Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Bekwam, Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bekwam.resignator; import com.bekwam.resignator.model.Configuration; import*; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javax.inject.Singleton; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; /** * @author carlwalker * */ @Singleton public class ActiveConfiguration implements ActiveRecord<Configuration> { private final StringProperty jdkHome = new SimpleStringProperty(""); private final StringProperty activeProfile = new SimpleStringProperty(""); private final ListProperty<String> recentProfiles = new SimpleListProperty<String>(); private final StringProperty hashedPassword = new SimpleStringProperty(""); private final ObjectProperty<LocalDateTime> lastUpdatedDateTime = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); private final StringProperty unhashedPassword = new SimpleStringProperty(""); // not saved // computed properties private Optional<Path> keytoolCommand = Optional.empty(); private Optional<Path> jarsignerCommand = Optional.empty(); private Optional<Path> jarCommand = Optional.empty(); // end computed properties public ActiveConfiguration() { // // register a change listener for computed properties // jdkHome.addListener(observable -> formJDKCommands()); setRecentProfiles(new ArrayList<String>()); } public String getJDKHome() { return jdkHome.get(); } public void setJDKHome(String jh) { jdkHome.set(jh); } public String getActiveProfile() { return activeProfile.get(); } public void setActiveProfile(String ap) { activeProfile.set(ap); } public List<String> getRecentProfiles() { return recentProfiles.get(); } public void setRecentProfiles(List<String> rps) { recentProfiles.setValue(FXCollections.observableArrayList(rps)); } public Path getKeytoolCommand() { return keytoolCommand.orElse(null); } public Path getJarsignerCommand() { return jarsignerCommand.orElse(null); } public Path getJarCommand() { return jarCommand.orElse(null); } public String getHashedPassword() { return hashedPassword.get(); } public void setHashedPassword(String hp) { hashedPassword.set(hp); } public String getUnhashedPassword() { return unhashedPassword.get(); } public void setUnhashedPassword(String uhp) { unhashedPassword.set(uhp); } public LocalDateTime getLastUpdatedDateTime() { return lastUpdatedDateTime.get(); } public void setLastUpdatedDateTime(LocalDateTime lud) { lastUpdatedDateTime.set(lud); } public StringProperty jdkHomeProperty() { return jdkHome; } public StringProperty activeProfileProperty() { return activeProfile; } public ListProperty<String> recentProfilesProperty() { return recentProfiles; } public StringProperty hashedPasswordProperty() { return hashedPassword; } public StringProperty unhashedPasswordProperty() { return unhashedPassword; } public ObjectProperty<LocalDateTime> lastUpdatedDateTimeProperty() { return lastUpdatedDateTime; } @Override public String toString() { return "ActiveConfiguration [jdkHome=" + jdkHome + ", activeProfile=" + activeProfile + ", recentProfiles=" + recentProfiles + ", hashedPassword is empty?=" + StringUtils.isEmpty(hashedPassword.get()) + ", unhashedPassword is empty?=" + StringUtils.isEmpty(unhashedPassword.get()) + ", lastUpdatedDateTime=" + lastUpdatedDateTime.get() + "]"; } @Override public void reset() { jdkHome.set(""); activeProfile.set(""); recentProfiles.clear(); hashedPassword.set(""); unhashedPassword.set(""); lastUpdatedDateTime.set(null); } @Override public Configuration toDomain() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public void fromDomain(Configuration domain) { jdkHome.setValue(domain.getJDKHome().orElse("")); activeProfile.setValue(domain.getActiveProfile().orElse("")); recentProfiles.setValue(FXCollections.observableList(domain.getRecentProfiles())); hashedPassword.setValue(domain.getHashedPassword().orElse("")); //unhashedPassword.set(""); if (domain.getLastUpdatedDateTime().isPresent()) { lastUpdatedDateTime.setValue(domain.getLastUpdatedDateTime().get()); } } private void formJDKCommands() { if (jdkHome.isEmpty().getValue()) { keytoolCommand = Optional.empty(); jarsignerCommand = Optional.empty(); jarCommand = Optional.empty(); } else { keytoolCommand = Optional.of(Paths.get(getJDKHome(), "bin", "keytool")); jarsignerCommand = Optional.of(Paths.get(getJDKHome(), "bin", "jarsigner")); jarCommand = Optional.of(Paths.get(getJDKHome(), "bin", "jar")); } } }