Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Bizosys Technologies Limited * * Licensed to the Bizosys Technologies Limited (Bizosys) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The Bizosys licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.indexing; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import org.iq80.snappy.Snappy; import com.bizosys.hsearch.byteutils.SortedBytesBitset; import com.bizosys.hsearch.byteutils.SortedBytesBitsetCompressed; import com.bizosys.hsearch.byteutils.SortedBytesString; import com.bizosys.hsearch.federate.BitSetWrapper; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.dao.plain.HSearchTableKVIndex; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.FieldMapping.Field; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.bytescooker.IndexFieldBoolean; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.bytescooker.IndexFieldByte; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.bytescooker.IndexFieldDouble; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.bytescooker.IndexFieldFloat; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.bytescooker.IndexFieldInteger; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.bytescooker.IndexFieldLong; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.bytescooker.IndexFieldShort; import com.bizosys.hsearch.kv.impl.bytescooker.IndexFieldString; import com.bizosys.hsearch.util.LineReaderUtil; public class KVReducerBase { public byte[] cookBytes(StringBuilder key, Iterable<Text> values, byte[] existingData, Field fld, char dataTypeChar) throws IOException { byte[] finalData = null; String fieldName = null; boolean compressed = false; boolean repeatable = false; boolean analyzed = false; if (null != fld) { fieldName =; compressed = fld.isCompressed; repeatable = fld.isRepeatable; analyzed = fld.isAnalyzed; } switch (dataTypeChar) { case 't': finalData = IndexFieldString.cook(values, existingData, repeatable, compressed); break; case 'e': /** * Skip multi phrases which are only sighted once. */ int keyLen = key.length(); boolean skipSingle = false; if (keyLen > 1) { skipSingle = (key.charAt(keyLen - 1) == '*'); if (skipSingle) key = key.delete(keyLen - 2, keyLen); } finalData = (repeatable) ? indexTextBitset(skipSingle, existingData, values, analyzed, fieldName, compressed) : indexTextSet(skipSingle, existingData, values, analyzed, fieldName); break; case 'i': finalData = IndexFieldInteger.cook(values, existingData, repeatable, compressed); break; case 'f': finalData = IndexFieldFloat.cook(values, existingData, repeatable, compressed); break; case 'd': finalData = IndexFieldDouble.cook(values, existingData, repeatable, compressed); break; case 'l': finalData = IndexFieldLong.cook(values, existingData, repeatable, compressed); break; case 's': finalData = IndexFieldShort.cook(values, existingData, repeatable, compressed); break; case 'b': finalData = IndexFieldBoolean.cook(values, existingData, repeatable, compressed); break; case 'c': finalData = IndexFieldByte.cook(values, existingData, repeatable, compressed); break; default: { List<String> mergeKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Text mergeKey : values) { mergeKeys.add(mergeKey.toString()); } finalData = SortedBytesString.getInstance().toBytes(mergeKeys); break; } } return finalData; } Set<Integer> records = new HashSet<Integer>(3); public byte[] indexTextSet(boolean skipSingle, byte[] existingData, Iterable<Text> values, boolean isAnalyzed, String fieldName) throws IOException { byte[] finalData = null; int containerKey = 0; int containervalue = 0; String[] resultValue = new String[2]; HSearchTableKVIndex table = new HSearchTableKVIndex(); if (null != existingData) { throw new IOException("Append is not supported for the non repetable analyzed fields"); } String line = null; int docType = 1; int fieldType = 1; String metaDoc = "-"; boolean flag = true; records.clear(); for (Text text : values) { if (null == text) continue; Arrays.fill(resultValue, null); line = text.toString(); LineReaderUtil.fastSplit(resultValue, line, KVIndexer.FIELD_SEPARATOR); containerKey = Integer.parseInt(resultValue[0]); if (null == resultValue[1]) continue; containervalue = Integer.parseInt(resultValue[1]); table.put(docType, fieldType, metaDoc, containervalue, containerKey, flag); if (skipSingle) { if (records.size() < 2) records.add(containerKey); } } if (skipSingle && records.size() < 2) return null; finalData = table.toBytes(); return finalData; } public byte[] indexTextBitset(boolean skipSingle, byte[] existingData, Iterable<Text> values, boolean isAnalyzed, String fieldName, boolean isCompressed) throws IOException { byte[] finalData = null; int containerKey = 0; BitSetWrapper foundIds = null; int existingDataLen = (null == existingData) ? 0 : existingData.length; if (existingDataLen > 0) { byte[] uncompressedData = existingData; if (isCompressed) { uncompressedData = Snappy.uncompress(existingData, 0, existingDataLen); } foundIds = SortedBytesBitset.getInstanceBitset().bytesToBitSet(uncompressedData, 0, uncompressedData.length); } else { foundIds = new BitSetWrapper(); } for (Text text : values) { if (null == text) continue; containerKey = Integer.parseInt(text.toString()); foundIds.set(containerKey); } if (skipSingle && foundIds.cardinality() < 2) return null; if (isCompressed) finalData = SortedBytesBitsetCompressed.getInstanceBitset().bitSetToBytes(foundIds); else finalData = SortedBytesBitset.getInstanceBitset().bitSetToBytes(foundIds); if (null == finalData) return finalData; return finalData; } }