Java tutorial
package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Verse; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.BibleBook; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.Versification; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; /** * The main activity screen showing Bible text * * @author Martin Denham [mjdenham at gmail dot com] * @see gnu.lgpl.License for license details.<br> * The copyright to this program is held by it's author. */ public class MainBibleActivity extends CustomTitlebarActivityBase implements VerseActionModeMediator.ActionModeMenuDisplay { public static final String EXTRA_URI = "extra_uri"; private static final String TAG = "MainBibleActivity"; private static BibleActionBarManager bibleActionBarManager = new BibleActionBarManager(); private DocumentViewManager documentViewManager; private BibleContentManager bibleContentManager; private WindowControl windowControl; // handle requests from main menu private MenuCommandHandler mainMenuCommandHandler; // detect swipe left/right private GestureDetectorCompat gestureDetector; private boolean mWholeAppWasInBackground = false; // swipe fails on older versions of Android (2.2, 2.3, but not 3.0+) if event not passed to parent - don't know why // scroll occurs on later versions after double-tap maximize private boolean alwaysDispatchTouchEventToSuper = !CommonUtils.isHoneycombPlus(); public MainBibleActivity() { super(bibleActionBarManager,; } /** * Called when the activity is first created. */ @SuppressLint("MissingSuperCall") @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.i(TAG, "Creating MainBibleActivity"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState, true); Intent mIntent = getIntent(); setContentView(R.layout.main_bible_view); ControlFactory.getInstance().provide(this); // create related objects BibleGestureListener gestureListener = new BibleGestureListener(MainBibleActivity.this); gestureDetector = new GestureDetectorCompat(this, gestureListener); windowControl = ControlFactory.getInstance().getWindowControl(); documentViewManager = new DocumentViewManager(this); documentViewManager.buildView(); bibleContentManager = new BibleContentManager(documentViewManager); mainMenuCommandHandler = new MenuCommandHandler(this); // register for passage change and appToBackground events EventBus.getDefault().register(this); // force the screen to be populated //th Passage Change Mediator class inits the whole bible layout PassageChangeMediator.getInstance().forcePageUpdate(); if (mIntent.hasExtra(StartupActivity.EXTRA_BIBLE_URI)) { String uri = mIntent.getStringExtra(StartupActivity.EXTRA_BIBLE_URI).toString(); BibleRef ref = getAllRefFromUri(uri); try { BibleBook book = BibleBook.values()[ref.getBook()]; Versification v11n = ControlFactory.getInstance().getNavigationControl().getVersification(); ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentBible() .setKey(new Verse(v11n, book, ref.getChapter(), ref.getVerse())); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "error on select of bible book", e); } } } private BibleRef getAllRefFromUri(String uri) { String usefulPath = StringUtils.substring(uri.toString(), 17); String[] spStr = StringUtils.split(usefulPath, "/"); int bookNo = getBibleBookNo(spStr[0]); BibleRef ref = new BibleRef(bookNo, Integer.parseInt(spStr[1]), Integer.parseInt(spStr[2])); Log.d(TAG, ref.toString()); return ref; } private int getBibleBookNo(String s) { switch (s) { case "Intro.Bible": return 0; case "Intro_OT": return 1; case "Gen": return 2; case "Exod": return 3; case "Lev": return 4; case "Num": return 5; case "Deut": return 6; case "Josh": return 7; case "Judge": return 8; case "Ruth": return 9; case "1Sam": return 10; case "2Sam": return 11; case "1Kgs": return 12; case "2Kgs": return 13; case "1Chr": return 14; case "2Chr": return 15; case "Ezra": return 16; case "Neh": return 17; case "Esth": return 18; case "Job": return 19; case "Ps": return 20; case "Prov": return 21; case "Eccl": return 22; case "Song": return 23; case "Isa": return 24; case "Jer": return 25; case "Lam": return 26; case "Ezek": return 27; case "Dan": return 28; case "Hos": return 29; case "Joel": return 30; case "Amos": return 31; case "Obad": return 32; case "Jonah": return 33; case "Mic": return 34; case "Nah": return 35; case "Hab": return 36; case "Zeph": return 37; case "Hag": return 38; case "Zech": return 39; case "Mal": return 40; case "Intro.NT": return 41; case "Matt": return 42; case "Mark": return 43; case "Luke": return 44; case "John": return 45; case "Acts": return 46; case "Rom": return 47; case "1Cor": return 48; case "2Cor": return 49; case "Gal": return 50; case "Eph": return 51; case "Phil": return 52; case "Col": return 53; case "1Thess": return 54; case "2Thess": return 55; case "1Tim": return 56; case "2Tim": return 57; case "Titus": return 58; case "Phlm": return 59; case "Heb": return 60; case "Jas": return 61; case "1Pet": return 62; case "2Pet": return 63; case "1John": return 64; case "2John": return 65; case "3John": return 65; case "Jude": return 67; case "Rev": return 68; default: return 2; } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this); } /** * called if the app is re-entered after returning from another app. * Trigger redisplay in case mobile has gone from light to dark or vice-versa */ @Override protected void onRestart() { super.onRestart(); if (mWholeAppWasInBackground) { mWholeAppWasInBackground = false; refreshIfNightModeChange(); } } /** * Need to know when app is returned to foreground to check the screen colours */ public void onEvent(AppToBackgroundEvent event) { if (event.isMovedToBackground()) { mWholeAppWasInBackground = true; } } @Override protected void onScreenTurnedOff() { super.onScreenTurnedOff(); documentViewManager.getDocumentView().onScreenTurnedOff(); } @Override protected void onScreenTurnedOn() { super.onScreenTurnedOn(); refreshIfNightModeChange(); documentViewManager.getDocumentView().onScreenTurnedOn(); } /** * if using auto night mode then may need to refresh */ private void refreshIfNightModeChange() { // colour may need to change which affects View colour and html // first refresh the night mode setting using light meter if appropriate if (ScreenSettings.isNightModeChanged()) { // then update text if colour changed documentViewManager.getDocumentView().changeBackgroundColour(); PassageChangeMediator.getInstance().forcePageUpdate(); } } /** * adding android:configChanges to manifest causes this method to be called on flip, etc instead of a new instance and onCreate, which would cause a new observer -> duplicated threads */ @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); // essentially if the current page is Bible then we need to recalculate verse offsets // if not then don't redisplay because it would force the page to the top which would be annoying if you are half way down a gen book page if (!ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentPage().isSingleKey()) { // force a recalculation of verse offsets PassageChangeMediator.getInstance().forcePageUpdate(); } else if (windowControl.isMultiWindow()) { // need to layout multiple windows differently windowControl.orientationChange(); } } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { Log.d(TAG, "Keycode:" + keyCode); // common key handling i.e. KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT & KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT if (BibleKeyHandler.getInstance().onKeyUp(keyCode, event)) { return true; } else if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH && ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentPage().isSearchable())) { Intent intent = ControlFactory.getInstance().getSearchControl().getSearchIntent( ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentPage().getCurrentDocument()); if (intent != null) { startActivityForResult(intent, STD_REQUEST_CODE); } return true; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } /** * on Click handlers. Go through each handler until one returns true */ @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { return mainMenuCommandHandler.handleMenuRequest(item) || super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { Log.d(TAG, "Activity result:" + resultCode); super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (mainMenuCommandHandler.restartIfRequiredOnReturn(requestCode)) { // restart done in above } else if (mainMenuCommandHandler.isDisplayRefreshRequired(requestCode)) { preferenceSettingsChanged(); } else if (mainMenuCommandHandler.isDocumentChanged(requestCode)) { updateActionBarButtons(); } } @Override protected void preferenceSettingsChanged() { documentViewManager.getDocumentView().applyPreferenceSettings(); PassageChangeMediator.getInstance().forcePageUpdate(); } /** * allow current page to save any settings or data before being changed */ public void onEvent(PreBeforeCurrentPageChangeEvent event) { CurrentPage currentPage = ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentPage(); if (currentPage != null) { // save current scroll position so history can return to correct place in document float screenPosn = getCurrentPosition(); currentPage.setCurrentYOffsetRatio(screenPosn); } } public void onEvent(CurrentWindowChangedEvent event) { MainBibleActivity.this.updateActionBarButtons(); // onPrepareOptionsMenu only called once on Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.0: // so forcefully invalidate it on old versions if (!CommonUtils.isIceCreamSandwichPlus()) { supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); } } /** * called just before starting work to change the current passage */ public void onEventMainThread(PassageChangeStartedEvent event) { documentViewManager.buildView(); setProgressBar(true); } /** * called by PassageChangeMediator after a new passage has been changed and displayed */ public void onEventMainThread(PassageChangedEvent event) { setProgressBar(false); updateActionBarButtons(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // allow webView to start monitoring tilt by setting focus which causes tilt-scroll to resume documentViewManager.getDocumentView().asView().requestFocus(); } /** * Some menu items must be hidden for certain document types */ @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // construct the options menu super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu); // disable some options depending on document type ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentPage().updateOptionsMenu(menu); // if there is no backup file then disable the restore menu item ControlFactory.getInstance().getBackupControl().updateOptionsMenu(menu); // set Synchronised checkbox correctly ControlFactory.getInstance().getWindowControl().updateOptionsMenu(menu); // must return true for menu to be displayed return true; } /** * Event raised by javascript as a result of longtap */ @Override public void showVerseActionModeMenu(final ActionMode.Callback actionModeCallbackHandler) { Log.d(TAG, "showVerseActionModeMenu"); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ActionMode actionMode = startSupportActionMode(actionModeCallbackHandler); // Fix for onPrepareActionMode not being called: if (actionMode != null) { actionMode.invalidate(); } } }); } public void clearVerseActionMode(final ActionMode actionMode) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { actionMode.finish(); } }); } /** * return percentage scrolled down page */ public float getCurrentPosition() { return documentViewManager.getDocumentView().getCurrentPosition(); } /** * user swiped right */ public void next() { if (getDocumentViewManager().getDocumentView().isPageNextOkay()) { ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentPage().next(); } } /** * user swiped left */ public void previous() { if (getDocumentViewManager().getDocumentView().isPagePreviousOkay()) { ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentPage().previous(); } } // handle swipe left and right // // // above dropped in favour of simpler method below // @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { // should only call super if below returns false if (this.gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(motionEvent) && !alwaysDispatchTouchEventToSuper) { return true; } else { return super.dispatchTouchEvent(motionEvent); } } protected DocumentViewManager getDocumentViewManager() { return documentViewManager; } protected BibleContentManager getBibleContentManager() { return bibleContentManager; } }