Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Bizosys Technologies Limited * * Licensed to the Bizosys Technologies Limited (Bizosys) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The Bizosys licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bizosys.dataservice.sql; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.bizosys.dataservice.model.AppConfig; import com.bizosys.dataservice.model.StoredProcConfig; import com.bizosys.dataservice.model.StoredProcOutParam; import com.bizosys.dataservice.util.ErrorCodeExp; import com.bizosys.dataservice.util.ErrorCodes; import; import; import; import; public class SqlSensorInputParser { private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SqlSensorInputParser.class); private static final boolean DEBUG_ENABLED = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); public static boolean fromJson(String queriesJson, List<UnitStep> queryUnits) throws ErrorCodeExp { Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonElement jsonElem = gson.fromJson(queriesJson, JsonElement.class); JsonObject jsonObj = jsonElem.getAsJsonObject(); Iterator<JsonElement> queriesIterator = jsonObj.get("queries").getAsJsonArray().iterator(); while (queriesIterator.hasNext()) { JsonObject queryObj = (JsonObject); /** * queryid */ if (queryObj.has("queryid")) { String queryId = queryObj.get("queryid").getAsString().trim(); addQuery(queryUnits, queryObj, queryId); } else if (queryObj.has("functionid")) { String functionId = queryObj.get("functionid").getAsString().trim(); addFunction(queryUnits, queryObj, functionId); } else if (queryObj.has("spid")) { String spId = queryObj.get("spid").getAsString().trim(); addSp(queryUnits, queryObj, spId); } } return true; } private static void addFunction(List<UnitStep> queryUnits, JsonObject queryObj, String funcId) throws ErrorCodeExp { List<UnitStep> queryObject = FunctionDefinationFactory.functions.get(funcId); try { if (queryObject == null) { FunctionDefinationFactory.refreshFunctions(); queryObject = FunctionDefinationFactory.functions.get(funcId); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage()); } if (queryObject == null) { throw new ErrorCodeExp(funcId, ErrorCodes.FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND, "Function not found :" + funcId, ErrorCodes.FUNCTION_KEY); } Boolean isRecursive = (queryObj.has("isRecursive")) ? queryObj.get("isRecursive").getAsBoolean() : false; /** * Single Expression */ UnitExpr expr = extractExpr(queryObj); /** * Boolean Expression */ List<UnitExpr> andExprs = booleanExprs(queryObj, true); List<UnitExpr> orExprs = booleanExprs(queryObj, false); String variables = (queryObj.has("variables")) ? "{variables:" + queryObj.get("variables").getAsJsonArray().toString() + "}" : null; UnitFunction uf = new UnitFunction(funcId, variables, expr, andExprs, orExprs, isRecursive); uf.stepId = funcId; uf.isFunc = true; queryUnits.add(uf); } private static void addSp(List<UnitStep> queryUnits, JsonObject queryObj, String spId) throws ErrorCodeExp { StoredProcConfig spObject = StoredProcDefinationFactory.storedProcM.get(spId); try { if (spObject == null) { StoredProcDefinationFactory.refreshQueries(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage()); } if (spObject == null) { throw new ErrorCodeExp(spId, ErrorCodes.STORED_PROC_NOT_FOUND, "Sp not found :" + spId, ErrorCodes.SP_KEY); } String variables = (queryObj.has("variables")) ? "{variables:" + queryObj.get("variables").getAsJsonArray().toString() + "}" : null; List<Object> inParams = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<StoredProcOutParam> queryOutVars = spObject.getOutVars(); List<String> inputVars = spObject.getVars(); UnitSp up = new UnitSp(spObject, variables, inParams, queryOutVars, inputVars); up.stepId = spId; up.isFunc = false; queryUnits.add(up); } private static void addQuery(List<UnitStep> queryUnits, JsonObject queryObj, String queryId) throws ErrorCodeExp { AppConfig queryObject = QueryDefinationFactory.queryM.get(queryId); if (queryObject == null) { QueryDefinationFactory.refreshQueries(); queryObject = QueryDefinationFactory.queryM.get(queryId); } if (queryObject == null) { throw new ErrorCodeExp(queryId, ErrorCodes.QUERY_NOT_FOUND, "Query Id " + queryId + " is not configured.", ErrorCodes.QUERY_KEY); } queryObject = queryObject.clone(); /** * Parameters */ List<Object> paramL = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (queryObj.has("params")) { JsonArray paramsArray = queryObj.get("params").getAsJsonArray(); int totalParam = paramsArray.size(); for (int i = 0; i < totalParam; i++) { String paramVal = paramsArray.get(i).getAsString(); if (paramVal.length() > 0) { if (paramVal.equals("__null") || paramVal.equals("null")) paramVal = null; } paramL.add(paramVal); } } /** * where, sort, offset, limit */ String where = (queryObj.has("where")) ? queryObj.get("where").getAsString() : null; String sort = (queryObj.has("sort")) ? queryObj.get("sort").getAsString() : null; int offset = (queryObj.has("offset")) ? queryObj.get("offset").getAsInt() : -1; int limit = (queryObj.has("limit")) ? queryObj.get("limit").getAsInt() : -1; /** * If there are any sequence ids to be generated then generate the ids * and add the generated sequenceids to the variables string. */ String variables = (queryObj.has("variables")) ? "{variables:" + queryObj.get("variables").getAsJsonArray().toString() + "}" : null; if (DEBUG_ENABLED && variables != null) LOG.debug("String variables are : " + variables); Boolean isRecursive = (queryObj.has("isRecursive")) ? queryObj.get("isRecursive").getAsBoolean() : false; /** * Single Expression */ UnitExpr expr = extractExpr(queryObj); /** * Boolean Expression */ List<UnitExpr> andExprs = booleanExprs(queryObj, true); List<UnitExpr> orExprs = booleanExprs(queryObj, false); JsonElement sequenceElem = null; if (queryObj.has("sequences")) sequenceElem = queryObj.get("sequences"); UnitQuery uq = new UnitQuery(queryObject, paramL, expr, andExprs, orExprs, where, sort, offset, limit, variables, isRecursive, sequenceElem); uq.isFunc = false; uq.stepId = queryId; queryUnits.add(uq); } public static Map<String, String> generateSequences(JsonElement sequenceElem) throws SQLException { JsonArray sequenceArray = sequenceElem.getAsJsonArray(); int totalSequence = sequenceArray.size(); Map<String, String> ids = new HashMap<String, String>(totalSequence); for (int i = 0; i < totalSequence; i++) { JsonObject sequenceKeyName = sequenceArray.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); String sequenceKey = sequenceKeyName.get("sequenceKey").getAsString(); String sequenceName = sequenceKeyName.get("sequenceName").getAsString(); int id = CachedIdGenerator.getInstance().generateId(sequenceKey); ids.put(sequenceName, Integer.toString(id)); } return ids; } private static List<UnitExpr> booleanExprs(JsonObject queryObj, boolean flipAndOr) { String tag = (flipAndOr) ? "andexprs" : "orexprs"; if (!queryObj.has(tag)) return null; List<UnitExpr> andExprs = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator expression = queryObj.get(tag).getAsJsonArray().iterator(); while (expression.hasNext()) { JsonObject exprObj = (JsonObject); UnitExpr cluse = extractExpr(exprObj); if (null != cluse) { andExprs.add(cluse); } } return andExprs; } private static UnitExpr extractExpr(JsonObject queryObj) { UnitExpr expr = null; if (queryObj.has("expr")) { if (queryObj.get("expr").isJsonNull()) return expr; if (!queryObj.get("expr").isJsonObject()) return expr; JsonObject exprObj = queryObj.get("expr").getAsJsonObject(); expr = new UnitExpr(exprObj.get("lhs").getAsString(), exprObj.get("rhs").getAsString(), exprObj.get("opr").getAsString()); if (expr.rhs.length() > 0) { if (expr.rhs.charAt(0) == '_') { if (expr.rhs.equals("__null")) expr.rhs = null; } } } return expr; } }