Java tutorial
/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * File Name: * Java File Uploader class. * * Version: 2.3 * Modified: 2005-08-11 16:29:00 * * File Authors: * Simone Chiaretta ( */ package; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.DiskFileUpload; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.baobao121.common.util.tool.DateUtil; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder; /** * Servlet to upload files.<br> * * This servlet accepts just file uploads, eventually with a parameter * specifying file type * * @author Simone Chiaretta ( */ public class SimpleUploaderServlet extends HttpServlet { private static ApplicationContext context = null; private static BabyPhotoDao babyPhotoDao; private static BabyAlbumDao babyAlbumDao; private static String[] path = SimpleUploaderServlet.class.getResource("").toString().split("classes"); static { context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext( new String[] { path[0] + "springconfig/applicationContext-DB.xml", path[0] + "springconfig/applicationContext-Dao.xml" }); babyPhotoDao = (BabyPhotoDao) context.getBean("babyPhotoDao"); babyAlbumDao = (BabyAlbumDao) context.getBean("babyAlbumDao"); } private static String baseDir; private static boolean debug = false; private static boolean enabled = false; private static Hashtable allowedExtensions; private static Hashtable deniedExtensions; /** * Initialize the servlet.<br> * Retrieve from the servlet configuration the "baseDir" which is the root * of the file repository:<br> * If not specified the value of "/UserFiles/" will be used.<br> * Also it retrieve all allowed and denied extensions to be handled. * */ public void init() throws ServletException { debug = (new Boolean(getInitParameter("debug"))).booleanValue(); if (debug) System.out.println("\r\n---- SimpleUploaderServlet initialization started ----"); enabled = (new Boolean(getInitParameter("enabled"))).booleanValue(); if (baseDir == null) baseDir = "/uploadDir/"; String realBaseDir = getServletContext().getRealPath(baseDir); File baseFile = new File(realBaseDir); if (!baseFile.exists()) { baseFile.mkdir(); } allowedExtensions = new Hashtable(3); deniedExtensions = new Hashtable(3); allowedExtensions.put("Image", stringToArrayList(getInitParameter("AllowedExtensionsImage"))); // deniedExtensions.put("Image",stringToArrayList(getInitParameter("DeniedExtensionsImage"))); if (debug) System.out.println("---- SimpleUploaderServlet initialization completed ----\r\n"); } /** * Manage the Upload requests.<br> * * The servlet accepts commands sent in the following format:<br> * simpleUploader?Type=ResourceType<br> * <br> * It store the file (renaming it in case a file with the same name exists) * and then return an HTML file with a javascript command in it. * */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { if (debug) System.out.println("--- BEGIN DOPOST ---"); response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String currentPath = ""; String currentDirPath = ""; String typeStr = request.getParameter("Type"); UserCommonInfo info = null; info = (UserCommonInfo) request.getSession().getAttribute(SystemConstant.USER_COMMON_INFO); if (info == null) { info = (UserCommonInfo) request.getSession().getAttribute(SystemConstant.ADMIN_INFO); } currentPath = baseDir + "images/"; currentDirPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(currentPath); if (!(new File(currentDirPath).isDirectory())) { new File(currentDirPath).mkdir(); } if (info.getObjectTableName() == null || info.getObjectTableName().equals("")) { currentPath += "admin/"; } else { if (info.getObjectTableName().equals(SystemConstant.BABY_INFO_TABLE_NAME)) { currentPath += "babyInfo/"; } if (info.getObjectTableName().equals(SystemConstant.KG_TEACHER_INFO_TABLE_NAME)) { currentPath += "teacherInfo/"; } } currentDirPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(currentPath); if (!(new File(currentDirPath).isDirectory())) { new File(currentDirPath).mkdir(); } currentPath += info.getId(); currentDirPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(currentPath); if (!(new File(currentDirPath).isDirectory())) { new File(currentDirPath).mkdir(); } if (debug) System.out.println(currentDirPath); String retVal = "0"; String newName = ""; String fileUrl = ""; String errorMessage = ""; if (enabled) { DiskFileUpload upload = new DiskFileUpload(); try { upload.setHeaderEncoding("utf-8"); List items = upload.parseRequest(request); Map fields = new HashMap(); Iterator iter = items.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileItem item = (FileItem); if (item.isFormField()) fields.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString()); else fields.put(item.getFieldName(), item); } FileItem uplFile = (FileItem) fields.get("NewFile"); String fileNameLong = uplFile.getName(); InputStream is = uplFile.getInputStream(); fileNameLong = fileNameLong.replace('\\', '/'); String[] pathParts = fileNameLong.split("/"); String fileName = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); String nameWithoutExt = String.valueOf(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); ; String ext = getExtension(fileName); fileName = nameWithoutExt + "." + ext; fileUrl = currentPath + "/" + fileName; if (extIsAllowed(typeStr, ext)) { FileOutputStream desc = new FileOutputStream(currentDirPath + "/" + fileName); changeDimension(is, desc, 450, 1000); if (info.getObjectTableName() != null && !info.getObjectTableName().equals("")) { Photo photo = new Photo(); photo.setPhotoName(fileName); PhotoAlbum album = babyAlbumDao.getMAlbumByUser(info.getId(), info.getObjectTableName()); if (album.getId() != null) { Long albumId = album.getId(); photo.setPhotoAlbumId(albumId); photo.setPhotoLink(fileUrl); photo.setDescription(""); photo.setReadCount(0L); photo.setCommentCount(0L); photo.setReadPopedom("1"); photo.setCreateTime(DateUtil.getCurrentDateTimestamp()); photo.setModifyTime(DateUtil.getCurrentDateTimestamp());; babyAlbumDao.updateAlbumCount(albumId); } } } else { retVal = "202"; errorMessage = ""; if (debug) System.out.println("?: " + ext); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (debug) ex.printStackTrace(); retVal = "203"; } } else { retVal = "1"; errorMessage = "??"; } out.println("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); out.println("window.parent.OnUploadCompleted(" + retVal + ",'" + request.getContextPath() + fileUrl + "','" + newName + "','" + errorMessage + "');"); out.println("</script>"); out.flush(); out.close(); if (debug) System.out.println("--- END DOPOST ---"); } /* * This method was fixed after Kris Barnhoorn (kurioskronic) submitted SF * bug #991489 */ private static String getNameWithoutExtension(String fileName) { return fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); } /* * This method was fixed after Kris Barnhoorn (kurioskronic) submitted SF * bug #991489 */ private String getExtension(String fileName) { return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } /** * Helper function to convert the configuration string to an ArrayList. */ private ArrayList stringToArrayList(String str) { if (debug) System.out.println(str); String[] strArr = str.split("\\|"); ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(); if (str.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < strArr.length; ++i) { if (debug) System.out.println(i + " - " + strArr[i]); tmp.add(strArr[i].toLowerCase()); } } return tmp; } /** * Helper function to verify if a file extension is allowed or not allowed. */ private boolean extIsAllowed(String fileType, String ext) { ext = ext.toLowerCase(); ArrayList allowList = (ArrayList) allowedExtensions.get(fileType); if (allowList.contains(ext)) return true; else return false; } public static void changeDimension(InputStream bis, FileOutputStream desc, int w, int h) throws IOException { Image src =; // Image int width = src.getWidth(null); // ? int height = src.getHeight(null); // ? if (width <= w && height <= h) { BufferedImage tag = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); tag.getGraphics().drawImage(src, 0, 0, width, height, null); // ?? JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(desc); encoder.encode(tag); desc.flush(); desc.close(); bis.close(); } else { if (width != height) { if (w * height < h * width) { h = (int) (height * w / width); } else { w = (int) (width * h / height); } } BufferedImage tag = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); tag.getGraphics().drawImage(src, 0, 0, w, h, null); // ?? JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(desc); encoder.encode(tag); desc.flush(); desc.close(); bis.close(); } // JPEG? } }