Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Baifendian Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.baifendian.swordfish.dao.mapper; import com.baifendian.swordfish.dao.enums.ExecType; import com.baifendian.swordfish.dao.enums.FailurePolicyType; import com.baifendian.swordfish.dao.enums.FlowStatus; import com.baifendian.swordfish.dao.enums.NotifyType; import com.baifendian.swordfish.dao.mapper.utils.EnumFieldUtil; import com.baifendian.swordfish.dao.model.ExecutionFlow; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SQL; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ExecutionFlowMapperProvider { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecutionFlowMapperProvider.class); private static final String TABLE_NAME = "execution_flows"; public ExecutionFlowMapperProvider() { } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String insert(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { INSERT_INTO(TABLE_NAME); VALUES("flow_id", "#{executionFlow.flowId}"); VALUES("worker", "#{executionFlow.worker}"); VALUES("status", EnumFieldUtil.genFieldStr("executionFlow.status", FlowStatus.class)); VALUES("submit_user", "#{executionFlow.submitUserId}"); VALUES("submit_time", "#{executionFlow.submitTime}"); VALUES("proxy_user", "#{executionFlow.proxyUser}"); VALUES("schedule_time", "#{executionFlow.scheduleTime}"); VALUES("start_time", "#{executionFlow.startTime}"); VALUES("end_time", "#{executionFlow.endTime}"); VALUES("workflow_data", "#{executionFlow.workflowData}"); VALUES("user_defined_params", "#{executionFlow.userDefinedParams}"); VALUES("type", EnumFieldUtil.genFieldStr("executionFlow.type", ExecType.class)); VALUES("failure_policy", EnumFieldUtil.genFieldStr("executionFlow.failurePolicy", FailurePolicyType.class)); VALUES("max_try_times", "#{executionFlow.maxTryTimes}"); VALUES("notify_type", EnumFieldUtil.genFieldStr("executionFlow.notifyType", NotifyType.class)); VALUES("notify_mails", "#{executionFlow.notifyMails}"); VALUES("timeout", "#{executionFlow.timeout}"); VALUES("queue", "#{executionFlow.queue}"); VALUES("extras", "#{executionFlow.extras}"); } }.toString(); } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String update(Map<String, Object> parameter) { ExecutionFlow executionFlow = (ExecutionFlow) parameter.get("executionFlow"); return new SQL() { { UPDATE(TABLE_NAME); if (executionFlow.getStatus() != null) { SET("status = " + EnumFieldUtil.genFieldStr("executionFlow.status", FlowStatus.class)); } if (executionFlow.getStartTime() != null) { SET("start_time = #{executionFlow.startTime}"); } if (executionFlow.getEndTime() != null) { SET("end_time = #{executionFlow.endTime}"); } if (executionFlow.getWorker() != null) { SET("worker = #{executionFlow.worker}"); } if (executionFlow.getMaxTryTimes() != null) { SET("max_try_times = #{executionFlow.maxTryTimes}"); } if (executionFlow.getTimeout() != null) { SET("timeout = #{executionFlow.timeout}"); } WHERE("id = #{}"); } }.toString(); } /** * workflow data */ public String updateFlowDataSub(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { UPDATE(TABLE_NAME); SET("`workflow_data_sub` = #{executionFlow.workflowDataSub}"); WHERE("id = #{}"); } }.toString(); } /** * ? */ public String selectAllNoFinishFlow() { return new SQL() { { SELECT("id, flow_id, worker, status"); FROM(TABLE_NAME); WHERE("status <=" + FlowStatus.RUNNING.ordinal()); } }.toString(); } /** * ?? executor server ? */ public String selectNoFinishFlow(Map<String, Object> paramter) { return new SQL() { { SELECT("id, flow_id, worker"); FROM(TABLE_NAME); WHERE("status <=" + FlowStatus.RUNNING.ordinal()); WHERE("worker = #{worker}"); } }.toString(); } /** * ? id ?? */ public String selectByExecId(Map<String, Object> parameter) { String sql = new SQL() { { SELECT(" as flow_name"); SELECT("b.project_id as project_id"); SELECT("b.owner as owner_id"); SELECT(" as project_name"); SELECT(" as submit_user_name"); SELECT("a.*"); FROM(TABLE_NAME + " a"); INNER_JOIN("project_flows b on a.flow_id ="); INNER_JOIN("project c on b.project_id ="); INNER_JOIN("user u on a.submit_user ="); WHERE(" = #{execId}"); } }.toString(); String resultSql = new SQL() { { SELECT(" as owner_name"); SELECT("t.*"); FROM("(" + sql + ") t"); JOIN("user u on t.owner_id ="); } }.toString(); return resultSql; } /** * ?? */ public String selectByFlowIdAndTimes(Map<String, Object> parameter) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String inExpr = "(" + ExecType.DIRECT.ordinal() + "," + ExecType.COMPLEMENT_DATA.ordinal() + ")"; sb.append( "SELECT id, flow_id, worker, type, status, schedule_time FROM execution_flows WHERE flow_id = #{flowId} AND type IN " + inExpr + " AND "); sb.append( "schedule_time = (SELECT MIN(schedule_time) FROM execution_flows WHERE flow_id = #{flowId} AND type IN" + inExpr + " AND start_time >= #{startDate} AND start_time < #{endDate})"); return sb.toString(); } /** * , ??? */ public String selectByFlowIdAndTimesAndStatusLimit(Map<String, Object> parameter) { List<FlowStatus> flowStatuses = (List<FlowStatus>) parameter.get("status"); List<String> workflowList = (List<String>) parameter.get("workflowList"); List<String> workflowList2 = new ArrayList<>(); Date startDate = (Date) parameter.get("startDate"); Date endDate = (Date) parameter.get("endDate"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(workflowList)) { for (String workflow : workflowList) { workflowList2.add(" like '" + workflow + "%'"); } } List<String> flowStatusStrList = new ArrayList<>(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(flowStatuses)) { for (FlowStatus status : flowStatuses) { flowStatusStrList.add(String.valueOf(status.ordinal())); } } String where = String.join(",", flowStatusStrList); String sql = new SQL() { { SELECT(" as flow_name"); SELECT(" as project_name"); SELECT(" as owner"); SELECT("e_f.*"); FROM(TABLE_NAME + " e_f"); JOIN("project_flows p_f on e_f.flow_id ="); JOIN("project p on p_f.project_id ="); JOIN("user u on p_f.owner ="); WHERE(" = #{projectName}"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(workflowList)) { WHERE(" ( " + String.join(" or ", workflowList2) + " ) "); } if (startDate != null && endDate != null) { WHERE("start_time >= #{startDate}"); WHERE("start_time <= #{endDate}"); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(flowStatuses)) { WHERE("`status` in (" + where + ") "); } } }.toString(); String sql2 = new SQL() { { SELECT(" as submit_user_name"); SELECT("e_f.*"); FROM("(" + sql + ") e_f"); JOIN("user u on e_f.submit_user ="); } }.toString() + " order by start_time DESC limit #{start},#{limit}"; return sql2; } /** * ?? */ public String sumByFlowIdAndTimesAndStatus(Map<String, Object> parameter) { List<FlowStatus> flowStatuses = (List<FlowStatus>) parameter.get("status"); List<String> workflowList = (List<String>) parameter.get("workflowList"); List<String> workflowList2 = new ArrayList<>(); Date startDate = (Date) parameter.get("startDate"); Date endDate = (Date) parameter.get("endDate"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(workflowList)) { for (String workflow : workflowList) { workflowList2.add("\"" + workflow + "\""); } } List<String> flowStatusStrList = new ArrayList<>(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(flowStatuses)) { for (FlowStatus status : flowStatuses) { flowStatusStrList.add(String.valueOf(status.ordinal())); } } String where = String.join(",", flowStatusStrList); return new SQL() { { SELECT("count(0)"); FROM(TABLE_NAME + " e_f"); JOIN("project_flows p_f on e_f.flow_id ="); JOIN("project p on p_f.project_id ="); WHERE(" = #{projectName}"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(workflowList)) { WHERE(" in (" + String.join(",", workflowList2) + ")"); } if (startDate != null && endDate != null) { WHERE("start_time >= #{startDate}"); WHERE("start_time <= #{endDate}"); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(flowStatuses)) { WHERE("`status` in (" + where + ") "); } } }.toString(); } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String selectByFlowIdAndTime(Map<String, Object> parameter) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String inExpr = "(" + ExecType.DIRECT.ordinal() + "," + ExecType.COMPLEMENT_DATA.ordinal() + ")"; sb.append( "SELECT id, flow_id, worker, type, status, schedule_time FROM execution_flows WHERE flow_id = #{flowId} AND type IN " + inExpr + " AND "); sb.append("schedule_time = #{scheduleTime}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String selectStateByProject(Map<String, Object> parameter) { String sql = new SQL() { { SELECT("str_to_date(DATE_FORMAT(e_f.start_time,'%Y%m%d'),'%Y%m%d') as day,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as INIT,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as WAITING_DEP,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 2 then 1 else 0 end) as WAITING_RES,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 3 then 1 else 0 end) as RUNNING,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 4 then 1 else 0 end) as SUCCESS,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 5 then 1 else 0 end) as `KILL`,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 6 then 1 else 0 end) as `FAILED`,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 7 then 1 else 0 end) as `DEP_FAILED`,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 8 then 1 else 0 end) as `INACTIVE`"); FROM(TABLE_NAME + " e_f"); JOIN("project_flows p_f on e_f.flow_id ="); WHERE("e_f.start_time >= #{startDate} AND e_f.start_time <= #{endDate}"); WHERE("p_f.project_id = #{projectId}"); GROUP_BY("day"); } }.toString(); return sql; } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String selectStateHourByProject(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { SELECT("CONVERT(DATE_FORMAT(e_f.start_time,'%H'),SIGNED) as hour,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as INIT,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as WAITING_DEP,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 2 then 1 else 0 end) as WAITING_RES,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 3 then 1 else 0 end) as RUNNING,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 4 then 1 else 0 end) as SUCCESS,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 5 then 1 else 0 end) as `KILL`,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 6 then 1 else 0 end) as `FAILED`,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 7 then 1 else 0 end) as `DEP_FAILED`,\n" + "SUM(case e_f.status when 8 then 1 else 0 end) as `INACTIVE`"); FROM(TABLE_NAME + " e_f"); JOIN("project_flows p_f on e_f.flow_id ="); WHERE("str_to_date(DATE_FORMAT(e_f.start_time,'%Y%m%d'),'%Y%m%d') = #{day}"); WHERE("p_f.project_id = #{projectId}"); GROUP_BY("hour"); } }.toString(); } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String selectDurationsByProject(Map<String, Object> parameter) { String sql1 = new SQL() { { SELECT("timestampdiff(SECOND,start_time,if(end_time is null,now(),end_time)) as duration"); SELECT(" as flow_name"); SELECT(" as owner_name"); SELECT("e_f.*"); FROM(TABLE_NAME + " e_f"); JOIN("project_flows p_f on e_f.flow_id ="); JOIN("user u on p_f.owner ="); WHERE("str_to_date(DATE_FORMAT(e_f.start_time,'%Y%m%d'),'%Y%m%d') = #{date}"); WHERE("p_f.project_id = #{projectId}"); ORDER_BY("duration DESC"); } }.toString() + " limit #{top}"; return new SQL() { { SELECT("s1.*"); SELECT(" as proxyUser"); FROM("(" + sql1 + ") s1"); LEFT_OUTER_JOIN("user u on s1.proxy_user ="); } }.toString(); } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String selectErrorsByProject(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { SELECT("count(0) as times"); SELECT(" as flow_name"); SELECT(" as owner_name"); SELECT(" as projectName"); SELECT("p_f.proxy_user"); FROM(TABLE_NAME + " e_f"); JOIN("project_flows p_f on e_f.flow_id ="); JOIN("user u on p_f.owner ="); JOIN("project p on p_f.project_id ="); WHERE("str_to_date(DATE_FORMAT(e_f.start_time,'%Y%m%d'),'%Y%m%d') = #{date}"); WHERE("e_f.status in (" + FlowStatus.FAILED.ordinal() + "," + FlowStatus.DEP_FAILED.ordinal() + ")"); WHERE(" = #{projectId}"); GROUP_BY("e_f.flow_id"); ORDER_BY("times DESC"); } }.toString() + " limit #{top}"; } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String selectPreDate(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { SELECT("*"); FROM(TABLE_NAME); WHERE("schedule_time <= #{date}"); WHERE("flow_id = #{flowId}"); ORDER_BY("schedule_time DESC"); } }.toString() + " limit 1"; } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String selectPreDate2(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { SELECT("*"); FROM(TABLE_NAME); WHERE("schedule_time < #{date}"); WHERE("flow_id = #{flowId}"); ORDER_BY("schedule_time DESC"); } }.toString() + " limit 1"; } /** * @param parameter * @return */ public String selectPreStartDate(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { SELECT("*"); FROM(TABLE_NAME); WHERE("start_time <= #{date}"); WHERE("flow_id = #{flowId}"); ORDER_BY("start_time DESC"); } }.toString() + " limit 1"; } public String selectByStartTimeAndScheduleTime(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { SELECT("*"); FROM(TABLE_NAME); WHERE("schedule_time < #{scheduleTime}"); WHERE("start_time > #{startTime}"); WHERE("flow_id = #{flowId}"); ORDER_BY("schedule_time,start_time DESC"); } }.toString() + " limit 1"; } /** * ?flowIdScheduleTimeExecutionFlow */ public String selectExecutionFlowByScheduleTime(Map<String, Object> parameter) { return new SQL() { { SELECT("*"); FROM(TABLE_NAME); WHERE("flow_id = #{flowId}"); WHERE("schedule_time = #{scheduleTime}"); ORDER_BY("id desc"); } }.toString() + " limit 0,1"; } }