Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.bhbsoft.videoconference.record.convert.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import org.apache.commons.transaction.util.FileHelper; import org.red5.logging.Red5LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class FlvFileHelper { private static final Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlvFileHelper.class); /** * This variable needs to point to the openmeetings webapp directory */ private static File OM_HOME = null; private static final String UPLOAD_DIR = "upload"; private static final String UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR = "uploadtemp"; private static final String FILES_DIR = "files"; private static final String PUBLIC_DIR = "public"; private static final String CLIPARTS_DIR = "cliparts"; private static final String WEB_INF_DIR = "WEB-INF"; private static final String PROFILES_DIR = "profiles"; private static final String STREAMS_DIR = "streams"; private static final String EMOTIONS_DIR = "emoticons"; private static final String LANGUAGES_DIR = "languages"; private static final String IMPORT_DIR = "import"; private static final String HIBERNATE_DIR = "hibernate"; private static final String CONF_DIR = "conf"; private static final String BACKUP_DIR = "backup"; private static final String DEFAULT_DIR = "default"; private static final String WML_DIR = "stored"; private static final String INSTALL_FILE = "install.xml"; public static final String SCREENSHARING_DIR = "screensharing"; public static final String profilesPrefix = "profile_"; public static final String nameOfLanguageFile = "languages.xml"; public static final String nameOfCountriesFile = "countries.xml"; public static final String nameOfTimeZoneFile = "timezones.xml"; public static final String nameOfErrorFile = "errorvalues.xml"; public static final String libraryFileName = "library.xml"; public static final String defaultProfileImageName = "profile_pic.jpg"; public static final String profileFileName = "profile"; public static final String profileImagePrefix = "_profile_"; public static final String chatImagePrefix = "_chat_"; public static final String bigImagePrefix = "_big_"; public static final String thumbImagePrefix = "_thumb_"; public static final String dashboardFile = "dashboard.xml"; public static final String MP4_EXTENSION = ".mp4"; public static final String OGG_EXTENSION = ".ogg"; public static final String JPG_EXTENTION = ".jpg"; public static void setOmHome(File omHome) { FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME = omHome; } public static void setOmHome(String omHome) { FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME = new File(omHome); } public static File getRootDir() { //FIXME hack !!!! return getOmHome().getParentFile().getParentFile(); } public static File getOmHome() { return FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME; } private static File getDir(File parent, String name) { File f = new File(parent, name); if (!f.exists()) { f.mkdir(); } return f; } public static File getUploadDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, UPLOAD_DIR); } public static File getUploadFilesDir() { return getDir(getUploadDir(), FILES_DIR); } public static File getUploadProfilesDir() { return getDir(getUploadDir(), PROFILES_DIR); } public static File getUploadProfilesUserDir(Long userId) { return getDir(getUploadProfilesDir(), profilesPrefix + userId); } public static File getUploadProfilesUserDir(String users_id) { return getDir(getUploadProfilesDir(), profilesPrefix + users_id); } public static File getDefaultProfilePicture() { return new File(getDefaultDir(), profileImagePrefix + defaultProfileImageName); } public static File getUserProfilePicture(Long userId, String uri) { File img = new File(getUploadProfilesUserDir(userId), profileImagePrefix + uri); if (!img.exists()) { img = getDefaultProfilePicture(); } return img; } public static File getUserDashboard(Long userId) { return new File(getUploadProfilesUserDir(userId), dashboardFile); } public static File getUploadImportDir() { return getDir(getUploadDir(), IMPORT_DIR); } public static File getUploadBackupDir() { return getDir(getUploadDir(), BACKUP_DIR); } public static File getUploadRoomDir(String roomName) { return getDir(getUploadDir(), roomName); } public static File getUploadWmlDir() { return getDir(getUploadDir(), WML_DIR); } public static File getUploadTempDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR); } public static File getUploadTempFilesDir() { return getDir(getUploadTempDir(), FILES_DIR); } public static File getUploadTempProfilesDir() { return getDir(getUploadTempDir(), PROFILES_DIR); } public static File getUploadTempProfilesUserDir(Long users_id) { return getDir(getUploadTempProfilesDir(), FlvFileHelper.profilesPrefix + users_id); } public static File getUploadTempRoomDir(String roomName) { return getDir(getUploadTempDir(), roomName); } public static File getStreamsDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, STREAMS_DIR); } public static File getStreamsHibernateDir() { return getDir(getStreamsDir(), HIBERNATE_DIR); } public static File getRecording(String name) { return new File(getDir(getStreamsDir(), HIBERNATE_DIR), name); } public static boolean isRecordingExists(String name) { try { File f = new File(getDir(getStreamsDir(), HIBERNATE_DIR), name); return f.exists() && f.isFile(); } catch (Exception e) { //no-op } return false; } public static File getMp4Recording(String name) { return getRecording(name + MP4_EXTENSION); } public static File getOggRecording(String name) { return getRecording(name + OGG_EXTENSION); } public static File getStreamsSubDir(Long id) { return getDir(getStreamsDir(), id.toString()); } public static File getStreamsSubDir(String name) { return getDir(getStreamsDir(), name); } public static File getLanguagesDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, LANGUAGES_DIR); } public static File getPublicDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, PUBLIC_DIR); } public static File getPublicClipartsDir() { return new File(getPublicDir(), CLIPARTS_DIR); } public static File getPublicEmotionsDir() { return new File(getPublicDir(), EMOTIONS_DIR); } public static File getWebinfDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, WEB_INF_DIR); } public static File getConfDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, CONF_DIR); } public static File getInstallFile() { return new File(getConfDir(), INSTALL_FILE); } public static File getScreenSharingDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, SCREENSHARING_DIR); } public static File getDefaultDir() { return new File(FlvFileHelper.OM_HOME, DEFAULT_DIR); } public static File appendSuffix(File original, String suffix) { File parent = original.getParentFile(); String name = original.getName(); String ext = ""; int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx > -1) { name = name.substring(0, idx); ext = name.substring(idx); } return new File(parent, name + suffix + ext); } //FIXME need to be generalized public static File getNewFile(File dir, String name, String ext) throws IOException { File f = new File(dir, name + ext); int recursiveNumber = 0; while (f.exists()) { f = new File(dir, name + "_" + (recursiveNumber++) + ext); } f.createNewFile(); return f; } public static File getNewDir(File dir, String name) throws IOException { File f = new File(dir, name); String baseName = f.getCanonicalPath(); int recursiveNumber = 0; while (f.exists()) { f = new File(baseName + "_" + (recursiveNumber++)); } f.mkdir(); return f; } public static String getHumanSize(File dir) { return getHumanSize(getSize(dir)); } public static String getHumanSize(long size) { if (size <= 0) return "0"; final String[] units = new String[] { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" }; int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(size) / Math.log10(1024)); return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#").format(size / Math.pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups]; } public static long getSize(File dir) { long size = 0; if (dir.isFile()) { size = dir.length(); } else { File[] subFiles = dir.listFiles(); for (File file : subFiles) { if (file.isFile()) { size += file.length(); } else { size += getSize(file); } } } return size; } public static void copyFile(String sourceFile, String targetFile) throws IOException { FileHelper.copy(new File(sourceFile), new File(targetFile)); } public static void copyFile(File f1, OutputStream out) throws IOException { InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(f1); FileHelper.copy(in, out); log.debug("File copied."); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[copyfile(File, File)]", e); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } }