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 * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Turn, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.bittorrent.mpetazzoni.client;

import com.bittorrent.mpetazzoni.bencode.InvalidBEncodingException;
import com.bittorrent.mpetazzoni.common.Torrent;
import com.bittorrent.mpetazzoni.client.peer.PeerActivityListener;
import com.bittorrent.mpetazzoni.client.peer.SharingPeer;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * A torrent shared by the BitTorrent client.
 * <p>
 * The {@link SharedTorrent} class extends the Torrent class with all the data
 * and logic required by the BitTorrent client implementation.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <em>Note:</em> this implementation currently only supports single-file
 * torrents.
 * </p>
 * @author mpetazzoni
public class SharedTorrent extends Torrent implements PeerActivityListener {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SharedTorrent.class);

    /** Randomly select the next piece to download from a peer from the
     * RAREST_PIECE_JITTER available from it. */
    private static final int RAREST_PIECE_JITTER = 42;

    /** End-game trigger ratio.
     * <p>
     * Eng-game behavior (requesting already requested pieces from available
     * and ready peers to try to speed-up the end of the transfer) will only be
     * enabled when the ratio of completed pieces over total pieces in the
     * torrent is over this value.
     * </p>
    private static final float ENG_GAME_COMPLETION_RATIO = 0.95f;

    private Random random;
    private boolean stop;

    private long uploaded;
    private long downloaded;
    private long left;

    private final TorrentByteStorage bucket;

    private final int pieceLength;
    private final ByteBuffer piecesHashes;

    private boolean initialized;
    private Piece[] pieces;
    private SortedSet<Piece> rarest;
    private BitSet completedPieces;
    private BitSet requestedPieces;

    private double maxUploadRate = 0.0;
    private double maxDownloadRate = 0.0;

     * Create a new shared torrent from a base Torrent object.
     * <p>
     * This will recreate a SharedTorrent object from the provided Torrent
     * object's encoded meta-info data.
     * </p>
     * @param torrent The Torrent object.
     * @param destDir The destination directory or location of the torrent
     * files.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException If the torrent file location or
     * destination directory does not exist and can't be created.
     * @throws IOException If the torrent file cannot be read or decoded.
    public SharedTorrent(Torrent torrent, File destDir) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        this(torrent, destDir, false);

     * Create a new shared torrent from a base Torrent object.
     * <p>
     * This will recreate a SharedTorrent object from the provided Torrent
     * object's encoded meta-info data.
     * </p>
     * @param torrent The Torrent object.
     * @param destDir The destination directory or location of the torrent
     * files.
     * @param seeder Whether we're a seeder for this torrent or not (disables
     * validation).
     * @throws FileNotFoundException If the torrent file location or
     * destination directory does not exist and can't be created.
     * @throws IOException If the torrent file cannot be read or decoded.
    public SharedTorrent(Torrent torrent, File destDir, boolean seeder) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        this(torrent.getEncoded(), destDir, seeder);

     * Create a new shared torrent from meta-info binary data.
     * @param torrent The meta-info byte data.
     * @param destDir The destination directory or location of the torrent
     * files.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException If the torrent file location or
     * destination directory does not exist and can't be created.
     * @throws IOException If the torrent file cannot be read or decoded.
    public SharedTorrent(byte[] torrent, File destDir) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        this(torrent, destDir, false);

     * Create a new shared torrent from meta-info binary data.
     * @param torrent The meta-info byte data.
     * @param parent The parent directory or location the torrent files.
     * @param seeder Whether we're a seeder for this torrent or not (disables
     * validation).
     * @throws FileNotFoundException If the torrent file location or
     * destination directory does not exist and can't be created.
     * @throws IOException If the torrent file cannot be read or decoded.
    public SharedTorrent(byte[] torrent, File parent, boolean seeder) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        super(torrent, seeder);

        if (parent == null || !parent.isDirectory()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parent directory!");

        String parentPath = parent.getCanonicalPath();

        try {
            this.pieceLength = this.decoded_info.get("piece length").getInt();
            this.piecesHashes = ByteBuffer.wrap(this.decoded_info.get("pieces").getBytes());

            if (this.piecesHashes.capacity() / Torrent.PIECE_HASH_SIZE * (long) this.pieceLength < this.getSize()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Torrent size does not " + "match the number of pieces and the piece size!");
        } catch (InvalidBEncodingException ibee) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error reading torrent meta-info fields!");

        List<FileStorage> files = new LinkedList<FileStorage>();
        long offset = 0L;
        for (Torrent.TorrentFile file : this.files) {
            File actual = new File(parent, file.file.getPath());

            if (!actual.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(parentPath)) {
                throw new SecurityException("Torrent file path attempted " + "to break directory jail!");

            files.add(new FileStorage(actual, offset, file.size));
            offset += file.size;
        this.bucket = new FileCollectionStorage(files, this.getSize());

        this.random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
        this.stop = false;

        this.uploaded = 0;
        this.downloaded = 0;
        this.left = this.getSize();

        this.initialized = false;
        this.pieces = new Piece[0];
        this.rarest = Collections.synchronizedSortedSet(new TreeSet<Piece>());
        this.completedPieces = new BitSet();
        this.requestedPieces = new BitSet();

     * Create a new shared torrent from the given torrent file.
     * @param source The <code>.torrent</code> file to read the torrent
     * meta-info from.
     * @param parent The parent directory or location of the torrent files.
     * @throws IOException When the torrent file cannot be read or decoded.
    public static SharedTorrent fromFile(File source, File parent) throws IOException {
        byte[] data = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(source);
        return new SharedTorrent(data, parent);

    public double getMaxUploadRate() {
        return this.maxUploadRate;

     * Set the maximum upload rate (in kB/second) for this
     * torrent. A setting of <= 0.0 disables rate limiting.
     * @param rate The maximum upload rate
    public void setMaxUploadRate(double rate) {
        this.maxUploadRate = rate;

    public double getMaxDownloadRate() {
        return this.maxDownloadRate;

     * Set the maximum download rate (in kB/second) for this
     * torrent. A setting of <= 0.0 disables rate limiting.
     * @param rate The maximum download rate
    public void setMaxDownloadRate(double rate) {
        this.maxDownloadRate = rate;

     * Get the number of bytes uploaded for this torrent.
    public long getUploaded() {
        return this.uploaded;

     * Get the number of bytes downloaded for this torrent.
     * <p>
     * <b>Note:</b> this could be more than the torrent's length, and should
     * not be used to determine a completion percentage.
     * </p>
    public long getDownloaded() {
        return this.downloaded;

     * Get the number of bytes left to download for this torrent.
    public long getLeft() {
        return this.left;

     * Tells whether this torrent has been fully initialized yet.
    public boolean isInitialized() {
        return this.initialized;

     * Stop the torrent initialization as soon as possible.
    public void stop() {
        this.stop = true;

     * Build this torrent's pieces array.
     * <p>
     * Hash and verify any potentially present local data and create this
     * torrent's pieces array from their respective hash provided in the
     * torrent meta-info.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This function should be called soon after the constructor to initialize
     * the pieces array.
     * </p>
    public synchronized void init() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
        if (this.isInitialized()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Torrent was already initialized!");

        int threads = getHashingThreadsCount();
        int nPieces = (int) (Math.ceil((double) this.getSize() / this.pieceLength));
        int step = 10;

        this.pieces = new Piece[nPieces];
        this.completedPieces = new BitSet(nPieces);

        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
        List<Future<Piece>> results = new LinkedList<Future<Piece>>();

        try {
  "Analyzing local data for {} with {} threads ({} pieces)...",
                    new Object[] { this.getName(), threads, nPieces });
            for (int idx = 0; idx < nPieces; idx++) {
                byte[] hash = new byte[Torrent.PIECE_HASH_SIZE];

                // The last piece may be shorter than the torrent's global piece
                // length. Let's make sure we get the right piece length in any
                // situation.
                long off = ((long) idx) * this.pieceLength;
                long len = Math.min(this.bucket.size() - off, this.pieceLength);

                this.pieces[idx] = new Piece(this.bucket, idx, off, len, hash, this.isSeeder());

                Callable<Piece> hasher = new Piece.CallableHasher(this.pieces[idx]);

                if (results.size() >= threads) {

                if (idx / (float) nPieces * 100f > step) {
          "  ... {}% complete", step);
                    step += 10;

        } finally {
            // Request orderly executor shutdown and wait for hashing tasks to
            // complete.
            while (!executor.isTerminated()) {
                if (this.stop) {
                    throw new InterruptedException("Torrent data analysis " + "interrupted.");


        logger.debug("{}: we have {}/{} bytes ({}%) [{}/{} pieces].",
                new Object[] { this.getName(), (this.getSize() - this.left), this.getSize(),
                        String.format("%.1f", (100f * (1f - this.left / (float) this.getSize()))),
                        this.completedPieces.cardinality(), this.pieces.length });
        this.initialized = true;

     * Process the pieces enqueued for hash validation so far.
     * @param results The list of {@link Future}s of pieces to process.
    private void validatePieces(List<Future<Piece>> results) throws IOException {
        try {
            for (Future<Piece> task : results) {
                Piece piece = task.get();
                if (this.pieces[piece.getIndex()].isValid()) {
                    this.left -= piece.size();

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IOException("Error while hashing a torrent piece!", e);

    public synchronized void close() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            logger.error("Error closing torrent byte storage: {}", ioe.getMessage());

     * Retrieve a piece object by index.
     * @param index The index of the piece in this torrent.
    public Piece getPiece(int index) {
        if (this.pieces == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Torrent not initialized yet.");

        if (index >= this.pieces.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid piece index!");

        return this.pieces[index];

     * Get the number of pieces in this torrent.
    public int getPieceCount() {
        if (this.pieces == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Torrent not initialized yet.");

        return this.pieces.length;

     * Return a copy of the bit field of available pieces for this torrent.
     * <p>
     * Available pieces are pieces available in the swarm, and it does not
     * include our own pieces.
     * </p>
    public BitSet getAvailablePieces() {
        if (!this.isInitialized()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Torrent not yet initialized!");

        BitSet availablePieces = new BitSet(this.pieces.length);

        synchronized (this.pieces) {
            for (Piece piece : this.pieces) {
                if (piece.available()) {

        return availablePieces;

     * Return a copy of the completed pieces bitset.
    public BitSet getCompletedPieces() {
        if (!this.isInitialized()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Torrent not yet initialized!");

        synchronized (this.completedPieces) {
            return (BitSet) this.completedPieces.clone();

     * Return a copy of the requested pieces bitset.
    public BitSet getRequestedPieces() {
        if (!this.isInitialized()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Torrent not yet initialized!");

        synchronized (this.requestedPieces) {
            return (BitSet) this.requestedPieces.clone();

     * Tells whether this torrent has been fully downloaded, or is fully
     * available locally.
    public synchronized boolean isComplete() {
        return this.pieces.length > 0 && this.completedPieces.cardinality() == this.pieces.length;

     * Finalize the download of this torrent.
     * <p>
     * This realizes the final, pre-seeding phase actions on this torrent,
     * which usually consists in putting the torrent data in their final form
     * and at their target location.
     * </p>
     * @see TorrentByteStorage#finish
    public synchronized void finish() throws IOException {
        if (!this.isInitialized()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Torrent not yet initialized!");

        if (!this.isComplete()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Torrent download is not complete!");


    public synchronized boolean isFinished() {
        return this.isComplete() && this.bucket.isFinished();

     * Return the completion percentage of this torrent.
     * <p>
     * This is computed from the number of completed pieces divided by the
     * number of pieces in this torrent, times 100.
     * </p>
    public float getCompletion() {
        return this.isInitialized()
                ? (float) this.completedPieces.cardinality() / (float) this.pieces.length * 100.0f
                : 0.0f;

     * Mark a piece as completed, decrementing the piece size in bytes from our
     * left bytes to download counter.
    public synchronized void markCompleted(Piece piece) {
        if (this.completedPieces.get(piece.getIndex())) {

        // A completed piece means that's that much data left to download for
        // this torrent.
        this.left -= piece.size();

    /** PeerActivityListener handler(s). *************************************/

     * Peer choked handler.
     * <p>
     * When a peer chokes, the requests made to it are canceled and we need to
     * mark the eventually piece we requested from it as available again for
     * download tentative from another peer.
     * </p>
     * @param peer The peer that choked.
    public synchronized void handlePeerChoked(SharingPeer peer) {
        Piece piece = peer.getRequestedPiece();

        if (piece != null) {
            this.requestedPieces.set(piece.getIndex(), false);

        logger.trace("Peer {} choked, we now have {} outstanding " + "request(s): {}",
                new Object[] { peer, this.requestedPieces.cardinality(), this.requestedPieces });

     * Peer ready handler.
     * <p>
     * When a peer becomes ready to accept piece block requests, select a piece
     * to download and go for it.
     * </p>
     * @param peer The peer that became ready.
    public synchronized void handlePeerReady(SharingPeer peer) {
        BitSet interesting = peer.getAvailablePieces();

        logger.trace("Peer {} is ready and has {} interesting piece(s).", peer, interesting.cardinality());

        // If we didn't find interesting pieces, we need to check if we're in
        // an end-game situation. If yes, we request an already requested piece
        // to try to speed up the end.
        if (interesting.cardinality() == 0) {
            interesting = peer.getAvailablePieces();
            if (interesting.cardinality() == 0) {
                logger.trace("No interesting piece from {}!", peer);

            if (this.completedPieces.cardinality() < ENG_GAME_COMPLETION_RATIO * this.pieces.length) {
                logger.trace("Not far along enough to warrant end-game mode.");

            logger.trace("Possible end-game, we're about to request a piece "
                    + "that was already requested from another peer.");

        // Extract the RAREST_PIECE_JITTER rarest pieces from the interesting
        // pieces of this peer.
        ArrayList<Piece> choice = new ArrayList<Piece>(RAREST_PIECE_JITTER);
        synchronized (this.rarest) {
            for (Piece piece : this.rarest) {
                if (interesting.get(piece.getIndex())) {
                    if (choice.size() >= RAREST_PIECE_JITTER) {

        Piece chosen = choice.get(this.random.nextInt(Math.min(choice.size(), RAREST_PIECE_JITTER)));

        logger.trace("Requesting {} from {}, we now have {} " + "outstanding request(s): {}",
                new Object[] { chosen, peer, this.requestedPieces.cardinality(), this.requestedPieces });


     * Piece availability handler.
     * <p>
     * Handle updates in piece availability from a peer's HAVE message. When
     * this happens, we need to mark that piece as available from the peer.
     * </p>
     * @param peer The peer we got the update from.
     * @param piece The piece that became available.
    public synchronized void handlePieceAvailability(SharingPeer peer, Piece piece) {
        // If we don't have this piece, tell the peer we're interested in
        // getting it from him.
        if (!this.completedPieces.get(piece.getIndex()) && !this.requestedPieces.get(piece.getIndex())) {


        logger.trace("Peer {} contributes {} piece(s) [{}/{}/{}].",
                new Object[] { peer, peer.getAvailablePieces().cardinality(), this.completedPieces.cardinality(),
                        this.getAvailablePieces().cardinality(), this.pieces.length });

        if (!peer.isChoked() && peer.isInteresting() && !peer.isDownloading()) {

     * Bit field availability handler.
     * <p>
     * Handle updates in piece availability from a peer's BITFIELD message.
     * When this happens, we need to mark in all the pieces the peer has that
     * they can be reached through this peer, thus augmenting the global
     * availability of pieces.
     * </p>
     * @param peer The peer we got the update from.
     * @param availablePieces The pieces availability bit field of the peer.
    public synchronized void handleBitfieldAvailability(SharingPeer peer, BitSet availablePieces) {
        // Determine if the peer is interesting for us or not, and notify it.
        BitSet interesting = (BitSet) availablePieces.clone();

        if (interesting.cardinality() == 0) {
        } else {

        // Record that the peer has all the pieces it told us it had.
        for (int i = availablePieces.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = availablePieces.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {

        logger.trace("Peer {} contributes {} piece(s) ({} interesting) " + "[completed={}; available={}/{}].",
                new Object[] { peer, availablePieces.cardinality(), interesting.cardinality(),
                        this.completedPieces.cardinality(), this.getAvailablePieces().cardinality(),
                        this.pieces.length });

     * Piece upload completion handler.
     * <p>
     * When a piece has been sent to a peer, we just record that we sent that
     * many bytes. If the piece is valid on the peer's side, it will send us a
     * HAVE message and we'll record that the piece is available on the peer at
     * that moment (see <code>handlePieceAvailability()</code>).
     * </p>
     * @param peer The peer we got this piece from.
     * @param piece The piece in question.
    public synchronized void handlePieceSent(SharingPeer peer, Piece piece) {
        logger.trace("Completed upload of {} to {}.", piece, peer);
        this.uploaded += piece.size();

     * Piece download completion handler.
     * <p>
     * If the complete piece downloaded is valid, we can record in the torrent
     * completedPieces bit field that we know have this piece.
     * </p>
     * @param peer The peer we got this piece from.
     * @param piece The piece in question.
    public synchronized void handlePieceCompleted(SharingPeer peer, Piece piece) throws IOException {
        // Regardless of validity, record the number of bytes downloaded and
        // mark the piece as not requested anymore
        this.downloaded += piece.size();
        this.requestedPieces.set(piece.getIndex(), false);

        logger.trace("We now have {} piece(s) and {} outstanding request(s): {}", new Object[] {
                this.completedPieces.cardinality(), this.requestedPieces.cardinality(), this.requestedPieces });

     * Peer disconnection handler.
     * <p>
     * When a peer disconnects, we need to mark in all of the pieces it had
     * available that they can't be reached through this peer anymore.
     * </p>
     * @param peer The peer we got this piece from.
    public synchronized void handlePeerDisconnected(SharingPeer peer) {
        BitSet availablePieces = peer.getAvailablePieces();

        for (int i = availablePieces.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = availablePieces.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {

        Piece requested = peer.getRequestedPiece();
        if (requested != null) {
            this.requestedPieces.set(requested.getIndex(), false);

        logger.debug("Peer {} went away with {} piece(s) [completed={}; available={}/{}]",
                new Object[] { peer, availablePieces.cardinality(), this.completedPieces.cardinality(),
                        this.getAvailablePieces().cardinality(), this.pieces.length });
        logger.trace("We now have {} piece(s) and {} outstanding request(s): {}", new Object[] {
                this.completedPieces.cardinality(), this.requestedPieces.cardinality(), this.requestedPieces });

    public synchronized void handleIOException(SharingPeer peer, IOException ioe) {
        /* Do nothing */ }