Java tutorial
/** * hub-model-diff-tool * * Copyright (C) 2017 Black Duck Software, Inc. * * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.blackducksoftware.integration.hubdiff; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.FieldComparisonFailure; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompareResult; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.exception.EncryptionException; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.builder.HubServerConfigBuilder; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.exception.HubIntegrationException; import; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.request.HubRequest; import; import; public class HubDiff { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("HubDiff"); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, EncryptionException, HubIntegrationException, JSONException { Options options = new Options(); Option optUrl1 = new Option("h1", "hub-url-1", true, "the base url to the hub. Example: http://int-hub01.dc1.lan:8080"); Option optUsername1 = new Option("u1", "username-1", true, "the username for your hub instance"); Option optPassword1 = new Option("p1", "password-1", true, "the password for your hub instance and username"); Option optUrl2 = new Option("h2", "hub-url-2", true, "the base url to the hub. Example: http://int-auto.dc1.lan:9000"); Option optUsername2 = new Option("u2", "username-2", true, "the username for your hub instance"); Option optPassword2 = new Option("p2", "password-2", true, "the password for your hub instance and username"); Option optOutputFile = new Option("o", "output", true, "the file path to your output file"); optUrl1.setRequired(true); optUsername1.setRequired(true); optPassword1.setRequired(true); optUsername2.setRequired(true); optUrl1.setRequired(true); optPassword2.setRequired(true); optOutputFile.setRequired(false); // Add options to collection options.addOption(optUrl1); options.addOption(optUsername1); options.addOption(optPassword1); options.addOption(optUrl2); options.addOption(optUsername2); options.addOption(optPassword2); options.addOption(optOutputFile); // Parse the arguments array for the options CommandLineParser cliParser = new DefaultParser(); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); CommandLine optionParser; try { optionParser = cliParser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { formatter.printHelp("hub-model-generator", options); log.error(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); return; } // Read arguments String url1 = optionParser.getOptionValue("hub-url-1"); String username1 = optionParser.getOptionValue("username-1"); String password1 = optionParser.getOptionValue("password-1"); String url2 = optionParser.getOptionValue("hub-url-2"); String username2 = optionParser.getOptionValue("username-2"); String password2 = optionParser.getOptionValue("password-2"); String outputFilePath = optionParser.getOptionValue("output"); HubServerConfigBuilder configBuilder = new HubServerConfigBuilder(); configBuilder.setHubUrl(url1); configBuilder.setUsername(username1); configBuilder.setPassword(password1); HubServerConfig config1 =; HubServerConfigBuilder configBuilder2 = new HubServerConfigBuilder(); configBuilder2.setHubUrl(url2); configBuilder2.setUsername(username2); configBuilder2.setPassword(password2); HubServerConfig config2 =; HubDiff hubDiff = new HubDiff(config1, config2); hubDiff.printDiff(System.out); if (outputFilePath != null) { File outputFile = new File(outputFilePath); hubDiff.writeDiffAsCSV(outputFile); } } private SwaggerDoc swaggerDoc1; private SwaggerDoc swaggerDoc2; private JSONCompareResult results; public HubDiff(HubServerConfig config1, HubServerConfig config2) throws IllegalArgumentException, EncryptionException, JSONException, HubIntegrationException { RestConnection connection1 = new CredentialsRestConnection(config1); RestConnection connection2 = new CredentialsRestConnection(config2); connection1.connect(); connection2.connect(); String serverVersion1 = fetchHubVersion(connection1); String serverVersion2 = fetchHubVersion(connection2); swaggerDoc1 = new SwaggerDoc(fetch(connection1), serverVersion1); swaggerDoc2 = new SwaggerDoc(fetch(connection2), serverVersion2); try { saveFiles(swaggerDoc1); saveFiles(swaggerDoc2); } catch (HubIntegrationException | IOException | URISyntaxException e) { System.out.println("Failed to save files"); e.printStackTrace(); } results = swaggerDoc1.getDifference(swaggerDoc2); } public HubDiff(SwaggerDoc swaggerDoc1, SwaggerDoc swaggerDoc2) throws JSONException { this.swaggerDoc1 = swaggerDoc1; this.swaggerDoc2 = swaggerDoc2; results = swaggerDoc1.getDifference(swaggerDoc2); } public void saveFiles(SwaggerDoc swaggerDoc) throws HubIntegrationException, IOException, URISyntaxException { URL basePath = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); File swaggerFile = new File(basePath.toURI().resolve("api-docs-" + swaggerDoc.getVersion() + ".json")); if (!swaggerFile.exists()) { FileUtils.write(swaggerFile, swaggerDoc.getSwaggerDoc(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);"No doc for version [{}]. Creating one now.", swaggerDoc.getVersion()); } } public String fetch(RestConnection rest) throws HubIntegrationException { String url = rest.getBaseUrl() + "/api/v2/api-docs.json"; HubRequest docsRequest = new HubRequest(rest); docsRequest.setUrl(url);"Making GET request to hub: {}", url); return docsRequest.executeGetForResponseString().replaceAll("", "<").replaceAll("", ">"); } public String fetchHubVersion(RestConnection rest) throws HubIntegrationException { String url = rest.getBaseUrl() + "/api/v1/current-version"; HubRequest versionRequest = new HubRequest(rest); versionRequest.setUrl(url);"Making GET request to hub: {}", url); return versionRequest.executeGetForResponseString().replaceAll("\"", ""); } public String getDiff() { String diff = ""; for (FieldComparisonFailure added : results.getFieldUnexpected()) { diff += ("[ADDED] " + added.getActual() + " TO " + added.getField()); diff += ("\n"); } for (FieldComparisonFailure changed : results.getFieldFailures()) { diff += ("[CHANGED] " + changed.getField() + " FROM " + changed.getExpected() + " TO " + changed.getActual()); diff += ("\n"); } for (FieldComparisonFailure removed : results.getFieldMissing()) { diff += ("[REMOVED] " + removed.getExpected() + " FROM " + removed.getField()); diff += ("\n"); } return diff; } public void printDiff(OutputStream out) { try { out.write(getDiff().getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void writeDiff(File file) { try { FileUtils.write(file, getDiff(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String writeDiffAsCSV(File file) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } CSVPrinter printer = new CSVPrinter(new PrintStream(file), CSVFormat.EXCEL); printer.printRecord("HubVersions", swaggerDoc1.getVersion(), " -> ", swaggerDoc2.getVersion()); printer.printRecord("Operation", "Expected", "Actual", "Field"); // Log all additions to the API for (FieldComparisonFailure added : results.getFieldUnexpected()) { printer.printRecord("ADDED", added.getExpected(), added.getActual(), added.getField()); } // Log all changes made to the API for (FieldComparisonFailure changed : results.getFieldFailures()) { printer.printRecord("CHANGED", changed.getExpected(), changed.getActual(), changed.getField()); } // Log all deletions made to the API for (FieldComparisonFailure removed : results.getFieldMissing()) { printer.printRecord("REMOVED", removed.getExpected(), removed.getActual(), removed.getField()); } printer.close(); return FileUtils.readFileToString(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } }