Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright (C) SYSTAP, LLC 2006-2007.  All rights reserved.
 4501 Tower Road
 Greensboro, NC 27410
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Created on Mar 18, 2007

package com.bigdata.service.jini;

import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.server.ExportException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import net.jini.admin.JoinAdmin;
import net.jini.config.Configuration;
import net.jini.config.ConfigurationException;
import net.jini.config.ConfigurationProvider;
import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceID;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar;
import net.jini.export.Exporter;
import net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory;
import net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter;
import net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint;
import net.jini.lookup.JoinManager;
import net.jini.lookup.ServiceIDListener;
import net.jini.lookup.entry.Name;
import net.jini.lookup.entry.ServiceType;
import net.jini.lookup.entry.StatusType;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NodeExistsException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.SessionExpiredException;

import com.bigdata.Banner;
import com.bigdata.counters.AbstractStatisticsCollector;
import com.bigdata.counters.PIDUtil;
import com.bigdata.jini.lookup.entry.Hostname;
import com.bigdata.jini.lookup.entry.ServiceUUID;
import com.bigdata.jini.start.BigdataZooDefs;
import com.bigdata.jini.util.JiniUtil;
import com.bigdata.service.AbstractService;
import com.bigdata.service.IBigdataFederation;
import com.bigdata.service.IService;
import com.bigdata.service.IServiceShutdown;
import com.bigdata.service.jini.DataServer.AdministrableDataService;
import com.bigdata.zookeeper.ZLock;
import com.bigdata.zookeeper.ZLockImpl;
import com.sun.jini.admin.DestroyAdmin;
import com.sun.jini.start.LifeCycle;
import com.sun.jini.start.NonActivatableServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceStarter;

 * <p>
 * Abstract base class for configurable services discoverable using JINI. The
 * recommended way to start a server is using the {@link ServiceStarter}.
 * However, they may also be started from the command line using main(String[]).
 * You must specify a policy file granting sufficient permissions for the server
 * to start.
 * <pre>
 * java ....
 * </pre>
 * You must specify the JVM property
 * <code>-Dcom.sun.jini.jeri.tcp.useNIO=true</code> to enable NIO.
 * <p>
 * Other command line options MAY be recommended depending on the JVM and the
 * service that you are starting, e.g., <code>-server</code>.
 * <p>
 * The service may be <em>terminated</em> by terminating the server process.
 * Termination implies that the server stops execution but that it MAY be
 * restarted. A {@link Runtime#addShutdownHook(Thread) shutdown hook} is
 * installed by the server so that you can also stop the server using ^C
 * (Windows) and <code>kill</code> <i>pid</i> (Un*x). You can record the PID of
 * the process running the server when you start it under Un*x using a shell
 * script. Note that if you are starting multiple services at once with the
 * {@link ServiceStarter} then these methods (^C or kill <i>pid</i>) will take
 * down all servers running in the same VM.
 * <p>
 * Services may be <em>destroyed</em> using {@link DestroyAdmin}, e.g., through
 * the Jini service browser. Note that all persistent data associated with that
 * service is also destroyed!
 * @see, which
 *      describes a bug in the service browser that will display a
 *      "NullPointerException" dialog box if you destroy a service which
 *      implements {@link DestroyAdmin} but not {@link JoinAdmin}.
 * @see http 
 *      ://
 *      .html for documentation on how to use the ServiceStarter.
 * @todo delete the lock file, config file, etc. and the service directory if
 *       the service is destroyed.
 * @todo document exit status codes and unify their use in this and derived
 *       classes.
 * @todo add {@link StatusType} and link its values to the running state of the
 *       service.
 * @todo add {@link ServiceType} with suitable pretty icons.
 * @author <a href="">Bryan Thompson</a>
 * @version $Id$
abstract public class AbstractServer implements Runnable, LeaseListener, ServiceIDListener {

    final static private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AbstractServer.class);

    //    /**
    //     * True iff the {@link #log} level is log.isInfoEnabled() or less.
    //     */
    //    final static protected boolean log.isInfoEnabled() = log.isInfoEnabled();
    //    /**
    //     * True iff the {@link #log} level is DEBUG or less.
    //     */
    //    final static protected boolean DEBUG = log.isDebugEnabled();

    public interface ConfigurationOptions {

         * The pathname of the service directory as a {@link File}.
        String SERVICE_DIR = "serviceDir";

         * The zpath of the logical service. The service must use
         * {@link CreateMode#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL} to create a child of this
         * zpath to represent itself.
        String LOGICAL_SERVICE_ZPATH = "logicalServiceZPath";

         * This object is used to export the service proxy. The choice here
         * effects the protocol that will be used for communications between the
         * clients and the service. The default {@link Exporter} if none is
         * specified is a {@link BasicJeriExporter} using a
         * {@link TcpServerEndpoint}.
        String EXPORTER = "exporter";


     * The {@link ServiceID} for this server is either read from a local file,
     * assigned by the registrar (if this is a new service instance), or given
     * in a {@link ServiceUUID} entry in the {@link Configuration} (for either a
     * new service or the restart of a persistent service). If the
     * {@link ServiceID} is assigned by jini, then it is assigned the
     * asynchronously after the service has discovered a
     * {@link ServiceRegistrar}.
    private ServiceID serviceID;

     * The directory for the service. This is the directory within which the
     * {@link #serviceIdFile} exists. A service MAY have its own concept of a
     * data directory, log directory, etc. which can be somewhere else.
    private File serviceDir;

     * The file where the {@link ServiceID} will be written / read.
    private File serviceIdFile;

     * The file on which the PID was written.
    private File pidFile;

     * An attempt is made to obtain an exclusive lock on a file in the same
     * directory as the {@link #serviceIdFile}. If the {@link FileLock} can be
     * obtained then the reference for that {@link RandomAccessFile} is set on
     * this field. If the lock is already held by another process then the
     * server will refuse to start. Since some platforms (NFS volumes, etc.) do
     * not support {@link FileLock} and the server WILL start anyway in those
     * cases. The {@link FileLock} is automatically released if the JVM dies or
     * if the {@link FileChannel} is closed. It is automatically released by
     * {@link #run()} before the server exits or if the ctor fails.
    private RandomAccessFile lockFileRAF = null;
    private FileLock fileLock;
    private File lockFile;

     * The zpath (zookeeper path) to the znode for the logical service of which
     * this service is an instance. This is read from the {@link Configuration}.
    protected String logicalServiceZPath;

     * The path to the ephemeral znode (zookeeper node) for this service
     * instance. This path is assigned when the service creates a
     * {@link CreateMode#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL} child of
     * {@link #logicalServiceZPath}.
    protected String physicalServiceZPath;

     * The {@link JiniClient} is used to locate the other services in the
     * {@link IBigdataFederation}.
    private JiniClient<?> client;

     * Used to manage the join/leave of the service hosted by this server with
     * Jini service registrar(s).
    private JoinManager joinManager;

     * The {@link Configuration} read based on the args[] provided when the
     * server is started.
    protected Configuration config;

     * A configured name for the service -or- a default value if no {@link Name}
     * was found in the {@link Configuration}.
    private String serviceName;

     * The configured name for the service a generated service name if no
     * {@link Name} was found in the {@link Configuration}.
     * <p>
     * Note: Concrete implementations MUST prefer to report this name in the
     * {@link AbstractService#getServiceName()} of their service implementation
     * class. E.g., {@link AdministrableDataService#getServiceName()}.
    final public String getServiceName() {

        return serviceName;


     * Responsible for exporting a proxy for the service. Note that the
     * {@link Exporter} is paired to a single service instance. It CAN NOT be
     * used to export more than one object at a time! Therefore the
     * {@link Configuration} entry for the <code>exporter</code> only effects
     * how <em>this</em> server exports its service.
    private Exporter exporter;

     * The service implementation object.
    protected Remote impl;

     * The exported proxy for the service implementation object.
    protected Remote proxy;

     * The name of the host on which the server is running.
    protected String getHostName() {

        return hostname;


    private String hostname;

     * The object used to inform the hosting environment that the server is
     * unregistering (terminating). A fake object is used when the server is run
     * from the command line, otherwise the object is supplied by the
     * {@link NonActivatableServiceDescriptor}.
    private LifeCycle lifeCycle;

     * The exported proxy for the service implementation object.
    public Remote getProxy() {

        return proxy;


     * Return the assigned {@link ServiceID}. If this is a new service and the
     * {@link ServiceUUID} was not specified in the {@link Configuration} then
     * the {@link ServiceID} will be <code>null</code> until it has been
     * assigned by a {@link ServiceRegistrar}.
    public ServiceID getServiceID() {

        return serviceID;


     * <code>true</code> iff this is a persistent service (one that you can
     * shutdown and restart).
    //    * @todo should be false for things like the {@link MapServer} and the
    //    *       {@link ReduceServer} if we keep those classes.
    protected boolean isPersistent() {

        return true;


    protected JoinManager getJoinManager() {

        return joinManager;


     * The object used to connect to and access the other services in the
     * {@link IBigdataFederation}.
    public JiniClient getClient() {

        return client;


     * Conditionally install a suitable security manager if there is none in
     * place. This is required before the server can download code. The code
     * will be downloaded from the HTTP server identified by the
     * <code>java.rmi.server.codebase</code> property specified for the VM
     * running the service.
    final static public void setSecurityManager() {

        final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();

        if (sm == null) {

            System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());

            if (log.isInfoEnabled())
      "Set security manager");

        } else {

            if (log.isInfoEnabled())
      "Security manager already in place: " + sm.getClass());



     * This method handles fatal exceptions for the server.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation logs the throwable, invokes
     * {@link #shutdownNow()} to terminate any processing and release all
     * resources, wraps the throwable as a runtime exception and rethrows the
     * wrapped exception.
     * <p>
     * This implementation MAY be overridden to invoke {@link System#exit(int)}
     * IFF it is known that the server is being invoked from a command line
     * context. However in no case should execution be allowed to return to the
     * caller.
    protected void fatal(final String msg, final Throwable t) {

        log.fatal(msg, t);

        try {

            shutdownNow(false/* destroy */);

        } catch (Throwable t2) {

            log.error(this, t2);


        throw new RuntimeException(msg, t);


     * Note: AbstractServer(String[]) is private to ensure that the ctor
     * hierarchy always passes down the variant which accepts the {@link LifeCycle}
     * as well.  This simplies additional initialization in subclasses. 
    private AbstractServer(String[] args) {

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


     * Server startup reads {@link Configuration} data from the file or URL
     * named by <i>args</i> and applies any optional overrides, starts the
     * service, and advertises the service for discovery. Aside from the server
     * class to start, the behavior is more or less entirely parameterized by
     * the {@link Configuration}.
     * @param args
     *            Either the command line arguments or the arguments from the
     *            {@link ServiceDescriptor}. Either way they identify the jini
     *            {@link Configuration} (you may specify either a file or URL)
     *            and optional overrides for that {@link Configuration}.
     * @param lifeCycle
     *            The life cycle object. This is used if the server is started
     *            by the jini {@link ServiceStarter}. Otherwise specify a
     *            {@link FakeLifeCycle}.
     * @see NonActivatableServiceDescriptor
    protected AbstractServer(final String[] args, final LifeCycle lifeCycle) {

        // Show the copyright banner during startup.

        if (lifeCycle == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        this.lifeCycle = lifeCycle;


         * Display the banner.
         * Note: This also installs the UncaughtExceptionHandler.
         * @see
        //        Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(
        //                new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
        //                    public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
        //                        log.warn("Uncaught exception in thread", e);
        //                    }
        //                });

         * Read jini configuration & service properties 

        List<Entry> entries = null;

        final JiniClientConfig jiniClientConfig;
        try {

            config = ConfigurationProvider.getInstance(args);

            jiniClientConfig = new JiniClientConfig(getClass().getName(), config);

             * The zpath of the logical service.
             * @todo null allowed if zookeeper not in use. make required if
             * zookeeper is a required integration, but then you will really
             * need to use the ServicesManager to start any service since the
             * zookeeper configuration needs to be established as well.
            logicalServiceZPath = (String) config.getEntry(getClass().getName(),
                    ConfigurationOptions.LOGICAL_SERVICE_ZPATH, String.class, null/* default */);

             * Make sure that the parent directory exists.
             * Note: the parentDir will be null if the serviceIdFile is in the
             * root directory or if it is specified as a filename without any
             * parents in the path expression. Note that the file names a file
             * in the current working directory in the latter case and the root
             * always exists in the former - and in both of those cases we do
             * not have to create the parent directory.
            serviceDir = (File) config.getEntry(getClass().getName(), ConfigurationOptions.SERVICE_DIR, File.class);

            if (serviceDir != null && !serviceDir.exists()) {

                log.warn("Creating: " + serviceDir);



            // The file on which the ServiceID will be written.
            serviceIdFile = new File(serviceDir, "");

            // The lock file.
            lockFile = new File(serviceDir, ".lock");

             * Attempt to acquire an exclusive lock on a file in the same
             * directory as the serviceIdFile.

            writePIDFile(pidFile = new File(serviceDir, "pid"));

            // convert Entry[] to a mutable list.
            entries = new LinkedList<Entry>(Arrays.asList(jiniClientConfig.entries));

             * Make sure that there is a Name and Hostname associated with the
             * service. If a ServiceID was pre-assigned in the Configuration
             * then we will extract that also.

                String serviceName = null;

                String hostname = null;

                UUID serviceUUID = null;

                for (Entry e : entries) {

                    if (e instanceof Name && serviceName == null) {

                        // found a name.
                        serviceName = ((Name) e).name;


                    if (e instanceof Hostname && hostname == null) {

                        hostname = ((Hostname) e).hostname;


                    if (e instanceof ServiceUUID && serviceUUID == null) {

                        serviceUUID = ((ServiceUUID) e).serviceUUID;



                // if serviceName not given then set it now.
                if (serviceName == null) {

                    // assign a default service name.

                    final String defaultName = getClass().getName() + "@"
                            + AbstractStatisticsCollector.fullyQualifiedHostName + "#" + hashCode();

                    serviceName = defaultName;

                    // add to the Entry[].
                    entries.add(new Name(serviceName));


                // set the field on the class.
                this.serviceName = serviceName;

                // if hostname not given then set it now.
                if (hostname == null) {

                     * @todo This is a best effort during startup and unchanging
                     * thereafter. We should probably report all names for the
                     * host and report the current names for the host. However
                     * there are a number of issues where similar data are not
                     * being updated which could lead to problems if host name
                     * assignments were changed.

                    hostname = AbstractStatisticsCollector.fullyQualifiedHostName;

                    // add to the Entry[].
                    entries.add(new Hostname(hostname));


                // set the field on the class.
                this.hostname = hostname;

                // if serviceUUID assigned then set ServiceID from it now.
                if (serviceUUID != null) {

                    // set serviceID.
                    this.serviceID = JiniUtil.uuid2ServiceID(serviceUUID);

                    if (!serviceIdFile.exists()) {

                        // write the file iff it does not exist.


                } else if (!serviceIdFile.exists()) {

                     * Since nobody assigned us a ServiceID and since there is
                     * none on record in the [serviceIdFile], we assign one now
                     * ourselves.

                    // set serviceID.
                    this.serviceID = JiniUtil.uuid2ServiceID(UUID.randomUUID());

                    // write the file iff it does not exist.



             * Extract how the service will provision itself from the
             * Configuration.

            // The exporter used to expose the service proxy.
            exporter = (Exporter) config.getEntry(//
                    getClass().getName(), // component
                    ConfigurationOptions.EXPORTER, // name
                    Exporter.class, // type (of the return object)
                     * The default exporter is a BasicJeriExporter using a
                     * TcpServerEnpoint.
                    new BasicJeriExporter(TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance(0), new BasicILFactory()));

            if (serviceIdFile.exists()) {

                try {

                    final ServiceID serviceIDFromFile = readServiceId(serviceIdFile);

                    if (this.serviceID == null) {

                        // set field on class.
                        this.serviceID = serviceIDFromFile;

                    } else if (!this.serviceID.equals(serviceIDFromFile)) {

                         * This is a paranoia check on the Configuration and the
                         * serviceIdFile. The ServiceID should never change so
                         * these values should remain in agreement.

                        throw new ConfigurationException(
                                "ServiceID in Configuration does not agree with the value in " + serviceIdFile
                                        + " : Configuration=" + this.serviceID + ", serviceIdFile="
                                        + serviceIDFromFile);


                } catch (IOException ex) {

                    fatal("Could not read serviceID from existing file: " + serviceIdFile + ": " + this, ex);


            } else {

                if (log.isInfoEnabled())
          "New service instance.");


        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {

            fatal("Configuration error: " + this, ex);


         * The runtime shutdown hook appears to be a robust way to handle ^C by
         * providing a clean service termination.
         * Note: This is setup before we start any async threads, including
         * service discovery.
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownThread(this));

         * Start the client - this provides a means to connect to the other
         * services running in the federation (it runs a DiscoveryManager to do
         * that).
        try {

            // new client - defer connection to fed.
            client = new JiniClient(getClass(), config);

            //            // connect to the federation (starts service discovery for the client).
            //            client.connect();

        } catch (Throwable t) {

            fatal("Could not create JiniClient: " + this, t);


         * Create the service object.
        JiniFederation<?> fed = null;
        try {

             * Note: By creating the service object here rather than outside of
             * the constructor we potentially create problems for subclasses of
             * AbstractServer since their own constructor will not have been
             * executed yet.
             * Some of those problems are worked around using a JiniClient to
             * handle all aspects of service discovery (how this service locates
             * the other services in the federation).
             * Note: If you explicitly assign values to those clients when the
             * fields are declared, e.g., [timestampServiceClient=null] then the
             * ctor will overwrite the values set by [newService] since it is
             * running before those initializations are performed. This is
             * really crufty, may be JVM dependent, and needs to be refactored
             * to avoid this subclass ctor init problem.

            if (log.isInfoEnabled())
      "Creating service impl...");

            // init w/ client's properties.
            impl = newService(client.getProperties());

            if (log.isInfoEnabled())
      "Service impl is " + impl);

            // Connect to the federation (starts service discovery for client).
            final JiniFederation<?> f = fed = client.connect();

             * Add a watcher that will create the ephemeral znode for the
             * federation on zookeeper (re-)connect.
             * Note: We don't have to do this once we have been connected, but
             * if the service starts without a zookeeper connection and then
             * later connects then it will otherwise fail to create its znode.
            fed.getZookeeperAccessor().addWatcher(new Watcher() {

                boolean sessionValid = false;

                public void process(WatchedEvent event) {

                    switch (event.getState()) {
                    case Expired:
                        sessionValid = false;
                        synchronized (AbstractServer.this) {
                             * Synchronized so that creating and cancelling the
                             * master election future are atomic.
                            if (masterElectionFuture != null) {
                                masterElectionFuture.cancel(true/* mayInterruptIfRunning */);
                                masterElectionFuture = null;
                                log.warn("Zookeeper session expired: cancelled master election task: " + this);
                    case NoSyncConnected:
                    case SyncConnected:
                        if (!sessionValid) {
                            sessionValid = true;
                            if (serviceID != null) {
                                try {
                                    notifyZookeeper(f, JiniUtil.serviceID2UUID(serviceID));
                                } catch (Throwable t) {
                                    log.error(AbstractServer.this, t);
                    } // switch

                } // process(event)
            }); // Watcher

            // start the service.
            if (impl instanceof AbstractService) {

                ((AbstractService) impl).start();


        } catch (Exception ex) {

            fatal("Could not start service: " + this, ex);


         * Export a proxy object for this service instance.
         * Note: This must be done before we start the join manager since the
         * join manager will register the proxy.
        try {

            proxy = exporter.export(impl);

            if (log.isInfoEnabled())
      "Proxy is " + proxy + "(" + proxy.getClass() + ")");

        } catch (ExportException ex) {

            fatal("Export error: " + this, ex);


         * Start the join manager. 
        try {

            assert proxy != null : "No proxy?";

            final Entry[] attributes = entries.toArray(new Entry[0]);

            if (this.serviceID != null) {

                 * We read the serviceID from local storage (either the
                 * serviceIDFile and/or the Configuration).

                joinManager = new JoinManager(proxy, // service proxy
                        attributes, // attr sets
                        serviceID, // ServiceID
                        fed.getDiscoveryManagement(), // DiscoveryManager
                        new LeaseRenewalManager(), //

            } else {

                 * We are requesting a serviceID from the registrar.

                joinManager = new JoinManager(proxy, // service proxy
                        attributes, // attr sets
                        this, // ServiceIDListener
                        fed.getDiscoveryManagement(), // DiscoveryManager
                        new LeaseRenewalManager(), //


        } catch (Exception ex) {

            fatal("JoinManager: " + this, ex);


         * Note: This is synchronized in case set via listener by the
         * JoinManager, which would be rather fast action on its part.
        synchronized (this) {

            if (this.serviceID != null) {

                 * Notify the service that it's service UUID has been set.
                 * @todo Several things currently depend on this notification.
                 * In effect, it is being used as a proxy for the service
                 * registration event.





     * Simple representation of state (non-blocking, safe). Some fields reported
     * in the representation may be <code>null</code> depending on the server
     * state.
    public String toString() {

        // note: MAY be null.
        final ServiceID serviceID = this.serviceID;

        return getClass().getName() + "{serviceName=" + serviceName + ", hostname=" + hostname + ", serviceUUID="
                + (serviceID == null ? "null" : "" + JiniUtil.serviceID2UUID(serviceID)) + "}";


     * Attempt to acquire an exclusive lock on a file in the same directory as
     * the {@link #serviceIdFile} (non-blocking). This is designed to prevent
     * concurrent service starts and service restarts while the service is
     * already running.
     * <p>
     * Note: The {@link FileLock} (if acquired) will be automatically released
     * if the process dies. It is also explicitly closed by
     * {@link #shutdownNow()}. DO NOT use advisory locks since they are not
     * automatically removed if the service dies.
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if the file is already locked by another process.
    private void acquireFileLock() {

        try {

            lockFileRAF = new RandomAccessFile(lockFile, "rw");

        } catch (IOException ex) {

             * E.g., due to permissions, etc.

            throw new RuntimeException("Could not open: file=" + lockFile, ex);


        try {

            fileLock = lockFileRAF.getChannel().tryLock();

            if (fileLock == null) {

                 * Note: A null return indicates that someone else holds the
                 * lock.

                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    // ignore.
                } finally {
                    lockFileRAF = null;

                throw new RuntimeException("Service already running: file=" + lockFile);


        } catch (IOException ex) {

             * Note: This is true of NFS volumes.

            log.warn("FileLock not supported: file=" + lockFile, ex);



     * Writes the PID on a file in the service directory (best attempt to obtain
     * the PID). If the server is run from the command line, then the pid will
     * be the pid of the server. If you are running multiple servers inside of
     * the same JVM, then the pid will be the same for each of those servers.
    private void writePIDFile(final File file) {

        try {

            // best guess at the PID of the JVM.
            final String pid = Integer.toString(PIDUtil.getPID());

            // open the file.
            final FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);

            try {

                // discard anything already in the file.

                // write on the PID using ASCII characters.

                // flush buffers.

            } finally {

                // and close the file.


        } catch (IOException ex) {

            log.warn("Could not write pid: file=" + file, ex);



     * Unexports the {@link #proxy} - this is a NOP if the proxy is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @param force
     *            When true, the object is unexported even if there are pending
     *            or in progress service requests.
     * @return true iff the object is (or was) unexported.
     * @see Exporter#unexport(boolean)
    synchronized protected boolean unexport(boolean force) {

        if (log.isInfoEnabled())
  "force=" + force + ", proxy=" + proxy);

        try {

            if (proxy != null) {

                if (exporter.unexport(force)) {

                    return true;

                } else {

                    log.warn("Proxy was not unexported? : " + this);



            return false;

        } finally {

            proxy = null;



     * Read and return the {@link ServiceID} from an existing local file.
     * @param file
     *            The file whose contents are the serialized {@link ServiceID}.
     * @return The {@link ServiceID} read from that file.
     * @exception IOException
     *                if the {@link ServiceID} could not be read from the file.
    static public ServiceID readServiceId(final File file) throws IOException {

        final FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);

        try {

            final ServiceID serviceID = new ServiceID(new DataInputStream(is));

            if (log.isInfoEnabled())
      "Read ServiceID=" + serviceID + " from " + file);

            return serviceID;

        } finally {




     * This method is responsible for saving the {@link ServiceID} on stable
     * storage when it is invoked. It will be invoked iff the {@link ServiceID}
     * was not defined and one was therefore assigned.
     * @param serviceID
     *            The assigned {@link ServiceID}.
    synchronized public void serviceIDNotify(final ServiceID serviceID) {

        if (serviceID == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        if (log.isInfoEnabled())
  "serviceID=" + serviceID);

        if (this.serviceID != null && !this.serviceID.equals(serviceID)) {

            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "ServiceID may not be changed: ServiceID=" + this.serviceID + ", proposed=" + serviceID);


        this.serviceID = serviceID;

        assert serviceIdFile != null : "serviceIdFile not defined?";



         * Update the Entry[] for the service registrars to reflect the assigned
         * ServiceID.

            final List<Entry> attributes = new LinkedList<Entry>(Arrays.asList(joinManager.getAttributes()));

            final Iterator<Entry> itr = attributes.iterator();

            while (itr.hasNext()) {

                final Entry e =;

                if (e instanceof ServiceUUID) {




            attributes.add(new ServiceUUID(JiniUtil.serviceID2UUID(serviceID)));

            joinManager.setAttributes(attributes.toArray(new Entry[0]));



    synchronized private void writeServiceIDOnFile(final ServiceID serviceID) {

        try {

            final DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(serviceIdFile));

            try {



                if (log.isInfoEnabled())
          "ServiceID saved: file=" + serviceIdFile + ", serviceID=" + serviceID);

            } finally {



        } catch (Exception ex) {

            log.error("Could not save ServiceID : " + this, ex);



     * Notify the {@link AbstractService} that it's service UUID has been set.
    synchronized protected void notifyServiceUUID(final ServiceID serviceID) {

        if (serviceID == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        if (this.serviceID != null && !this.serviceID.equals(serviceID)) {

            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "ServiceID may not be changed: ServiceID=" + this.serviceID + ", proposed=" + serviceID);


        if (impl != null && impl instanceof AbstractService) {

            final UUID serviceUUID = JiniUtil.serviceID2UUID(serviceID);

            final AbstractService service = ((AbstractService) impl);


            try {

                final JiniFederation fed = (JiniFederation) service.getFederation();

                notifyZookeeper(fed, serviceUUID);

            } catch (Throwable t) {

                log.error("Could not register service with zookeeper: " + this, t);




     * Creates a znode to represent this physical service within the
     * {@link BigdataZooDefs#PHYSICAL_SERVICES_CONTAINER}. The znode will be
     * persistent iff this service {@link #isPersistent()}. The znode name is
     * the <i>serviceUUID</i>. That name is <strong>stable</strong>, which is
     * a requirement for persistent services.
     * <p>
     * Note: we need to monitor (Watcher) the zookeeper connection state. If the
     * client is not connected when this method is invoked when we need to
     * create the ephemeral znode for the physical service when the client
     * becomes connected to zookeeper. This is done as part of ctor.
     * @param fed
     * @param serviceUUID
     * @throws KeeperException
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @todo Any failover protocol in which the service can restart MUST provide
     *       for re-synchronization of the service when it restarts with the
     *       current primary / active ensemble.
     * @todo test failover w/ death and restart of both individual zookeeper
     *       instances and of the zookeeper ensemble. unless there are failover
     *       zookeeper instances it is going to lose track of our services (they
     *       are represented by ephemeral znodes). On reconnect to zookeeper,
     *       the service should should verify that its ephemeral node is present
     *       and create it if it is not present and re-negotiate the service
     *       failover chain.
     * @todo When supporting failover, a logicalService {@link UUID} will be
     *       required for compatibility with the bigdata APIs, which expect to
     *       refer to a service by a UUID. Lookup by UUID against jini will
     *       require hashing the physical services by their logical service UUID
     *       in the client, which is not hard.
    private void notifyZookeeper(final JiniFederation fed, final UUID serviceUUID)
            throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {

        if (fed == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        if (serviceUUID == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        //        if (logicalServiceZPath == null) {
        //            throw new IllegalStateException(
        //                    "Logical service zpath not assigned.");
        //        }

        final ZooKeeper zookeeper = fed.getZookeeper();

        if (zookeeper == null) {

             * @todo This is checked in case zookeeper is not integrated. If
             * we decide that zookeeper is a manditory component then change
             * this to throw an exception instead (or perhaps
             * fed.getZookeeper() will throw that exception).

            log.warn("No zookeeper: will not create service znode: " + this);



        if (logicalServiceZPath == null) {

             * @todo This is checked so that you can use a standalone
             * configuration file without having an assigned logical service
             * zpath that exists in zookeeper.
             * If we take out this test then all configuration files would have
             * to specify the logical service path, which might be an end state
             * for the zookeeper integration.

            log.warn("No logicalServiceZPath in config file: will not create service znode: cls="
                    + getClass().getName());



        // Note: The services manager is responsible for doing this.
        //        try {
        //            // make sure the parent node exists.
        //            zookeeper.create(logicalServiceZPath + "/"
        //                    + BigdataZooDefs.PHYSICAL_SERVICES_CONTAINER, new byte[0],
        //                    acl, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
        //        } catch (NodeExistsException ex) {
        //            // ignore.
        //        }

         * Note: The znode is created using the assigned service UUID. This
         * means that the total zpath for the physical service is stable and can
         * be re-created on restart of the service.

        physicalServiceZPath = logicalServiceZPath + "/" + BigdataZooDefs.PHYSICAL_SERVICES_CONTAINER + "/"
                + serviceUUID;

         * Note: The znode data contains the attributes currently associated
         * with the service. We ensure during startup (and it won't change
         * unless someone messes with it) that this includes Hostname()
         * attributes which let us know what host the service is running on. The
         * ServicesManagerServer needs that information in order to decide if it
         * has responsibility for restarting the service.

        final byte[] data = SerializerUtil.serialize(joinManager.getAttributes());

        try {

             * Create the znode for this service.

            final List<ACL> acl = fed.getZooConfig().acl;

            zookeeper.create(physicalServiceZPath, data, acl,
                    isPersistent() ? CreateMode.PERSISTENT : CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);

        } catch (NodeExistsException ex) {

             * Note: This code gets executed on each zookeeper (re-)connect. We
             * just update the Entry[] on the znode if it already exists.

            zookeeper.setData(physicalServiceZPath, data, -1/* version */);


         * Enter into the master / failover competition for the logical service.
         * Note: Synchronized so that creating and cancelling the master
         * election future are atomic.
        synchronized (this) {

            if (masterElectionFuture == null) {

                masterElectionFuture = fed.submitMonitoredTask(new MasterElectionTask());



        if (log.isInfoEnabled())
  "(Re)-registered with zookeeper: zpath=" + physicalServiceZPath);


    private Future masterElectionFuture = null;

     * Task runs forever competing to become the master.
     * @author <a href="">Bryan Thompson</a>
     * @version $Id$
    protected class MasterElectionTask implements Callable {

        public MasterElectionTask() {


         * Calls {@link #runOnce()} until the service is shutdown, logging any
         * errors.
        public Object call() throws Exception {

            while (!shuttingDown && impl != null) {

                try {


                } catch (InterruptedException t) {

                    // Note: Happens during shutdown.

                    if (log.isInfoEnabled())

                } catch (SessionExpiredException t) {

                     * Note: We setup a watcher that runs the master election
                     * task. It will notice the session expire and cancel this
                     * task. Once it notices the session connect for a new
                     * client another instance of this task will be started and
                     * the service will again contend to be a master.

                    log.error("Zookeeper session expired!");

                    return null;

                } catch (Throwable t) {

                     * All other exceptions we log and ignore.
                     * Note: Expected exceptions include various kinds of
                     * transient problems with the zookeeper client, e.g.,
                     * ConnectionLoss.

                    log.error(AbstractServer.this, t);



            return null;


         * Competes for the {@link BigdataZooDefs#MASTER_ELECTION} {@link ZLock}.
         * If it gains the lock, then invoked {@link #runAsMaster()}.
         * @throws InterruptedException
         *             if interrupted.
         * @throws Exception
         *             if anything else goes wrong.
        protected void runOnce() throws Exception, InterruptedException {

            final AbstractService service = ((AbstractService) impl);

            final JiniFederation fed = (JiniFederation) service.getFederation();

            final ZooKeeper zookeeper = fed.getZookeeperAccessor().getZookeeper();

            final List<ACL> acl = fed.getZooConfig().acl;

            // zlock object for the master election.
            final ZLock zlock = ZLockImpl.getLock(zookeeper,
                    logicalServiceZPath + "/" + BigdataZooDefs.MASTER_ELECTION, acl);

            // block until we acquire that lock.

            try {

                runAsMaster(service, zlock);

            } finally {




         * Invoked when this service becomes the master. If there is only one
         * physical service instance running for a given logical service, then
         * it should gain the {@link ZLock} and run as the master. If there is
         * more than one physical service instance for a given logical service,
         * then they will all compete for the same {@link ZLock}. That
         * competition will place them into an order. The order of the services
         * for the lock node is their failover order. The master is always the
         * first service in the queue. If the master dies, then the next
         * surviving service in queue will gain the lock.
         * @param service
         * @param zlock
         * @throws InterruptedException
         *             if interrupted.
         * @throws Exception
         *             if anything else goes wrong.
         * @todo If someone deletes the master's zlock then the master will
         *       notice (if it checks the zlock) and see that it is no longer
         *       the master.
         *       <p>
         *       In order to prevent two services from running as "masters" at
         *       the same time it is important that the master notice that it
         *       has lost the lock BEFORE zookeeper clears its ephemeral znode.
         *       The clue is the disconnect event from the zookeeper client.
         *       That can set a volatile flag that is used to disable the
         *       master. A disabled master should immediately cease responding,
         *       terminating all outstanding requests.
         * @todo the behavior needs to be delegated to the service. there is no
         *       API for that right now. all of this is just stubbed out for the
         *       moment.
        protected void runAsMaster(final AbstractService service, final ZLock zlock)
                throws InterruptedException, Exception {

            log.warn("Service is now the master: " + AbstractServer.this);




     * Logs a message. If the service is no longer registered with any
     * {@link ServiceRegistrar}s then logs an error message.
     * <p>
     * Note: a service that is no longer registered with any
     * {@link ServiceRegistrar}s is no longer discoverable but it remains
     * accessible to clients which already have its proxy. If a new
     * {@link ServiceRegistrar} accepts registration by the service then it will
     * become discoverable again as well.
     * <p>
     * Note: This is only invoked if the automatic lease renewal by the lease
     * manager is denied by the service registrar.
    public void notify(final LeaseRenewalEvent event) {

        log.warn("Lease could not be renewed: " + this + " : " + event);

         * Note: Written defensively in case this.joinManager is asynchronously
         * cleared or terminated.
        try {

            final JoinManager joinManager = this.joinManager;

            if (joinManager != null) {

                final ServiceRegistrar[] a = joinManager.getJoinSet();

                if (a.length == 0) {

                    log.error("Service not registered with any service registrars");

                } else {

                    if (log.isInfoEnabled())
              "Service remains registered with " + a.length + " service registrars");



        } catch (Exception ex) {

            log.error("Problem obtaining joinSet? : " + this, ex);



     * Shutdown the server, including the service and any jini processing. It
     * SHOULD always be safe to invoke this method. The implementation SHOULD be
     * synchronized and SHOULD conditionally handle each class of asynchronous
     * processing or resource, terminating or releasing it iff it has not
     * already been terminated or released.
     * <p>
     * This implementation:
     * <ul>
     * <li>unregisters the proxy, making the service unavailable for future
     * requests and terminating any existing requests</li>
     * <li>{@link IServiceShutdown#shutdownNow()} is invoke if the service
     * implements {@link IServiceShutdown}</li>
     * <li>terminates any asynchronous jini processing on behalf of the server,
     * including service and join management</li>
     * <li>Handles handshaking with the {@link NonActivatableServiceDescriptor}</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * Note: All errors are trapped, logged, and ignored.
     * <p>
     * Note: Normally, extended shutdown behavior is handled by the service
     * implementation, not the server. However, subclasses MAY extend this
     * method to terminate any additional processing and release any additional
     * resources, taking care to (a) declare the method as
     * <strong>synchronized</strong>, conditionally halt any asynchonrous
     * processing not already halted, conditionally release any resources not
     * already released, and trap, log, and ignored all errors.
     * <p>
     * Note: This is run from within the {@link ShutdownThread} in response to a
     * request to destroy the service.
     * @param destroy
     *            When <code>true</code> the persistent state associated with
     *            the service is also destroyed.
    synchronized public void shutdownNow(final boolean destroy) {

        if (shuttingDown) {

            // break recursion.


        shuttingDown = true;

         * Unexport the proxy, making the service no longer available.
         * Note: If you do not do this then the client can still make requests
         * even after you have terminated the join manager and the service is no
         * longer visible in the service browser.
        try {

            if (log.isInfoEnabled())
      "Unexporting the service proxy.");

            unexport(true/* force */);

        } catch (Throwable ex) {

            log.error("Problem unexporting service: " + this, ex);

            /* Ignore */


         * Note: We don't have to do this explicitly. The node will go away as
         * soon as we close the Zookeeper client.
        //        /*
        //         * Unregister the service from zookeeper (delete its ephemeral node).
        //         */
        //        if (impl != null && impl instanceof AbstractService) {
        //            try {
        //                final JiniFederation fed = (JiniFederation) ((AbstractService) impl)
        //                        .getFederation();
        //                final ZooKeeper zookeeper = fed.getZookeeper();
        //                if (zookeeper != null) {
        //                    if (log.isInfoEnabled())
        //              "Deleting service znode: "
        //                                + physicalServiceZPath);
        //                    zookeeper.delete(physicalServiceZPath, -1/* version */);
        //                }
        //            } catch (Throwable t) {
        //                log.error("Problem deleting service znode: " + this, t);
        //                /* Ignore */
        //            }
        //        }

        if (destroy && impl != null && impl instanceof IService) {

            final IService tmp = (IService) impl;

             * Delegate to the service to destroy its persistent state.

            try {


            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                log.error("Problem with service destroy: " + this, ex);

                // ignore.



         * Invoke the service's own logic to shutdown its processing.
        if (impl != null && impl instanceof IServiceShutdown) {

            try {

                final IServiceShutdown tmp = (IServiceShutdown) impl;

                if (tmp != null && tmp.isOpen()) {

                     * Note: The test on isOpen() for the service is deliberate.
                     * The service implementations invoke server.shutdownNow()
                     * from their shutdown() and shutdownNow() methods in order
                     * to terminate the jini facets of the service. Therefore we
                     * test in service.isOpen() here in order to avoid a
                     * recursive invocation of service.shutdownNow().



            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                log.error("Problem with service shutdown: " + this, ex);

                // ignore.



        // discard reference to the service implementation object.
        impl = null;

         * Terminate manager threads.

        try {


        } catch (Throwable ex) {

            log.error("Could not terminate async threads (jini, zookeeper): " + this, ex);

            // ignore.


         * Hand-shaking with the NonActivableServiceDescriptor.
        if (lifeCycle != null) {

            try {


            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                log.error("Could not unregister lifeCycle: " + this, ex);

                // ignore.

            } finally {

                lifeCycle = null;



        if (destroy) {

            // Delete any files that we recognize in the service directory.

             * Delete files created by this class.

            // delete the serviceId file.
            if (serviceIdFile.exists() && !serviceIdFile.delete()) {

                log.warn("Could not delete: " + serviceIdFile);


            // delete the pid file.
            if (pidFile.exists() && !pidFile.delete()) {

                log.warn("Could not delete: " + pidFile);



        // release the file lock.
        if (lockFileRAF != null && lockFileRAF.getChannel().isOpen()) {

             * If there is a file lock then close the backing channel.

            try {


            } catch (IOException ex) {

                // log and ignore.
                log.warn(this, ex);



        if (destroy && lockFile.exists()) {

             * Note: This will succeed if no one has a lock on the file. You can
             * not delete the file while you are holding the lock. If another
             * process gets the file lock after we release it (immediately
             * above) but before we delete the lock file here, then the delete
             * will fail and the service directory delete will also fail.

            if (!lockFile.delete()) {

                log.warn("Could not delete: " + serviceDir);



        // delete the service directory after we have released the lock.
        if (destroy && serviceDir.exists() && !serviceDir.delete()) {

            log.warn("Could not delete: " + serviceDir);


        // wake up so that run() will exit.
        synchronized (keepAlive) {




    private volatile boolean shuttingDown = false;

     * Return <code>true</code> iff the service is shutting down.
    public boolean isShuttingDown() {

        return shuttingDown;


     * Terminates service management threads.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses which start additional service managment threads SHOULD extend
     * this method to terminate those threads. The implementation should be
     * <strong>synchronized</strong>, should conditionally terminate each
     * thread, and should trap, log, and ignore all errors.
    synchronized protected void terminate() {

        if (log.isInfoEnabled())
  "Terminating service management threads.");

        if (joinManager != null) {

            try {


            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                log.error("Could not terminate the join manager: " + this, ex);

            } finally {

                joinManager = null;



        if (client != null) {

            if (client.isConnected()) {

                 * Note: This will close the zookeeper client and that will
                 * cause the ephemeral znode for the service to be removed.

                //                if (log.isInfoEnabled())
                //          "Disconnecting from federation");

                client.disconnect(true/* immediateShutdown */);


            client = null;



     * Run the server (this should be invoked from <code>main</code>.
    public void run() {

        if (log.isInfoEnabled())
  "Started server.");

         * Name the thread for the class of server that it is running.
         * Note: This is generally the thread that ran main(). The thread does
         * not really do any work - it just waits until the server is terminated
         * and then returns to the caller where main() will exit.
        try {


        } catch (SecurityException ex) {

            // ignore.
            log.warn("Could not set thread name: " + ex);


         * Note: I have found the Runtime shutdown hook to be much more robust
         * than attempting to install a signal handler.  It is installed by
         * the server constructor rather than here so that it will be used 
         * when the server is run by the ServiceStarter as well as from main().

        //        /*
        //         * Install signal handlers.
        //        * SIGINT Interactive attention (CTRL-C). JVM will exit normally. <br>
        //        * SIGTERM Termination request. JVM will exit normally. <br>
        //        * SIGHUP Hang up. JVM will exit normally.<br>
        //        * 
        //        * @see
        //        * 
        //        * @see
        //        *      for the use of {@link Runtime#addShutdownHook(Thread)}.
        //        * 
        //         */
        //        try {
        //            ServerShutdownSignalHandler.install("SIGINT",this);
        //        } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        //  "Signal handled not installed: "+ex);
        //        }
        //        try {
        //            ServerShutdownSignalHandler.install("SIGTERM",this);
        //        } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        //  "Signal handled not installed: "+ex);
        //        }
        //        try {
        //            ServerShutdownSignalHandler.install("SIGHUP",this);
        //        } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        //  "Signal handled not installed: "+ex);
        //        }

         * Wait until the server is terminated.
         * FIXME Since spurious wakeups are possible, this should be used in a loop
         * with a condition variable.

        synchronized (keepAlive) {

            try {


            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

                if (log.isInfoEnabled())

            } finally {

                // terminate.

                shutdownNow(false/* destroy */);



        System.out.println("Service is down: class=" + getClass().getName() + ", name=" + serviceName);


    private Object keepAlive = new Object();

     * Runs {@link AbstractServer#shutdownNow()} and terminates all asynchronous
     * processing, including discovery. This is used for the shutdown hook (^C).
     * @author <a href="">Bryan
     *         Thompson</a>
     * @version $Id$
    static class ShutdownThread extends Thread {

        final AbstractServer server;

        public ShutdownThread(final AbstractServer server) {


            if (server == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();

            this.server = server;



        public void run() {

            try {

                if (log.isInfoEnabled())
          "Running shutdown.");

                 * Note: This is the "server" shutdown. It will delegate to the
                 * service shutdown protocol as well as handle unexport of the
                 * service and termination of jini processing.

                server.shutdownNow(false/* destroy */);

            } catch (Exception ex) {

                log.error("While shutting down service: " + this, ex);




     * Contract is to shutdown the services and <em>destroy</em> its persistent
     * state. This implementation calls {@link #shutdownNow(boolean)} with
     * <code>destroy := true</code>.
    final synchronized public void destroy() {



     * Recursively removes any files and subdirectories and then removes the
     * file (or directory) itself. Only files recognized by
     * {@link #getFileFilter()} will be deleted.
     * @param f
     *            A file or directory.
    private void recursiveDelete(final File f) {

        if (f.isDirectory()) {

            final File[] children = f.listFiles(getFileFilter());

            for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {




        if (log.isInfoEnabled())
  "Removing: " + f);

        if (f.exists() && !f.delete()) {

            log.warn("Could not remove: " + f);



     * Method may be overriden to recognize files in the service directory so
     * they may be automatically deleted by {@link #destroy()} after the
     * {@link IService#destroy()} has been invoked to destroy any files claimed
     * by the service implementation. The default implementation of this method
     * does not recognize any files.
    protected FileFilter getFileFilter() {

        return new FileFilter() {

            public boolean accept(File pathname) {

                return false;




     * Runs {@link #destroy()} and logs start and end events.
    public void runDestroy() {

        final Thread t = new Thread("destroyService") {

            public void run() {

                // format log message.
                final String msg = AbstractServer.this.toString();

                log.warn("Will destroy service: " + msg);

                try {


                    log.warn("Service destroyed: " + msg);

                } catch (Throwable t) {

                    log.error("Problem destroying service: " + msg, t);







     * This method is responsible for creating the remote service implementation
     * object. This object MUST declare one or more interfaces that extent the
     * {@link Remote} interface. The server will use JERI to create a proxy for
     * the remote object and configure and manage the protocol for
     * communications between the client (service proxy) and the remote object
     * (the service implementation).
     * <p>
     * Note: You have to implement {@link JoinAdmin} in order to show up as an
     * administerable service (blue folder) in the jini Service Browser.
     * @param properties
     *            The contents of the {@link Properties} file whose name was
     *            given by the <code>propertyFile</code> value in the
     *            {@link Configuration} identified to <code>main</code> by its
     *            command line arguments.
    abstract protected Remote newService(Properties properties);
