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 * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.badlogic.gdx.math;

/** Encapsulates a general vector. Allows chaining operations by returning a reference to itself in all modification methods. See
 * {@link Vector2} and {@link Vector3} for specific implementations.
 * @author Xoppa */
public interface Vector<T extends Vector<T>> {
    /** @return a copy of this vector */
    T cpy();

    /** @return The euclidean length */
    float len();

    /** This method is faster than {@link Vector#len()} because it avoids calculating a square root. It is useful for comparisons,
     * but not for getting accurate lengths, as the return value is the square of the actual length.
     * @return The squared euclidean length */
    float len2();

    /** Limits this vector's length to given value
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T limit(float limit);

    /** Clamps this vector's length to given min and max values
     * @param min Min length
     * @param max Max length
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T clamp(float min, float max);

    /** Sets this vector from the given vector
     * @param v The vector
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T set(T v);

    /** Subtracts the given vector from this vector.
     * @param v The vector
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T sub(T v);

    /** Normalizes this vector. Does nothing if it is zero.
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T nor();

    /** Adds the given vector to this vector
     * @param v The vector
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T add(T v);

    /** @param v The other vector
     * @return The dot product between this and the other vector */
    float dot(T v);

    /** Scales this vector by a scalar
     * @param scalar The scalar
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T scl(float scalar);

    /** Scales this vector by another vector
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T scl(T v);

    /** @param v The other vector
     * @return the distance between this and the other vector */
    float dst(T v);

    /** This method is faster than {@link Vector#dst(Vector)} because it avoids calculating a square root. It is useful for
     * comparisons, but not for getting accurate distances, as the return value is the square of the actual distance.
     * @param v The other vector
     * @return the squared distance between this and the other vector */
    float dst2(T v);

    /** Linearly interpolates between this vector and the target vector by alpha which is in the range [0,1]. The result is stored
     * in this vector.
     * @param target The target vector
     * @param alpha The interpolation coefficient
     * @return This vector for chaining. */
    T lerp(T target, float alpha);

    /** Interpolates between this vector and the given target vector by alpha (within range [0,1]) using the given Interpolation
     * method. the result is stored in this vector.
     * @param target The target vector
     * @param alpha The interpolation coefficient
     * @param interpolator An Interpolation object describing the used interpolation method
     * @return This vector for chaining. */
    T interpolate(T target, float alpha, Interpolation interpolator);

    /** @return Whether this vector is a unit length vector */
    boolean isUnit();

    /** @return Whether this vector is a unit length vector within the given margin. */
    boolean isUnit(final float margin);

    /** @return Whether this vector is a zero vector */
    boolean isZero();

    /** @return Whether the length of this vector is smaller than the given margin */
    boolean isZero(final float margin);

    /** @return true if this vector is in line with the other vector (either in the same or the opposite direction) */
    boolean isOnLine(T other, float epsilon);

    /** @return true if this vector is in line with the other vector (either in the same or the opposite direction) */
    boolean isOnLine(T other);

    /** @return true if this vector is collinear with the other vector ({@link #isOnLine(Vector, float)} &&
     *         {@link #hasSameDirection(Vector)}). */
    boolean isCollinear(T other, float epsilon);

    /** @return true if this vector is collinear with the other vector ({@link #isOnLine(Vector)} &&
     *         {@link #hasSameDirection(Vector)}). */
    boolean isCollinear(T other);

    /** @return true if this vector is opposite collinear with the other vector ({@link #isOnLine(Vector, float)} &&
     *         {@link #hasOppositeDirection(Vector)}). */
    boolean isCollinearOpposite(T other, float epsilon);

    /** @return true if this vector is opposite collinear with the other vector ({@link #isOnLine(Vector)} &&
     *         {@link #hasOppositeDirection(Vector)}). */
    boolean isCollinearOpposite(T other);

    /** @return Whether this vector is perpendicular with the other vector. True if the dot product is 0. */
    boolean isPerpendicular(T other);

    /** @return Whether this vector is perpendicular with the other vector. True if the dot product is 0.
     * @param epsilon a positive small number close to zero */
    boolean isPerpendicular(T other, float epsilon);

    /** @return Whether this vector has similar direction compared to the other vector. True if the normalized dot product is > 0. */
    boolean hasSameDirection(T other);

    /** @return Whether this vector has opposite direction compared to the other vector. True if the normalized dot product is < 0. */
    boolean hasOppositeDirection(T other);

    /** Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing.
     * @param other
     * @param epsilon
     * @return whether the vectors have fuzzy equality. */
    boolean epsilonEquals(T other, float epsilon);

    /** First scale a supplied vector, then add it to this vector.
     * @param v addition vector
     * @param scalar for scaling the addition vector */
    T mulAdd(T v, float scalar);

    /** First scale a supplied vector, then add it to this vector.
     * @param v addition vector
     * @param mulVec vector by whose values the addition vector will be scaled */
    T mulAdd(T v, T mulVec);

    /** Sets the components of this vector to 0
     * @return This vector for chaining */
    T setZero();