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 * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.badlogic.gdx;


/** This interface encapsulates communication with the graphics processor. Depending on the available hardware and the current
 * {@link Application} configuration, access to {@link GL20} and {@link GL30} are provided here.
 * <p>
 * If supported by the backend, this interface lets you query the available display modes (graphics resolution and color depth)
 * and change it.
 * <p>
 * This interface can be used to switch between continuous and non-continuous rendering (see
 * {@link #setContinuousRendering(boolean)}), and to explicitly {@link #requestRendering()}.
 * <p>
 * There are many more utility classes that are not directly generated by the {@link Graphics} interfaces. See {@link VertexArray}, {@link VertexBufferObject}, {@link IndexBufferObject}, {@link Mesh}, {@link ShaderProgram} and {@link FrameBuffer},
 * {@link BitmapFont}, {@link Batch} and so on. All these classes are managed, meaning they don't need to be reloaded on a context
 * loss. Explore the package for more classes that might come in handy.
 * @author mzechner */
public interface Graphics {
    /** Enumeration describing different types of {@link Graphics} implementations.
     * @author mzechner */
    public enum GraphicsType {
        AndroidGL, LWJGL, Angle, WebGL, iOSGL, JGLFW, Mock

    /** Describe a fullscreen display mode
     * @author mzechner */
    public class DisplayMode {
        public final int width;
        public final int height;
        public final int refreshRate;
        public final int bitsPerPixel;

        protected DisplayMode(int width, int height, int refreshRate, int bitsPerPixel) {
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;
            this.refreshRate = refreshRate;
            this.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;

        public String toString() {
            return width + "x" + height + ", bpp: " + bitsPerPixel + ", hz: " + refreshRate;

    /** Class describing the bits per pixel, depth buffer precision, stencil precision and number of MSAA samples. */
    public static class BufferFormat {
        /* number of bits per color channel */
        public final int r, g, b, a;
        /* number of bits for depth and stencil buffer */
        public final int depth, stencil;
        /** number of samples for multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA) **/
        public final int samples;
        /** whether coverage sampling anti-aliasing is used. in that case you have to clear the coverage buffer as well! */
        public final boolean coverageSampling;

        public BufferFormat(int r, int g, int b, int a, int depth, int stencil, int samples,
                boolean coverageSampling) {
            this.r = r;
            this.g = g;
            this.b = b;
            this.a = a;
            this.depth = depth;
            this.stencil = stencil;
            this.samples = samples;
            this.coverageSampling = coverageSampling;

        public String toString() {
            return "r: " + r + ", g: " + g + ", b: " + b + ", a: " + a + ", depth: " + depth + ", stencil: "
                    + stencil + ", num samples: " + samples + ", coverage sampling: " + coverageSampling;

    /** Returns whether OpenGL ES 3.0 is available. If it is you can get an instance of {@link GL30} via {@link #getGL30()} to
     * access OpenGL ES 3.0 functionality. Note that this functionality will only be available if you instructed the
     * {@link Application} instance to use OpenGL ES 3.0!
     * @return whether OpenGL ES 3.0 is available */
    public boolean isGL30Available();

    /** @return the {@link GL20} instance */
    public GL20 getGL20();

    /** @return the {@link GL30} instance or null if not supported */
    public GL30 getGL30();

    /** @return the width in pixels of the display surface */
    public int getWidth();

    /** @return the height in pixels of the display surface */
    public int getHeight();

    /** Returns the id of the current frame. The general contract of this method is that the id is incremented only when the
     * application is in the running state right before calling the {@link ApplicationListener#render()} method. Also, the id of
     * the first frame is 0; the id of subsequent frames is guaranteed to take increasing values for 2<sup>63</sup>-1 rendering
     * cycles.
     * @return the id of the current frame */
    public long getFrameId();

    /** @return the time span between the current frame and the last frame in seconds. Might be smoothed over n frames. */
    public float getDeltaTime();

    /** @return the time span between the current frame and the last frame in seconds, without smoothing **/
    public float getRawDeltaTime();

    /** @return the average number of frames per second */
    public int getFramesPerSecond();

    /** @return the {@link GraphicsType} of this Graphics instance */
    public GraphicsType getType();

    /** @return the pixels per inch on the x-axis */
    public float getPpiX();

    /** @return the pixels per inch on the y-axis */
    public float getPpiY();

    /** @return the pixels per centimeter on the x-axis */
    public float getPpcX();

    /** @return the pixels per centimeter on the y-axis. */
    public float getPpcY();

    /** This is a scaling factor for the Density Independent Pixel unit, following the same conventions as
     * android.util.DisplayMetrics#density, where one DIP is one pixel on an approximately 160 dpi screen. Thus on a 160dpi screen
     * this density value will be 1; on a 120 dpi screen it would be .75; etc.
     * @return the logical density of the Display. */
    public float getDensity();

    /** Whether the given backend supports a display mode change via calling {@link Graphics#setDisplayMode(DisplayMode)}
     * @return whether display mode changes are supported or not. */
    public boolean supportsDisplayModeChange();

    /** @return the supported fullscreen {@link DisplayMode}(s). */
    public DisplayMode[] getDisplayModes();

    /** @return the display mode of the primary graphics adapter. */
    public DisplayMode getDesktopDisplayMode();

    /** Sets the current {@link DisplayMode}. Returns false in case the operation failed. Not all backends support this method. See
     * {@link Graphics#supportsDisplayModeChange()}.
     * @param displayMode the display mode.
     * @return whether the operation succeeded. */
    public boolean setDisplayMode(DisplayMode displayMode);

    /** Tries to set the display mode width the given width and height in pixels. Will always succeed if fullscreen is set to false,
     * in which case the application will be run in windowed mode. Use {@link Graphics#getDisplayModes()} to get a list of
     * supported fullscreen modes.
     * @param width the width in pixels
     * @param height the height in pixels
     * @param fullscreen whether to use fullscreen rendering or not */
    public boolean setDisplayMode(int width, int height, boolean fullscreen);

    /** Sets the title of the window. Ignored on Android.
     * @param title the title. */
    public void setTitle(String title);

    /** Enable/Disable vsynching. This is a best-effort attempt which might not work on all platforms.
     * @param vsync vsync enabled or not. */
    public void setVSync(boolean vsync);

    /** @return the format of the color, depth and stencil buffer in a {@link BufferFormat} instance */
    public BufferFormat getBufferFormat();

    /** @param extension the extension name
     * @return whether the extension is supported */
    public boolean supportsExtension(String extension);

    /** Sets whether to render continuously. In case rendering is performed non-continuously, the following events will trigger a
     * redraw:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A call to {@link #requestRendering()}</li>
     * <li>Input events from the touch screen/mouse or keyboard</li>
     * <li>A {@link Runnable} is posted to the rendering thread via {@link Application#postRunnable(Runnable)}</li>
     * </ul>
     * Life-cycle events will also be reported as usual, see {@link ApplicationListener}. This method can be called from any
     * thread.
     * @param isContinuous whether the rendering should be continuous or not. */
    public void setContinuousRendering(boolean isContinuous);

    /** @return whether rendering is continuous. */
    public boolean isContinuousRendering();

    /** Requests a new frame to be rendered if the rendering mode is non-continuous. This method can be called from any thread. */
    public void requestRendering();

    /** Whether the app is fullscreen or not */
    public boolean isFullscreen();