Java tutorial
/** * hub-detect * * Copyright (C) 2019 Black Duck Software, Inc. * * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.detect.detector.maven; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.detect.workflow.codelocation.DetectCodeLocation; import com.blackducksoftware.integration.hub.detect.workflow.codelocation.DetectCodeLocationType; import com.synopsys.integration.bdio.graph.DependencyGraph; import com.synopsys.integration.bdio.graph.MutableDependencyGraph; import com.synopsys.integration.bdio.graph.MutableMapDependencyGraph; import com.synopsys.integration.bdio.model.dependency.Dependency; import com.synopsys.integration.bdio.model.externalid.ExternalId; import com.synopsys.integration.bdio.model.externalid.ExternalIdFactory; import com.synopsys.integration.util.ExcludedIncludedFilter; public class MavenCodeLocationPackager { public static final List<String> indentationStrings = Arrays.asList("+- ", "| ", "\\- ", " "); public static final List<String> KNOWN_SCOPES = Arrays.asList("compile", "provided", "runtime", "test", "system", "import"); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MavenCodeLocationPackager.class); public static final String ORPHAN_LIST_PARENT_NODE_NAME = "Additional_Components"; public static final String ORPHAN_LIST_PARENT_NODE_GROUP = "none"; public static final String ORPHAN_LIST_PARENT_NODE_VERSION = "none"; private final ExternalIdFactory externalIdFactory; private List<MavenParseResult> codeLocations = new ArrayList<>(); private MavenParseResult currentMavenProject = null; private Stack<Dependency> dependencyParentStack = new Stack<>(); // in-scope components found in an out-of-scope tree go in the orphans list private final List<Dependency> orphans = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean parsingProjectSection; private int level; private boolean inOutOfScopeTree = false; private MutableDependencyGraph currentGraph = null; public MavenCodeLocationPackager(final ExternalIdFactory externalIdFactory) { this.externalIdFactory = externalIdFactory; } // mavenTextOutput should be the full output of mvn dependency:tree (no scope applied); scope filtering is now done by this method public List<MavenParseResult> extractCodeLocations(final String sourcePath, final String mavenOutputText, final String targetScope, final String excludedModules, final String includedModules) { final ExcludedIncludedFilter filter = new ExcludedIncludedFilter(excludedModules, includedModules); codeLocations = new ArrayList<>(); currentMavenProject = null; dependencyParentStack = new Stack<>(); parsingProjectSection = false; currentGraph = new MutableMapDependencyGraph(); level = 0; for (final String currentLine : mavenOutputText.split(System.lineSeparator())) { String line = currentLine.trim(); if (!isLineRelevant(line)) { continue; } line = trimLogLevel(line); if (StringUtils.isBlank(line)) { continue; } if (isProjectSection(line)) { parsingProjectSection = true; continue; } if (!parsingProjectSection) { continue; } if (isDependencyTreeUpdates(line)) { continue; } if (parsingProjectSection && currentMavenProject == null) { // this is the first line of a new code location, the following lines will be the tree of dependencies for this code location currentGraph = new MutableMapDependencyGraph(); final MavenParseResult mavenProject = createMavenParseResult(sourcePath, line, currentGraph); if (null != mavenProject && filter.shouldInclude(mavenProject.projectName)) { logger.trace(String.format("Project: %s", mavenProject.projectName)); this.currentMavenProject = mavenProject; codeLocations.add(mavenProject); } else { logger.trace("Project: unknown"); currentMavenProject = null; dependencyParentStack.clear(); parsingProjectSection = false; level = 0; } continue; } final boolean finished = line.contains("--------"); if (finished) { currentMavenProject = null; dependencyParentStack.clear(); parsingProjectSection = false; level = 0; continue; } final int previousLevel = level; final String cleanedLine = calculateCurrentLevelAndCleanLine(line); final ScopedDependency dependency = textToDependency(cleanedLine); if (null == dependency) { continue; } if (currentMavenProject != null) { if (level == 1) { // a direct dependency, clear the stack and add this as a potential parent for the next line if (dependency.isInScope(targetScope)) { logger.trace(String.format( "Level 1 component %s:%s:%s:%s is in scope; adding it to hierarchy root",,, dependency.externalId.version, dependency.scope)); currentGraph.addChildToRoot(dependency); inOutOfScopeTree = false; } else { logger.trace(String.format( "Level 1 component %s:%s:%s:%s is a top-level out-of-scope component; entering non-scoped tree",,, dependency.externalId.version, dependency.scope)); inOutOfScopeTree = true; } dependencyParentStack.clear(); dependencyParentStack.push(dependency); } else { // level should be greater than 1 if (level == previousLevel) { // a sibling of the previous dependency dependencyParentStack.pop(); addDependencyIfInScope(currentGraph, orphans, targetScope, inOutOfScopeTree, dependencyParentStack.peek(), dependency); dependencyParentStack.push(dependency); } else if (level > previousLevel) { // a child of the previous dependency addDependencyIfInScope(currentGraph, orphans, targetScope, inOutOfScopeTree, dependencyParentStack.peek(), dependency); dependencyParentStack.push(dependency); } else { // a child of a dependency further back than 1 line for (int i = previousLevel; i >= level; i--) { dependencyParentStack.pop(); } addDependencyIfInScope(currentGraph, orphans, targetScope, inOutOfScopeTree, dependencyParentStack.peek(), dependency); dependencyParentStack.push(dependency); } } } } addOrphansToGraph(currentGraph, orphans); return codeLocations; } private void addOrphansToGraph(final MutableDependencyGraph graph, final List<Dependency> orphans) { logger.trace(String.format("# orphans: %d", orphans.size())); if (orphans.size() > 0) { final Dependency orphanListParent = createOrphanListParentDependency(); logger.trace(String.format("adding orphan list parent dependency: %s", orphanListParent.externalId.toString())); graph.addChildToRoot(orphanListParent); for (Dependency dependency : orphans) { logger.trace(String.format("adding orphan: %s", dependency.externalId.toString())); graph.addParentWithChild(orphanListParent, dependency); } } } private void addDependencyIfInScope(final MutableDependencyGraph currentGraph, final List<Dependency> orphans, final String targetScope, final boolean inOutOfScopeTree, final Dependency parent, final ScopedDependency dependency) { if (dependency.isInScope(targetScope)) { if (inOutOfScopeTree) { logger.trace(String.format( "component %s:%s:%s:%s is in scope but in a nonScope tree; adding it to orphans",,, dependency.externalId.version, dependency.scope)); orphans.add(dependency); } else { logger.trace(String.format( "component %s:%s:%s:%s is in scope and in an in-scope tree; adding it to hierarchy",,, dependency.externalId.version, dependency.scope)); currentGraph.addParentWithChild(parent, dependency); } } } private MavenParseResult createMavenParseResult(final String sourcePath, final String line, final DependencyGraph graph) { final Dependency dependency = textToProject(line); if (null != dependency) { String codeLocationSourcePath = sourcePath; if (!sourcePath.endsWith( { codeLocationSourcePath += "/" +; } final DetectCodeLocation codeLocation = new DetectCodeLocation.Builder(DetectCodeLocationType.MAVEN, codeLocationSourcePath, dependency.externalId, graph).build(); return new MavenParseResult(, dependency.version, codeLocation); } return null; } String calculateCurrentLevelAndCleanLine(final String line) { level = 0; String cleanedLine = line; for (final String pattern : indentationStrings) { while (cleanedLine.contains(pattern)) { level++; cleanedLine = cleanedLine.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(pattern), ""); } } return cleanedLine; } private Dependency createOrphanListParentDependency() { final ExternalId externalId = externalIdFactory.createMavenExternalId(ORPHAN_LIST_PARENT_NODE_GROUP, ORPHAN_LIST_PARENT_NODE_NAME, ORPHAN_LIST_PARENT_NODE_VERSION); return new Dependency(ORPHAN_LIST_PARENT_NODE_NAME, ORPHAN_LIST_PARENT_NODE_VERSION, externalId); } ScopedDependency textToDependency(final String componentText) { if (!isGav(componentText)) { return null; } final String[] gavParts = componentText.split(":"); final String group = gavParts[0]; final String artifact = gavParts[1]; final String scope = gavParts[gavParts.length - 1]; final boolean recognizedScope = -> scope.startsWith(knownScope)); if (!recognizedScope) { logger.warn( "This line can not be parsed correctly due to an unknown dependency format - it is unlikely a match will be found for this dependency: " + componentText); } final String version = gavParts[gavParts.length - 2]; final ExternalId externalId = externalIdFactory.createMavenExternalId(group, artifact, version); return new ScopedDependency(artifact, version, externalId, scope); } Dependency textToProject(final String componentText) { if (!isGav(componentText)) { return null; } final String[] gavParts = componentText.split(":"); final String group = gavParts[0]; final String artifact = gavParts[1]; String version; if (gavParts.length == 4) { // Dependency does not include the classifier version = gavParts[gavParts.length - 1]; } else if (gavParts.length == 5) { // Dependency does include the classifier version = gavParts[gavParts.length - 1]; } else { logger.debug(String.format("%s does not look like a dependency we can parse", componentText)); return null; } final ExternalId externalId = externalIdFactory.createMavenExternalId(group, artifact, version); return new Dependency(artifact, version, externalId); } boolean isLineRelevant(final String line) { final String editableLine = line; if (!doesLineContainSegmentsInOrder(line, "[", "INFO", "]")) { // Does not contain [INFO] return false; } final int index = indexOfEndOfSegments(line, "[", "INFO", "]"); final String trimmedLine = editableLine.substring(index); if (StringUtils.isBlank(trimmedLine) || trimmedLine.contains("Downloaded") || trimmedLine.contains("Downloading")) { // Does not have content or this a line about download information return false; } return true; } String trimLogLevel(final String line) { final String editableLine = line; final int index = indexOfEndOfSegments(line, "[", "INFO", "]"); String trimmedLine = editableLine.substring(index); if (trimmedLine.startsWith(" ")) { trimmedLine = trimmedLine.substring(1); } return trimmedLine; } boolean isProjectSection(final String line) { // We only want to parse the dependency:tree output return doesLineContainSegmentsInOrder(line, "---", "dependency", ":", "tree"); } boolean isDependencyTreeUpdates(final String line) { if (line.contains("checking for updates")) { return true; } else { return false; } } boolean isGav(final String componentText) { final String debugMessage = String.format("%s does not look like a GAV we recognize", componentText); final String[] gavParts = componentText.split(":"); if (gavParts.length >= 4) { for (final String part : gavParts) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(part)) { logger.debug(debugMessage); return false; } } return true; } logger.debug(debugMessage); return false; } boolean doesLineContainSegmentsInOrder(final String line, final String... segments) { Boolean lineContainsSegments = true; final int index = indexOfEndOfSegments(line, segments); if (index == -1) { lineContainsSegments = false; } return lineContainsSegments; } int indexOfEndOfSegments(final String line, final String... segments) { int endOfSegments = -1; if (segments.length > 0) { endOfSegments = 0; } String editableLine = line; for (final String segment : segments) { final int index = editableLine.indexOf(segment); // If the string does not contain the segment indexOf returns -1 if (index == -1) { endOfSegments = -1; break; } // Add the index to the total to keep track of the index in the original String endOfSegments += (index + segment.length()); // cut the string off right after the segment we just found so we are only looking at the remainder of the line for the next segment editableLine = editableLine.substring(index + segment.length()); } return endOfSegments; } }