Java tutorial
package com.bitbreeds.webrtc.sctp.impl; import com.bitbreeds.webrtc.common.ByteRange; import com.bitbreeds.webrtc.common.DataChannel; import com.bitbreeds.webrtc.common.SCTPPayloadProtocolId; import com.bitbreeds.webrtc.common.SignalUtil; import com.bitbreeds.webrtc.sctp.model.*; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import static com.bitbreeds.webrtc.common.SignalUtil.*; /** * Copyright (c) 19/05/16, Jonas Waage * <p> * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated * documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and * to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * <p> * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * <p> * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * * This class deals with handling SCTP messages and the flow control. * This includes keeping track of messages received on either side. * Resending messages, computing checksums, creating heartbeats. and so on. * * The handling of specific chunks is passed to the correct {@link MessageHandler}. * * TODO implement shutdown messages * TODO implement proper congestion control (HUGE!!!) * TODO figure out why transfer is slow (BIG!!) * * TODO implement JMX hooks, so transfer parameters can be adjusted at runtime * * @see <a href="">datachannel spec</a> * */ public class SCTPImpl implements SCTP { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SCTPImpl.class); private ReliabilityParameters parameters = null; private AtomicLong duplicateCount = new AtomicLong(0); AtomicLong receivedBytes = new AtomicLong(0L); /** * The impl access to write data to the socket */ private final DataChannel writer; /** * Handles received messages and sending if acknowledgements. * Also handles buffering of received messages. */ private final ReceiveService sackCreator = new ReceiveService(); /** * Handles sending of messages and reception of acknowledgements. * Also handles buffering of sent messages. */ private final SendService sendService = new SendService(this); private final HeartBeatService heartBeatService = new HeartBeatService(); /** * * @param writer interface to socket */ public SCTPImpl(DataChannel writer) { this.writer = writer; } /** * */ private SCTPContext context; /** * */ private final Map<SCTPMessageType, MessageHandler> handlerMap = createHandlerMap(); Map<SCTPMessageType, MessageHandler> createHandlerMap() { HashMap<SCTPMessageType, MessageHandler> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(SCTPMessageType.INITIATION, new InitiationHandler()); map.put(SCTPMessageType.COOKIE_ECHO, new CookieEchoHandler()); map.put(SCTPMessageType.HEARTBEAT_ACK, new HeartBeatAckHandler()); map.put(SCTPMessageType.HEARTBEAT, new HeartBeatHandler()); map.put(SCTPMessageType.DATA, new PayloadHandler()); map.put(SCTPMessageType.SELECTIVE_ACK, new SelectiveAckHandler()); return map; } public ReceiveService getSackCreator() { return sackCreator; } public SendService getSendService() { return sendService; } public HeartBeatService getHeartBeatService() { return heartBeatService; } public void setContext(SCTPContext context) { this.context = context; } /** * * @param data payload to send * @return create message with payload to send */ public byte[] createPayloadMessage(byte[] data, SCTPPayloadProtocolId ppid) { return sendService.createPayloadMessage(data, ppid, SCTPUtil.baseHeader(context)); } /** * @return message with acks */ public byte[] createSackMessage() { if (context == null) { return new byte[] {}; } Optional<SCTPMessage> message = sackCreator.createSack(SCTPUtil.baseHeader(context)); return byte[] {}); } /** * @return messages to resend */ @Override public List<byte[]> getMessagesForResend() { return sendService.getMessagesForResend(); } /** * @return heartbeat message */ @Override public byte[] createHeartBeat() { return heartBeatService.createHeartBeat(SCTPUtil.baseHeader(context)).toBytes(); } /** * Handle message and create a response * @param input the incoming message * @return a byte response, an empty array is equal to no response. */ public List<byte[]> handleRequest(byte[] input) { SCTPMessage inFullMessage = SCTPMessage.fromBytes(input); logger.debug("Input Parsed: " + inFullMessage); logger.debug("Flags: " + Hex.encodeHexString(new byte[] { input[13] })); SCTPHeader inHdr = inFullMessage.getHeader(); List<SCTPChunk> inChunks = inFullMessage.getChunks(); return -> { MessageHandler handler = handlerMap.get(chunk.getType()); if (handler != null) { Optional<SCTPMessage> out = handler.handleMessage(this, context, inHdr, chunk); return -> SCTPUtil.addChecksum(i).toBytes()).orElse(new byte[] {}); } else { logger.warn("Not handled messagetype: " + chunk.getType()); return new byte[] {}; } }).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Run the open callback */ protected void runOpen() { this.writer.runOpen(); } /** * Run the onMessage callback * @param data input to callback */ protected void runOnMessage(DataStorage data) { /** * @see <a href="">data channel spec</a> */ if (parameters == null && data.getProtocolId() == SCTPPayloadProtocolId.WEBRTC_DCEP) { final byte[] msgData = data.getPayload(); DataChannelMessageType msg = DataChannelMessageType.fromInt(unsign(msgData[0])); if (DataChannelMessageType.OPEN.equals(msg)) { logger.debug("Received open: " + Hex.encodeHexString(msgData)); DataChannelType type = DataChannelType.fromInt(unsign(msgData[2])); DataChannelPriority priority = DataChannelPriority .fromInt(intFromTwoBytes(copyRange(msgData, new ByteRange(2, 4)))); int relParam = intFromFourBytes(copyRange(msgData, new ByteRange(4, 8))); int labelLength = SignalUtil.intFromTwoBytes(copyRange(msgData, new ByteRange(8, 10))); int protocolLength = SignalUtil.intFromTwoBytes(copyRange(msgData, new ByteRange(10, 12))); byte[] label = SignalUtil.copyRange(msgData, new ByteRange(12, 12 + labelLength)); byte[] protocol = SignalUtil.copyRange(msgData, new ByteRange(12 + labelLength, 12 + labelLength + protocolLength)); /** * Store params */ parameters = new ReliabilityParameters(relParam, type, priority, label, protocol);"Updated channel with parameters: " + parameters); /** * Send ack and do not process anymore */ byte[] ack = new byte[] { sign(DataChannelMessageType.ACK.getType()) }; this.writer.send(ack, SCTPPayloadProtocolId.WEBRTC_DCEP); logger.debug("Sending ack: " + Hex.encodeHexString(ack)); return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PPID " + SCTPPayloadProtocolId.WEBRTC_DCEP + " should be sent with " + DataChannelMessageType.OPEN); } } logger.trace("Flags: " + data.getFlags() + " Stream: " + data.getStreamId() + " Stream seq: " + data.getStreamSequence()); logger.trace("Data as hex: " + Hex.encodeHexString(data.getPayload())); logger.trace("Data as string: " + new String(data.getPayload()) + ":"); ReceiveService.TsnStatus status = sackCreator.handleTSN(data.getTSN()); if (status != ReceiveService.TsnStatus.DUPLICATE) { receivedBytes.getAndAdd(data.getPayload().length); if (data.getFlags().isOrdered()) { /** * * TODO here we have to do something to ensure ordering * * Stream identifier and stream sequence must be used. * * Messages could be 'stored' until the correct sequence * number is received, or maybe we can rely on resend for that? * * Must be careful not to add TSN if I mean to drop the * message and rely on resend... * * Drop * */ this.writer.runOnMessage(data.getPayload()); } else { this.writer.runOnMessage(data.getPayload()); } } else { duplicateCount.incrementAndGet(); } } /** * Print relevant monitoring and debugging data. */ public void runMonitoring() {"---------------------------------------------");"Size received: " + sackCreator.receivedTSNS.size());"Size sent: " + sendService.sentTSNS.size());"CumulativeReceivedTSN: " + sackCreator.cumulativeTSN);"MyTsn: " + sendService.growingTSN.get());"Duplicates: " + sackCreator.duplicatesSinceLast.size());"Total received bytes: " + receivedBytes.get());"Total sent bytes: " + sendService.getSentBytes());"DuplicateCount: " + duplicateCount.get());"RTT: " + heartBeatService.getRttMillis()); } }