Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 BloatIt. This file is part of BloatIt. BloatIt is free * software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * BloatIt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with BloatIt. If not, see <>. */ package com.bloatit.framework.webprocessor.context; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import com.bloatit.framework.FrameworkConfiguration; import com.bloatit.framework.utils.Hash; import com.bloatit.framework.utils.datetime.DateUtils; import com.bloatit.framework.utils.parameters.SessionParameters; import com.bloatit.framework.webprocessor.ErrorMessage; import com.bloatit.framework.webprocessor.ErrorMessage.Level; import com.bloatit.framework.webprocessor.components.meta.HtmlNode; import com.bloatit.framework.webprocessor.components.meta.HtmlText; import com.bloatit.framework.webprocessor.url.Url; import com.bloatit.framework.webprocessor.url.UrlDump; import com.bloatit.framework.webprocessor.url.UrlParameter; import com.bloatit.web.linkable.master.WebProcess; import com.bloatit.web.url.IndexPageUrl; /** * A class to handle the user session on the web server * <p> * A session starts when the user arrives on the server (first GET request). * When the user login, his sessions continues (he'll therefore keep all his * session informations), but he simply gets a new authtoken that says he's * logged * </p> * <p> * Session is used for various purposes : * <li>Store some parameters {@link Session#addParameter(UrlParameter)}</li> * <li>Store pages that the user wishes to consult, but he couldn't because he * didn't meet the requirements</li> * </p> */ public final class Session { private static final int SHA1_SIZE = 20; public static final String SECURE_TOKEN_NAME = "secure"; private long expirationTime; private final String shortKey; private String key; private final String ipAddress; private Integer memberId; private Locale memberLocale; private final Deque<ErrorMessage> notificationList = new LinkedBlockingDeque<ErrorMessage>(); private final SessionParameters parameters = new SessionParameters(); private UrlDump lastStablePage = null; private UrlDump targetPage = null; private UrlDump lastVisitedPage; private final Map<String, WebProcess> processes = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, WebProcess>()); /** * Construct a session based on the information from <code>id</code> * * @param id the id of the session */ protected Session(final String key, final String ipAddress) { this.key = key; this.shortKey = Hash.shortHash(key); this.ipAddress = ipAddress; this.memberId = null; resetExpirationTime(); } /** * Restore session * * @param key * @param ipAddress * @param country * @param language */ protected Session(final String key, final String shortKey, final String ipAddress, final Integer memberId, String language, String country) { this.key = key; this.shortKey = shortKey; this.ipAddress = ipAddress; this.memberId = memberId; this.memberLocale = new Locale(language, country); resetExpirationTime(); } public synchronized String getKey() { return key; } public synchronized String getShortKey() { return shortKey; } public String getIpAddress() { return ipAddress; } public synchronized void logIn(final Integer memberId, final Locale memberLocale) { this.memberLocale = memberLocale; this.memberId = memberId; resetExpirationTime(); // re create the session key. key = SessionManager.generateNewSessionKey(key); // The targets pages in the session can have the old secure keys. // So we have to replace them with the new ones (no problem we just // log in). if (targetPage != null) { targetPage.addOrReplaceParameter(SECURE_TOKEN_NAME, getShortKey()); } } public synchronized void logOut() { this.memberId = null; resetExpirationTime(); // re create the session key. key = SessionManager.generateNewSessionKey(key); } public synchronized Integer getMemberId() { return memberId; } public synchronized Locale getMemberLocale() { return memberLocale; } public synchronized void resetExpirationTime() { if (memberId != null) { expirationTime = Context.getResquestTime() + FrameworkConfiguration.getSessionLoggedDuration() * DateUtils.SECOND_PER_DAY; } else { expirationTime = Context.getResquestTime() + FrameworkConfiguration.getSessionDefaultDuration() * DateUtils.SECOND_PER_DAY; } } public synchronized boolean isExpired() { return / DateUtils.MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND > expirationTime; } public synchronized void setLastStablePage(final Url p) { if (p == null) { this.lastStablePage = null; } else { this.lastStablePage = new UrlDump(p); } } /** * Finds the <i>supposedly</i> best page to redirect the user to * <p> * Actions are ignored. <br /> * <b>NOTE</b>: If the user has two active tabs, it will return the last * page visited in any tab, and can lead to <i>very</i> confusing result. * Avoid relying on this. * </p> * * @return the best page to redirect the user to */ public synchronized Url pickPreferredPage() { if (targetPage != null) { final Url tempStr = targetPage; targetPage = null; return tempStr; } else if (lastStablePage != null) { return lastStablePage; } return new IndexPageUrl(); } /** * Finds the last page the user visited on the website. * <p> * Actions are ignored. <br /> * <b>NOTE</b>: If the user has two active tabs, it will return the last * page visited in any tab, and can lead to <i>very</i> confusing result. * Avoid relying on this. * </p> * * @return the last page the user visited */ public synchronized Url getLastVisitedPage() { if (lastVisitedPage != null) { return lastVisitedPage; } return new IndexPageUrl(); } /** * Finds the last stable page the user visited on the website. * <p> * Actions are ignored. <br /> * <b>NOTE</b>: If the user has two active tabs, it will return the last * page visited in any tab, and can lead to <i>very</i> confusing result. * Avoid relying on this. * </p> * * @return the last page the user visited */ public synchronized Url getLastStablePage() { if (lastStablePage != null) { return lastStablePage; } return new IndexPageUrl(); } public synchronized void setLastVisitedPage(final Url lastVisitedPage) { if (lastVisitedPage == null) { this.lastVisitedPage = null; } else { this.lastVisitedPage = new UrlDump(lastVisitedPage); } } public final synchronized void setTargetPage(final Url targetPage) { if (targetPage == null) { this.targetPage = null; } else { this.targetPage = new UrlDump(targetPage); } } public final synchronized void notifyGood(final String message) { notificationList.add(new ErrorMessage(Level.INFO, new HtmlText(message))); } public final synchronized void notifyWarning(final String message) { notificationList.add(new ErrorMessage(Level.WARNING, new HtmlText(message))); } public final synchronized void notifyError(final String message) { notificationList.add(new ErrorMessage(Level.FATAL, new HtmlText(message))); } public final synchronized void notifyGood(final HtmlNode message) { notificationList.add(new ErrorMessage(Level.INFO, message)); } public final synchronized void notifyWarning(final HtmlNode message) { notificationList.add(new ErrorMessage(Level.WARNING, message)); } public final synchronized void notifyError(final HtmlNode message) { notificationList.add(new ErrorMessage(Level.FATAL, message)); } public final synchronized void flushNotifications() { notificationList.clear(); } public final synchronized Deque<ErrorMessage> getNotifications() { final String gn = Context.getGlobalNotification(); if (gn != null) { notifyError(gn); } return notificationList; } /** * Finds all the session parameters * * @return the parameter of the session * @deprecated use a RequestParam */ @Deprecated public final synchronized SessionParameters getParameters() { return parameters; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final synchronized <T, U> UrlParameter<T, U> pickParameter(final UrlParameter<T, U> param) { return (UrlParameter<T, U>) parameters.pick(param.getName()); } public final synchronized void addParameter(final UrlParameter<?, ?> param) { if (!(param.getValue() == null && param.getStringValue() == null)) { parameters.add(param.getName(), param); } } public final synchronized String createWebProcess(final WebProcess process) { int length = 5; String key = null; while (key == null) { final String tempKey = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).substring(0, length); if (processes.containsKey(tempKey)) { if (length < SHA1_SIZE) { length++; } } else { key = tempKey; } } processes.put(key, process); return key; } public final synchronized WebProcess getWebProcess(final String processId) { return processes.get(processId); } public final synchronized void destroyWebProcess(final WebProcess webProcess) { processes.remove(webProcess.getId()); } public boolean isValid(final String ipAddress) { return !isExpired() && (this.ipAddress == ipAddress || (this.ipAddress != null && this.ipAddress.equals(ipAddress))); } }