Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2016 Black Duck Software, Inc. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *******************************************************************************/ package com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.jenkins.maven; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import; import; import; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.BuilderType; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.exception.BDCIScopeException; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.exception.BDMavenRetrieverException; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.jenkins.BDBuildWrapper; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.jenkins.HubJenkinsLogger; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.jenkins.action.MavenClasspathAction; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.jenkins.remote.GetPathSeparator; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.logging.IntLogger; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.logging.LogLevel; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.maven.BdMavenConfigurator; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.maven.Scope; import; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.maven.MavenUtil; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.FreeStyleProject; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel; import hudson.tasks.Builder; import hudson.tasks.Maven; import hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstallation; import hudson.tasks.Maven.ProjectWithMaven; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; public class MavenBuildWrapper extends BDBuildWrapper { public static final String MAVEN_EXT_CLASS_PATH = "maven.ext.class.path"; @DataBoundConstructor public MavenBuildWrapper(final String userScopesToInclude, final boolean mavenSameAsPostBuildScan, final String mavenHubProjectName, final String mavenHubVersionPhase, final String mavenHubVersionDist, final String mavenHubProjectVersion) { super(userScopesToInclude, mavenSameAsPostBuildScan, mavenHubProjectName, mavenHubVersionPhase, mavenHubVersionDist, mavenHubProjectVersion); } // Need these getters for the UI public boolean isMavenSameAsPostBuildScan() { return isSameAsPostBuildScan(); } public String getMavenHubProjectName() { return getHubWrapperProjectName(); } public String getMavenHubVersionPhase() { return getHubWrapperVersionPhase(); } public String getMavenHubVersionDist() { return getHubWrapperVersionDist(); } public String getMavenHubProjectVersion() { return getHubWrapperProjectVersion(); } @Override public MavenBuildWrapperDescriptor getDescriptor() { return (MavenBuildWrapperDescriptor) super.getDescriptor(); } @Override public List<String> getScopesAsList(final IntLogger buildLogger) { List<String> scopesToInclude = new ArrayList<String>(); try { scopesToInclude = Scope.getScopeListFromString(userScopesToInclude); } catch (final BDCIScopeException e) { // The invalid scope should have been caught by the on-the-fly validation // This should not be reached if (buildLogger != null) { buildLogger.error(e.getMessage()); } return null; } return scopesToInclude; } @Override public Environment setUp(final AbstractBuild build, final Launcher launcher, final BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final HubJenkinsLogger buildLogger = new HubJenkinsLogger(listener); buildLogger.setLogLevel(LogLevel.TRACE); Maven mavenBuilder = null; if (build.getProject() instanceof FreeStyleProject) { // Project should always be a FreeStyleProject, thats why we have the isApplicable() method final List<Builder> builders = ((FreeStyleProject) build.getProject()).getBuilders(); if (builders == null || builders.isEmpty()) { // User didn't configure the job with a Builder buildLogger.error("No Builder found for this job."); buildLogger.error("Will not run the Hub Maven Build wrapper."); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); return new Environment() { }; // Continue with the rest of the Build } for (final Builder builder : builders) { if (builder instanceof Maven) { mavenBuilder = (Maven) builder; } } if (mavenBuilder == null) { // User didn't configure the job with a Maven Builder buildLogger.error("This Wrapper should be run with a Maven Builder"); buildLogger.error("Will not run the Hub Maven Build wrapper."); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); return new Environment() { }; // Continue with the rest of the Build } } else { buildLogger.error("Cannot run the Hub Maven Build Wrapper for this type of Project."); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); return new Environment() { }; // Continue with the rest of the Build } if (validateConfiguration(buildLogger)) {"Build Recorder enabled");"Hub Jenkins Plugin version : " + getDescriptor().getPluginVersion()); } else { build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); return new Environment() { }; // Continue with the rest of the Build } setupAndAddMavenClasspathAction(build, buildLogger); final ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); boolean changed = false; try { if (MavenBuildWrapper.class.getClassLoader() != originalClassLoader) { changed = true; Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(MavenBuildWrapper.class.getClassLoader()); } return new Environment() { @Override public boolean tearDown(final AbstractBuild build, final BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final HubJenkinsLogger buildLogger = new HubJenkinsLogger(listener); try { final FilePath buildInfoFile = new FilePath(build.getWorkspace(), BuildInfo.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME); if (buildInfoFile.exists()) { return universalTearDown(build, buildLogger, buildInfoFile, getDescriptor(), BuilderType.MAVEN); } else { buildLogger.error("The " + BuildInfo.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME + " file does not exist at : " + buildInfoFile.getRemote()); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); return true; } } catch (final Exception e) { buildLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return true; } }; } finally { if (changed) { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader); } } } private void setupAndAddMavenClasspathAction(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final HubJenkinsLogger buildLogger) { try { final MavenClasspathAction mavenClasspathAction = new MavenClasspathAction(); final BdMavenConfigurator mavenConfig = new BdMavenConfigurator(buildLogger); final String mavenVersion = getMavenVersion(build, mavenConfig, buildLogger); final StringBuilder mavenExtClasspath = new StringBuilder(); File dependencyRecorderJar = null; File buildInfo = null; File slf4jJar = null; File log4jJar = null; File slf4jJdkBindingJar = null; File gsonJar = null; final boolean maven3orLater = MavenUtil.maven3orLater(mavenVersion); boolean supportedVersion = false; try { if (maven3orLater) { if (mavenVersion.contains("3.0")) { supportedVersion = true; dependencyRecorderJar = mavenConfig.jarFile(Recorder_3_0_Loader.class); slf4jJar = mavenConfig.jarFile(org.slf4j.helpers.FormattingTuple.class); slf4jJdkBindingJar = mavenConfig.jarFile(org.slf4j.impl.JDK14LoggerAdapter.class); mavenClasspathAction.setIsRecorder30(true); } else if (mavenConfig.isMaven31OrLater(mavenVersion)) { supportedVersion = true; dependencyRecorderJar = mavenConfig.jarFile(Recorder_3_1_Loader.class); mavenClasspathAction.setIsRecorder31(true); } if (supportedVersion) { final String buildId = build.getId(); mavenClasspathAction.setBuildId(buildId); final FilePath workspace = build.getWorkspace(); if (workspace != null) { final String workingDirectory = workspace.getRemote(); mavenClasspathAction.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory); buildInfo = mavenConfig.jarFile(BuildInfo.class); log4jJar = mavenConfig.jarFile(Logger.class); gsonJar = mavenConfig.jarFile(Gson.class); } else { buildLogger.error("workspace: null"); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } } else { buildLogger.error("Unsupported version of Maven. Maven version: " + mavenVersion); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } } else { buildLogger.error("Unsupported version of Maven. Maven version: " + mavenVersion); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { buildLogger.error("Failed to retrieve Maven information! " + e.toString(), e); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } catch (final IOException e) { buildLogger.error("Failed to retrieve Maven information! " + e.toString(), e); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } catch (final BDMavenRetrieverException e) { buildLogger.error("Failed to retrieve Maven information! " + e.toString(), e); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } if (supportedVersion) { // transport the necessary jars to slave final Node buildOn = build.getBuiltOn(); if (buildOn == null) { buildLogger.error("Node build on: null"); } else { FilePath remoteRootPath = new FilePath(buildOn.getRootPath(), "cache"); remoteRootPath = new FilePath(remoteRootPath, "hub-jenkins"); removeSnapshots(remoteRootPath); String pathSeparator = null; try { final VirtualChannel channel = buildOn.getChannel(); if (channel == null) { buildLogger.error("Channel build on: null"); } else { pathSeparator = GetPathSeparator()); } } catch (final IOException e) { buildLogger.error(e.toString(), e); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { buildLogger.error(e.toString(), e); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pathSeparator)) { pathSeparator = File.pathSeparator; } mavenClasspathAction.setSeparator(pathSeparator); if (dependencyRecorderJar != null) { appendClasspath(build, remoteRootPath, mavenExtClasspath, dependencyRecorderJar.getAbsolutePath(), buildLogger, pathSeparator); if (buildInfo != null) { appendClasspath(build, remoteRootPath, mavenExtClasspath, buildInfo.getAbsolutePath(), buildLogger, pathSeparator); } if (gsonJar != null) { appendClasspath(build, remoteRootPath, mavenExtClasspath, gsonJar.getAbsolutePath(), buildLogger, pathSeparator); } if (slf4jJar != null) { appendClasspath(build, remoteRootPath, mavenExtClasspath, slf4jJar.getAbsolutePath(), buildLogger, pathSeparator); } if (slf4jJdkBindingJar != null) { appendClasspath(build, remoteRootPath, mavenExtClasspath, slf4jJdkBindingJar.getAbsolutePath(), buildLogger, pathSeparator); } if (log4jJar != null) { appendClasspath(build, remoteRootPath, mavenExtClasspath, log4jJar.getAbsolutePath(), buildLogger, pathSeparator); } mavenClasspathAction.setMavenClasspathExtension(mavenExtClasspath.toString()); buildLogger.debug( "Hub Build Wrapper 'maven.ext.class.path' = " + mavenExtClasspath.toString()); build.addAction(mavenClasspathAction); return; } else { buildLogger.error("Dependency recorder Jar not found. Maven version: " + mavenVersion); } } } } catch (final Exception e) { buildLogger.error(e); } return; } /** * Force update of snap shots */ private void removeSnapshots(final FilePath remoteDir) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (remoteDir == null) { return; } final List<FilePath> remoteFiles = remoteDir.list(); if (remoteFiles == null || remoteFiles.size() == 0) { return; } for (final FilePath file : remoteDir.list()) { // We force SNAPSHOT updates by removing them before we do anything // else if (file.getName().contains("2014") || file.getName().contains("2015") || file.getName().contains("SNAPSHOT")) { file.delete(); } } } @Override public void makeBuildVariables(final AbstractBuild build, final Map<String, String> variables) { if (isPluginEnabled()) { final MavenClasspathAction classpathAction = build.getAction(MavenClasspathAction.class); if (classpathAction != null) { if (classpathAction.getIsRecorder30()) { variables.put(Recorder_3_0_Loader.PROPERTY_BUILD_ID, classpathAction.getBuildId()); variables.put(Recorder_3_0_Loader.PROPERTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY, classpathAction.getWorkingDirectory()); } else if (classpathAction.getIsRecorder31()) { variables.put(Recorder_3_1_Loader.PROPERTY_BUILD_ID, classpathAction.getBuildId()); variables.put(Recorder_3_1_Loader.PROPERTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY, classpathAction.getWorkingDirectory()); } final String currentClasspath = variables.get(MAVEN_EXT_CLASS_PATH); final String mavenExtClasspath = classpathAction.getMavenClasspathExtension(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(currentClasspath)) { if (!currentClasspath.contains(mavenExtClasspath)) { variables.put(MAVEN_EXT_CLASS_PATH, mavenExtClasspath + classpathAction.getSeparator() + currentClasspath); } } else { variables.put(MAVEN_EXT_CLASS_PATH, mavenExtClasspath); } } } } private void appendClasspath(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final FilePath remoteRoot, final StringBuilder classpath, final String location, final IntLogger buildLogger, final String pathSeparator) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(location)) { final File locationFile = new File(location); final FilePath remoteFile = new FilePath(remoteRoot, locationFile.getName()); try { if (remoteFile.isRemote()) { if (!remoteFile.exists()) { remoteFile.copyFrom(new FilePath(locationFile)); } else { if (remoteFile.getName().contains("SNAPSHOT")) { // refresh snapshot versions remoteFile.delete(); remoteFile.copyFrom(new FilePath(locationFile)); } } } } catch (final IOException e) { buildLogger.error(e.toString(), e); return; } catch (final InterruptedException e) { buildLogger.error(e.toString(), e); return; } if (classpath.length() > 0) { classpath.append(pathSeparator); } if (remoteFile.isRemote()) { classpath.append(remoteFile.getRemote()); } else { classpath.append(location); } } } private String getMavenVersion(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final BdMavenConfigurator mavenConfig, final HubJenkinsLogger buildLogger) { MavenInstallation mavenInstallation = null; final AbstractProject<?, ?> project = build.getProject(); String mavenVersion = "unknown"; if (project instanceof ProjectWithMaven) { try { mavenInstallation = ((ProjectWithMaven) project).inferMavenInstallation(); MavenInstallation mavenInstallationOnNode = null; if (mavenInstallation != null && Jenkins.getInstance() != null) { mavenInstallationOnNode = mavenInstallation.forNode(Jenkins.getInstance(), buildLogger.getJenkinsListener()); try { if (mavenInstallationOnNode != null) { final File mavenHomeDir = mavenInstallationOnNode.getHomeDir(); if (mavenHomeDir != null) { mavenVersion = mavenConfig .getMavenVersion(mavenInstallationOnNode.getHomeDir().getCanonicalPath()); } else { buildLogger.warn("mavenHomeDir = null"); } } else { buildLogger.warn("mavenInstallationonNode = null"); } } catch (final BDMavenRetrieverException e) { buildLogger.error(e.toString(), e); } catch (final IOException e) { buildLogger.error(e.toString(), e); } } } catch (final IOException e) { buildLogger.error(e.toString(), e); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { buildLogger.error(e.toString(), e); } } return mavenVersion; } }