Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package com.blackberry.logtools;
/** Copyright (c) 2014 BlackBerry Limited
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License. 

 * Cat Logs in a given file set.
 * <p>
 * Usage: [genericOptions] [] [] input [input ...] output
 * <p>

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.blackberry.logdriver.util.FastSearchByTime;

public class logsearch extends Configured implements Tool {

    static int info = 1;
    static int warn = 2;
    static int error = 3;

    public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
        //Let ToolRunner handle generic command-line options
        int res = Configuration(), new logsearch(), argv);

    public int run(String[] argv) throws Exception {

        //Configuring configuration and filesystem to work on HDFS
        final Configuration conf = getConf(); //Configuration processed by ToolRunner
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
        //Initiate tools used for running search
        LogTools tools = new LogTools();

        //Other options
        String date_format = "RFC5424";
        String field_separator = "";
        ArrayList<String> D_options = new ArrayList<String>();
        boolean quiet = true;
        boolean silent = false;
        boolean log = false;
        boolean forcelocal = false;
        boolean forceremote = false;

        //The arguments are 
        // - search string
        // - dc number
        // - service
        // - component
        // - startTime (Something 'date' can parse, or just a time in ms from epoch)
        // - endTime (Same as start)
        // - outputDir

        //Indexing for arguments to be passed for Mapreduce
        int stringNum = 0;
        int dcNum = 1;
        int svcNum = 2;
        int compNum = 3;
        int startNum = 4;
        int endNum = 5;
        int outNum = 6;

        //Parsing through user arguments
        String[] args = new String[7];
        int count = 0; //Count created to track the parse of all arguments
        int argcount = 0; //Count created to track number of arguments to be passed on
        while (count < argv.length) {
            String arg = argv[count];
            if (arg.equals("--")) {
            } else if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
                if (arg.equals("--v")) {
                    quiet = tools.parseV(silent);
                } else if (arg.equals("--i")) {
                    conf.set("", "true");
                } else if (arg.startsWith("--dateFormat=")) {
                    arg = arg.replace("--dateFormat=", "");
                    date_format = arg;
                } else if (arg.startsWith("--fieldSeparator=")) {
                    arg = arg.replace("--fieldSeparator=", "");
                    field_separator = arg;
                } else if (arg.startsWith("-string=")) {
                    arg = arg.replace("-string=", "");
                    args[stringNum] = arg;
                } else if (arg.startsWith("-dc=")) {
                    arg = arg.replace("-dc=", "");
                    args[dcNum] = arg;
                } else if (arg.startsWith("-svc=")) {
                    arg = arg.replace("-svc=", "");
                    args[svcNum] = arg;
                } else if (arg.startsWith("-comp=")) {
                    arg = arg.replace("-comp=", "");
                    args[compNum] = arg;
                } else if (arg.startsWith("-start=")) {
                    arg = arg.replace("-start=", "");
                    args[startNum] = arg;
                } else if (arg.startsWith("-end=")) {
                    arg = arg.replace("-end=", "");
                    args[endNum] = arg;
                //User inputs output directory that is to be created
                //Check to see if parent directory exists && output directory does not exist
                else if (arg.startsWith("--out=")) {
                    args[outNum] = tools.parseOut(arg, fs);
                } else if (arg.startsWith("-D")) {
                } else if (arg.equals("--silent")) {
                    silent = tools.parseSilent(quiet);
                } else if (arg.equals("--log")) {
                    log = true;
                } else if (arg.equals("--l")) {
                    forcelocal = tools.parsePigMode(forceremote);
                } else if (arg.equals("--r")) {
                    forceremote = tools.parsePigMode(forcelocal);
                } else {
                    LogTools.logConsole(quiet, silent, error, "Unrecognized option: " + arg);
            } else {
                LogTools.logConsole(quiet, silent, error, "Unrecognized option: " + arg);

        //Default output should be stdout represented by "-"
        if (args[outNum] == null) {
            args[outNum] = "-";
            LogTools.logConsole(quiet, silent, info, "Output set to default stdout.");

        if (argcount < 7) {
            System.err.println(";****************************************" + "\n\t\t\t NOT ENOUGH ARGUMENTS\n"
                    + "\n\tUSAGE: logsearch [REQUIRED ARGUMENTS] [OPTIONS] (Order does not matter)"
                    + "\n\tREQUIRED ARGUMENTS:" + "\n\t\t-string=[STRING]   String to search."
                    + "\n\t\t-dc=[DATACENTER]   Data Center." + "\n\t\t-svc=[SERVICE]      Service."
                    + "\n\t\t-comp=[COMPONENT]   Component." + "\n\t\t-start=[START]      Start time."
                    + "\n\t\t-end=[END]      End time." + "\n\tOptions:"
                    + "\n\t\t--out=[DIRECTORY]         Desired output directory. If not defined, output to stdout."
                    + "\n\t\t--v                     Verbose output."
                    + "\n\t\t--r                     Force remote sort."
                    + "\n\t\t--l                     Force local sort."
                    + "\n\t\t--dateFormat=[FORMAT]     Valid formats are RFC822, RFC3164 (zero padded day),"
                    + "\n\t                          RFC5424 (default), or any valid format string for FastDateFormat."
                    + "\n\t\t--fieldSeparator=X      The separator to use to separate fields in intermediate"
                    + "\n\t                             files.  Defaults to 'INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE' (U+001F)."
                    + "\n\t\t--silent      Output only the data."
                    + "\n\t\t--i                     Make search case insensitive."
                    + "\n\t\t--log         Save all the logs.\n" + ";****************************************");

        //Parse time inputs for start and end of search
        args[startNum] = tools.parseDate(args[startNum]);
        args[endNum] = tools.parseDate(args[endNum]);
        tools.checkTime(args[startNum], args[endNum]);

        //Retrieve 'out' argument to determine where output of results should be sent
        String out = args[outNum];

        //Generate files to temporarily store output of mapreduce jobs and pig logs locally                
        File local_output = File.createTempFile("tmp.", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10));
        if (log != true) {
        File pig_tmp = File.createTempFile("tmp.", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10));
        if (log != true) {

        //Name the temp directory for storing results in HDFS
        String tmp = "tmp/logsearch-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10);

        //Set args[outNum] to be temp output directory to be passed onto FastSearchByTime instead of UserInput argument
        args[outNum] = (StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(tmp) + "/rawlines");

        //Managing console output - deal with --v/--silent
        Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(logsearch.class);
        tools.setConsoleOutput(local_output, quiet, silent);

        //Create temp directory in HDFS to store logsearch logs before sorting
        tools.tmpDirHDFS(quiet, silent, fs, conf, tmp, log);

        LogTools.logConsole(quiet, silent, warn, "Searching for " + args[stringNum] + "...");
        LogTools.logConsole(quiet, silent, warn,
                "Passing Arguments: SearchString=" + args[stringNum] + " DC=" + args[dcNum] + " Service="
                        + args[svcNum] + " Component=" + args[compNum] + " StartTime=" + args[startNum]
                        + " EndTime=" + args[endNum] + " Output=" + out);

        //Set standard configuration for running Mapreduce and PIG
        String queue_name = "logsearch";

        //Start Mapreduce job
        tools.runMRJob(quiet, silent, conf, D_options, out, LOG, field_separator, queue_name, args,
                "FastSearchByTime", new FastSearchByTime());

        //Before sorting, determine the number of records and size of the results found
        long foundresults = tools.getResults(local_output);
        long size = tools.getSize(foundresults, tmp, fs);

        //Run PIG job if results found
        tools.runPig(silent, quiet, foundresults, size, tmp, out, D_options, queue_name, date_format,
                field_separator, pig_tmp, fs, conf, forcelocal, forceremote);

        //Display location of tmp files if log enabled
        tools.logs(log, local_output, pig_tmp, tmp);

        return 0;