Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Andrea Feccomandi * * Licensed under the terms of GNU GPL License; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * */ package com.bibisco.export; import; import; import com.bibisco.BibiscoException; import com.bibisco.bean.RichTextEditorSettings; import com.bibisco.enums.ExportType; import com.bibisco.log.Log; import com.lowagie.text.Anchor; import com.lowagie.text.Chapter; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.List; import com.lowagie.text.ListItem; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.Section; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.lowagie.text.rtf.RtfWriter2; /** * IText implementation of IExporter interface. * * @author Andrea Feccomandi * */ public class ITextExporter implements IExporter { private static Log mLog = Log.getInstance(ITextExporter.class); private static int LIST_INDENTATION_LEFT = 25; private static final int PARAGRAPH_FIRST_LINE_INDENT = 25; ExportType mExportType; Document mDocument = new Document(PageSize.A4, 68, 68, 80, 80); int mIntChapterPosition; Chapter mChapter = null; Section mSection = null; Section mSubSection = null; Paragraph mParagraph = null; List mList = null; ListItem mListItem = null; File mFile = null; Font mFont = null; boolean mBlnParagraphIndent; public ITextExporter(ExportType pExportType) { mExportType = pExportType; } @Override public void startChapter(String pStrChapterTitle) { Font lFont = new Font(); lFont.setFamily(mFont.getFamilyname()); lFont.setSize(mFont.getSize()); lFont.setStyle(Font.BOLD); Anchor anchor = new Anchor(pStrChapterTitle, lFont); anchor.setName(pStrChapterTitle); mChapter = new Chapter(new Paragraph(anchor), ++mIntChapterPosition); addEmptyLines(1); } @Override public void startParagraph(ParagraphAligment pParagraphAligment) { if (mBlnParagraphIndent) { startParagraph(pParagraphAligment, true); } else { startParagraph(pParagraphAligment, false); } } @Override public void startParagraph(ParagraphAligment pParagraphAligment, boolean pBlnParagraphIndent) { mLog.debug("Start startParagraph()"); mParagraph = new Paragraph(22); if (pBlnParagraphIndent) { mParagraph.setFirstLineIndent(PARAGRAPH_FIRST_LINE_INDENT); } else { mParagraph.setFirstLineIndent(0); } switch (pParagraphAligment) { case LEFT: mParagraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); break; case CENTER: mParagraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); break; case RIGHT: mParagraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); break; case JUSTIFY: mParagraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED); break; default: break; } mLog.debug("End startParagraph()"); } @Override public void endParagraph() { mLog.debug("Start endParagraph()"); try { if (mSubSection != null) { mSubSection.add(mParagraph); } else if (mSection != null) { mSection.add(mParagraph); } else if (mChapter != null) { mChapter.add(mParagraph); } else { mDocument.add(mParagraph); } mParagraph = null; } catch (DocumentException e) { mLog.error(e); throw new BibiscoException(e, BibiscoException.IO_EXCEPTION); } mLog.debug("End endParagraph()"); } @Override public void startUnorderedList() { mList = new List(List.UNORDERED); mList.setIndentationLeft(LIST_INDENTATION_LEFT); mList.setAlignindent(true); mList.setAutoindent(true); mList.setListSymbol("*"); } @Override public void endUnorderedList() { endList(); } private void endList() { try { if (mSubSection != null) { mSubSection.add(mList); } else if (mSection != null) { mSection.add(mList); } else if (mChapter != null) { mChapter.add(mList); } else { mDocument.add(mList); } mList = null; } catch (DocumentException e) { mLog.error(e); throw new BibiscoException(e, BibiscoException.IO_EXCEPTION); } } @Override public void startOrderedList() { mList = new List(List.ORDERED); mList.setIndentationLeft(LIST_INDENTATION_LEFT); mList.setAlignindent(true); mList.setAutoindent(true); } @Override public void endOrderedList() { endList(); } @Override public void startListItem() { mListItem = new ListItem(); mListItem.setFont(mFont); } @Override public void endListItem() { if (mList != null) { mList.add(mListItem); mListItem = null; } } @Override public void addText(String pStrText, TextFormatting pTextFormatting) { mLog.debug("Start addText(): " + pStrText); Font lFont = new Font(); lFont.setFamily(mFont.getFamilyname()); lFont.setSize(mFont.getSize()); int lIntStyle = 0; if (pTextFormatting.bold) { lIntStyle = lIntStyle | Font.BOLD; } if (pTextFormatting.italic) { lIntStyle = lIntStyle | Font.ITALIC; } if (pTextFormatting.underline) { lIntStyle = lIntStyle | Font.UNDERLINE; } if (pTextFormatting.strike) { lIntStyle = lIntStyle | Font.STRIKETHRU; } lFont.setStyle(lIntStyle); Chunk lChunk = new Chunk(pStrText, lFont); if (mListItem != null) { mListItem.add(lChunk); } else if (mParagraph != null) { mParagraph.add(lChunk); } mLog.debug("End addText()"); } @Override public File end() { mDocument.close(); return mFile; } @Override public void init(String pStrFilePath, RichTextEditorSettings pRichTextEditorSettings) { try { mFile = new File(pStrFilePath); if (mExportType == ExportType.PDF) { PdfWriter.getInstance(mDocument, new FileOutputStream(mFile)); } else { RtfWriter2.getInstance(mDocument, new FileOutputStream(mFile)); } initFont(pRichTextEditorSettings); mBlnParagraphIndent = pRichTextEditorSettings.isIndentParagraphEnabled();; } catch (Throwable t) { mLog.error(t); throw new BibiscoException(t, BibiscoException.FATAL); } } private void initFont(RichTextEditorSettings pRichTextEditorSettings) { mFont = new Font(); if (pRichTextEditorSettings.getFont().equals("courier")) { mFont = new Font(Font.COURIER); } else if (pRichTextEditorSettings.getFont().equals("times")) { mFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN); } else if (pRichTextEditorSettings.getFont().equals("arial")) { mFont = new Font(Font.HELVETICA); } mFont.setSize(12); } @Override public void endChapter() { try { mDocument.add(mChapter); mChapter = null; } catch (DocumentException e) { mLog.error(e); throw new BibiscoException(e, BibiscoException.IO_EXCEPTION); } } @Override public void addEmptyLines(int pIntLinesNumber) { try { for (int i = 0; i < pIntLinesNumber; i++) { if (mSubSection != null) { mSubSection.add(new Paragraph(" ")); } else if (mSection != null) { mSection.add(new Paragraph(" ")); } else if (mChapter != null) { mChapter.add(new Paragraph(" ")); } else { mDocument.add(new Paragraph(" ")); } } } catch (DocumentException e) { mLog.error(e); throw new BibiscoException(e, BibiscoException.IO_EXCEPTION); } } @Override public void startSection(String pStrSectionTitle) { Font lFont = new Font(); lFont.setFamily(mFont.getFamilyname()); lFont.setSize(mFont.getSize()); lFont.setStyle(Font.ITALIC); Anchor anchor = new Anchor(pStrSectionTitle, lFont); anchor.setName(pStrSectionTitle); mSection = mChapter.addSection(new Paragraph(anchor)); } @Override public void endSection() { mSection = null; addEmptyLines(1); } @Override public void startSubSection(String pStrSubSectionTitle) { Font lFont = new Font(); lFont.setFamily(mFont.getFamilyname()); lFont.setSize(mFont.getSize()); Anchor anchor = new Anchor(pStrSubSectionTitle, lFont); anchor.setName(pStrSubSectionTitle); addEmptyLines(1); mSubSection = mSection.addSection(new Paragraph(anchor)); addEmptyLines(1); } @Override public void endSubSection() { mSubSection = null; addEmptyLines(1); } }