Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010 ZTEsoft Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This software is the proprietary information of ZTEsoft Inc.
 * Use is subject to license terms.
 * $Tracker List
 * $TaskId: $ $Date: 9:24:36 AM (May 9, 2008) $comments: create 
 * $TaskId: $ $Date: 3:56:36 PM (SEP 13, 2010) $comments: upgrade jvm to jvm1.5 

import com.ztesoft.uboss.coomon.exception.BaseException;
import org.dom4j.*;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * XML? ???
 * <p>
 * Title: XML
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Description:
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Company: ZTESoft
 * </p>
 * @author lu.zhen
 * @version 1.0
public class XMLDom4jUtils {

    private static Document _DOC_TEMP = DocumentHelper.createDocument();

    /** ? */
    public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";// Common.DEFAULT_CHARSET;

    /** ?? */
    private XMLDom4jUtils() {

     * Return the child element with the given name. The element must be in the
     * same name space as the parent element.
     * @param element
     *            The parent element
     * @param name
     *            The child element name
     * @return The child element
    public static Element child(Element element, String name) {
        return element.element(new QName(name, element.getNamespace()));

     * ?
     * @param element
     * @param name
     *            ???
     * @param optional
     *            ??
     * @return ?
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Element child(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        Element child = element.element(new QName(name, element.getNamespace()));
        if (child == null && !optional) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", name + " element expected as child of " + element.getName() + ".");
        return child;

     * Return the child elements with the given name. The elements must be in
     * the same name space as the parent element.
     * @param element
     *            The parent element
     * @param name
     *            The child element name
     * @return The child elements
    public static List<Element> children(Element element, String name) {
        return element.elements(new QName(name, element.getNamespace()));

     * ??
     * @param element
     * @param name
     *            ??
     * @param optional
     *            ??
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static String getAttribute(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        Attribute attr = element.attribute(name);
        if (attr == null && !optional) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", "Attribute " + name + " of " + element.getName() + " expected.");
        } else if (attr != null) {
            return attr.getValue();
        } else {
            return null;

     * @param element
     * @param name
     *            ??
     * @param optional
     *            ??
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Date getAttributeAsDate(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        String value = getAttribute(element, name, optional);
        if ((optional) && ((value == null) || (value.equals("")))) {
            return null;
        } else {
            try {
                return DateUtil.string2SQLDate(value);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001",
                        element.getName() + "/@" + name + " attribute: value format error.", exception);

     * ???
     * @param element
     * @param name
     *            ??
     * @param optional
     *            ??
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static String getAttributeAsString(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        return getAttribute(element, name, optional);

     * ???
     * @param element
     * @param name
     *            ??
     * @param optional
     *            ??
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static int getAttributeAsInt(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        try {
            return Integer.parseInt(getAttribute(element, name, optional));
        } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001",
                    element.getName() + "/@" + name + " attribute: value format error.", exception);

     * ???
     * ?????
     * @param element
     * @param name
     *            ??
     * @param defaultValue
     *            ?
     * @param optional
     *            ??
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static int getAttributeAsInt(Element element, String name, int defaultValue, boolean optional)
            throws BaseException {
        String value = getAttribute(element, name, optional);
        if ((optional) && ((value == null) || (value.equals("")))) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else {
            try {
                return Integer.parseInt(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001",
                        element.getName() + "/@" + name + " attribute: value format error.", exception);

     * ??float?
     * float
     * @param element
     * @param name
     *            ??
     * @param optional
     *            ??
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static float getAttributeAsFloat(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        try {
            return Float.parseFloat(getAttribute(element, name, optional));
        } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001",
                    element.getName() + "/@" + name + " attribute: value format error.", exception);


     * ??float?
     * ,?float?
     * @param element
     * @param name
     *            ??
     * @param defaultValue
     *            ?
     * @param optional
     *            ??
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static float getAttributeAsFloat(Element element, String name, float defaultValue, boolean optional)
            throws BaseException {
        String value = getAttribute(element, name, optional);
        if ((optional) && ((value == null) || (value.equals("")))) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else {
            try {
                return Float.parseFloat(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001",
                        element.getName() + "/@" + name + " attribute: value format error.", exception);

     * @param element
     * @param name
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static long getAttributeAsLong(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        try {
            return Long.parseLong(getAttribute(element, name, optional));
        } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001",
                    element.getName() + "/@" + name + " attribute: value format error.", exception);

     * @param element
     * @param name
     * @param defaultValue
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static long getAttributeAsLong(Element element, String name, long defaultValue, boolean optional)
            throws BaseException {
        String value = getAttribute(element, name, optional);
        if ((optional) && ((value == null) || (value.equals("")))) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else {
            try {
                return Long.parseLong(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001",
                        element.getName() + "/@" + name + " attribute: value format error.", exception);

     * @param element
     * @param name
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Element getFirstChild(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        List list = element.elements(new QName(name, element.getNamespace()));
        // 0

        if (list.size() > 0) {
            return (Element) list.get(0);
        } else {
            if (!optional) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001",
                        name + " element expected as first child of " + element.getName() + ".");
            } else {
                return null;

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Element getSibling(Element element, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        return getSibling(element, element.getName(), optional);

     * @param element
     * @param name
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Element getSibling(Element element, String name, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        List list = element.getParent().elements(name);
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            return (Element) list.get(0);
        } else {
            if (!optional) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", name + " element expected after " + element.getName() + ".");
            } else {
                return null;

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static String getContent(Element element, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        String content = element.getText();
        if (content == null && !optional) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", element.getName() + " element: content expected.");
        } else {
            return content;

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static String getContentAsString(Element element, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        return getContent(element, optional);

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static int getContentAsInt(Element element, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        try {
            return Integer.parseInt(getContent(element, optional));
        } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", element.getName() + " element: content format error.", exception);

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param defaultValue
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static int getContentAsInt(Element element, int defaultValue, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        String value = getContent(element, optional);
        if ((optional) && (value == null || value.equals(""))) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else {
            try {
                return Integer.parseInt(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", element.getName() + " element: content format error.",

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static long getContentAsLong(Element element, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        try {
            return Long.parseLong(getContent(element, optional));
        } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", element.getName() + " element: content format error.", exception);

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param defaultValue
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static long getContentAsLong(Element element, long defaultValue, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        String value = getContent(element, optional);
        if ((optional) && (value == null || value.equals(""))) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else {
            try {
                return Long.parseLong(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", element.getName() + " element: content format error.",

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static float getContentAsFloat(Element element, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        try {
            return Float.parseFloat(getContent(element, optional));
        } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", element.getName() + " element: content format error.", exception);

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param defaultValue
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static float getContentAsFloat(Element element, float defaultValue, boolean optional)
            throws BaseException {
        String value = getContent(element, optional);
        if ((optional) && (value == null || value.equals(""))) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else {
            try {
                return Float.parseFloat(value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", element.getName() + " element: content format error.",

     * ,
     * @param element
     * @param optional
     * @return 
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Date getContentAsDate(Element element, boolean optional) throws BaseException {
        String value = getContent(element, optional);
        if ((optional) && (value == null || value.equals(""))) {
            return null;
        } else {
            try {
                return DateUtil.string2SQLDate(value);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", element.getName() + " element: content format error.",

     * @param root
     * @param subTagName
     * @return 
    public static String getSubTagValue(Element root, String subTagName) {
        String returnString = root.elementText(subTagName);
        return returnString;

     * @param root
     * @param tagName
     * @param subTagName
     * @return 
    public static String getSubTagValue(Element root, String tagName, String subTagName) {
        Element child = root.element(tagName);
        String returnString = child.elementText(subTagName);
        return returnString;

     * ElementString
     * @param parent
     * @param name
     * @param value
     * @return element
     * @throws XMLDocException
    public static Element appendChild(Element parent, String name, String value) {
        Element element = parent.addElement(new QName(name, parent.getNamespace()));
        if (value != null) {
        return element;

     * Element
     * @param parent
     * @param name
     * @return Element 
     * @throws XMLDocException
    public static Element appendChild(Element parent, String name) {
        return parent.addElement(new QName(name, parent.getNamespace()));

     * Elementint
     * @param parent
     * @param name
     * @param value
     * @return element
     * @throws XMLDocException
    public static Element appendChild(Element parent, String name, int value) {
        return appendChild(parent, name, String.valueOf(value));

     * Element
     * @param parent
     * @param name
     * @param value
     * @return element
     * @throws XMLDocException
    public static Element appendChild(Element parent, String name, long value) {
        return appendChild(parent, name, String.valueOf(value));

     * float
     * @param parent
     * @param name
     * @param value
     * @return element
     * @throws XMLDocException
    public static Element appendChild(Element parent, String name, float value) {
        return appendChild(parent, name, String.valueOf(value));

     * Element
     * @param parent
     * @param name
     * @param value
     * @return element
     * @throws XMLDocException
    public static Element appendChild(Element parent, String name, Date value) {
        return appendChild(parent, name, DateUtil.date2String(value));

     * dtd
     * @param document
     * @param dtdPublicId
     *            dtd
     * @return boolean true,false
    public static boolean checkDocumentType(Document document, String dtdPublicId) {
        DocumentType documentType = document.getDocType();
        if (documentType != null) {
            String publicId = documentType.getPublicID();
            return publicId != null && publicId.equals(dtdPublicId);
        return true;

     * @return Document 
     * @throws XMLDocException
    public static Document createDocument() {
        DocumentFactory factory = new DocumentFactory();
        Document document = factory.createDocument();
        return document;

     * ReaderDocument encodingStrnull""GB2312
     * @param in
     *            Reader
     * @param encoding
     * @return documment
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Document fromXML(Reader in, String encoding) throws BaseException {
        try {
            if (encoding == null || encoding.equals("")) {
                encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
            InputSource source = new InputSource(in);
            Document document =;
            return document;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", ex);


     * XMLDocument encodingStrnull""GB2312
     * @param inputSource
     * @param encoding
     * @return document
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Document fromXML(InputStream inputSource, String encoding) throws BaseException {
        try {
            if (encoding == null || encoding.equals("")) {
                encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
            Document document =;
            return document;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", ex);

     * XMLDocument
     * @param source
     *            XMLDocument
     * @param encoding
     *            ?
     * @return <code>Document</code>
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Document fromXML(String source, String encoding) throws BaseException {
        return fromXML(new StringReader(source), encoding);

     * ??Schema
     * @param document
     *            XML
     * @param outWriter
     * @param encoding
     *            ?
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static void toXML(Document document, outWriter, String encoding) throws BaseException {
        OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        if (encoding == null || encoding.trim().equals("")) {
            encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;
        // ?
        XMLWriter xmlWriter = null;
        try {
            xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(outWriter, outformat);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", ex);
        } finally {
            if (xmlWriter != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {

     * ??Schema
     * @param document
     *            XML
     * @param outStream
     * @param encoding
     *            ?
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static void toXML(Document document, outStream, String encoding)
            throws BaseException {
        OutputFormat outformat = new OutputFormat();

        // OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        if (encoding == null || encoding.trim().equals("")) {
            encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;
        // ?
        XMLWriter xmlWriter = null;
        try {
            xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outStream), outformat);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", ex);
        } finally {
            if (xmlWriter != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {

    public static void element2XML(Element element, outStream, String encoding)
            throws BaseException {
        OutputFormat outformat = new OutputFormat();

        // OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        if (encoding == null || encoding.trim().equals("")) {
            encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;
        // ?
        XMLWriter xmlWriter = null;
        try {
            xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outStream), outformat);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", ex);
        } finally {
            if (xmlWriter != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {

    public static String element2XML(Element element, String encoding) throws BaseException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        element2XML(element, stream, encoding);
        if (stream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
        return new String(stream.toByteArray());

     * XMLString
     * @param document
     *            ?XMLDocument
     * @param encoding
     *            ?
     * @return <code>String</code>
     * @throws XMLDocException
     * @throws BaseException
    public static byte[] toXML(Document document, String encoding) throws BaseException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        toXML(document, stream, encoding);
        if (stream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
        return stream.toByteArray();

     * Create dom4j document from xmlSource
     * @param xmlSource
     *            URL?XML?XML?? Object
     * @param validate
     *            boolean
     * @param encoding
     *            String
     * @throws DocumentException
     * @throws IOException
     * @return Document
     * @throws BaseException
    public static Document createDocument(Object xmlSource, boolean validate, String encoding)
            throws BaseException {

        // Use xerces and validate XML file
        if (xmlSource instanceof Document)
            return (Document) xmlSource;
        Document doc = null;
        SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(true);
        if (encoding == null || encoding.equals("")) {
            encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;

        // Check input source type
        if (xmlSource instanceof StringBuffer)
            xmlSource = ((StringBuffer) xmlSource).toString();

        try {
            if (xmlSource instanceof String) {
                if (((String) xmlSource).startsWith("<")) {
                    // Treat the String as XML code
                    StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlSource.toString());
                    doc =, encoding);
                } else {
                    doc = File((String) xmlSource));
            } else if (xmlSource instanceof File) {
                doc = xmlSource);
            } else if (xmlSource instanceof InputStream) {
                doc = xmlSource);
            } else if (xmlSource instanceof Reader) {
                doc = xmlSource);
            } else if (xmlSource instanceof URL) {
                doc = xmlSource);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0001", ex);

        return doc;

    // ?

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {

            Document document = XMLDom4jUtils.createDocument();
            Element root = document.getRootElement();

            String test02 = "?";
            String test2 = "PHS(??)";

            Document doc = XMLDom4jUtils.createDocument();
            root = doc.addElement("address");
            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
                XMLDom4jUtils.appendChild(root, "name", test02);
                XMLDom4jUtils.appendChild(root, "city", "nj");
            XMLDom4jUtils.appendChild(root, "state", test2);
            XMLDom4jUtils.appendChild(root, "sysDate", new Date());
            XMLDom4jUtils.appendChild(root, "intValue", 100);
            XMLDom4jUtils.toXML(doc, System.out, "utf-8");

            //         XMLDom4jUtils.element2XML(root, System.out, "utf-8");
        } catch (Exception ex) {

     * This method will generate XML file in a StringBuffer based on the given
     * Dom4j object.
     * @param xmlObj
     *            Object
     * @param encoding
     *            String
     * @throws IOException
     * @return StringBuffer
     * @throws BaseException
    public static StringBuffer generateXMLStringBuffer(Object xmlObj, String encoding) throws BaseException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();

        // ?
        if (encoding == null || encoding.trim().equals("")) {
            encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;

        // dom4j ?OBJECT
        XMLWriter xmlWriter = null;
        xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(writer, outformat);

        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0002", ex);

        return writer.getBuffer();

     * XML?
     * @param xmlObj
     * @param encoding
     * @param filename
     * @return
     * @throws BaseException
    public static boolean generateXMLFile(Object xmlObj, String encoding, String filename) throws BaseException {
        FileWriter writer = null;
        OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();

        // ?
        if (encoding == null || encoding.trim().equals("")) {
            encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;

        // dom4j ?OBJECT
        try {
            writer = new FileWriter(filename);
            XMLWriter xmlWriter = null;
            xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(writer, outformat);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new BaseException("UTIL-0004", ex);
        } finally {
            if (writer != null)
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

        return true;

     * ?Element???
     * @param element
     *            Element
     * @return String
    public static String getElementContext(Element element) {
        if (element == null) {
            return null;
        String str = element.getText();
        Element tmp = null;
        for (Iterator i = element.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            tmp = (Element);
            str = str + tmp.asXML();
            // do something
        return str;

     * @param element
     *            Element
     * @param path
     *            String
     * @param attr
     *            String
     * @return String
    public static String getElementContext(Element element, String path, String attr) {
        Element el = element.element(path);
        if (attr == null || attr.trim().equals("")) {
            return el.getText();
        } else {
            return el.attributeValue(attr);

     * ?XPATH ?text "/path/@seq" ? "/path/" ?
     * @param element
     *            Element
     * @param path
     *            String
     * @return String
     * @throws BaseException
    public static String getElementContext(Element element, String path) throws BaseException {
        if (element == null || path == null) {
            return null;

        Object o = element.selectSingleNode(path);
        if (o == null) { // 
            return null;

        if (o instanceof Element) { // 1? Element
            Element e = (Element) o;
            if (e.isTextOnly()) { // text only
                return e.getText();
            } else { // element
                return generateXMLStringBuffer(e, "").toString();
        } else if (o instanceof Attribute) { // 2? Attribute
            return ((Attribute) o).getValue();
        } else { // 3? Other node
            return generateXMLStringBuffer(o, "").toString();

     * ?XPATH ?text "/path/@seq" ? "/path/" ?
     * @param element
     *            Element
     * @param path
     *            String
     * @return String
     * @throws BaseException
    public static String[] getElementContextArray(Element element, String path) throws BaseException {
        if (element == null || path == null) {
            return null;
        List nodes = element.selectNodes(path);
        String[] eleContext = new String[nodes.size()];
        Iterator iter = nodes.iterator();
        int length = 0;
        Object o = null;
        Element e = null;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            o = (Object);
            if (o instanceof Element) { // 1? Element
                e = (Element) o;
                if (e.isTextOnly()) { // text only
                    eleContext[length] = e.getText();
                } else { // element
                    eleContext[length] = generateXMLStringBuffer(e, "").toString();
            } else if (o instanceof Attribute) { // 2? Attribute
                eleContext[length] = ((Attribute) o).getValue();
            } else { // 3? Other node
                eleContext[length] = generateXMLStringBuffer(o, "").toString();

        return eleContext;

     * @param ele
     *            Element
     * @param attributeName
     *            String
     * @param attributeValue
     *            String
     * @return Element
    public static Element appendAttribute(Element ele, String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
        if (ele == null) {
            return null;

        ele.addAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
        return ele;

     * @param ele
     *            Element
     * @param attributeName
     *            String
     * @return Element
    public static Element removeAttribute(Element ele, String attributeName) {
        if (ele == null) {
            return null;

        Attribute att = ele.attribute(attributeName);
        return ele;

     * @param ele
     *            Element
     * @param attributeName
     *            String
     * @param attributeValue
     *            String
     * @return Element
    public static Element setAttribute(Element ele, String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
        if (ele == null) {
            return null;

        Attribute att = ele.attribute(attributeName);
        if (att != null) {
        } else {
            appendAttribute(ele, attributeName, attributeValue);
        return ele;
} // end of class