ @CheckForNull private void getInRangeAndList(final long theKey, final long theStart, final long theEnd, final LongArrayList theColumns, final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> theMap) { // final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> map = new // LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes>(); DBIterator itr = null; try { itr = iteratorAtPosition(theKey, theStart); java.util.Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry = null; while (itr.hasNext() && (entry = checkRange(, theEnd, theKey, true)) != null) { final long colId = Util.splitColumn(entry.getKey()); if (theColumns.contains(colId)) theMap.put(colId, new Bytes(entry.getValue())); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - getInRangeAndList(long key=" + theKey + ", long start=" + theStart + ", long end=" + theEnd + ", LongArrayList cols=" + theColumns + ", LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> map=" + theMap + ")", e); throw new DBException("Error Select In List Search.", e); } finally { if (itr != null) // $codepro.audit.disable unnecessaryNullCheck itr.close(); } } /** Initializes read_opts, write_opts, defaultOptions */ private void init() { defaultOptions = new Options(); defaultOptions.createIfMissing(true); defaultOptions.cacheSize(config().cacheSize()); if (!config().compressionOn()) defaultOptions.compressionType(CompressionType.NONE); defaultOptions.writeBufferSize(config().writeBufferSize()); readOpts = new ReadOptions(); readOpts.fillCache(config().readFillCache()); readOpts.verifyChecksums(false); writeOpts = new WriteOptions(); writeOpts.sync(config().writeSynchronously()); comparator = new BytewiseComparator(); } /** Creates an Iterator and sets the position. */ private DBIterator iteratorAtPosition(final long theKey, final long theColumnId) { final DBIterator itr = dbInstance.iterator(); final byte[] combinedKeys = Util.combine(theKey, theColumnId);; return itr; } /** Removes the column ids. */ private void removeColIds(final long theKey, final long theColumnId) { final Bytes rowIdBytes = new Bytes(Util.toByta(theKey)); if (dbInstance.get(toArray(rowIdBytes), readOpts) != null) { final byte[] allColIds = dbInstance.get(toArray(rowIdBytes), readOpts); final long position = Util.indexOf(allColIds, theColumnId); if (position == -1) return; final byte[] part1Bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(allColIds, 0, (int) position); final byte[] part2Bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(allColIds, (int) (position + LONG_BYTES), allColIds.length); // TODO try to use dbInstance.write() instead of delete()/put(). // write() uses WriteBatch to 'batch' all the db updates // belonging to a single transaction. if (part1Bytes.length == 0 && part2Bytes.length == 0) { dbInstance.delete(toArray(rowIdBytes), writeOpts); } else { final byte[] newColIds = ArrayUtils.addAll(part1Bytes, part2Bytes); dbInstance.put(toArray(rowIdBytes), newColIds, writeOpts); } } } /** Removes entries in range. */ private void removeInRange(final long theKey, final long theStart, final long theEnd) throws Exception { DBIterator itr = null; try { itr = iteratorAtPosition(theKey, theStart); Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry = null; while (itr.hasNext() && (entry = checkRange(, theEnd, theKey, true)) != null) { dbInstance.delete(entry.getKey()); final long colId = Util.splitColumn(entry.getKey()); removeColIds(theKey, colId); } } finally { if (itr != null) itr.close(); } } /** Searches entries in range. */ @CheckForNull private void serchInRange(final long theKey, final long theStart, final long theEnd, final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> theMap) { DBIterator itr = null; try { itr = iteratorAtPosition(theKey, theStart); java.util.Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry = null; while (itr.hasNext() && (entry = checkRange(, theEnd, theKey, true)) != null) { final long colId = Util.splitColumn(entry.getKey()); theMap.put(colId, new Bytes(entry.getValue())); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - serchInRange(long key=" + theKey + ", long start=" + theStart + ", long end=" + theEnd + ", LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> map=" + theMap + ")", e); throw new DBException("Error Performaing Select In Range Search.", e); } finally { if (itr != null) // $codepro.audit.disable unnecessaryNullCheck itr.close(); } } /** method for update/insert row-column combination */ private void setOnly(final long theKey, final Columns theInsertUpdateColumns) { try { for (final LongHolder longCursor : theInsertUpdateColumns) { // update blob with the combined key final byte[] rowColumnPair = Util.combine(theKey, longCursor.value()); final Bytes byts = theInsertUpdateColumns.getBytes(longCursor.value()); assert (byts != null); final byte[] valueBytes = byts.toArray(false); dbInstance.put(rowColumnPair, valueBytes, writeOpts); // update column Id list. final Bytes rowIdBytes = new Bytes(Util.toByta(theKey)); final Bytes colIdBytes = new Bytes(Util.toByta(longCursor.value())); // TODO use dbInstance.write() instead of delete()/put(). // write() uses WriteBatch to 'batch' all the db updates // belonging to a single transaction. if (dbInstance.get(toArray(rowIdBytes), readOpts) == null) { dbInstance.put(toArray(rowIdBytes), toArray(colIdBytes), writeOpts); } else { final ReadOptions readOptsNoCache = new ReadOptions(); readOptsNoCache.fillCache(false); final byte[] allColIds = dbInstance.get(toArray(rowIdBytes), readOptsNoCache); if (allColIds == null || allColIds.length == 0) { dbInstance.put(toArray(rowIdBytes), toArray(colIdBytes), writeOpts); } else { final long position = Util.indexOf(allColIds, longCursor.value()); if (position < 0) { final byte[] newColIds = ArrayUtils.addAll(allColIds, toArray(colIdBytes)); dbInstance.put(toArray(rowIdBytes), newColIds, writeOpts); } } } } } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - setOnly(long key=" + theKey + ", Columns insertOrUpdate=" + theInsertUpdateColumns + ")", e); throw new DBException("Error Performaing Insert Update Operation.", e); } } /** Called when table was closed. */ @Override protected void closeInternal() { if (dbInstance != null) { dbInstance.close(); // $codepro.audit.disable closeInFinally } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#columnsCountInternal(long) */ @Override protected long columnsCountInternal(final long theKey) { connect(); final LongArrayList cols = columnsInternal(theKey); return (cols != null) ? cols.size() : 0; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#columnsInternal(long) */ @Override @CheckForNull protected LongArrayList columnsInternal(final long theKey) { connect(); LongArrayList colIds = null; try { final byte[] allColumns = dbInstance.get(Util.toByta(theKey), readOpts); colIds = Util.splitColumnIds(allColumns); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - columnsInternal(long key=" + theKey + ")", e); throw new DBException("Error Performaing All Column Id Search.", e); } return colIds; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#columnsIteratorInternal(long) */ @Override protected Iterator<LongHolder> columnsIteratorInternal(final long theKey) { connect(); final Columns cols = getInternal(theKey, FULL_RANGE); if (cols != null) return cols.iterator(); return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#getInternal(long, * com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList) */ @Override @CheckForNull protected Columns getInternal(final long theKey, final LongArrayList theColumns) { connect(); if (theColumns == null || theColumns.size() == 0) { return null; } final long[] sortedColIds = theColumns.toArray(); Arrays.sort(sortedColIds); final long start = sortedColIds[0]; final long end = sortedColIds[sortedColIds.length - 1]; final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> map = new LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes>(); if (start < 0) { getInRangeAndList(theKey, start, -1L, theColumns, map); getInRangeAndList(theKey, 0, end, theColumns, map); } else { getInRangeAndList(theKey, start, end, theColumns, map); } if (map.size() > 0) { return new Columns(map, false); } return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#getInternal(long, * com.blockwithme.longdb.Range) */ @Override @CheckForNull protected Columns getInternal(final long theKey, final Range theRange) { connect(); if (theRange == null || theRange.empty()) return null; final long start; final long end; start = (theRange.start() < theRange.end()) ? theRange.start() : theRange.end(); end = (theRange.start() < theRange.end()) ? theRange.end() : theRange.start(); final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> map = new LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes>(); if (start < 0) { serchInRange(theKey, start, -1L, map); serchInRange(theKey, 0, end, map); } else { serchInRange(theKey, start, end, map); } if (map.size() > 0) return new Columns(map, false); return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#keysInternal() */ @Override protected Iterator<LongHolder> keysInternal() { connect(); return new LevelDBKeyIterator(this); } /** Called when table is opened. */ @Override protected void openInternal() { connect(); closed = false; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#removeInternal(long, * com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList) */ @Override protected void removeInternal(final long theKey, final LongArrayList theRemoveCols) { connect(); try { for (final LongCursor longCursor : theRemoveCols) { // remove blob entry. final byte[] rowColumnPair = Util.combine(theKey, longCursor.value); dbInstance.delete(rowColumnPair, writeOpts); // update columnIds list. removeColIds(theKey, longCursor.value); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - removeInternal(long key=" + theKey + ", LongArrayList remove=" + theRemoveCols + ")", e); throw new DBException("Error Performaing remove Operation ", e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#removeInternal(long, * com.blockwithme.longdb.Range) */ @Override protected void removeInternal(final long theKey, final Range theRemoveCols) { if (theRemoveCols.empty()) return; connect(); if (theRemoveCols.empty()) return; try { if (!theRemoveCols.equals(FULL_RANGE)) { final long start; final long end; start = (theRemoveCols.start() < theRemoveCols.end()) ? theRemoveCols.start() : theRemoveCols.end(); end = (theRemoveCols.start() < theRemoveCols.end()) ? theRemoveCols.end() : theRemoveCols.start(); if (start < 0) { removeInRange(theKey, start, -1L); removeInRange(theKey, 0, end); } else removeInRange(theKey, start, end); } else { removeInRange(theKey, theRemoveCols.start(), theRemoveCols.end()); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - removeInternal(long key=" + theKey + ", Range remove=" + theRemoveCols + ")", e); throw new DBException("Error Performaing Remove In Range Operation.", e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#setInternal(long, * com.blockwithme.longdb.Columns, com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList) */ @Override protected void setInternal(final long theKey, final Columns theInsertUpdateColumns, final LongArrayList theRemoveCols) { connect(); removeInternal(theKey, theRemoveCols); setOnly(theKey, theInsertUpdateColumns); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.base.AbstractTable#setInternal(long, * com.blockwithme.longdb.Columns, com.blockwithme.longdb.Range) */ @Override protected void setInternal(final long theKey, final Columns theInsertUpdateColumns, final Range theRemoveCols) { connect(); removeInternal(theKey, theRemoveCols); setOnly(theKey, theInsertUpdateColumns); } /** Returns number rows in this table. * * @return the long */ @Override protected long sizeInternal() { connect(); try { long count = 0; final Iterator<LongHolder> itr = this.keys(); while (itr.hasNext()) {; count++; } return count; } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - sizeInternal()", e); throw new DBException("Error obtaining row count", e); } } /** Db instance. */ public DB dbInstance() { return dbInstance; } /** Called when the table was dropped. */ public void dropped() { connect(); closeInternal(); try { FCTRY.destroy(dbFolder, new Options()); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - dropped()", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.BETable#getLimited(long, int) */ @Override public Columns getLimited(final long theKey, final int theCount) { connect(); if (theCount == 0) { return null; } DBIterator itr = null; final LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes> map = new LongObjectOpenHashMap<Bytes>(); try { itr = iteratorAtPosition(theKey, MIN_COLUMN); java.util.Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry = null; int i = 0; while (itr.hasNext() && (entry = checkRange(, MAX_COLUMN, theKey, true)) != null && i++ < theCount) { final long colId = Util.splitColumn(entry.getKey()); map.put(colId, new Bytes(entry.getValue())); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception Occurred in - getLimited(long key=" + theKey + ", int count=" + theCount + ")", e); throw new DBException("Error Performaing Get limited Operation.", e); } finally { if (itr != null) // $codepro.audit.disable unnecessaryNullCheck itr.close(); } return new Columns(map, false); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.blockwithme.longdb.BETable#reverseSupported() */ @Override public boolean reverseSupported() { return false; } }