Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; /** * * @author luis */ @Named(value = "stockVentasBean") @ViewScoped public class StockVentasBean implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6549694294186350254L; private StockVenta nuevo; private StockVenta selected; private StockVenta remove; private List<StockVenta> stockVentas; private List<StockVenta> stockVentasG; private List<BarcodeStockVenta> barcodeList; private Boolean gerated; private DetalleCajaStock detalle; private String message; @Inject private StockVentasService stockVentaService; @Inject private TipoCajaService tipoCajaService; @Inject private MailStockVentaXML mailStockVentaXML; @PostConstruct public void init() { this.nuevo = new StockVenta(); this.nuevo.setUsername("usertest"); this.selected = new StockVenta(); this.stockVentas = new ArrayList<>(); this.gerated = Boolean.TRUE; this.detalle = new DetalleCajaStock(); this.barcodeList = new ArrayList<>(); this.message = ""; this.stockVentasG = this.stockVentaService.obtenerListFlag(1); if (this.stockVentasG == null) { this.stockVentasG = new ArrayList<>(); } else { Collections.reverse(this.stockVentasG); this.loadBarcodeList(); } } public void generateContainer(ActionEvent evt) { TipoCaja caja = this.tipoCajaService.findByCodigo(this.nuevo.getCaja()); this.nuevo.setCaja(caja); this.nuevo.setCodigo(this.generatedTempCode()); this.detalle.add(evt); this.nuevo.setDetalleCajaStock(this.detalle.getDetalleCajaStock()); Boolean exito = this.stockVentas.add(this.nuevo); if (exito) { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Exito."); this.nuevo = new StockVenta(); this.nuevo.setUsername("usertest");//usertest this.detalle = new DetalleCajaStock(); this.stateGenetated(); } else { FacesUtil.addMessageError(null, "Fall."); } } public void generateContainerMix(ActionEvent evt) { TipoCaja caja = this.tipoCajaService.findByCodigo(this.nuevo.getCaja()); this.nuevo.setCaja(caja); this.nuevo.setCodigo(this.generatedTempCode()); if (this.detalle.getDetalleCajaStock() != null && !this.detalle.getDetalleCajaStock().isEmpty()) { this.nuevo.setDetalleCajaStock(this.detalle.getDetalleCajaStock()); Boolean exito = this.stockVentas.add(this.nuevo); if (exito) { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Exito."); this.nuevo = new StockVenta(); this.nuevo.setUsername("usertest");//usertest this.detalle = new DetalleCajaStock(); this.stateGenetated(); } else { FacesUtil.addMessageError(null, "Fall."); } } else { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Agregar variedades."); } } public void updateContainer(ActionEvent evt) { if (this.selected != null && this.remove != null) { TipoCaja caja = this.tipoCajaService.findByCodigo(this.selected.getCaja()); this.selected.setCaja(caja); int index = this.stockVentas.indexOf(this.selected); Boolean exito = this.stockVentas.remove(this.remove); this.stockVentas.add(index, this.selected); if (exito) { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Se ha modifcado con exito."); this.stateGenetated(); this.selected = new StockVenta(); this.remove = null; } else { FacesUtil.addMessageError(null, "No se ha modifcado con exito.."); } } else { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Seleccione un registro."); } } public void removeContainer(ActionEvent evt, StockVenta select) { this.remove = select; if (this.remove != null) { Boolean exito = this.stockVentas.remove(this.remove); if (exito) { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Se ha eliminado con exito."); this.stateGenetated(); } else { FacesUtil.addMessageError(null, "No se ha eliminado con exito.."); } } else { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Seleccione un registro."); } } private Integer generatedTempCode() { Integer number = 0; number = new Integer(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(4)); return number; } private void stateGenetated() { if (this.stockVentas == null || this.stockVentas.isEmpty()) { this.gerated = Boolean.TRUE; } else { this.gerated = Boolean.FALSE; } } public void enviarOriginalRegister(ActionEvent evt, StockVenta select) { this.remove = select; } private Boolean allInserts() { Boolean exito = Boolean.FALSE; if (this.stockVentas != null && !this.stockVentas.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < this.stockVentas.size(); i++) { exito = this.stockVentaService.insert(this.stockVentas.get(i)); if (!exito) { exito = Boolean.FALSE; break; } } } return exito; } private void generatedBarcode() { if (this.stockVentas != null && !this.stockVentas.isEmpty()) { int size = this.stockVentas.size(); int length = this.stockVentasG.size(); String code = RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(2); String barcode = "BETEL-SV" + code + "" + size + "" + length; String url = "/var/www/html/mail/" + barcode + "/"; HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequest(); String ipAdress = request.getLocalAddr(); String filepath = "http://" + ipAdress + "/mail/" + barcode + "/" + barcode + ".pdf"; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Integer total = this.stockVentas.get(i).getTotalTallos(); this.stockVentas.get(i).setTotalTallos(total); this.stockVentas.get(i).setBarcode(barcode); this.stockVentas.get(i).setMessage(this.message); this.stockVentas.get(i).setXml(url + barcode + ".xml"); this.stockVentas.get(i).setHtml(url + barcode + ".html"); this.stockVentas.get(i).setPdf(url + barcode + ".pdf"); this.stockVentas.get(i).setUrlPdf(filepath); } this.mailStockVentaXML.generatedXML(barcode, url, barcode, this.message, this.stockVentas); GeneratedPDF runPDF = new GeneratedPDF(url, url + barcode + ".xml", url + barcode + ".html", url + barcode + ".pdf", barcode, 1);; Boolean exito = runPDF.getExito(); if (exito) { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Se ha generado con exito."); } } } public void add(ActionEvent evt) { this.message = this.nuevo.getMessage().trim(); if (this.message != null && !this.message.equals("")) { this.generatedBarcode(); Boolean exito = this.allInserts(); if (exito) { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Se ha guardado con exito."); this.init(); } else { FacesUtil.addMessageError(null, "No se ha guardado."); this.init(); } } else { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Por favor ingrese un mensaje para el Stock de Ventas."); } } public void modify(ActionEvent evt) { if (this.selected != null) { Boolean exito = this.stockVentaService.update(this.selected); if (exito) { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Se ha modifcado con exito."); this.init(); } else { FacesUtil.addMessageError(null, "No se ha modifcado con exito.."); this.init(); } } else { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Seleccione un registro."); } } public void remove(ActionEvent evt) { if (this.selected != null) { Boolean exito = this.stockVentaService.deteleFlag(this.selected); if (exito) { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Se ha eliminado con exito."); this.init(); } else { FacesUtil.addMessageError(null, "No se ha eliminado con exito.."); this.init(); } } else { FacesUtil.addMessageInfo("Seleccione un registro."); } } public List<ItemVariedadStock> listBardodeInsideList(StockVenta barcodeItem) { List<ItemVariedadStock> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (barcodeItem != null) { if (barcodeItem.getDetalleCajaStock() != null && !barcodeItem.getDetalleCajaStock().isEmpty()) { list = barcodeItem.getDetalleCajaStock(); } } return list; } private void loadBarcodeList() { if (this.stockVentasG != null && !this.stockVentasG.isEmpty()) { List<StockVenta> unique = this.selectBarcode(this.stockVentasG); for (StockVenta registro : unique) { BarcodeStockVenta barcodes = new BarcodeStockVenta(); barcodes.setCreationDate(registro.getCreationDate()); barcodes.setBarcode(registro.getBarcode()); barcodes.setUsername(registro.getUsername()); barcodes.setUrlHtml(registro.getUrlPdf().replace(".pdf", ".html")); for (int i = 0; i < this.stockVentasG.size(); i++) { if (this.stockVentasG.get(i).getBarcode().equals(registro.getBarcode())) { barcodes.getListBarcode().add(this.stockVentasG.get(i)); } } this.barcodeList.add(barcodes); } } } private List<StockVenta> selectBarcode(List<StockVenta> barcode) { List<StockVenta> unique = new ArrayList<>(); if (barcode != null && !barcode.isEmpty()) { unique.add(barcode.get(0)); for (int i = 0; i < barcode.size(); i++) { if (!(barcode.get(i).getBarcode().equals(unique.get(unique.size() - 1).getBarcode()))) { unique.add(barcode.get(i)); } } } return unique; } public List<StockVenta> listBardodeInsideListStockVenta(BarcodeStockVenta barcodeItem) { List<StockVenta> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (barcodeItem != null) { if (barcodeItem.getListBarcode() != null && !barcodeItem.getListBarcode().isEmpty()) { list = barcodeItem.getListBarcode(); } } return list; } public StockVenta getNuevo() { return nuevo; } public void setNuevo(StockVenta nuevo) { this.nuevo = nuevo; } public StockVenta getSelected() { return selected; } public void setSelected(StockVenta selected) { this.selected = selected; } public List<StockVenta> getStockVentas() { return stockVentas; } public void setStockVentas(List<StockVenta> stockVentas) { this.stockVentas = stockVentas; } public List<StockVenta> getStockVentasG() { return stockVentasG; } public void setStockVentasG(List<StockVenta> stockVentasG) { this.stockVentasG = stockVentasG; } public Boolean getGerated() { return gerated; } public void setGerated(Boolean gerated) { this.gerated = gerated; } public StockVenta getRemove() { return remove; } public void setRemove(StockVenta remove) { this.remove = remove; } public DetalleCajaStock getDetalle() { return detalle; } public void setDetalle(DetalleCajaStock detalle) { this.detalle = detalle; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public List<BarcodeStockVenta> getBarcodeList() { return barcodeList; } public void setBarcodeList(List<BarcodeStockVenta> barcodeList) { this.barcodeList = barcodeList; } }