Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/*  Copyright (c) 2014
 *  by Bjnd, Inc., Boston, MA
 *  This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
 *  accordance with the terms of such license.  This software may not be
 *  provided or otherwise made available to any other party.  No title to
 *  nor ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
 *  This software is the intellectual property of Bjnd, Inc.,
 *  and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America.
 *  All rights reserved internationally.

package com.bjond.utilities;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

import com.bjond.constants.ErrorCodes;
// Google Guave
// Google 

import lombok.val;

/** <p> Network utilties which obviously includes REST convenience
methods.  </p>
 * <a href="">Steve 'Crsh' Agneta</a>

public class NetworkUtils {

    public static Map<String, String> generateErrorMap(String errorMessage) {
        if (null == errorMessage) {
            errorMessage = "No error message provided.";

        return ImmutableMap.of("error", errorMessage);

    public static Map<String, String> generateSuccessMap(
            @NotNull(message = "message must not be null.") final String message) {
        return ImmutableMap.of("status", message);

     * This override allows us to specify an id. This is useful in a create case where
     * the client does not yet have a GUID for the object it is creating.
     * @param message The message.
     * @param id ID of the newly created object.
     * @return The data to send back to the client.
    public static Map<String, String> generateSuccessMap(
            @NotNull(message = "message must not be null.") String message,
            @NotNull(message = "id must not be null.") String id) {
        return ImmutableMap.of("status", message, "id", id);

     *  <code>errorResponse</code> method accepts an errorString and a codeString and construct the 
     *  HTTP response object.
     * @param status a <code>Response.Status</code> value
     * @param errorString a <code>String</code> value
     * @param code an <code>ERROR_CODES</code> value
     * @return a <code>Response</code> value

    public static Response errorResponse(final Response.Status status, final String errorString,
            final ErrorCodes.BJOND_HTTP_ERROR_CODES code) {
        return Response.status(status).entity(ImmutableMap.of("error", errorString, "code",

    public static Response errorResponse(final Response.Status status, final String errorString,
            final String nativeString, final ErrorCodes.BJOND_HTTP_ERROR_CODES code) {
        return Response.status(status)
                .entity(ImmutableMap.of("error", errorString, "code",, "nativeerror", nativeString))

     * safeExtract will return type T if the response contains T or a JSON String representation of T.
      * NULL values are not handled and will toss a RuntimeException. Be warned. Not goof proof.
      * @param <T> is the type of class c.
     * @param response the JaxRW response.
     * @param c The class of type T to return.
     * @return The returned class of type T
     * @throws IOException if JSON marshalling fails.
    public static <T> T safeExtract(final Response response, final Class<T> c) throws IOException {
        val obj = response.getEntity();
        return (obj instanceof String) ? JSONUtils.fromJSON((String) obj, c) : (T) response.getEntity();

     * Returns true if hostname:port is accessible and false otherwise.
     * @param hostname the hostname to check.
     * @param port the port at hostname to check.
     * @return true if hostname:port is available.
    public static boolean hostAvailabilityCheck(final String hostname, final int port) {
        try (final Socket s = new Socket(hostname, port)) {
            return true;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            /* ignore */
        return false;
